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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Regarding the picture on today's post; I don't think Lori's mother-of-the-groom dress would pass Duggar modesty standards. I'm guessing many of her readers would consider it immodest too, with that very low neckline.

How, exactly, does she justify some of her own clothing choices as she berates others for dressing immodestly?

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Regarding the picture on today's post; I don't think Lori's mother-of-the-groom dress would pass Duggar modesty standards. I'm guessing many of her readers would consider it immodest too, with that very low neckline.

How, exactly, does she justify some of her own clothing choices as she berates others for dressing immodestly?

Because she is a hypocritical bitch with a tin ear when it comes to what she is saying vs how she lives, much less how she comes across, I doubt she even considers justifying herself, ever. She is God's little mouthpiece.

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Regarding the picture on today's post; I don't think Lori's mother-of-the-groom dress would pass Duggar modesty standards. I'm guessing many of her readers would consider it immodest too, with that very low neckline.

How, exactly, does she justify some of her own clothing choices as she berates others for dressing immodestly?

She is Lori. We are just supposed to accept all she says and does.

I just saw this ad on TV -- do you think Ken wrote the copy for it?

[bBvideo 560,340:1uij0cw7]



99% of FJers know that Ken pulls percentages out of his ass.

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She is Lori. We are just supposed to accept all she says and does.

I just saw this ad on TV -- do you think Ken wrote the copy for it?

[bBvideo 560,340:1zwdivho]



99% of FJers know that Ken pulls percentages out of his ass.

No, I doubt Ken wrote it-- it is much too short. He could never make a point in less than a page or two of copy.

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Look at Emily's dress. I think it's fine, but beneath that lace on her chest you can see her cleavage/breasts quite clearly. What a funny picture for Lori to choose in a post that mentions modesty!

Has anybody but me wondered if Emily is a feminist? Looking at her FB page today, I see she posted a video in which a Lebanese woman reporter argues successfully with a sexist man, a sheik. Emily wrote, "This is so great"

Also, Lori's post is about how those naughty younger women don't want to listen to wise mentors like Lori. And who is the younger woman in the picture? Emily.

Finally, Lori (who seems to hate all women, young or old) complains that older women rush back to work, instead of doing their "job" of teaching younger ladies. Does she really think that in biblical times, all women over 40 (an older woman of biblical times would be around that age) spent 24/7 teaching younger women? My goodness, I'm sure those women had many things to do--watching grandchildren, picking fruit, cleaning, weaving, etc.

I mean, there are lots of commands in the Bible for older women BESIDES teaching younger women. Lori should be helping the orphaned and poor, for example. She's commanded to do that, but she never mentions that at all.

I'm an older woman (over 50). There are lots of young moms in my neighborhood. If I spent my time trying to "teach" them, they'd be . . .surprised, to say the least.

I'm sure I'd lose whatever friends I have in the neighborhood if I told my neighbor she should submit to her husband more, or have sex with him whenever he asked, or that I saw too many TV dinner cartons in her recycling bin.

Me: Hi, Linda.

Neighbor: Hi, Hisey.

Me: I noticed Jim looked a bit tense when he drove off this morning.

Neighbor: Yes, well, he has a big meeting at work and. . .

Me: It made me wonder if you had refused him sex last night.

Neighbor: ???!!!

Me: (gently) God wants you to give him sex whenever he wants it. Jim has 10x the testosterone you do, you know. If you don't give him sex, he'll turn to porn or have an affair, and (as an older woman, I know this) it won't be his fault.

Neighbor: What???

Me: It need only take ten minutes. You have ten minutes, don't you?

Neighbor: It's really none of. . .

Me: (laughing merrily) Why you've spent ten minutes just chatting with me! Women often do that, they waste time having "fun" with their friends, then they have no time to give to their husbands at night.

Neighbor: Is that my phone?

Me: They need sex, Linda. It's Ok if you don't. God wants you to do it anyway. That's why He invented coconut oil.

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I was a shy child, Amy, and my mom told me being shy is selfishness since it is only thinking of ourselves! She never minced her words!

