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Maxwell's lastest post


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The Maxwells are new to me, so for the last couple of weeks I have been going through their blog and reading some of the old FJ threads. Last night I realized I couldn't look at their blog anymore, it is insanely dull. The same pictures of the same activities in the same poses over and over. Here are 10 pictures of the road taken from the bus. Here are the girls smiling, packing up the bus. Here are the girls smiling, unpacking the bus. Here are pictures of the 20 people who came to a seminar. Here are pictures of smiling girls in long skirts posed on top of a hill. Here are smiling girls in the kitchen cooking. Repeat, repeat, repeat, until the viewer wants to claw out her eyes.

The pictures:

Dead eyes and docile grins.

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ILoveJellyBeans, spot on.

A while back Steve Joseph decided to do a post about why given he owns a house, he doesn't live in it. (Hi Steve! :greetings-wavingblue: )

One of the responses Steve Joesph gave was that if he lived by himself, he would not be accountable for anyone and would have no way of ensuring he could live a godly life with out that (or some bs like that). This makes no sense. If Steve and Teri have truly raised their children "correctly" they should have faith that they can go out into the world and still continue to live as they were raised. But no, Steve seems to think the second they are out from under his thumb they will fall to the ways of the evil world. So basically, he is admitting he is a shitty parent. Also, if Joseph is going to be expected to lead his house one day, he has to learn how to accept the "accountability" role. If he can't be accountable to himself, how can he be the spiritual/moral/financial leader of bow and future arrows?

Personally, I think one of the main reasons, is that Joseph is probably scared to live by himself. He has always lived with a herd of people and is probably worried about being lonely living all by himself. There is nothing wrong with that at all nor admitting to it. Took me a while to learn how to live by myself, and I was lonely at first, but eventually you get used to it, and perhaps even enjoy it.

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I imagine it will be. Imagine spending all of your life, as long as you can remember, being constantly with your parents and never being alone, and then all of a sudden, you have to move out. It would be kinda like how a kid feels on their first day of school/daycare...but forever cause your parents aren't going to pick you up a few hours later. It would be terrifying for them. Also they've been told the outside world is evil, so they would be really scared of something hurting them, or being tempted into doing something fun and becoming evil. They've also had their whole life scheduled into 15 minute blocks, never having to make choices, just follow the schedule and they will be fine. Imagine how hard it would be to go from being completely scheduled to being free. The schedule and their parents house is "safe". It is all they have ever known. How do you go back from that without being completely traumatized.

Theyre going to need a lot of therapy.

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I posted a similar rendition:

Wipe, wipe, wipe the fan

Wipe it nice and clean!

Drudgery, drudgery, drudgery, drudgery!

Why is Dad so mean?

Love, love, love our God

All the live-long day.

When you're trapped in Maxwell Hell,

It's the only way!

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Shouldn't the ceiling fans be cleaned BEFORE the cabinets?

Do not question what God lays upon Steve's heart! If he says polish the cabinets before cleaning the ceiling fans, then it is so.

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Loads of gays, but not me have a fetish for trainers, and those red ones draw my eyes from my heart towards your feet.


something to thinkabout?

I see that Elton J also likes cleaning Stevie

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Loads of gays, but not me have a fetish for trainers, and those red ones draw my eyes from my heart towards your feet.


something to thinkabout?

I see that Elton J also likes cleaning Stevie

If you didn't see the cleaning stuff and know who the Maxwells were, this would look like a goofy picture of two siblings messing around, with Anna perched up on top of the fridge as a joke. If only!

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Clean, clean, clean the walls

And the ceiling, too.

Use the rag to wipe your tears

When you're feeling blue.

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Actually, it really is amazing- amazing!!1!!- the sheer number of mundane tasks they think of to do to occupy the 18 hours of the day they're awake! I don't know how they come up with so many of them. This is the problem when you don't have enough sleeping hours, no real job, and a ton of adults confined to their homes who are required to spend that time doing some form of physical work. They are batshit crazy, but one thing they're not is lazy. They work hard almost all of their waking hours doing the most ridiculous, time-consuming, redundant, boring tasks than anyone I've ever met or even read about. It is an actual sin- the amount of time they waste doing this "work" for themselves when they could apply all that focus to their community, the less fortunate etc., doing something actually good for others who need it.

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Feeling blue is not allowed. Maxwells only feel beige. Remember, if you have emotions, God will kill you.

Thanks for the inspiration:

Am I beige?

Am I beige?

All these years, ’til I die, in a cage.

Am I beige?

As I age,

Got no plan

Got no man

Earn no wage.

Perhaps, in time

I’ll see my last reward.

But now I'm

Pretending I’m not bored . . . so bored.

Can’t be gay

Can’t just play,

Can’t feel joy, can’t feel rage,

Am I beige.


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If you didn't see the cleaning stuff and know who the Maxwells were, this would look like a goofy picture of two siblings messing around, with Anna perched up on top of the fridge as a joke. If only!

The really sad thing is, that it is probably not just a snapshot of what was going on at the time for rememberance, the were probably posed to perfection and the pic taken for solely for the purpose of the blog.

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Actually, it really is amazing- amazing!!1!!- the sheer number of mundane tasks they think of to do to occupy the 18 hours of the day they're awake! I don't know how they come up with so many of them. This is the problem when you don't have enough sleeping hours, no real job, and a ton of adults confined to their homes who are required to spend that time doing some form of physical work. They are batshit crazy, but one thing they're not is lazy. They work hard almost all of their waking hours doing the most ridiculous, time-consuming, redundant, boring tasks than anyone I've ever met or even read about. It is an actual sin- the amount of time they waste doing this "work" for themselves when they could apply all that focus to their community, the less fortunate etc., doing something actually good for others who need it.

