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Doug Phillips is a Tool and Vision Forum is Dead - Part 6

happy atheist

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On the meeting: a narcissist confronted can blow up in a truly terrifying rage. It's sort of hard to believe how frightening it is unless you have actually witnessed one. All veneers of charm fall away, you see the man behind the mask for who he is, a volcano explodes in your face and boiling hot lava spills in all directions. A narcissist also always blames others for his crimes and he will attack his accusers in every way he can when he is cornered. If he thinks he has something, anything, he thinks can he can use against you, he will pull it out. Narcissists are very good at assessing other people's vulnerabilites and sensitive areas.

I'm not surprised Bradrick was shaken to the core. The sky must be falling. I'm feeling pity for Bradrick!

Amen ! Just got a flash of a very regrettable ex- truly terrorizing... Without the, god appointed this guy angle.

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Me too! Totally triggered a flashback from my interactions with my Antisocial/Narcissist ex. Going to go take a walk to shake it off.

Yep. I was the person who wrote that (the quote got messed up somehow) and I had to take a walk too after writing it. Sorry for triggering flashbacks. :(

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Heh. So much for Dougie's manly security detail.

So much for Doug (Phiilips who is a tool)'s "manly" image. I bet he wet himself.

Doug Phillips is a damp tool.

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Ive been somewhat in the way of narcissistic rage and the following hate campaign (I was part of a group of friends, one of them was a narcissist, and she fell out with one member of the group and dragged us all into it and I took the other friend's side), and narcissists are scary when pissed off.

Im glad Hero is away from that evil man.

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Bob posted that response on another friend's fB page. I very strongly doubt he is one of TW's sources. What he's referring to in the statement is that the matter became known to some people in leadership in early 2013 (January or February after an incident at Hero's house where DP tried to get to her and was met by her brother at gunpoint and fled the scene...) and besides some behind the scenes hand-wringing, it appears that NOTHING serious was done about it. Hero's family left the church and were quiet as well having been convinced that it was the "godly" thing to do in order to "protect" a great Christian ministry.

The guys that confronted DP in October included Bob, Peter, Jordan, MW, and Dr. Morecraft and they did so coming in from out of town. They flew in at their own expense to do something about the situation when they realized what had happened. From what I've heard, the meeting was somewhat hostile with DP becoming quite defensive and labeling these men as "destroyers" and "traitors." That's not what I think they are.

I would have paid fat bank for a ticket to see that.

Good for her brother. And shame, shame, shame on whoever convinced Hero's parents to keep quiet.

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I would have paid fat bank for a ticket to see that.

Good for her brother. And shame, shame, shame on whoever convinced Hero's parents to keep quiet.

Seriously. Well, to see the video. I have a healthy respect for guns and like to stay a long, long, way away from anyone wielding one.

There is a certain irony in that the young man meeting the Tool at gunpoint was sent to the Executive Protection/Bodyguard training by none other than Doug himself!

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When I first heard of it it came to mind that this was one of Doug's most Hazardous Journeys™ ever...

I mean, like that book Endurance (I was always puzzled why we sold that), he left his wife and family to face incredible danger for the alluring prize.

And it's waaay too bad that the police weren't called, but I don't blame those in the situation for not recognizing what would be best given the obvious confusion in their minds. If I understand the story correctly, this was the first the brother knew something was really up.

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Bob posted that response on another friend's fB page. I very strongly doubt he is one of TW's sources. What he's referring to in the statement is that the matter became known to some people in leadership in early 2013 (January or February after an incident at Hero's house where DP tried to get to her and was met by her brother at gunpoint and fled the scene...) and besides some behind the scenes hand-wringing, it appears that NOTHING serious was done about it. Hero's family left the church and were quiet as well having been convinced that it was the "godly" thing to do in order to "protect" a great Christian ministry.

The guys that confronted DP in October included Bob, Peter, Jordan, MW, and Dr. Morecraft and they did so coming in from out of town. They flew in at their own expense to do something about the situation when they realized what had happened. From what I've heard, the meeting was somewhat hostile with DP becoming quite defensive and labeling these men as "destroyers" and "traitors." That's not what I think they are.

