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Sinister (film)


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Has anyone seen this flick? If so, what did you think about it?


I'm a huge fan of horror from way back, and I'm usually quite disappointed that most horror films just aren't that scary.


I thought Sinister, though, was quite effective. I actually had to sleep with my light on after watching it. :oops: For me, it was the combination of the super-eerie music and the imagery that just really combined to create a disturbing effect, and a constant sense of dread and foreboding.


My headship, on the other hand, was "meh." He did admit the music was super-effective and spooky, though. He said it was the best use of music he's yet seen in a horror film.

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I thought it was pretty solid. There were definitely parts that super creeped me out/scared me. I'm an easy mark when I'm alone at home in the middle of the night, though :P

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I thought it was pretty solid. There were definitely parts that super creeped me out/scared me. I'm an easy mark when I'm alone at home in the middle of the night, though :P

You're way braver than I, then. There's no way I could have watched that by myself--even in the brightest of bright lights.

I thought it was pretty solid. There were a few points where it got contrived, or they fell back on the cheap "jump scares," but it was one of the better horror movies I've seen in recent memory.

BTW: What is your avatar from?

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I loved it. Mainly because i really liked the editing and how it wasn't over the top gory.

As for it being scary, it really didn't bother me. I expected to be scared and I did jump a few times, but that was it for me.

But when my mom borrowed the dvd, she could not sleep without everyone light on in the house for a week. But she's become a bit of scaredy cat

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You're way braver than I, then. There's no way I could have watched that by myself--even in the brightest of bright lights.

BTW: What is your avatar from?

Haha. Well I didn't feel very brave when I was texting my friend all like 'bro... I'm watching Sinister and I'M SCARED... talk to me!'

It's from Sixth Sense :) It's the munchausen's-by-proxy ghost

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One word: Ahhhhhhh!

The music? Frenetic! This one's my favourite:

I find it beautiful. Kudos to Chris Young, he's a freaking genius. The music made the movie about 50 times scarier. And goddammit, Mr Boogie is freaking hot. I'm a total freak show, I love villains like him. I already mentioned in Stuff I wanna say I guess... That the last time I found someone that hot, was in TDK, the Joker.

488132_606252812724165_1014317329_n.jpg Funny how the "He's waiting for you" bit sounds like a promise and not a threat to me. :lol:

Dammit, I *can't* embed a youtube video... :(

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I had the lights on too! My friends kept telling me how they avoided looking out the window at night - for months! I had no problem with that, but I'm scared to look in the mirror since that movie. I don't know why the mirror but the mirror.

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