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Jessa Duggar Seewald - Part 4

happy atheist

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I think y'all are seriously underestimating the adoption industry if you think they couldn't be approved. Show up with cash and it's amazing how many adoption opportunities fall right into your lap. Reputable agency? Maybe not. But there are plenty of disreputable people and agencies.

If Jessa put up a Go Fund Me for adoption costs, the remaining lunatic fans would likely pay for the whole deal.

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I don't wish any ill-fortune on Jessa, but I'm really glad that all this has come to light.

The thought that she and Ben are going to have to think about getting jobs, an education, and supporting a child on a normal-sized budget is just... excellent. I can't wait to see how she feels about fundie culture when she's having to live it from the normal side, not the famous privileged one.

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Oh god, the whole adoption 'industry' in the US sickens me. There are so many things that can and do go wrong, sometimes akin to child trafficking.

It can take up to a decade to adopt a child here because a) almost none are put up for adoption in the country and b) there is basically only one agency that will immediately stop adoptions from any country where corruption etc is even suspected, so there are only a handful of countries that they work with.

The fact that a young married couple, who will have their own tiny baby (and will probably have many more) can just give someone some money for a baby makes me feel ill.

I'm all for adoption when it's properly regulated though.

Sorry for the rant.

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Ugh, I forgot about Go Fund Me for a moment there.

She and Ben probably do have enough leghumpers that would throw cash toward an adoption for them. The thought of that makes me feel sick. :(

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Ben and Jessa will use a Christian adoption agency, which have zero standards besides loving Jesus and paying the right price. I think they WILL adopt, because at this point too many people have both criticised their family for having babies instead of adopting (though why anyone thinks adoption would be preferable in their case is beyond me) and said that Jessa is full of shit about her adoption intentions.

Well even christian agencies can be hard to adopt from. Jessa and Ben aren't christian they're a cult. Even christians think they're crazy.

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I think y'all are seriously underestimating the adoption industry if you think they couldn't be approved. Show up with cash and it's amazing how many adoption opportunities fall right into your lap. Reputable agency? Maybe not. But there are plenty of disreputable people and agencies.

If Jessa put up a Go Fund Me for adoption costs, the remaining lunatic fans would likely pay for the whole deal.

sadly this is true. Adoption is a business. Adopting a baby or adopting international is all about $$$$

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I can see them adopt a kid (maybe even of a different cultural/ethnic background) and parading the kid around everywhere. "Look! We saved this child!" excuse the cynicism but I wouldn't put it past them to also have a little bit of white savior syndrome like Jill and Derrick have (who have been super busy saving all the "bad people who grew up in broken homes" in Latin America).

Adopting would also give them a "good" reason for why they should have a show (Bin logic).

They would also make that child a poster child for anti abortion. Choose life our adopted child's mother did. We adopted him and saved him. Ugh!!! These two shouldn't even adopt a dog let alone a kid.

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The ONLY thing I can think of, regarding why they would run around boasting about wanting to adopt, is that JB & DQ were criticized for popping out one child after another, while there are so many foster children in need.

Kids in foster care don't belong with any Duggar. Especially a Duggar who don't believe in or protect kids from sexual abuse.

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Why the hell was Ben on stage with her at the Charlotte show? He wasn't included in any of the publicity beforehand. Leave your unemployed babydaddy backstage, Jessa.

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Why the hell was Ben on stage with her at the Charlotte show? He wasn't included in any of the publicity beforehand. Leave your unemployed babydaddy backstage, Jessa.

it's his job to be protector :angry-banghead:

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I can see them adopt a kid (maybe even of a different cultural/ethnic background) and parading the kid around everywhere. "Look! We saved this child!" excuse the cynicism but I wouldn't put it past them to also have a little bit of white savior syndrome like Jill and Derrick have (who have been super busy saving all the "bad people who grew up in broken homes" in Latin America).

Adopting would also give them a "good" reason for why they should have a show (Bin logic).

I pictured a fundie Angelina Jolie. Traveling the world collecting children from various continents. Though I sorta like Angelina Jolie.

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I wouldn't trust any adoption agency that would be willing to adopt a child to a 19 and 22 year old. Although by the time it would happen they would be slightly older. Still unemployed.

