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The Continuing Fall of VF and Doug Phillips is a tool-Part 4


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There are definitely a plethora of patriarchal assholes in worth of snark. However, they don't dress up in fancy costumes, go on manly sweaty romps, say things like "need more cellos" or record themselves doing pushups until it looks like they are going to puke. Dougie is like the snark equivalent of being a kid in a candy store! BRADRICK! and Scotty are close, but they are no Dougie.

Oh, dearest, just give Scotty and BRADRICK! time. They've barely inherited the mantle. There is a wide swath of faithful who need their costume fix. Judging from the florid, inflated bio on his "improved" website, Mr. Brown is just getting one toe in water....

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One of the Wilson kids (in his late teens I think) does a school for manly man-ness (but it's for young boys). He is the son of the purity ball creators and the school involves costumes and speeches. He might be a contender for Dougie's legacy although my instinct is that he is less toolish. For you to judge though! You can google "school of honor"/"Logan Wilson". Incidentally that family were my gateway fundies!

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Oh, dearest, just give Scotty and BRADRICK! time. They've barely inherited the mantle. There is a wide swath of faithful who need their costume fix. Judging from the florid, inflated bio on his "improved" website, Mr. Brown is just getting one toe in water....

Scott already dresses up a bit for his annual Memorial Day (or is it 4th of July?) fanfare at his Barnum and Bailey Big Top Brown Barn Circus. And Bradrick! dresses his boys up in military costumes from time to time, complete with rifles. Scottie's wife also hosts an annual ladies' tea at the Barn where women are encouraged to wear Victorian-era clothing.

So I think it's just a matter of time before we see some Titanic-esque dress.

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Have we ever discussed this wedding?

How terrible! That isn't beautiful, at all. The relationship between parents and children is not servitude. I realize that they emphasize servitude in their version of Christianity but this is the opposite of how most parents would describe their daughters on their wedding day. It sounds as if they are writing about a really good house maid. The last line makes me sad for many reasons. Katie never gets the opportunity to be her own person. The emphasis is not on the love and joy of the wedding but authority and control. The men's vision comes before her own needs and wants.

And I have to agree with MamaJuneBug, I didn't see anything flirty with Hero's looks. I've had other women look at me in the same fashion when they are amused. The only reason that anyone can view her looks as suggestive is because they know about the relationship with Hero and Doug.

It sounds like slavery to me. Katie was sold to a new master and was transferred to the Bradrick household.

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I am loving the fact that we are doing grief counseling for twin2, after her horrible loss. Who says FJ is a mean place?

Here, twin2 -- I know nothing can bring back the loss of Doug's huge inflated ego being always on view as snark bait, but at least I can give you:



If Dougie is lurking here. You probably just gave him a boner.

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It sounds like slavery to me. Katie was sold to a new master and was transferred to the Bradrick household.

And Katie has already faithfully pumped out two sons for the glory of God, although it would appear she named them normal names (John Mark and Asher).

There was a video out there of her father talking the day after her wedding standing outside of his beautiful home blathering on some more about the beautiful transfer of authority, yada, yada, yada, but I can't seem to find it now and can't remember his first name to google it. If I find it, I'll post it here. I think Dougie was in it, too.

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Of all the things that fundies do the squeeg me out, the transfer of authority thing is the most cringe inducing. Ugh. The ickiest was the wedding for Robert and Kendylnn. During the transfer of authority thing her father talked about her purity and how the wedding ring she was giving her husband had been made from her purity ring. :ew:

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I think the sheepskin of fun (courtesy of Mr Gothard) comes a very close second. Both elements in the same ceremony? Pass the brain bleach.

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I think the sheepskin of fun (courtesy of Mr Gothard) comes a very close second. Both elements in the same ceremony? Pass the brain bleach.

Yes they were. It was also the one where the groom conducted the guests in song. That was one creepy-tastic (and snark-o-rific) wedding (It even had an appearance by Gothard himself!)

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I think the sheepskin of fun (courtesy of Mr Gothard) comes a very close second. Both elements in the same ceremony? Pass the brain bleach.

What is the sheepskin of fun?

It sounds like a sheepskin rug that people have sex on. Or coming from Bill Gothard, a horrible horrible perverted evil thing that no doubt involves horrified interns.

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Katie served faithfully as a daughter in her home, submitted to the authority of her father. Last week we saw that authority transferred to another man, as Katie entered a new household — the Phillip Bradrick household.

It sounds like slavery to me. Katie was sold to a new master and was transferred to the Bradrick household.

Chattel is chattel.

I have long wondered at the deeply anti woman systems about how the men can treat their daughters so badly-- how they can not form enough of a fatherly attachment to their own baby daughters and as they grow up to prevent honor killings within the family, sending them off as child brides or viewing them as so "other" than human that they talk about them like this and treat them as they treat them. And if these men think of their own daughters like this, imagine how their wives and any "other" women are treated.

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What is the sheepskin of fun?

It sounds like a sheepskin rug that people have sex on. Or coming from Bill Gothard, a horrible horrible perverted evil thing that no doubt involves horrified interns.

When Robert and Kendalyn got married Gothard gave them as a gift a sheepskin mat that he used to "pray on". But, yeah, you hit what we at FJ believe the real use of the sheepskin mat is for.....

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When Robert and Kendalyn got married Gothard gave them as a gift a sheepskin mat that he used to "pray on". But, yeah, you hit what we at FJ believe the real use of the sheepskin mat is for.....

Ew. Pray on it? My ass. Bet it is completely solid by the time he gave them it.

What did he gift Chad and Erin? One of his old socks? A book full of pictures of ATI interns with the pages stuck together? A trash bag of used tissues and a half full bottle of lotion?

