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Would the Duggars like or cook what you had to eat today?


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For dinner I had curried chicken salad with a heirloom tomato. The Duggars would not approve. It was way to low on Duggar staples, carbs and sodium.

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Still fighting off a migraine, so I pulled out a home made whole wheat bun from the freezer, let it defrost a bit, then spread butter and honey on it. I don't like crunchy in my mouth when I have the pain. No veggies? Duggar approved. Home made? Hmmm.... Uh oh!

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A couple days ago a friend dropped off a red salmon that had been swimming around literally a few hours previously. We let the older kids (girl, 7, girl, 5) stay up late to watch him gut and clean it while the tiny headship (coming up on 20 months) slept. I roasted it that night in a quick soy-maple marinade and we're still working on the leftovers. It's hot today (for my area--nearly 70, gasp ack!), so we're having reheated leftover salmon, hard-cooked eggs for those who don't want salmon, a pot of assorted pasta shapes, deli pickles, cut up sweet peppers, and whatever fruit, etc., that people might want from the fridge. The younger two had plates fixed for them and everybody else just took what they wanted. Dessert for the ones who can't have dairy is alternate bites of pomegranate frozen fruit pops and allergen-free chocolate chips from the health food store; we dairy types are having Haagen-Dasz. Later we'll probably pick raspberries.

We're eating at separate spots in the living room, I did what cooking there was without drafting the girls, and we didn't stop for the Man of the House to Offer a God-Honoring Blessing--we just ate. Also nothing on the table came out of a can and there were way too many vegetables. (All of two!)

ETA: And, of course, the main course was a fish that showed up in the house eyes, guts, and all and was still recognizable as a single animal after I was done cooking it.

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Breakfast:Brown rice pudding with raisins Green tea(unsweetened)

Lunch: Apple Larabar ,dried bananas(unsweetened),couple bottles water(we were at the park)

Dinner: Bean and chicken soup(crockpot)

Dessert: Chocolate(75%dark from ALDI)

Snack :Smoothie cucumber/blueberry 2 giant glasses after walking 2 miles

Breakfast and Dinner homemade.I am going to say its too healthy for them?

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I had pasta and stuffed chicken so maybe. I don't know.

Stuffed with processed cheese/condensed soup/sour cream? Then YES!

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Offtopic, but holy crap - the Duggar Family Recipes part of their website is just riddled with spelling mistakes. It's like a lazy fourteen year old typed it out on a blackberry keyboard.

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I don't know if this is good and liberating or sad and depressing, BUT I have recently decided that I would rather die an earlier death than try to eat a more healthy diet like many of you seem to. Now, I don't eat tater tot casserole, but today for b'fast I had pancakes and sausage, lunch, a tuna sandwich, plum, pretzels, dinner grilled chicken, cucumber salad, rolls. I eat processed food (GASP!) and occasionally even make green bean casserole with cream of mushroom soup. I just don't think I can eat tofu, brown rice, what's the gov't say now - 10 servings of fruits/veggies each day. Now, I love fruit and might be able to pull off a good amt of fruit, but I just feel depressed when I think about all of those veggies. Somehow "regular" (to me) food makes me feel safe and comfortable. I just joined a new homeschool co-op and 3/4 of the families are those pesky healthy eaters - vegans, no white sugar, no processed anything. I feel so sad that as we build a community, we won't be able to enjoy food together. I can't bring a batch of brownies for the kids or coffee cake for the Moms - I don't use whole wheat flour and alternative sugar and dairy products. Do you think this is all a fear of change? Am I alone in my refusal to become organic/all natural etc??

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I have a park across the street from me. Today, I looked out the window and saw the hot dog guy was there, so we had hot dogs for dinner*. I am sure the Duggars would be down with that. ;) Well, not at $2.00 each, but the hot dogs for sure.

*hubby is out of town and I am too crampy to cook, so I didn't.

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I feel so sad that as we build a community, we won't be able to enjoy food together. I can't bring a batch of brownies for the kids or coffee cake for the Moms - I don't use whole wheat flour and alternative sugar and dairy products. Do you think this is all a fear of change? Am I alone in my refusal to become organic/all natural etc??

That makes me sad, too. I try to eat as healthy as possible at home without feeling deprived, but I also see food (and drink) as a time for communion, gathering, and fraternization. I don't hold myself to the same standards when I'm out with friends, because who wants to hang out with that, unless they are exactly like you? And how boring would that be? I figure that my good choices 90% of the time outweigh the no-so-good choices the other 10% of the time.

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My family had shredded wheat with nonfat milk and fruit for breakfast (lots of coffee for me, Michelle would like that at least!), cheese sandwiches (whole grain bread) and baby carrots plus we all shared a tomato from our back porch container garden, and now it is a junk food fest because my 9 yo is having a sleepover. Pizza, soda pop, gummy snacks, plus we made homemade sugar cookies that we are frosting with a variety of coloured icing. I guess they would like it, who wouldn't?

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Am I alone in my refusal to become organic/all natural etc??

Nah, I don't think so.