And yet Doug and Hero attended the same wedding in September of 2013-- 7 or 8 months later, by which time plenty of people must have known about this-- and Beall was not there, and no one thought a damn thing of it? Why is this just not adding up for me? Yeah, I know: they're a cult and people are brainwashed and yada, yada, yada... But something is still rotten in Denmark.


Just curious: Was Hero's gun-toting brother at Jon and Callan's wedding? Do you see him in these photos, CnD?

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When I first heard of it it came to mind that this was one of Doug's most Hazardous Journeys™ ever...

I mean, like that book Endurance (I was always puzzled why we sold that), he left his wife and family to face incredible danger for the alluring prize.

And it's waaay too bad that the police weren't called, but I don't blame those in the situation for not recognizing what would be best given the obvious confusion in their minds. If I understand the story correctly, this was the first the brother knew something was really up.

I didn't realize you worked for VF. I need to pay more attention to this thread!

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And yet Doug and Hero attended the same wedding in September of 2013-- 7 or 8 months later, by which time plenty of people must have known about this-- and Beall was not there, and no one thought a damn thing of it? Why is this just not adding up for me? Yeah, I know: they're a cult and people are brainwashed and yada, yada, yada... But something is still rotten in Denmark.


Just curious: Was Hero's gun-toting brother at Jon and Callan's wedding? Do you see him in these photos, CnD?

Good question, DomWack. :evil-eye:

Why did the groom and bride invite both Doug and Hero to the wedding? I understand that Hero must be a family friend to be in the wedding party but Doug wasn't part of the ceremony. Where was Beall? Even if Doug was not suspected of stalking a young woman, it would still seem odd that his wife didn't go with him to a wedding and it looks even stranger now because of the suspected involvement between him and Hero

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And yet Doug and Hero attended the same wedding in September of 2013-- 7 or 8 months later, by which time plenty of people must have known about this-- and Beall was not there, and no one thought a damn thing of it? Why is this just not adding up for me? Yeah, I know: they're a cult and people are brainwashed and yada, yada, yada... But something is still rotten in Denmark.


Just curious: Was Hero's gun-toting brother at Jon and Callan's wedding? Do you see him in these photos, CnD?

Two things. First, CnD may be reporting what he believes to be the absolute truth - but it is still hearsay. And stories like this can morph in the retelling becoming more dramatic every time. I must say that the idea of Doug being confronted at gunpoint is rather delicious, but I'm not necessarily convinced it happened.

Second, Doug and Hero at the same event in September and all looking hunky-dory in the pictures? Strange, but I don't think impossible simply because it was a wedding. Weird things happen around weddings because people usually want the best for the happy couple and strange compromises are made. I've been at weddings where I was asked to watch over X and get her away to safety if Y came any where near her. The burliest men around were told to monitor Y and intervene at the slightest hint at trouble. It happens.

I can't be bothered to look through all those pretty pictures again, but IIRC, the youngest Phillips girl, Hero and (perhaps?) the oldest Phillips son were all in the wedding party. Doug was only in a couple of pictures at the end of the reception. Hypothetically, Doug could have been disinvited (he certainly was not presiding) but turned up at the end to pick up the little girl and in his inimitable narcissitic way managed to get in frame. He'd have a motive for doing that when you think about it to throw people off.

It is also possible that wedding etiquette in TX requires provision of a gun safe and people check their firearms in at the door!

Edit. tenses

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On the meeting: a narcissist confronted can blow up in a truly terrifying rage. It's sort of hard to believe how frightening it is unless you have actually witnessed one. All veneers of charm fall away, you see the man behind the mask for who he is, a volcano explodes in your face and boiling hot lava spills in all directions. A narcissist also always blames others for his crimes and he will attack his accusers in every way he can when he is cornered. If he thinks he has something, anything, he thinks can he can use against you, he will pull it out. Narcissists are very good at assessing other people's vulnerabilites and sensitive areas.

I'm not surprised Bradrick was shaken to the core. The sky must be falling. I'm feeling pity for Bradrick!

