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Joyful Christian Homemaking- All things Candy


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She's a master manipulator. Back when we knew her there was no Internet. Her go to line was either you must has misheard or misunderstood. And an absolutely priceless one was an excuse of her inability to articulate properly because of being raised in the mountains in special ed classes. Always an excuse, always someone else's fault. I met her in 1994, long pattern present.

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Well, anyone who's ever beat themselves up over not keeping a home like Candy should take heart in the fact that she is not wonderwife. A couple of people who were at one of their houses commented on the smell and described the entire house as so cluttered that it could only be referred to as a clusterf*ck. People that interacted with them also described that the oldest child seemed very detached and like a drone. One of their towns tried running them out due to candy handling snakes in her front yard. She loved drawing attention to herself then cried persecution when she got the attention. Someone at her church had the nerve to question her about the kids and bam they were no longer pentecostal, she even alluded that one of the members was inappropriate around her kids. Here's the real reason she won't let her kids go to children's church, the kids might talk! One of them already has and that's why they left the state. Then there's the time she described the whole family being so sick they were at deaths door and erik thought it was Hanta virus, did they go to the dr? No. But the genius erik walked around for months thinking he had a vitamin stuck in his sinus cavity too. I have always wondered if erik knew how often she complained about him on EVERY level. Great wife there I'll tell ya. I'm pretty sure there are lots of things he doesn't know 2 in particular come to mind. I haven't been around them for years but know some that continued interacting and would come back to Denver with quite the tales. Candy has a whole different persona for the church crowd and a completely different one for others that have known her since day one, especially when erik wasn't around to hear.

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One of their towns tried running them out due to candy handling snakes in her front yard.

Wut? Just...wut? That shit is bananas. Venomous snakes??

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Oh man, I've been following Candy since 2008 (looking up homemade bread recipes). This is GOLD!!! Keep sharing! This lady just gets crazier and crazier.

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Hey Candy, why don't you tell everyone why you called yourself queen of the Bachelor Pad? (She was the only female to ever live there and where she met Erik) Candy, while your at it tell them how you earned that title. I bet Erik still doesn't know.

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Just one. Used him and moved on. Have you figured out who I am yet Candy? Probably not who you think, see your bestie didn't keep those secrets even back then.

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They never saved sex for marriage. The first time I met her she was explaining to a girl in the club why they were late and did the whole tongue in the cheek and banged the bottom of the table (blow job) really classy girl. This was in the middle of a Dennys.

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They never saved sex for marriage. The first time I met her she was explaining to a girl in the club why they were late and did the whole tongue in the cheek and banged the bottom of the table (blow job) really classy girl. This was in the middle of a Dennys.

Huh? I'm sorry but I don't understand.

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Stick your tongue in the side of your cheek while moving your clasped hand in sync with your tongue (like there's a dick in your mouth) while banging the bottom of the table. :pink-shock: got it now? I thought everyone knew that gesture.

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This is fascinating! Just by reading her blog you can see she's so obviously crazy and full of shit. I had know idea it was so deep, though. :cray-cray: Wow and :wtf:


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As i said previously i stumbled upon all of this by looking up a recipe. Haven't had anything to do with or spoken to C & E since 97 or 98. Others would mention her blog over the years or show ridiculous pictures she was posting. Modest my @$$! I thought it was damn funny she was ever instructing anyone on how to clean a house when the girl we all knew clearly wasn't skilled in personal hygiene. Ie., greasy hair, body odor, acne. Since stumbling across this all, I've spent the past couple of days reading the years of her antics that I was clueless about. Jesus cleared her skin up? Really? I'm thinking it was more like being introduced to soap and water. She's responsible for a few ended friendships and the end of the racing club. Funny how none of her fellow models taught her the importance of regular bathing and I would love to know what agency was up in the sticks of the mountains. Reading this one might think wow, this serenity must really hate her, not so. After reading all the garbage I have for the past couple days I look at it as warning people as you would a child after seeing another adult tell a child that it's OK to play with the pretty fire. Most of you saw through the BS, but what about all the people who haven't? It's like selling someone a car with no brakes and failing to mention it. I'm frankly surprised no one else has ever called her out over the years. She's never had any personal affect on my life other than the people I know that she's caused damage to. After meeting her I just avoided her as much as possible because being around her was about as comfortable as a bad case of jock itch. Point being I haven't got a personal axe to grind but I also speak up when people try baffling others with BS whether religious or not. I see something really serious in all of this too. All of the posts about the children and what is clearly a mental disease. I mean really, why hasn't any of those people close to them advocated for those kids? Or do they all drink the same kool-aid? I saw reference to an old blog of hers on how to thwart CPS, Why didn't anyone who knew where they were contact authorities and print off those posts and show someone, anyone the proof? FFS, maybe there would have been a mandatory physiological evaluation! Want to see her and him both lose their shit? Let that happen. Maybe then someone might be able to actually talk to the kids and assess their emotional and physical safety. I've never been one to call an agency on anyone but I have also never personally witnessed something like this either. It really speaks volumes that she won't even let the kids out of her sight at church. Alarm bells anyone? My mind instantly goes to, it must be pretty out there if you can't even trust your spare the rod, spoil the child cronies. How dangerous are these people? How many people now after the Yates case wish they had spoken up? Just my thoughts on the matter. When it comes to children I would always rather error on the side of caution.

