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Never going to happen.

I think she needs to buy a sex doll. They do male ones, right? That's all she is ever going to get.

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The naivety.

:lol: Nope. A sleepover is fun and exciting because you don't do it all the time. Marriage can be wonderful but it is hard and not always fun or exciting.

Raquel is going to be in for a very rude awakening should she ever get married and have kids. Life is not like a Nicholas Sparks movie.

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:lol: Nope. A sleepover is fun and exciting because you don't do it all the time. Marriage can be wonderful but it is hard and not always fun or exciting.

Raquel is going to be in for a very rude awakening should she ever get married and have kids. Life is not like a Nicholas Sparks movie.


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And this is, in my opinion, tasteless and offensive:

"Your parents will be devastated, your siblings will cry for weeks, people at your school will go solemnly about their business knowing that their classmate is gone. A suicide makes a domino effect. You’re not just thinking of hurting yourself. You’re thinking of hurting others."

Suicidal people are not selfish. Many of them KNOW how miserable their death would make people. She really shouldn't speak about the things of which she knows nothing. Maybe she should go get off her ass and volunteer at a crisis or suicide hotline if she ACTUALLY wants to know what to say to someone who is suicidal. Oh, wait...this is Raquel we're talking about. She doesn't actually care; she just cares about talking about things with shock value so people keep reading her failing blog.

Go ahead, Raquel and/or her leghumpers, try to defend her bullshit! I have Bipolar Disorder and I've been living with suicidal thoughts on and off nearly my whole life! You really should have left it at "Well, maybe I don't [know what I'm talking about]." It would have saved you a blog post.

Suicide is also really disproportionately prevalent among gay teens and young adults, and it's attitudes like Raquel's that make gay people feel like their lives aren't worth living. If you really care about protecting people from suicide, quit being part of the problem you sanctimonious twat :evil:

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And this is, in my opinion, tasteless and offensive:

"Your parents will be devastated, your siblings will cry for weeks, people at your school will go solemnly about their business knowing that their classmate is gone. A suicide makes a domino effect. You’re not just thinking of hurting yourself. You’re thinking of hurting others."

Suicidal people are not selfish. Many of them KNOW how miserable their death would make people. She really shouldn't speak about the things of which she knows nothing. Maybe she should go get off her ass and volunteer at a crisis or suicide hotline if she ACTUALLY wants to know what to say to someone who is suicidal. Oh, wait...this is Raquel we're talking about. She doesn't actually care; she just cares about talking about things with shock value so people keep reading her failing blog.

Go ahead, Raquel and/or her leghumpers, try to defend her bullshit! I have Bipolar Disorder and I've been living with suicidal thoughts on and off nearly my whole life! You really should have left it at "Well, maybe I don't [know what I'm talking about]." It would have saved you a blog post.

When I was suicidal, my brother said something eerily similar. It made me angry at the time because it is not as though I wanted to die. It wasn't the self-centered desire he made it out to be.

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What about Jesus forgiving the prostitute? Why would you hold "being a virgin" over peoples' heads? According to Jesus, she's the same as anyone who isn't a virgin because of the sexting bullshit. But no, she's a speshul snowflake, and she is forever pure. The rules of the Bible don't apply to her because she is God's Daughter.


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What about Jesus forgiving the prostitute? Why would you hold "being a virgin" over peoples' heads? According to Jesus, she's the same as anyone who isn't a virgin because of the sexting bullshit. But no, she's a speshul snowflake, and she is forever pure. The rules of the Bible don't apply to her because she is God's Daughter.

At her age, I had never sexted anyone or slept with anyone, or even kissed a boy/man. Guess I was more pure than the daughter of God.

Oh, and "losing your virginity" isn't that great. First time is hard and painful or was for me. I don't feel I lost anything though. I learned I like sex. :lol: The concept of virginity and changing people is bullshit. It didn't change anything about me. In fact, if I didn't just tell you I had sex before, would you think of me any different? If she met me in person, she wouldn't have a clue if I was a virgin or not. Oh, she could assume one way or the other, but she wouldn't know for sure. And assuming is judging, which she should know she ought to not do as her own Christ warned specifically against that. He who is without sin cast the first stone/do not judge for in the manner you judge someone you will be judged. KArma's a bitch and her own Jesus says he plans to judge her thoughts and behaviors the same way she judges everyone else's. If she believes her God/Jesus and Bible are real, she best be worried because it isn't looking too good on her end.

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If her head was any bigger, it wouldn't fit up her own ass any more. Some day life is going to give her a serious reality check.

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What about Jesus forgiving the prostitute? Why would you hold "being a virgin" over peoples' heads? According to Jesus, she's the same as anyone who isn't a virgin because of the sexting bullshit. But no, she's a speshul snowflake, and she is forever pure. The rules of the Bible don't apply to her because she is God's Daughter.

When her ask.fm was open she got a remark that pretty much said this and she replied in some vague way she shows that she thinks she is so much better than anyone who had sex before marriage.

When I was her age I had never dated anyone, sexted anyone(granted it wasn't a thing yet), talked sexual to anyone, kissed anyone, or had sex. I think I get more gold stars from God than she does.

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Can't get your virginity back...well, she obviously hasn't heard of. " vaginal rejuvenation" lol.

Honestly, after my first time I was mystified what the big deal was with virginity. Why does this particular experience carry so much more weight than others.

I do enjoy my time under the sheets, but it's just another part of being human.

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Of course losing your virginity changes you --that's what new experiences DO.

Nobody argues against other new experiences for this reason, why should first time sex be any different?