Amen ! Just got a flash of a very regrettable ex- truly terrorizing... Without the, god appointed this guy angle.

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Two things. First, CnD may be reporting what he believes to be the absolute truth - but it is still hearsay. And stories like this can morph in the retelling becoming more dramatic every time. I must say that the idea of Doug being confronted at gunpoint is rather delicious, but I'm not necessarily convinced it happened.

I'm actually trying very hard to be truthful and accurate. I don't want a libel charge against me! You don't have to believe anything I say just because, of course, and I welcome review when the truth comes out, and it will very soon.

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I just want the world to know that not all people who believe in God and think that the Bible is true think that this stuff is ok. I'm calling hypocrite as loud as possible because he makes people who do believe look bad. He has contradicted so many scriptures it's not even funny. This is not a failure of Christianity, it is a failure of people using Christianity for evil.

And it does irk me when you are wrong and when you attack guys that I think are ok, or more open minded than others.

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Wary of snakes? VF had a giant anaconda in its midst.

ETA: I highly recommend M. Night Shamalan's "The Village". Many parallels can been drawn between the movie and certain controlling religious groups we are acquainted with.

Holy shit. I just watched this movie, after reading your post. Yes yes yes it captures the dynamics and thought control so well--although the characters in the movie exhibited much more compassion and humanity than I saw growing up in an isolated fundie environment, and if the movie were real life I would have a lot of optimism for that community. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I'll be thinking about it for quite a while.

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There's something called 'Concealed Carry' and when done right, you'll never know who has a weapon on them or where. Even when done wrong, as long as it's covered, most folks will never mentally process the outline of a weapon and will simply ignore what they see.

Wow, a fellow Christian, a fellow concealed carry guy, and a lover of Despair.com! CnD, you're shaping up to be an alright guy! :D

CnD, thank you for being as up front as you've been. Also, you mentioned that more will come out soon... could you elaborate? (I'm interested in the 'soon' part as well as why it will come out... an on-going investigation perhaps?)

Alright, one more question of CnD... the more I read, the more I see, the more I am convinced that there is a huge tie-in between DP and Bill Gothard. I know DP has spoken at IBLP/ATI events, has sold IBLP products in the VF catalog, has encouraged his interns to attend Oak Brook College of Law (an IBLP school), and has had ALERT folks at Father/Son retreats. I find it fascinating that both "ministries" are collapsing at about the same time for about the same reasons and I see very similar tactics employed by both in the pre and post collapse. Could you speak to any of this?

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Wait? Was Doug just looking for some consensual sweet fellowship with Hero or was he trying to attack/rape her? If the latter, her brother should have shot him in the family jewels.

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Wait? Was Doug just looking for some consensual sweet fellowship with Hero or was he trying to attack/rape her? If the latter, her brother should have shot him in the family jewels.

I am curious about that also. Was Doug stalking Hero? If so, the story is even darker than I imagined.

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Alright, one more question of CnD... the more I read, the more I see, the more I am convinced that there is a huge tie-in between DP and Bill Gothard. I know DP has spoken at IBLP/ATI events, has sold IBLP products in the VF catalog, has encouraged his interns to attend Oak Brook College of Law (an IBLP school), and has had ALERT folks at Father/Son retreats. I find it fascinating that both "ministries" are collapsing at about the same time for about the same reasons and I see very similar tactics employed by both in the pre and post collapse. Could you speak to any of this?

Same / similar market. I don't know that he had to encourage those interns to go to Oak Brook. The ALERT folks were offered as volunteers on a number of occasions, but there is plenty of tie-in for that, too with at least a couple of interns being ALERT graduates.

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CND, I am sorry to keep pushing this question but did Doug stalk Hero?

My answer to that would only be an opinion, so I must refrain.

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My answer to that would only be an opinion, so I must refrain.

I respect that you don't want to voice an opinion as fact. Did she make it known to him that she didn't want any further attention from him?

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I respect that you don't want to voice an opinion as fact. Did she make it known to him that she didn't want any further attention from him?

She has certainly made that clear.

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