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I'm just here to point out the contradictions

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This is from Lori. Of course I found it in the super secret comment section so it probably doesn't count.

They were also vow keepers! My mom and dad weren't "happy" together but they stayed together in spite of it. Now, they are so HAPPY they stayed together. Morality and integrity were taught and expected back then, unlike today.

What is it with these people and their unhappy marriages?!? And why is it something to brag about that they are unhappy? And why is "happy" always depicted as the opposite of "good." Can't you have a happy marriage AND a good marriage?

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

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Oh, and then there was the day that they "took turns" hitting their 18 month old...too much work for one abuser you know :evil:

I am trying to imagine a scenario where any adult--much less two, together, would systematically beat/spank their toddler for 4 solid hours (taking turns) And for it to become a rite of passage for toddlers in their household is sickening.

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The day I see my husband wearing jeans that hug his hips and butt, a cute fitted top, and ballet flats - THEN I'll be skirts-only.

You know, if skinny jeans *were* "that which pertaineth to a man", I'd be SOL, seeing as here in Scotland men wear kilts, which bear as much relation to skirts as women's jeans do to men's. I guess I'd end up running around naked?

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Last time I checked, people were not wearing sweats to the office.

Would to God this were true. Among many of the reps in the call center at my company, sweats would be high style. I regularly see leggings worn as pants, bedroom slippers, and the occasional pair of pajama pants. No, there's no dress code. Why did you ask? But I'm an old fud who wore a wrap dress, tights, and a velvet blazer today.

ETA: Hey! I'm a Fundie Wedding Crasher now, following in the proud footsteps of MamaJ!

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So if only PIV sex is adultery how is porn a sin?[/quote

According to Ken, it really isn't. Well, it may be a sin, but it's a teensy one. Like saying, "Gosh darn!" when you stub your toe instead of "Praise God!" As long as no one's penis is actually inserted into a vagina, there's no big sin of adultery going on.

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Ken and Lori claim the distinction outright, but the distinction is understood in a lot of Christian culture. When my ex was cheating on me, I found evidence/proof for the emotional side but not the physical side. I was talking to my pastor about it and he basically said I was committed unless I had proof of physical adultery. Basically, I would have had to walk in on them to be able to seek a divorce.

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Ken took it even further to say that the wife's reaction to porn use can likely be a bigger sin than the man's actual porn use. If she reacts as though she's been betrayed, that causes further strain on the marriage and THAT is the sin. Or some such nonsense. :cray-cray: :cray-cray:

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Lori's son Ryan. Here's the thread where FJ covered her bragging about what a good dad he is:


Well crap! I went back and reread some of that thread and now I feel sick. I had read Lori's original post and was completely disgusted. Now, when I see a family picture of the Alexanders I want to reach through the screen and poke Ryan's eyes out. And, seriously, what is wrong with Erin that she allows her babies to be treated like that?!? The only reason I can think of that a woman would tolerate that is that she is abused as well.

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I wish I had never read that. But "Emma begged for food. Ryan didn't like that." is emblazoned in my brain forever. Poor kid is HUNGRY and her father punishes her for being hungry. Blech.

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I wish I had never read that. But "Emma begged for food. Ryan didn't like that." is emblazoned in my brain forever. Poor kid is HUNGRY and her father punishes her for being hungry. Blech.

And then he punished her when she WASN'T hungry by forcing food into her mouth as she screamed! This man has some serious control issues!

I've always thought babies were smarter than adults in that they just don't eat if they're not hungry. A fifteen-month-old child does not refuse to eat just to be difficult. There are reasons a child that age isn't eating.

The fact that Lori even relayed that story shows how dense she is. I can't believe she had no clue as to how awful it sounded. She has confirmed to the world that her son Ryan is as abusive and mean as his parents were. Good job, there, Ken and Lori. :? The abuse has reached another generation.

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Today she is bemoaning that day back in the 90s when the world stood still...you know, when Amy Grant filed for divorce :roll:

This 56 year old grandmother is more celebrity obsessed than any teenage girl I've ever known.

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Today she is bemoaning that day back in the 90s when the world stood still...you know, when Amy Grant filed for divorce :roll:

This 56 year old grandmother is more celebrity obsessed than any teenage girl I've ever known.

I cringed when she said Amy Grant destroyed the life of her children.

Way to make women feel HORRIBLE about themselves. Good job, Lori.

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Today she is bemoaning that day back in the 90s when the world stood still...you know, when Amy Grant filed for divorce :roll:

This 56 year old grandmother is more celebrity obsessed than any teenage girl I've ever known.

I know, right? Is there a middle aged version of "Tiger Beat" magazine? I think she tucks it into her Bible and is really reading that when Ken thinks she's memorizing scripture.

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Good grief! She still remembers some celebrity divorce from 15 friggin' years ago? She wasn't there, how does she know how good or bad their marriage was before Amy asked for a divorce?

My guess is it shook Lori up when it happened, as she stated Ken told her he didn't know what would happen to their marriage after the kids were grown.

I guess she figured if it could happen to this well known Christian couple, it could happen to anyone.

ETA: Just wanted to add what a jackass Amy's ex was for running to a national magazine to bitch about her.

I notice Lori didn't mention the effect that might have had on their kids.

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Before the Godly Mentor has time to delete the sinful detractor:

I read this and I understand that you don't divorce because you just decide one day that you don't love them anymore. However right now in my life I have only been married almost 6 years and through this whole time my husband has drank his life away and become someone I do not know- not coming home at night, throwing things when angry, saying things that are so hurtful yet he refuses to acknowledge them- the list goes on. I am sure he has committed adultery but I cannot prove it. My heart tried for so long- forgiving and giving chances over and over. My heart can not do it anymore. I have been gone now for a month and I wonder how can God use me after I now have left and am filing for divorce.... I prayed to God through my whole marriage trying so hard. I know I have been saved by grace and shown so much mercy. I just never knew my heart could become so cold towards a human being- my husband who I chose to love every day we were married. Now I read things like this and I read that verse and all I do is beg God to not make me go back, go back to where I was dying every day inside and literally. I always question myself how could I have done better? What did I do wrong- I have done every bible study out there...I really tried. I can barely type as tears come down....but at this point I would rather be single and alone for the rest of my life than be with the man I married.... I truly wants God to be pleased with me, that one day He will say well done my faithful servant....I just don;t know if that is possible anymore

Go ahead Lori. Delete her or explain to her why she needs to live with a violent alcoholic for the rest of her life. Yes Lori, throwing things is violent.

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***For all of you who are divorced because you didn't "love" your husband, there is forgiveness at the cross. I don't write posts like these to judge those who have done what Amy did but to encourage any of you who are thinking of divorcing your husband for this reason to PLEASE consider changing your mind.

Sure, that post wasn't meant to be judgmental. Sure... :roll:

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I had deleted Ashley's and Cynthia's comments. I wrote Ashley an email and told her that I prefer to discuss situations like this in private, just between the two of us but then I saw your beautifully written comment and decided to republish them all again so everyone can see your wise advice. I know you live in so much pain yet the Lord is indeed your strength. His grace falls softly and gently upon you like rain enfolding you in its embrace with forgiveness and love. We are called to do the same with those around us, even to those we don't think deserve it. Thank you.
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Also, Lori lost two FB followers this morning lol.

good, the more people realize her batshittery and unfollow, the better! maybe one day she'll devolve into boobert, where the majority of her readership is fj :lol:

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This woman who is so freaking happy to publish people's private emails (or blog comments) and dedicate entire posts to them is actually harping on about *privacy?

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