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Sex will be a HUGE letdown for her, if it happens. Marriage will be even more of a letdown. She has too many expectations. She writes stupid tweets calling her so-called future husband "baby." She writes letters to her future husband. Wouldn't that creep most people out? Besides, you can't expect those letters to be too personal, considering you didn't even know the person when you wrote them. I just can't with her.

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If you don't know what plagiarism is, don't try to blog! I'd say plagiarism is worse than spelling errors. She hardly knew what plagiarism was!

Also, I really resent it when people hate on people who can't spell. They might have dyslexia, or they might have grown up in a bad neighborhood with poor schools. Or maybe they're just not good at it. After my nerve damage happened, I have trouble spelling and I never used to. Why judge? By the way, I've seen grammatical errors on her blog!


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I've seen plenty of errors on her blog. At one point she had a post where she incorrectly said that an actor played a part(or it was something like that), she got corrected in the comments but never took the time to fix it in the blog post.

And even if she had no errors she plagiarizes like crazy. Right before her ask.fm was shut down someone pointed out lines that she had copied. She has no original ideas in that self-absorbed head of hers.

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Wait, Raquel sexted someone? Wow, where have I been? Who was it? Why did she blog about it? What did she say?


She sexted several guys, not just one. She also gave enough details in her post that anyone who knows her will be able to figure out which guys these are. Especially the last guy.

At the same time all this sexting was going on with three guys Raquel through a massive crying fit over a friend of hers saying that she liked a guy. She had her parents sit down and meet with the other girls parents to demand an apology for saying such a "horrible" thing about Raquel.

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Raquel threw a massive crying fit because a friend of hers said she liked a guy, and had her parents go talk with the other kid's parents? This sounds like the kind of thing that kids do at about 6-8, when they usually think the opposite sex has cooties and that love is disgusting.

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Raquel threw a massive crying fit because a friend of hers said she liked a guy, and had her parents go talk with the other kid's parents? This sounds like the kind of thing that kids do at about 6-8, when they usually think the opposite sex has cooties and that love is disgusting.


I found out that someone was spreading rumors about me liking a certain guy

So, to make a long story short, my parents came to my room (after the alarm had been raised that ‘Raquel’s crying in her room!’ by one of my little sisters :), and I just told them everything that had happened – that I had found out about. We called Person A’s dad and asked if we could meet the next day.

let me tell you something. You may have heard that phrase ‘Give it like it is’. Basically, that means to just tell it the way it is – with no beating around the bush, trying to make things sound different, etc. And that’s exactly how I did it!

Now that I think about it I bet it was more than "Raquel likes a guy." I bet it was more "Raquel is sexting this guy all the time." and that is what caused her to flip out because she knew it was the truth.

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Sex will be a HUGE letdown for her, if it happens. Marriage will be even more of a letdown. She has too many expectations. She writes stupid tweets calling her so-called future husband "baby." She writes letters to her future husband. Wouldn't that creep most people out? Besides, you can't expect those letters to be too personal, considering you didn't even know the person when you wrote them. I just can't with her.

I agree, but the problem with her is that she will never be insightful enough to work past any issues she has, be it sex, relationship, or her own insane thoughts.

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I never bothered to read Raquel's sexting story until now. So basically she sexted 3 different guys because they were having a rough time in their life and she was just trying to be a good friend? I know when my friends are down, I immediately start telling them about all the filthy things i want to do to them. Then I text them a crotch shot. Cheers them right up (this is where the eye-rolling smiley would go if I was on a computer).

Whatever ya gotta tell yourself, Raquel.

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I never bothered to read Raquel's sexting story until now. So basically she sexted 3 different guys because they were having a rough time in their life and she was just trying to be a good friend? I know when my friends are down, I immediately start telling them about all the filthy things i want to do to them. Then I text them a crotch shot. Cheers them right up (this is where the eye-rolling smiley would go if I was on a computer).

Whatever ya gotta tell yourself, Raquel.

Raquel always looks for someone else to blame. She can't ever admit that she was the one in the wrong and that she is just as guilty as those guys. She has convinced herself(and any fans she has left) that she is some poor little innocent soul that got taken advantage of and just couldn't help sending guys sexual messages because she is such a nice person. This is what nice people do, they sext guys in need. Now those sluts who sleep with guys, well she is sooooooo much better than they are. :roll:

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I never bothered to read Raquel's sexting story until now. So basically she sexted 3 different guys because they were having a rough time in their life and she was just trying to be a good friend? I know when my friends are down, I immediately start telling them about all the filthy things i want to do to them. Then I text them a crotch shot. Cheers them right up (this is where the eye-rolling smiley would go if I was on a computer).

Whatever ya gotta tell yourself, Raquel.

As much as I dislike Raquel (and honestly I'm being nice with that word - I really really really don't like her), this is actually not an uncommon tactic that young (and not so young) guys will use to get sexual favors of one sort or another. Both from significant others and female friends. "Oh, I'm so sad...it would be so nice to take my mind off things..." Works on young, naive, sheltered girls like Raquel. I will go ahead and admit that it worked on me when I was about 16 ( :embarrassed:), more because I had low self-esteem and wanted the guy's attention than because I was sheltered - but I never pretended to be a pure little snowflake either, which is why I proceeded to feel like an asshole for months! :lol:

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From the story it seemed like she was rather innocent with the first guy but then she found she liked it(she says it was addicting) so the rest of the guys didn't really have to trick her into it. She was a willing participant.

I have noticed on her twitter that she responds to guys all the time if they ever tweet about wanting to do something or learn something. She will tweet back "Hon I'm here!" or "Hon, I'll do it!" She has an unhealthy obsession with men. Too bad no one in her life will try to talk to her about it.

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