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19 Kids & Counting - Season 10 - Duggar Snark Part 2

happy atheist

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I am inclined not to believe Josh was at a strip club. Someone would've taken a picture and that shit would've gone viral.

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Prince Williams and Duchess Kate's wedding was streamed live and readily available everywhere instantly. Who the **** is this goose that her wedding has been kept away from the public for months?

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Prince Williams and Duchess Kate's wedding was streamed live and readily available everywhere instantly. Who the **** is this goose that her wedding has been kept away from the public for months?

Wasn't Jill wedding episode a ratings bonanza months after the wedding? It's ridiculous, but it works. Jill's wedding got huge rating because she was the first Duggar girl to marry; Jessa's will because she's gorgeous and is the one Duggar girl with an actual personality that veers off the "keep sweet" nonsense.

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I am inclined not to believe Josh was at a strip club. Someone would've taken a picture and that shit would've gone viral.

I think not believing is totally viable/valid - I'm not sure I believe either, the scandal/salaciousness is just too good not to entertain. I guess I just think that it's not totally UNBELIEVABLE.

But I don't think that it would have ever gone viral, even if it did happen. This was 6-7 years ago, so the Duggars weren't really the cultural phenomenon they are now. They were definitely well known in NW Arkansas, but probably not on a national level. I'm guessing if this was ever true the habit got quashed around the time that their regular series started. :shrug:

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Because now they're EXPERTS!

I'll bet it's taking their ghostwriter at least a week to come up with "a new chapter". It's typically 10-20 pages in Word. Sounds like the publisher thinks they can make some additional dollars from the leghumpers over "new content".

Good luck with that, Duggars! Can't wait to read your pearls of wisdom!


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I can *sort of* corroborate this/stir the pot a little :stir-pot: , but I had tons of friends who went to U of A in Fayetteville 6ish years ago and it was pretty much an open secret that Smuggar was a regular at strip clubs in town. I know people who claim to have seen him in some unsavory places even after he was married.

That big flat-screen TV in their room in DC takes on a whole new meaning.

Allegedly, of course.

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When the mail order bridesmaid dresses came and Jana was first to try on. She didn't like the fit of the dress and didn't want to come out of change area. Jessa insisted she come out into the room for all to see. Detest may be a strong word but Jana I believe was not happy with jessa'. Jessa could have got off her ass and see in change area how the dress fit Jana.

Unpopular opinion, here, but that scene reminded me of my two sisters and I in a similar situation. I didn't see anything particularly malicious in Jessa's attitude (at least not anything different from her usual attitude) and it seemed more like playful banter between Jana and Jessa.

I think it is important to remember that we are seeing a very small, very scripted part of their lives, so it is difficult to speculate how each of the 30+ people feels about one another from the few minutes we see them interact on the show each year....

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I wonder if he tipped the strippers with Ray Comfort's million dollar bills.

Was he buying used and saving the difference? :lol: Just kidding. But seriously, does not seem plausible to me. Do you think JB would have funded a habit like that, and at that time I doubt Josh had access to too many 20s.

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I think his parents need to leave him alone. It's possible that he doesn't have any interest in being married at the moment or at all. Maybe he wants to save up so he can provide a decent life for his wife and family. Whatever his reasons, I think its really sad that they seem to be pushing so hard - it should be his decision.

I agree. And it's sad because John David's parents don't seem to be particularly interested in the fact that he doesn't want to marry right now. There seems to be a double standard in play at the Tinker Toy House. It's okay if the Duggar daughters from Jana on down live at home because they are expected to keep busy raising each other and waiting for Prince Charming. JD works hard and is now in a position where he can provide for a wife and family, but doesn't seem to really want to. By Gothard standards, there's something wrong with the idea of him still wanting to live at home instead of launching himself by courting and marrying. On the other hand, Jim Bob and Michelle don't want him to move out alone in any official capacity because then JD would be exposed to the ebil outside world and possibly have teh seks.

From a Duggar brand perspective, it really is a two-edged sword. And it's ridiculous that JD's parents won't respect his own wishes on the matter and are pushing for a courthsip when he doesn't want one, all because penis-in-vagina sex equals adulthood to them. :roll:

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I think not believing is totally viable/valid - I'm not sure I believe either, the scandal/salaciousness is just too good not to entertain. I guess I just think that it's not totally UNBELIEVABLE.

But I don't think that it would have ever gone viral, even if it did happen. This was 6-7 years ago, so the Duggars weren't really the cultural phenomenon they are now. They were definitely well known in NW Arkansas, but probably not on a national level. I'm guessing if this was ever true the habit got quashed around the time that their regular series started. :shrug:

If Josh really was going to strip clubs, I can see Dim Bulb responding by pushing Josh into a courtship/marriage because "the Bible says it's better to marry than to burn."

Whatever John David and Joseph are doing about their hormones, they must got be getting caught.

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If Josh really was going to strip clubs, I can see Dim Bulb responding by pushing Josh into a courtship/marriage because "the Bible says it's better to marry than to burn."

Whatever John David and Joseph are doing about their hormones, they must got be getting caught.

Would Josh even have been able to get into a strip club when he was under 21? Don't they usually have the same "rules" as bars in that regard?

I don't want to Google it 'cause I'm at work. :lol:

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He sure thinks he's God's gift to mankind. And womankind, in particular.

He needs to stop wearing that ridiculous hat backwards, roll down his pants so he doesn't look like he's cross-dressing in capris, and buy shirts that fit.