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The Doctrines of Grace don’t make for particularly effective tools of mind control, which is why Doug rarely, if ever, preaches on grace. But in the right hands the “Law-Word†Doug Phillips adulterers stoned to deathcan be terrifying. It doesn’t get any scarier than the prospect of eternal conscious punishment in the lake of fire. Law in the hands of a religious sociopath can be a terrifyingly effective mind-control tool. Doug Phillips preaches Old Testament Law every Sunday, and rarely ever exposits anything from the New Testament (with the exception of a brief homily during communion). Grace is given little more than a passing nod. Ironically enough, throughout the entire time Doug Phillips was cheating on his wife he was also preaching, “The Bible requires that all adulterers be stoned to death.â€

This is from TW Eston' s essay. If this is true, no wonder some of his followers are disgusted with Doug.

One way that I've noticed that fundamentalists get around questions about following such a legalistic lifestyle is that they claim that 'real' Christians will automatically be moved by the Holy Spirit to dress/talk/act as they do. Some of them use different phrases but it all boils down to,"If you are really saved, you would act like I do." The results is that you end up with a highly judgemental, non questioning group of people. You can't question how others tell you to act because that would prove that your salvation isn't real. There is probably a lot of fear among this group. It is an ideology that is ripe for abusive sociopaths.

then a dinner on the ground “pot-providence†(pot-luck is evil).

Don't worry, Twin2, any group that is afraid of the word, pot luck can't help but produce snark worthy material. Pot providence sounds like someone really, really likes marijuana.

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Also, from TW Eston:

Such was the case for Jennifer Epstein. According to Doug no Christian should or could vote for George Bush. Doug held that, as pastor, it was his prerogative to coerce his church members to vote for Constitution Party Candidate Michael Peroutka (Doug’s father, Howard, is founder of the Constitution Party). Anyone who disagreed was subject to church discipline. J

That doesn't sound legal. I wish that some of the members of Boerne Church would have been more active in exposing Doug. Some of what is coming out makes me want to shake these people for being so voluntarily blind. It is hard to be too sorry for them because so many of their blogs and responses to criticism comes off as arrogant

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Also, from TW Eston:

That doesn't sound legal. I wish that some of the members of Boerne Church would have been more active in exposing Doug. Some of what is coming out makes me want to shake these people for being so voluntarily blind. It is hard to be too sorry for them because so many of their blogs and responses to criticism comes off as arrogant

I think that, unless he pointed a gun or a knife at his followers, Doug Phillips is a tool's coercion was completely legal, albeit unethical. I know that churches can't endorse candidates, but I think that individual pastors can, as long as they aren't announcing it directly from the pulpit. Given that BCA was a high demand religious group, the tool probably had many opportunities to coerce his flock in other contexts.

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When Robert and Kendalyn got married Gothard gave them as a gift a sheepskin mat that he used to "pray on". But, yeah, you hit what we at FJ believe the real use of the sheepskin mat is for.....

First of all... :disgust:

Can sheepskin mats be washed? I know this is gross enough already but I can't help wondering whether the residue from Gothard's religious experiences could be removed before Robert & Kendalyn took ownership. I'm also, unfortunately, wondering whether R & K wanted it to be cleaned first.

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So, I was tagged by a friend in her fb post. She is polling her friends to see how many push ups we can do in a set. Um, did I say this is a friend who loves doug the tool? Her dad does push ups with the tool at homeschool conferences. Guess who has responded.... three members of the Coghlan family. What is it with the push ups people?!!!!!! If us girls do them, does that make us more manly too? or.... womanly? :pull-hair:

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So, I was tagged by a friend in her fb post. She is polling her friends to see how many push ups we can do in a set. Um, did I say this is a friend who loves doug the tool? Her dad does push ups with the tool at homeschool conferences. Guess who has responded.... three members of the Coghlan family. What is it with the push ups people?!!!!!! If us girls do them, does that make us more manly too? or.... womanly? :pull-hair:

If you're a Coghlan girl, push ups make you more womanly. If you're any other girl, they make you more manly. (See also pants, sleeveless shirts, driving around town while not under the umbrella of authority, listening to rock 'n' roll, and working at Dairy Queen.)

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And now commentators on Jen's Gems are speculating on whether Howard Phillips was truly saved and whether Doug was raised (gasp!) Jewish. It's always fun to see what the "non-legalistic" fundies "driven by the holy spirit" come up with.

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First of all... :disgust:

Can sheepskin mats be washed? I know this is gross enough already but I can't help wondering whether the residue from Gothard's religious experiences could be removed before Robert & Kendalyn took ownership. I'm also, unfortunately, wondering whether R & K wanted it to be cleaned first.

Sheepskins can be washed, we got one from IKEA 4 years ago, it's been through the washing machine a few times with no ill effect. However if the hide was attached to a backing that might make it unwashable, depending on what material of the backing.

Is Goddard distributing his own "relics" before he snuffs it?

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Sheepskins can be washed, we got one from IKEA 4 years ago, it's been through the washing machine a few times with no ill effect. However if the hide was attached to a backing that might make it unwashable, depending on what material of the backing.

Is Goddard distributing his own "relics" before he snuffs it?

At least this means that sitting on it wont make Kendalyn pregnant with a creepy looking baby.

Although I don't think you could get pregnant from sitting on Gothard's wank rug. Sperm doesn't live that long on surfaces, and any left over residue would be fossilised by now.

Did he give David anything encrusted with bodily fluids for his wedding present too?

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And now commentators on Jen's Gems are speculating on whether Howard Phillips was truly saved and whether Doug was raised (gasp!) Jewish. It's always fun to see what the "non-legalistic" fundies "driven by the holy spirit" come up with.

SMH. When someone goes wrong, it must be because he wasn't following their system.

It couldn't be because the whole fucking system is wrong, oh, no! :roll:

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