:pull-hair: Child psychology: they don't understand it :pull-hair:

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Emily's instagram 1 day ago: her husband is writing a bad review for poor customer service but Emily states she actually confronted the person and yelled.

Lori would not approve.

2 days ago: hubby "begged" her to go to Disneyworld while they were in FL but she didn't feel up to it. So they didn't go.

If she were a Lori commenter Lori would have reprimanded her for not submitting.

Also, the weeks lol goes to Lori for stating her girls have no desire to dress sexy. Alyssa puts a ton of effort into looking attractive and sexy. (I also think she's borferline anorexic but that's just my speculation. She's very thin and very obsessed with "clean eating")

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:pull-hair: Child psychology: they don't understand it :pull-hair:

I had an exceedingly shy child and I admit I got rather snappish after I heard that nonsense a few times always followed by how I should get the child "fixed."

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:pull-hair: Child psychology: they don't understand it :pull-hair:

This irritates the absolute shit out of me. I was painfully shy as a child (and still am, to a degree). I would have given anything to have not been shy, to have been like everyone else I knew. I certainly wasn't being selfish. :evil-eye:

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Does anyone else get the sense that this modesty post is directed AT Emily? IIRC from jerkit's social media account perusing, there were several photographs of Emily in a bikini...and Lori did mention twice in her piece that bikinis weren't modest. :think:

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Does anyone else get the sense that this modesty post is directed AT Emily? IIRC from jerkit's social media account perusing, there were several photographs of Emily in a bikini...and Lori did mention twice in her piece that bikinis weren't modest. :think:

That was the impression I got.

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I don't think they really believe shyness is selfishness or "ungodly." I think, deep down, the shyness embarrasses them. Because shy kids often appear rude.

I have a shy kid. It used to embarrass me when an adult would say hi to her, and she'd ignore them. Even now, when adults speak to her, she doesn't give a friendly, smiley, thoughtful response, like the joyfilledwife requires of her kids. Instead, she answers as briefly as possible.

It is kind of embarrassing to me. But I can move past that, and let her be who she is. I also see her gradually outgrowing it, without the need for "correction" by me.

The point is, I can tolerate the embarrassment. I don't feel it is a reflection on me. And most adults realize that they are talking to a shy child, and they move on to her talkative sister. They don't take it personally.

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Looking at Emily's Linkedin page, it is interesting that she says she is getting her law degree from U Houston in 2016. How is this possible if she lives in upstate NY?

I like that under "Skills" the first thing she puts is "Leadership." Lori must love that. This lady is not sitting at home waiting to submit.

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Lori is probably most bothered by how evil Emily must be corrupting the mind of her precious son. After all, Lori worked him over for years and doesn't want her beat-down undone by the love of a good woman.

And it probably KILLS her to know they probably talk badly about her. I'm sure the son has plenty of horrible Lori stories and his wife has heard them all. (My husband has a super passive agressive mom and some of the stories he's told me makes it hard to listen to her bullcrap in silence. But I do, for peace.)

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Does anyone else get the sense that this modesty post is directed AT Emily? IIRC from jerkit's social media account perusing, there were several photographs of Emily in a bikini...and Lori did mention twice in her piece that bikinis weren't modest. :think:

Yeah I said that upthread.

Not to mention Alyssa's ballet costumes that are absolutely not to lori's modesty standards. There's one where her entire abdomen is showing. On IG. Lori is a lying liar who lies.

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Also, not everyone that is into clean eating is anorexic.

Good point, but we know Alyssa has a history of trouble with body image-- and is she the one that has said she was nearly anorexic at one point or was that her sister?

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Good point, but we know Alyssa has a history of trouble with body image-- and is she the one that has said she was nearly anorexic at one point or was that her sister?

I thought that was Cassi, but I could be mistaken. Alyssa is a dancer - she spends her entire day working out. I'm not the least bit surprised that she's quite thin. But I've IG-stalked her awhile now and never seen her look an unhealthy level of thin.

