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Raquel always looks for someone else to blame. She can't ever admit that she was the one in the wrong and that she is just as guilty as those guys. She has convinced herself(and any fans she has left) that she is some poor little innocent soul that got taken advantage of and just couldn't help sending guys sexual messages because she is such a nice person. This is what nice people do, they sext guys in need. Now those sluts who sleep with guys, well she is sooooooo much better than they are. :roll:

Someone needs to tell here that virginity / purity is more than just a technicality of no penis in vagina, but is also having refrained from the "everything but" of sexting, talking dirty, oral, anal and hand jobs. The term technical virgin is an old one, but would be in effect for Raquel. She's technically a virgin, but really, who other than she and a few legalistic dicks would care. Anyone wanting a true virgin who reads her sexting tripe would be as likely to dimiss her as "used goods" as not. And anyone who is not worried about the state of her hymen is going to see her as a needy, uneducated, unskilled oddball.... She had better hone her writing skills, as she may have to make her own way in the world.

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I am taking an English Comp class and one of my books is Keys For Writers.

Maybe Raquel should take an English Comp class?

Not that she would, but maybe she would write better if she did.

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She tweeted that she and her "bestie" didn't have any deodorant so they found some men's somewhere(hopefully they didn't just dig up old, used men's deodorant) and she is so happy because now her hoodie smells like a man. :evil-eye:

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She tweeted that she and her "bestie" didn't have any deodorant so they found some men's somewhere(hopefully they didn't just dig up old, used men's deodorant) and she is so happy because now her hoodie smells like a man. :evil-eye:

That girl is not right in the head.

Maybe they live near power lines or she was dropped on her noggin as a baby or something. There is boy crazy and then there is whatever she is. She is at hide the bunny level of obsession and she doesn't even actually have an actual man yet. :cray-cray:

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This girl is definitely obsessed with attention - any kind of attention. I would venture to guess that, though she probably doesn't even admit it to herself, the whole reason she wrote her sexting "testimony" (see Raquel, I can use quotes, too) is to continue talking about it and get attention from it. After the attention from those guys was gone, she just couldn't let it go. Turning it into a "testimony" was the perfect way to keep the show going. I know I should feel compassion for her, but she's such an ignorant, shallow hypocrite that really she just makes me sick.

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She tweeted that she and her "bestie" didn't have any deodorant so they found some men's somewhere(hopefully they didn't just dig up old, used men's deodorant) and she is so happy because now her hoodie smells like a man. :evil-eye:

I feel like there should be a way to connect this to XGay I-Don't-Have-Money-For-Deoderant-But-God-Wants-Me-To-Have-A-Motorcoach Greg somehow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Miss Raquel hasn't been up to much. She posted a picture of her making out with a Dutch Bro. coffee, but that is about it. Her blog is pretty boring. But she tweeted this:

"Not to sound needy or attention seeking:)

but...if you like my account, could you favorite this tweet?"

I can't tell if anyone did, but that is really sad.

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Sometimes I feel really sad for Raquel. And then I realize that she's too self absorbed to change.

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We all struggle with finding our identity, our purpose and our value in this life. But as children of God, we can rest in the assurance of our identity in Him.

And when you understand WHAT and WHO you are in Christ, this is the starting point for you to discover your purpose in life. Why? Because without understanding this precious truth from the start, you will try to fill in the blanks of life’s purpose on your own. And nothing can compare to God’s beautiful design for the person He is making you into.

:evil-eye: Nothing can compare to God's beautiful design eh? She clearly has not learn how genetics and biology can wreck havoc on a person .

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:evil-eye: Nothing can compare to God's beautiful design eh? She clearly has not learn how genetics and biology can wreck havoc on a person .


every one of these "Christians" is the same "In Christ." boring.

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I think Raquel has for sure made an idol out of her hair. How many "random" pictures of her wet hair does the world need?

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From her latest blog post:

"I’m going to be rather blunt and just say that I am so tired of girls thinking they aren’t beautiful. And seeking attention by complaining about their looks."

Raquel seeks attention by posting a gazillion posed pictures of herself and pretending that her "random" don't mind that I just got out of the shower pictures are not carefully posed to make her look her best.

If you go flaunting yourself around, worming for compliments (a lot of girls do this via posting photos on social networks), then yes, that’s prideful.

:lol: She really lacks all self-awareness. This is exactly what she does. A couple of days ago she was even begging people to tell her that they like her on twitter. That right there is worming for compliments. The majority of her time blogging has been spent flaunting herself through pictures and fishing for compliments. There is a reason she posts pictures of her perched on the edge of her bathroom sink, she is begging for compliments. She didn't post a close up of her kissing a Dutch Bro. cup to bring glory to God.

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Does anyone else get the feeling that the whole sexting story is just a little bit off? I mean, addictive? Really?

It just felt a bit exaggerated to me...

Also, as somebody else stated, she can't really claim purity. She's obsessed with boys and sex. And the sexting thing. Oh gods.

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I think Raquel seems like the sort of person who would find it easy to become addicted to sending dirty pics to men. She has a very obsessive personality and craves attention and affection, especially from the opposite sex. I can see her sending them pictures because she wants them to like her and think she is beautiful, and she would hope she would get loads of comments by them on how beautiful her body is.

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Who exactly is Raquel? Is she fundie lite? Gotta be if she knows what "sexting" is. How long has she been blogging?

Raquel is one of the most self-absorbed bloggers out there. She calls herself God's Daughter and if you disagree with her she claims that it is really God you are disagreeing with because God speaks through her. She has been blogging since she was 14. She is 18(almost 19) now and does nothing with her life besides obssessively stalk men. She isn't really fundie, she just pretends to be so she can get blog readers. Her parents spoil her and give in to whatever she wants. She has never been able to keep a job and says God doesn't want her to go to college. She is an abolitionists who supports Southern slavery. She is supposed to have this charity to give pillow cases to girls rescued from sex slavery but she flaked out on that pretty fast. According to her she is a singer, model and writer.