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Not sure if anyone on here watches The Leftovers? Good show, Liv Tyler is in it. I could totally see Candy as one of the Guilty Remnants. I was also curious about something else, if E & C are so sure of their faith, why are they prepping? Shouldn't they be taken up in the rapture? Why aren't her followers questioning this?

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Candy's issues with weight. I know exactly where that comes from. Erik and a couple other guys in the race club had this ongoing commentary about wanting girls that are slim to anorexic and they had to be good breeders. A couple of the girls in the club had kids but you would never have known it by appearances. Candy was never overweight as far as I knew, she was actually pretty until she opened that gutter of a mouth. She was just not as petite, bone structure as some of the other girls. But Candy always had something to whine about and would self deprecate at times in search of compliments while at other times wouldn't shut up with all her bragging. She's always had an issue with diarrhea of the mouth and TMI!

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Hi Serenityd, I am Erik's sister. I agree with everything you have posted here. I admit I was not aware of a lot of what you have relayed regarding E & C's behavior around the car club group because I never interacted with that group. Although I did know Mark B. quite well from his high school days with my youngest brother. However, all you have said is quite believable to me!! We (my family) avoided being around E & C as much as possible hoping that the relationship would burn out at some point and Candy would disappear. As far as trying to help the children...we have done so. Their oldest ran away two weeks after they got home from Mom's funeral. I am sure he saw how differently we lived....myself, Karl and his family, my dad....and realized how screwed up his situation was. You are right, he did not immediately tell CPS where he lived or his parents names because he did not want to go home...and he was only 7 years old! Erik was still somewhat speaking to us then, and he told me his son did not want to leave the children's facility when they came to get him. Anyway, E & C initially had to meet with CPS officials and have drop-in visits for 3 months. However, they case worker could see they were NOT normal and changed the time frame to 9 months. My dad told the agency he wanted the children, and would come for them. In the end, the agency decided they could keep the kids. :wtf: It is very hard to get children away from their parents. They have been reported several times and still manage to lie to and manipulate the case workers by putting on the "perfect family" facade. It has been about 5 years since Erik divorced the family. Each time they move my dad has located them and given the local CPS agency his information in case there is another incident. Their last move, Sept. 2013, has us stumped. We can't find them, but we know they are somewhere in Oaklahoma City or Edmond. We think they are probably doing an all inclusive rental so they don't need to sign up for utilities...our usual way of finding them. Rest assured though we are not giving up!!!

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The phrase under your name is automatically generated. Everyone has one.

Serenityd, people have called Candy out. For years. There have been blogs dedicated to her and her damage. Most have gone away for various reasons but the first one (that I knew/know of) is still up - from six years ago!


Candy rarely interacts with anyone online anymore where she doesn't have total control of what is said and how. A few years ago she & Erik went wild trying to erase themselves from the Internet, deleting ID's and posts on blogs, message boards, web site, etc. There is total and complete control over what is online regarding her now - at least as far as current stuff; not everything could be deleted or removed. But, only her blog and only in comments. She is notorious for ignoring comments and suspected that she even makes up comments that praise her. She will not allow question or even doubt. She is creating her image and has been doing so for years and years. Problem is, as we all know, she can't have an online presence without exposing something of herself and she does it often.

That's all to say that she has certainly and often been called on her BS but online is online, you know? Over the years of my following her I've seen very, very few people stick with her. She gets people loving her for a while then eventually she reveals her natural ugliness and they're gone. You can usually tell when something like that has happened because Candy will have a tantrum on her blog.

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I remember her official story about her son was he was riding his bike and got lost. :/ She admitted he knew their address but didn't want to tell the authorities. After he returned she thought he might have drugged.

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Hi Erik's sister, please know when I asked why people haven't called them out that I meant the neighbors, church people and so called friends. I never meant your family or online followers. I have heard through the grapevine over the years about your oldest nephew, your family and trying to help etc. My heart goes out to you all. Perhaps with the large group on this site alone people who have saved some of her nuttier rants etc. Could start a collection per se. Maybe, just maybe an outside agency will assist in looking for them and realize the gravity of the situation rather than listen to erik and candy's scripted answers. I would assume those that call themselves friends will see my posts and will probably report back to her but hopefully with all I pointed out they will see also all the truth and realize they've been duped. I never knew just how bad it was until I stumbled over all of this. There are a couple people from the old days though that should be smacked because they did go out to Akron, they did come back and report crazy things but didn't confront them because they needed erik to work on their cars, etc. I honestly haven't thought of them in years, the last trickle of information came when they came back to Colorado for your moms funeral and some of the folks that I still hear from and myself avoided the chance of even running into them by accident. With any luck your brother might wake up and realize what was going on right under his nose all those years ago or how candy manipulated him from day 1.

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Hmmmm...this is interesting stuff Serenity! Do tell more. BTW, did anyone else notice that her blog is gone? Looks like she's flaked again....wonder why :pink-shock: (Like it's really a surprise since we all know she reads here!)

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