As for me, it's not the organic/all natural thing I find offputting about the Duggars. It's the fact that they're eating processed junk food as meals. Velveeta, kraft singles, condensed soup, low-fat sour cream made from carrageenan and gelatine, and msg-filled "spice blends" are staples of their diet.

Sure, I eat processed junk as a treat (in fact, I just had a diet root beer and Doritos). But I also cook - which isn't something the Duggars do. The Duggars assemble, and their "meals" are carcinogen-laden heart-attack-inducing monstrosities.

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I don't know if this is good and liberating or sad and depressing, BUT I have recently decided that I would rather die an earlier death than try to eat a more healthy diet like many of you

I hear ya,LOL.I avoid fast food usually and don't drink much soda but I consider sour cream, butter and potatoes Gods food. :mrgreen:

The Duggars miss so much-Good food is a way to show love.

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I don't actually cook, honestly, even when I'm feeling 100%. I have issues with patience...

However I do use the healthiest ingredients I can find for sandwiches, etc. that don't need to be cooked,or at least can be microwaved. I'm a college student, microwaves truly are life-savers.

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I don't know if this is good and liberating or sad and depressing, BUT I have recently decided that I would rather die an earlier death than try to eat a more healthy diet like many of you seem to. Now, I don't eat tater tot casserole, but today for b'fast I had pancakes and sausage, lunch, a tuna sandwich, plum, pretzels, dinner grilled chicken, cucumber salad, rolls. I eat processed food (GASP!) and occasionally even make green bean casserole with cream of mushroom soup. I just don't think I can eat tofu, brown rice, what's the gov't say now - 10 servings of fruits/veggies each day. Now, I love fruit and might be able to pull off a good amt of fruit, but I just feel depressed when I think about all of those veggies. Somehow "regular" (to me) food makes me feel safe and comfortable. I just joined a new homeschool co-op and 3/4 of the families are those pesky healthy eaters - vegans, no white sugar, no processed anything. I feel so sad that as we build a community, we won't be able to enjoy food together. I can't bring a batch of brownies for the kids or coffee cake for the Moms - I don't use whole wheat flour and alternative sugar and dairy products. Do you think this is all a fear of change? Am I alone in my refusal to become organic/all natural etc??

Sounds like my co-op. :) I can give you some easy ,vegan potluck recipes that everyone will eat! You can always bring a fruit or veg. platter,that is what the "regular" eaters usually bring to ours. I usually make 1 of 4 things and now others are copying my stuff so I need something different for next weeks "gluten free,vegan potluck!

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Probably not a Duggar-ish day, other than the lack of effort involved.

Over the course of the day, I had:


a nectarine

a tuna/chopped onion/chopped apple/lime juice mix (sorry it that sounds awful, but it's actually good, and makes tuna moist without the 10 tsb. of mayo I'd be tempted to put in it!)

a big salad

low-sodium v8



I hate to cook, and especially hate making the kitchen hot in the summer. But, even as lazy as I am in the kitchen, I do moderately well at avoiding processed stuff.

Oh, and the dogs had raw chicken necks! Yum!

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Breakfast: Vanilla yogurt with blueberries and strawberries, some crushed up Special K on top.

Lunch: pepperoni cheese bread from the bakery, mesquite turkey, swiss cheese, orange

Supper: Roasted pork loin w/mushrooms, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin pie

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LadyBBR, half of us shop at Aldi, so you know you're not alone. Last summer my kid slugged another kid for telling him he was wrong, they were called "Cheetos", not "cheese curls".

I feel like I hit a decent balance between the casseroles & once-a-month cooking I was raised on (which can actually be delicious - my mom is a very good cook in that genre, seriously. And knowing how to make gravy out of anything has served me well in my life.) and the way I learned to cook on my own, living with vegans & eating out of dumpsters for years.

But we seriously eat soba, homemade sushi, & tofu soup because it's easy, not challenging flavor, and one of the few ways my six year old will touch a vegetable that isn't corn, peas, or carrots.

oh, p.s. childfree I don't cook at all. I'm so burned out on cooking I could scream. The week he was at grandma's we ate Lean Cuisine, raw vegetables (my boyfriend doens't even rinse off the dirt, he just eats whatever is at hand), pasta w/storebought sauce, sauerkraut sandwiches, and pickles. Because left on my own I live in squalor and only use the microwave.

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I had a roast beef sandwich from Arby's. I don't know if the Duggars ever eat there. Probably not. Who'd want to pay for fast food for all those kids?

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I was craving pizza tonight, so the answer is a resounding YES. Smuggar could easily polish off what's in the fridge inside of five minutes flat.

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Breakfast: green smoothie made with pineapple, apple, banana, coconut, oatmeal and spinach (definitely not)

Morning tea: coffee made by one of the parents at school who was trialling a new coffee machine for the parents' association (espresso coffee - can't see Michelle having anything but brewed coffee...)

Lunch: a chicken, avocado and cheese toasted sandwich from the cafeteria (maybe?)

Afternoon tea: well-made cup of English Breakfast tea (Duggars - tea? don't know)

Dinner: not dinner time here yet, but have leftover homemade chicken tikka masala with cardamom-spiced rice defrosting right now (definitely not)

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