She tweets under itsjustraquel.

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Hmm... I dont think she looks much like Raquel except her colouring.

It was kind of entertaining to read all those "arguments" for creationism though. :?

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Her latest post shows that somebody in her life needs to sit her down and be blunt with her about how she acts. It probably wouldn't help, but she is almost 19!

The title of her post is Me and all my craziness. Raquel, nothing in the post that follows make you crazy or is really any different than many other things. Except for maybe your jealous rage at hearing your friends having fun without. That isn't normal, but it also isn't cute or endearing. It makes you obnoxious.

My room has absolutely no theme to itI have mismatched sheets, random colored blankets at the foot of my bed, and none of my furniture matches. My walls hold tons of movie and band posters. I have only one shelf of books and movies in my room

Welcome to the life of most people in college dorms. This doesn't make you special, unique or crazy. It also describes my house(minus the movie and band posters)when I first got married because we were poor and using whatever second hand stuff we could get.

I don’t have as many shoes as most people think women have. I don’t own very many skirts or dresses.

Neither do I and whole bunches of other people. Not a crazy thing at all.

I’m slightly obsessed with hoodies and own more than the average girl.

Judging from the teens/college students I see when I am out, hoodies are in style with this age group. Liking tons of hoodies isn't strange.

I use a large canvas bag as a purse (for now anyway).

This is a really hipsterish thing to do. Not weird or unique.

I rarely buy things brand new.

Welcome to the club. We formed before you were even born.

My hair is very rarely done in any pretty hairstyle

This is when of those act like I'm not pretty when I really think I am sort of things to say. As much as she poses showing off her hair it is obvious she thinks her hair is styled pretty.

I rarely paint my nails

Also not strange.

My Grandma already says that I’m ‘so skinny and need to eat more!’ I’m not a workout freak like a lot of women I know. I just feel that all that time I’d work out could be used for something much more beneficial

This is one of those fishing for compliments things she has written about. It is also a subtle dig at the people she knows who works out.

I have writer’s block at least once a month (okay, at least four times a month). And then sometimes, I have a mirage of writing ideas that come to me so quickly, I don’t always have the time to write them down.

Pretty sure she meant myriad and not mirage.

I get jealous very easily - of family, of friends. Not jealous OF, exactly. But jealous FOR. Like if I hear that you hung out with any of my best friends all day yesterday and you go on and on about how much fun you had together, blah blah blah, I’ll probably just give you the ice princess look and not talk to you for a while.

And here is where she is crazy. This isn't something she should be proud of, it is something she should be ashamed of and work on changing. If anyone dares to have fun without her she will ignore them and refuse to speak to them? Childish.

And people who you used to love suddenly think of you as an enemy. And you have to move on from them and everything you thought they were. And realize that God had put them in your life for only that short season. And pray that during that time, you could’ve somehow shown them just a glimpse of God’s love. (And I used about a million ‘ands’ in the paragraph)

And this is what is wrong with Raquel, it never enters her mind that she might be the problem, that she drives people away from her or that she was supposed to learn from others. In her mind she is never at fault. Everyone is supposed to be learning of God's love from her. It couldn't possible be that God wants her to learn about love, kindness, and humility from others.

I know one thing for sure, though. I know that my heart is in the right place

:cray-cray: Raquel is crazy, but not in the cutesy ways she thinks she is. It is in shallow, self-absorbed way that makes her unlikable.

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I don't think she's crazy. I just think she's a very, very, very young and immature. She is trying so hard, "haha, look at me, I'm so special and crazy but I'm down to earth cause I can laugh about all my craziness." :roll:

All those things she talks about are normal. At least very normal for a lot of young people.

Especially the writing part stood out to me. I mean, I consider myself a writer and I try to write a bit every day but usually motivation and inspiration comes in chunks, and BIG chunks and then it cools down to what one might call writer's block. Which I have right now and it's awful.

I'm embarrassed for her, I really, really am. I just want her to grow up, feel embarrassed about how she used to be and then continue on to adulthood.

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She needs to get out and do something with her life. She's just sitting around, navel-gazing and doing nothing but getting older. She is so self-absorbed, no wonder her friends aren't asking her out. Emotionally, she's about 13 years old and she's expecting the world to revolve around her.

If she went to college, at least she'd be learning new things and meeting new people. If she volunteered, she would perhaps realize that there are other people in this world and that she is a spoiled brat. If she continues on the path she is on, she'll either end up married to some loser, or an older SAHD. She is much too isolated and immature to make any kind of good decisions right now. Her parents need to stop enabling her and tell her to grow up and start contributing to society in some way. I will consider myself a failure if either of my daughters end up as narcissistic and useless as Raquel.

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I have writer’s block at least once a month (okay, at least four times a month). And then sometimes, I have a mirage of writing ideas that come to me so quickly, I don’t always have the time to write them down.

Pretty sure she meant myriad and not mirage.

This was my favorite also, but I do love how she points out that she either wears sweats or comfy, fitted jeans (emphasis mine).

Come hither boys...I rock the fitted jeans.

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No wonder she has no friends.

A week of no talking is no big deal. Just because you don't have a life outside Twitter and looking at yourself in the mirror doesn't mean that everyone else is the same. Raquel, you are not special and are not entitled to having everyone make you their first priority. Getting this obsessively jealous over everyone elses life and whining to them about it, saying theyre ignoring you isn't going to make them drop everything in sympathy just to prove to you that they love you really and promise to be there for you all of the time. Life doesn't work like that. Its pushing people away. Nobody wants to be friends with the crazy jealous girl.

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