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To another point: JB knows a courtship and/or another baby needs to happen for the next season. The bar has been raised with all the recent Duggar action. Otherwise, the TLC well dries up.

I am personally bored with babies and weddings. I'd rather see real, unscripted, day-to-day coverage of the lives of JB/M, J/D, and BJ.

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I am personally bored with babies and weddings. I'd rather see real, unscripted, day-to-day coverage of the lives of JB/M, J/D, and BJ.

I have seen enough dentist appointments, and horse rides to last me a life time

Don't forget we will be getting a one hour special on Jessa and her honeymoon this year....

and then my theory of her being crabby only because of sexual frustration will be revealed and then I want props for that :nenner: STAND BY IT

I gurantee you it is that !! the reason she has been bitchy this season - don't forget these two have been together since what September 2013 (and in their land it is October 2014 - that is a hell of a long time ) and never kissed or anything and all of a sudden planning a wedding and you don't think they have hormones rushing out of every pore - she has to get it out somewhere and the bitch just comes out. So when the honeymoon episode is on and she just appears different you will now why :popcorn2:

the wedding and honeymoon episode should both entertaining

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I think the Duggars are in danger of overexposure. The actual show is nothing but reruns of their life....nothing changes except the children are getting older. Adding specials for the married daughters just adds to the overexposure. Then there is the fact that TLC shows reruns of this show at some point every day of the week. Their hardcore fans will always eat it up but, hopefully, others who are more casual viewers will tire of it. The only thing that gets Jim Bob's attention is ratings. A couple of years ago their ratings had slid to a million or so viewers. Though they are in no danger of cancellation, maybe lower ratings will bring Jim Bob back to earth.

I admit I am looking forward to the Duggar's reaction should the Supreme Court rule that bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. Quite a few influential Conservatives in the GOP have now come out in support of SSM. My gut tells me that the Duggars will join forces with other anti-SSM groups and forge onward in their quest. Should be interesting if not a bit scary.

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and because Mary thinks she is the first Duggar ever to have a baby :wtf: - I think Michelle even thinks that


who wants to bet that we will get the same picture in June :D

Michelle's orange noticeably stands out.

Sorry but the hands on the tummy squick me out. It looks like they are claiming possession.

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I can *sort of* corroborate this/stir the pot a little :stir-pot: , but I had tons of friends who went to U of A in Fayetteville 6ish years ago and it was pretty much an open secret that Smuggar was a regular at strip clubs in town. I know people who claim to have seen him in some unsavory places even after he was married. I hadn't even really heard of 19KAC at that point, so it didn't mean a lot to me then.

Of course, this is all unsubstantiated, but I'm inclined to believe it.

If that were the case someone would surely have snapped a picture of him on their cell phone, wouldn't they?

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If that were the case someone would surely have snapped a picture of him on their cell phone, wouldn't they?

Agreed. It would have come out in national media by now.

Smugs is a :music-tool: He may have had the hots for the fundie ladies, hence marriage at an fairly early age, but I seriously do not see him into strip clubs or even porn. I do not get a creeper vibe from Smugs.

I actually could see JimBob having a hidden porn use. He too sex obsessed. Total creeper vibe from JimBob. I would guess the porn is on his cell phone due to the internet controls in place at the TTH.

I could be wrong,

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If that were the case someone would surely have snapped a picture of him on their cell phone, wouldn't they?

This is where I'm at, as well. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that many reporters, fellow conservatives, strip club patrons, and people in general want to protect the Duggars just because they cloak their sins in religion.

I'd like to see someone come forward with pictures of Josh at a strip club. I'm sure plenty of people know who he is by now, and if he actually was haunting strip clubs years ago, he likely hasn't stopped, and I'd like to see someone provide proof of it.

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This is where I'm at, as well. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that many reporters, fellow conservatives, strip club patrons, and people in general want to protect the Duggars just because they cloak their sins in religion.

I'd like to see someone come forward with pictures of Josh at a strip club. I'm sure plenty of people know who he is by now, and if he actually was haunting strip clubs years ago, he likely hasn't stopped, and I'd like to see someone provide proof of it.

Are the patrons of strip clubs allowed to take photos? My guess is, they'd get kicked out (or get their asses kicked) if they tried something like that. The other patrons don't want anyone snapping their photos. The dancers and club owners would probably be even more opposed to it. Those dancers don't want to be the unpaid stars of somebody's porno. And it is in the club owners' best interests not to have their shows photographed or filmed. But I don't go to strip clubs, so I don't know for sure.

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Am I the only one seeing a lot of Jinger in this photo? Is it the eyes?

IMO, yes. Jinger and Jessa seem to have Michelle's eyes while Jana and Jill have dad's. (My opinion/suspicion tho)

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and because Mary thinks she is the first Duggar ever to have a baby :wtf: - I think Michelle even thinks that


who wants to bet that we will get the same picture in June :D

J'chelle is definitely more excited about Jill's pregnancy than she ever was about Anna's pregnancy with Mac. Or the boys. Or this current one. I get why, but it's kind of sad. I remember how much my children's other grandmother fawned over her daughter's pregnancy and got her every little thing she could think of and made such a huge deal about it, but completely ignored the entirety of my pregnancy. It really hurt.

Am I the only one who couldn't stand to have other people touching my pregnant belly? Jill seems to love having everyone touch it and show it off. It's ridiculous.

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