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Why the hell was Ben on stage with her at the Charlotte show? He wasn't included in any of the publicity beforehand. Leave your unemployed babydaddy backstage, Jessa.

Ben showing up on stage everywhere Jessa is getting paid to speak is really, really telling, isn't it? Way to make it blatantly obvious what your goal in pursuing a Duggar, Ben.

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Ben showing up on stage everywhere Jessa is getting paid to speak is really, really telling, isn't it? Way to make it blatantly obvious what your goal in pursuing a Duggar, Ben.

It looks like that plan didn't work out so well.

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I pictured a fundie Angelina Jolie. Traveling the world collecting children from various continents. Though I sorta like Angelina Jolie.

That sounds like Jill. Going around the world to cool places that she and Derick want to see, visiting orphanages and crying over the kids when she leaves. Eventually she want souvenirs.

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I wouldn't trust any adoption agency that would be willing to adopt a child to a 19 and 22 year old. Although by the time it would happen they would be slightly older. Still unemployed.

Even with all these Christian adoption agencies existing, aren't there any laws that prevent/monitor such cases?

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Even with all these Christian adoption agencies existing, aren't there any laws that prevent/monitor such cases?

Barely. The private adoption industry is pretty much the wild west. Absolutely anything goes. It's so bad that other countries have started cracking down on American adoption agencies because of their abuses.

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Barely. The private adoption industry is pretty much the wild west. Absolutely anything goes. It's so bad that other countries have started cracking down on American adoption agencies because of their abuses.

Off Topic, but where I live it is quite the opposite. It is incredibly hard to adopt a child in Croatia - it takes years to get it done sometimes! And I don't know which end of the spectrum is worse to be honest. :angry-banghead:

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I remember it from his facebook... Let's see


Hmm...I wouldn't be so sure he likes Lord of the Rings based on posting a photo from the movie with a bible quote. He probably just searched google for a certain type of image and that came up.

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I may be late to the party but did anyone see the Radaronline story that Ben's dad went off on Josh?

I would put up a link but I don't know how.

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I may be late to the party but did anyone see the Radaronline story that Ben's dad went off on Josh?

I would put up a link but I don't know how.

it's on the Seewalds blog at seewalds.com :)

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Hey guys, if I could ask for a quick favor? As we all know...Jessa is scheduled to speak at 3 upcoming Southern Women's Shows. One of them is in my own city. All 3 have had posters on their timeline asking them to reconsider their decision to pay a Duggar to attend and professing that they will skip this year's event. These shows charge admission so every attendee is unknowingly funding the Duggars' attempts to maintain their relevancy. Some posts have been deleted, the Jacksonville one for sure has (and even banned me even though I kept my composure, was polite, and used only facts to back up my disdain)... with the other two (Orlando and Birmingham) a little more tolerant of them. I ask if anyone is not too shy to post under their real FB name (or if you have an anonymous account for this very reason, all the better!) to unleash fury on this organization and let them know exactly what you think about Jessa being paid to lecture to groups of strong, educated women.

Edited for riffles.

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Hey guys, if I could ask for a quick favor? As we all know...Jessa is scheduled to speak at 3 upcoming Southern Women's Shows. One of them is in my own city. All 3 have had posters on their timeline asking them to reconsider their decision to pay a Duggar to attend and professing that they will skip this year's event. These shows charge admission so every attendee is unknowingly funding the Duggars' attempts to maintain their relevancy. Some posts have been deleted, the Jacksonville one for sure has... with the other two (Orlando and Birmingham) a little more tolerant of them. I ask if anyone is not too shy to post under their real FB name (or if you have an anonymous account for this very reason, all the better!) to unleash fury on this organization and let them know exactly what you think about Jessa being paid to lecture to groups of strong, educated women.

Especially if she is lecturing groups of strong, educated women whilst having her "chaperone" with her. (I mean, coming along is great, but not to the event!)

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I find it really funny that in the Seewald's call-out post (or whatever you wanna call it), the 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 verse that is mentioned says "abusers of themselves with mankind" instead of homosexuals. My NIV Bible says:

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Is that just the KJV translation, or...?

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