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I'm listening to it now. Lori starts off mentioning that she was raised in a Christian home and mentions her parents fighting. She then says she married Ken at age 22 and fought with him. She mentions coming across Debi Pearl's book Created to be His Helpmeet. Then she was transformed to be submissive. She is now mentioning mentoring women and giving copies of DP's book. :roll:

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Since it's still live, I will come back later listen to it. Quick mention before I go, Ken encouraged Lori to write a book and then she decided to star a blog. ETA: Just saw that it wasn't live.

Lori is saying her "ministry" is blossiming and mentoring through emails, text, phone calls and in person. She mentions her health struggles.

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Around 12:30 she said she reasons with people who have different opinions on her blog, but we've seen her delete people who had respectful differences of opinion. Almost every day.

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Around 12:30 she said she reasons with people who have different opinions on her blog, but we've seen her delete people who had respectful differences of opinion. Almost every day.

Lori is a lying liar who lies.

I'm going to need blood pressure medication after I listen to this, aren't I?

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I'm back to listening after getting something to drink.

I just got past the parts about her mentoring that woman with the husband with a porn addiction. She said she taught the woman to see that she also had faults in regards to the marriage troubles. She encouraged the woman to be very nice to her husband during the period of seperation if I heard right. She told the woman to smile a lot and later the woman took the husband to the beach and confessed her faults. Lori didn't see that woman for a couple of years and then ran into her at church and saw the husband with her and that the couple was happy. I call bullshit on parts of that story like Lori not seeing the woman for a couple of years.

Lori then blabs on how many older women don't have solid marriages to mentor younger women and then she mentions that she herself mentors older woman.

I got to the part about the comments on her blog and we know she is full of shit. She deletes comments after they are posted and she also doesn't let comments ever go through.

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Just past the 50 shades blabfest. I'm hearing Lori say that women don't have soft hearts because of the feminist movment. Bitch is full of shit again. She doesn't have a soft heart and said plently of shitty things on her blog one of them being when she blamed divorce for Trayvon Martin's death.

She also mentioned getting hate mail, then putting comments on moderation and allowing comments she likes to go through.

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She onto being a keeper of the home, she mentions discipling her kids and how they obeyed and they never had to ground the kids. She is now bitching about working moms and keeping home. She says there is nothing wrong with women working outside the home. We know she really doesn't mean that.

She goes onto the "men are protectors" stuff and tells women not to expect or get upset if their husbands don't help out with the home and she says with V Day coming up, to not get upset if they don't receive flowers. Lori says she doesn't ask much of Ken(nothing wrong with that). She is thinking about asking Ken for earrings.

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What does her voice sound like?!

I find it to be pinched and whiny, but I can't stand her so I'm likely biased. :lol:

Damn she lies, she just said it was "love at first sight" between her and Ken.

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The host now asks about young women and mentors. Lori suggests they find a godly older mentor. not surprising.

She says something about walking with Jesus. She says younger women again have a hard time finding mentors. She is now saying that physical abuse is completey unacceptable and law enforcement should be called. Didn't Ken say something on the blog about being against domestic violence shelters? Also who can't forget Ken's guest post about grabbing your wife by the wrists.

Lori is mentions Titus 2 and helping out her daughter-in-law who lives nearby. She encourages older women to get involved at church and church nurseries. She mentions her friend who is quiet and never argues with her husband and also mentors.

Lori says that she asks Ken to tell her if she is disrespectful. Suggest that women do the same. She finishes out by telling women to find her blog. She gives the url and then also mentions Google and her blog will pop right away. You are going to give us traffic Lori. :clap: :dance:

I know I missed some stuff to put here about the interview. Everyone feel free to add anything I missed.

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I find it to be soft, but not baby voice like Mullet Duggar.

It gets an edge when she talks about about her suffering and illness. She sounds like she's practiced talking softly and gently, but she doesn't have a sympathetic tone toward the host like the host does toward her. One time she talks over the host and then says "what?" in a kind of harsh way.

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She sounded most truly happy when she mentioned her college, her nice house, and when Ken does nice things for her.

Created to Be His Helpmeet is her go-to definitely. I wonder if she's actually ever met the Pearls. That book is so blunt. No wonder Lori seems like a judgy bitch sometimes. It's a deceptive book. Libby Anne's series on it was life-changing for me. I knew something about Debi Pearl's beliefs was abusive but nothing opened my eyes to the damage those beliefs can cause as much as Libby Anne's page-by-page review and the comments from other patriarchy survivors. patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/reviews

Lori gives herself an out to delete comments by labeling anyone who doesn't agree with her a feminist. She gets kind of bitter talking about feminists.

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She sounded most truly happy when she mentioned her college, her nice house, and when Ken does nice things for her.

Created to Be His Helpmeet is her go-to definitely. I wonder if she's actually ever met the Pearls. That book is so blunt. No wonder Lori seems like a judgy bitch sometimes. It's a deceptive book. Libby Anne's series on it was life-changing for me. I knew something about Debi Pearl's beliefs was abusive but nothing opened my eyes to the damage those beliefs can cause as much as Libby Anne's page-by-page review and the comments from other patriarchy survivors. patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/reviews

Lori gives herself an out to delete comments by labeling anyone who doesn't agree with her a feminist. She gets kind of bitter talking about feminists.

I didn't see it on the blog, but another FJer mentioned somewhere in a Lori thread, that Lori met the Pearls years ago.

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Lori says that she asks Ken to tell her if she is disrespectful. Suggest that women do the same. She finishes out by telling women to find her blog. She gives the url and then also mentions Google and her blog will pop right away. You are going to give us traffic Lori. :clap: :dance:

That made me laugh. Couldn't help but thinking about Ken and his Goggle Tactics accusations.

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I was only able to listen 3-4 minutes in. My phone was wonky. Then my last client of the day came early, for which I am profoundly grateful. That broke the spell of evil I was under. Thanks to all who had the nerves, the stomach or enough alcohol to listen.

I am rather new to this Fundie world and am still learning (note I don't say Always Learning). However Lori said something like this: I first became a submissive wife when I read the book CTBHHM by Debi Pearl. Now I have Debi Pearl , Lori and CTBHHM in my head at the same time. She went on: Debi said there were 4 types of Godly men, no three(?), no I think it's four. I don't remember. Now here's the really scary part, aside from that book and those two women in my head. I was yelling at the phone: Even atheist newbie me knows it's THREE types of Godly men, Mr Command, Mr Steady and Mr Visionary. :o

I think I am becoming one of you all.

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Lori met the Pearls at a marriage conference.

Debi's book calls women "ugly," "hillbilly," "dumb cluck," "really dumb," etc. etc. I personally asked Lori about those parts of the book once and she said "Those aren't in my copy."


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Lori met the Pearls at a marriage conference.

Debi's book calls women "ugly," "hillbilly," "dumb cluck," "really dumb," etc. etc. I personally asked Lori about those parts of the book once and she said "Those aren't in my copy."


Maybe Lori is one of those people who has her own beliefs going so loud in her thoughts that she sees what she thinks instead of what is actually there.

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"Pretty much love at first sight". Um...am I the only one that remembers that Lori said it wasn't instant love when she met Ken?

"I was born to be a teacher..." Am I the only one that remembers that she said she hated teaching?

Yes, Lori, women have trouble keeping their home clean without a freakin' maid and nanny. :roll:

"Children want a mother and father together, even if he's not that great of a father." No, Lori, no they do not. Children need and deserve to be safe, loved, and in a calm home. If that means just mom or just dad, then do what it takes. I can speak from personal experience that having two happy parents that were divorced was much better for me than two miserable, fighting parents.

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