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45, live in coastal Alabama (which is worlds apart from Bible Belt Alabama, woe to those who cross I-10!), joined at the urging of Contrary who I have known for longer than I want to admit because in my mind, we simply are not that old.

Have a husband, three stepchildren (ebil divorced), and a sister who claims to hate fundies because she is Anglican, but is actually, if you talk to her, very very fundie. And batshit. But I repeat myself.

And, I have not done one lick of work since finding this place. I thank you but my boss does not. He will, once I give him the link, though.

ETA: from the terms of service: "9. Free Jinger does not allow the posting of Fan Fiction or Real Person fiction. "

So there is Duggar fanfiction? Seriously? There went my appetite. SERIOUSLY. OMG. I thought WWE fanfic was bad.

The brain. It is broken. I just didn't...no. Tell me this has not been written.

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We had a subforum for Duggar fanfic, but ended up deleting it because holy hell, was that creepy. Also legal issues.

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We had a subforum for Duggar fanfic, but ended up deleting it because holy hell, was that creepy. Also legal issues.

:shock: Thanks for giving me potential nightmares, StarrieEyedKat. * rocks back and forth in a corner * Why, mommy? * :cry: *

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Hi all. Twenty-one. I'm currently in college for accounting. I work as a waitress and am grateful for my job and the ability to do it. I volunteer at organizations for women and children in my extra time. I love to learn about all kinds of things and have lurked at FJ for about 6 months now. Thanks, Duggars. I am a dirty librul heathen, surrounded by homophobic right-wing racists, chauvinists, and wanna be secessionists. I live in a place where 90% of the population are church-going christians, but you couldn't tell it by their actions. My religion is compassion. I want to adopt as many children and pets as is responsible to do and generally make a difference in the world, or at least in the lives of people I meet.

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I've lurked for a while, but was prompted to register because of the case of a woman in Ireland who died because of a lack of proper legislation on abortion. A sad and slightly depressing reason I know. But I do have a sneaky look at Josh Duggar's instagram to cheer myself up. I'm living in the Irish capital, married with one child. And I've defected from the Catholic church, which was exhilarating.

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Hello, Everyone! I am female, 51, married with one grown child and live in New Orleans, having recently relocated here from Lower Alabama. I have been fascinated with all things fundie since having done three years in an ACE (that's Accelerated Christian Education, for those of you who may not be familiar with that particular form of indoctrination) school in Alabama in the mid-70's.

I was fortunate to have only spent three years in that environment, as my parents weren't particularly fundie, but wanted to keep me away from the drugs and scary brown people in the public schools. I can honestly say that that experience made me a progressive at a pretty young age in a time and place where it wasn't cool. I've been lurking for a while now, and enjoy the message boards very much. I heard about y'all over at Stuff Fundies Like, which is another favorite of mine. Thanks for having me!

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Hi! I'm a 27-year-old grad student in Early Christian Studies/New Testament, and I'm married to an Episcopal priest. We're those horrible liberal Christians the fundies are always complaining about. :D I found FJ because I was disturbed by how readily America seemed to be glossing over the cray-cray and controlling theology of the Duggars, and so I set out to find some intelligent critiques. My husband also has some fundies in his family, so I can sometimes observe them with fascination (and often confusion).

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Hello, Everyone! I am female, 51, married with one grown child and live in New Orleans, having recently relocated here from Lower Alabama. I have been fascinated with all things fundie since having done three years in an ACE (that's Accelerated Christian Education, for those of you who may not be familiar with that particular form of indoctrination) school in Alabama in the mid-70's.

I was fortunate to have only spent three years in that environment, as my parents weren't particularly fundie, but wanted to keep me away from the drugs and scary brown people in the public schools. I can honestly say that that experience made me a progressive at a pretty young age in a time and place where it wasn't cool. I've been lurking for a while now, and enjoy the message boards very much. I heard about y'all over at Stuff Fundies Like, which is another favorite of mine. Thanks for having me!

Just got back from there! My husband is from the Kenner/River Ridge area and we went back for a conference. Currently in Mobile but we would give anything to relocate permanently to NOLA. I was kept in a private, fundie-ish school to avoid brown people as well.

And turned into a liberal Catholic.

It worked out so well for them.

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Hi all! I've been lurking here for awhile. Finally replied to a post yesterday and I think I might have opened the floodgates... Uh oh!

I'm 27. I'm a woman. I'm getting married in four and a half months to a sexy redhead. I have a cat-son named The Edge. I live in Utah. I'm not a Mormon (figured I'd head that one off at the pass- it's the first question I get asked when I mention the state I reside in). I'm a Christian. I'm also a pastor. I've not been struck by lightning yet, which leads me to believe God is cool with women being ministers.