Hell, they don't even need to do something for others to find better things to fill their time. They could learn to make all of their own clothes with some skill and sell extras, they could learn more complicated carpentry skills and sell cabinets and furniture, they could garden and grow their own foods, they could learn to paint pictures and portraits, a whole bunch of stuff that would be productive and not busy work.

But unfortunately that gets to close to having hobbies, which are bad, or getting too good at something and enjoying it, which is bad. Remember one of the reversal boys got too good at an instrument he enjoyed, so he had to switch. They don't talk about Mary's sewing much anymore, and I think that is because she liked it and showed a talent for it. Heck, even Sarah has admitted she doesn't enjoy writing that much, but does because she was told to.

They can't be truly productive, because they might find they enjoy something too much.

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Hell, they don't even need to do something for others to find better things to fill their time. They could learn to make all of their own clothes with some skill and sell extras, they could learn more complicated carpentry skills and sell cabinets and furniture, they could garden and grow their own foods, they could learn to paint pictures and portraits, a whole bunch of stuff that would be productive and not busy work.

But unfortunately that gets to close to having hobbies, which are bad, or getting too good at something and enjoying it, which is bad. Remember one of the reversal boys got too good at an instrument he enjoyed, so he had to switch. They don't talk about Mary's sewing much anymore, and I think that is because she liked it and showed a talent for it. Heck, even Sarah has admitted she doesn't enjoy writing that much, but does because she was told to.

They can't be truly productive, because they might find they enjoy something too much.

I am so with you on this! So much discretionary time would be a luxury for most folks. The Maxwell women do sew, and the family seems adept at construction.

If not for my 9 to 5, I'd spend a lot more time at my hobbies of sewing, baking, and cooking, lots of it for other people.

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I have to wonder how far the control goes. It's mentioned here that Steve controls how much they eat and sleep (actually if someone could point me to the blog posts that mention this I'd be grateful; I'm assuming he doesn't say it outright and I'm crap at reading between the lines), but what else? Are they allowed the heating on in winter or would that be an indulgence? Do they use the ceiling fans in summer? Do they have designated times to use the toilet? The mind boggles.

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All good questions, Brightonbelle. Here are some of mine:

Are they allowed to voice any opinions an any subject that are not 100% in line with Steve's? "I think Obama is...."

Are they allowed to stay in their beds if they are sick? Do they have to prove they are sick?

Is shower time limited? Are they allowed to take a bubble bath if they desire?

Are they allowed to take a car out and just drive somewhere to get out of the house, or must they ask permission?

Are they allowed to take up a hobby like bird watching? What about knitting? Could Sarah take up carpentry or must it be a "gender-specific activity"?

Could they volunteer in a homeless shelter on their own or must all outside activities be pre-approved?

Could Sarah start a new series of books if she felt inclined? Must she always write Moody books and does she have to write when her father tells her to or is she on her own time-line?

Could Sarah take her own money and buy herself a watch? What about a ring or a necklace? Fancy bra? In other words must she have Steve's approval before buying anything? What about Teri?

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Are the Maxwell's allowed to live their lives outside of the clutches of Steve and Terri? Even the two that are married and have families of their own.

How does Sarah make money? Im sure singing at the nursing home and writing Moody books pays well. Poor, Sarah. I kind of feel sorry for you, but you're not smart enough to do anything else, and make a good life for yourself, so it's your own fault.

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Sarah doesn't need money. She isn't allowed to do anything unless Steve gives her permission, and I bet he doesn't let her control her own money.

Poor woman :(

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I'm not sure if Sarah can keep the money she earns for the books. I think they do earn some money cause they talk about buying Christmas gifts. Also Anna got Teri a gift after her HS graduation.

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Not Chris & Anna's house?

Not Gigi & Grandpa's????

Hmm, I say! Truly something to think about!!!

Eta--Mary looks frightening ....

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I normally love to snark on them but I'm so depressed after looking at those pictures. What? Seventy five percent had someone with a cleaning rag smiling. I bet they have twenty years worth of smiling with cleaning rags pics. Forty five years from now, Sarah can entertain the elderly she cohabits with - with cleaning pics!

Dead eyes as usual. I have never seen so much fear concentrated in one house. They are scared shitless with Steve being the most afraid. I really do wonder what will happen when Stevie kicks it. Steve King could whip this scenario into a masterpiece. Think "The Shining" on the prairie, with Sarah realizing in her mid fifties exactly what has been stolen from her.

Oh and The Clean Team is some expensive stuff. I know as I used to buy it and have the exact same bottles. I'm surprised they all don't have Speed Cleaning aprons on.

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I wonder if we could ask them for other cleaning photos? How is it they only ever post them from cleaning in the kitchen? Oh, wait, I think we've seen some photos of them washing the bus. And cleaning the inside of the bus. Hey, Steve, let's see some riveting vacuuming action! Or how about laundry? Toilet scrubbing? How about cleaning the shower floor, really using that elbow grease?

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It wouldn't surprise me if Titus 2 Ministries is paying a rent to Joseph, that way they can claim it as a business expense. That could be why we were so explicitly told that Steve and Teri use it for business purposes too.

Plus if he moved in without a wife, who would cook his meals and do his laundry?

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