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I thought that was Cassi, but I could be mistaken. Alyssa is a dancer - she spends her entire day working out. I'm not the least bit surprised that she's quite thin. But I've IG-stalked her awhile now and never seen her look an unhealthy level of thin.

Yeah, I thought they both had a history of body image struggles and one was more extreme. I think it was Cassi, like you said.

Anyway, like you, I'm always pretty skeptical of folks guessing about eating disorders based on someone's photos (it happens a lot with the Duggars). It's so hard to tell. Someone could look healthy and have a serious eating disorder or they could look too thin and be fine. Until someone reaches skeletal proportions, it's all guess work going by photos alone. I'm probably more sensitive to the topic than others because I've been quite thin all my life. If I ate very clean, I'm sure people would suspect an eating disorder. But I really like candy, so I don't see that happening soon...
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Yeah, I thought they both had a history of body image struggles and one was more extreme. I think it was Cassi, like you said.

Anyway, like you, I'm always pretty skeptical of folks guessing about eating disorders based on someone's photos (it happens a lot with the Duggars). It's so hard to tell. Someone could look healthy and have a serious eating disorder or they could look too thin and be fine. Until someone reaches skeletal proportions, it's all guess work going by photos alone. I'm probably more sensitive to the topic than others because I've been quite thin all my life. If I ate very clean, I'm sure people would suspect an eating disorder. But I really like candy, so I don't see that happening soon...

At my most disordered, I was still in a healthy weight range (5'7" and 115#). I didn't look skeletal or ill at all and was actually fairly muscular because I worked out regularly and for long periods. If I hadn't also become so sick and ultimately destroyed my teeth, I'm pretty sure no one would have ever known how much I was struggling. My oldest son is extremely thin, but he's not disordered (I actually had someone ask me if he was anorexic once *rolls eyes*). He does love eating healthy -- he'll happily make a meal of melon, kiwi and clementines and call it a day. But he'll also happily down frappuccinos and gummy worms when he can get his little paws on them. He's energetic and happy and healthy, and I'd prefer to keep him that way rather than obsessing over every bite he eats out of fear of him developing an actual ED (and yes they can run in families).

Anyway -- even when a person looks downright skeletal, you still don't know that they have an eating disorder. They could have another health problem causing them to lose weight. And while I'm on the topic, asking an eating disordered person if they have an ED, if they're too thin or any similar questions is NOT helpful at all and can actually be pretty triggering.

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Both of Lori's daughters struggled with body image issues, but it's the youngest who has blogged publicly about being on the verge of anorexia.

Anyway, Ken posted this today:

Similarly, levels of relationship apply to a Christian marriage, and an egalitarian marriage demands no deep connections, no vulnerability, no intimacy, but rather a set of relationship rules that seem equitable and fair towards one another. To treat each other with respect and with love and equality, but such a marriage is second best to what God has designed for us.

1) I would like for him to cite a source for his assertion that an egalitarian marriage has no deep connections.

2) I am certain that God appreciates Ken speaking on his behalf. For clarity: Treating each other with love and respect is NOT God's design for marriage (according to Ken who speaks on behalf of God)

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Both of Lori's daughters struggled with body image issues, but it's the youngest who has blogged publicly about being on the verge of anorexia.

Anyway, Ken posted this today:

1) I would like for him to cite a source for his assertion that an egalitarian marriage has no deep connections.

2) I am certain that God appreciates Ken speaking on his behalf. For clarity: Treating each other with love and respect is NOT God's design for marriage (according to Ken who speaks on behalf of God)

I'm confused about how an egalitarian marriage/relationship doesn't have any deep connections? You love that person and want to spend the rest of your life with them and work to make that work everyday, that's deep connection. A connection you do not have with anyone else the same way. If you live with someone full time and are involved in each others lives there is great vulnerability in that. They learn everything about you good and bad and ugly. No stones left un-turned in an equal relationship. And how is there no intimacy? A good marriage requires it regardless of the type of marriage.

To treat each other with respect and with love and equality and treating each other fair? Sounds like a great way to have a long term/life long relationship with someone. How is it second best? Am I missing something?

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