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"Pretty much love at first sight". Um...am I the only one that remembers that Lori said it wasn't instant love when she met Ken?

I wasn't attracted to Ken when I first met him. There were many qualities I liked about him, but I didn't feel chemistry at first.

I believe I truly "fell in love" {whatever that really means} with Ken after we were married and I had the security of marriage. {It still was not the tingly, seeing stars type of love...never felt that with anyone.
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Lori met the Pearls at a marriage conference.

Debi's book calls women "ugly," "hillbilly," "dumb cluck," "really dumb," etc. etc. I personally asked Lori about those parts of the book once and she said "Those aren't in my copy."


Not surprising that she would deny that stuff. She probably secretly agreed with Debi's comments. Let's not forget that, Lori blogged about a PP sermon, and linked to his youtube channel. She did this will likely knowing that he has horrible reputation which includes praying for Obama's death. I also bet she reads Zsu's blog and Zsu has a history of saying horrible things.

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"Pretty much love at first sight". Um...am I the only one that remembers that Lori said it wasn't instant love when she met Ken?

"I was born to be a teacher..." Am I the only one that remembers that she said she hated teaching?

Yes, Lori, women have trouble keeping their home clean without a freakin' maid and nanny. :roll:

"Children want a mother and father together, even if he's not that great of a father." No, Lori, no they do not. Children need and deserve to be safe, loved, and in a calm home. If that means just mom or just dad, then do what it takes. I can speak from personal experience that having two happy parents that were divorced was much better for me than two miserable, fighting parents.

And of course it's assumed that all single parents are women. We have a close friend who calls his ex the "egg donor" for good reason! The kids are far better off with him having sole custody.

Of course not every child of divorce handles it well. But I've never heard anyone say, "My parents fought all the time but I'm so happy they stayed in a miserable/loveless/abusive relationship for my sake!"

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On Lori's blog, today she talks about false teachers and as usual bashes public schools and then mentions how her kids minus dancer daughter went to Biola and then she mentions her radio appearance.

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And of course it's assumed that all single parents are women. We have a close friend who calls his ex the "egg donor" for good reason! The kids are far better off with him having sole custody.

Of course not every child of divorce handles it well. But I've never heard anyone say, "My parents fought all the time but I'm so happy they stayed in a miserable/loveless/abusive relationship for my sake!"

We were brought up by a single mum following a divorce and we HATED it when any of our friends from a two parent family looked at us with pity. They meant well, but there was no need to feel sorry for us. Before the split, both parents were unhappy, and as a result so were we. Once we were no longer living in a house full of screaming and rowing, things were WAAAAAY better.

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She says Ken wanted her to write a book? I suspect that is still Ken's goal, and books from him and then live the dream... a series of speaking tours and christian radio interviews and christian best sellers and a royal retirement.

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