I think I found freejinger when I typed something like "any duggar kids ran screaming into the night yet?" into google. Or something along those lines. Reading/posting here is always a trip because there's always fundie-themed conversation that's funny, thought-provoking, rage-inducing, or all three. ;)

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"Slowly, Jim bob caressed..... "No, I just can't. Some things are just wrong all over.... Even as a joke...

I just threw up in mouth a little.

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Guess I should say hi too! Long time lurker in NC. 33 years old, unmarried but happy with a great guy. I found FJ a long time ago I think because I was googling Bob Jones. I have friends who went there and wanted to read more about the crazy! And boy have I learned about crazy here!!! I also learned that I have a second cousin who is QF and extremely patriarchal. Everytime my mom mentions him I think about running here and talking smack. :)

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I've been lurking for a while ~ finally got tired of wanting to say things and being unable to say them :lol: and signed up.

mama to a little guy, step-mama to a couple of teenagers. canadian. pagan. thirty five and wondering how the heck that happened.

(former fundie, kinda. it's a long story i'd like to share sometime)


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Hi, I'm wild little fox.

escapee from fundamentalism, Worldwide Church of God and AOG as a child, years spent trying to figure things out and now I consider myself an agnostic pagan.

Never married, no children, straight

found the love of my life after a 16 year break from dating.

I live rural, have a little farm and take care of my elderly mother and autistic brother

I've poked around for a couple of days and I like it here.

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Hello! I'm 26, female, kind of American, liberal, atheist, and deathly allergic to any phrase that begins with the words "women must...". I have a graduate degree in international security, and I'm a slave to the world's greatest Catbeast, whose mission in life may be to eat my boyfriend. Since I'm also kind of Russian, and (unfortunately) spent a little too much time there growing up, I now have to explain why I have an education and a job instead of three kids and two divorces, and why I choose to ignore the simple fact that my uterus will turn into a pumpkin with the stroke of midnight on my thirtieth birthday. I've always been fascinated by totalitarianism, cults, and thought control, and I was raised by a mother who taught me to beat up little boys in the sandbox if they tried to steal my shovel instead of coming to her crying about it, so my interest in crazy misogynistic bastards kind of evolved naturally.

Pleased to meet all y'all :)

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I'm Gail, grew up Conservative Jewish in Florida by way of NY. Converted to Messianic Judiasm while in Fl, married my now ex, went to Bible College, found the goddess and left Messianic Judiasm. :lol

Now I'm in MO, not affiliated with any religion at all.


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Hi I'm Sister_Wife.... so named because of my obsession with Big Love, which led me down the rabbit hole of the FLDS, who I love to research/read about. I am a SAHM of 2 kids, living in Australia. A Bible believing, non church attending Christian, married to an Athiest. I am a conservative personally, but for the greater public, I am pro-choice and supportive of gay marriage.

I happened upon Free Jinger, just days after the death of Lauren Fishers' son, Elijah. I was googling for news stories and then found her thread here. I had been following her blog for a long time (since christian homeschooling days) and became kind of obsessed with watching their downward spiral into strangeness. I stopped reading the blog after the disappearing child in the bush act, and was surprised and heartbroken when a friend reported the babies death on FB. I thought the drastic thing that might happen was the marriage would break up. Anyway I have been following that thread with great interest, but haven't yet commented.


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I'm a college student in NC and from a small city in NC. I nanny and volunteer with a children's group that happens to meet in a semi-fundie church though is not fundie itself. I'm also an avid defrauder!

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Hi! I've been a lurker here for about two years. I found this site after googling wtf was up with the heavy-handed moderation on the TWOP Duggars thread.

I'm 41, liberal, and living in NoCal (after escaping from batshit crazy Arizona about 10 years ago). I was never really a regular churchgoer (some attendance during childhood), but was basically raised Southern Baptist. One offshoot on my Mom's side was affiliated with the World Wide Church of God. After watching the Duggars, I now see some freaky parallels with the patriarch of that branch of my family and Jim Bob. Same cadence to his speech, "buy used and save the difference," and even the stiff, snap-on Lego hair. My aunt even has the "keep sweet" demeanor thing going on.

I've been oddly obsessed with fundies for the past several years, and it's been increased with this year's election issues and the fact that I want my daughter to grow up in a world where she has complete control over her own body and sexual expression.

Anyway, hi! After reading here for so long, I feel like I know a lot of you already, and look forward to participating!

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Longtime lurker, firsttime poster. I found this place on chance a few years back when someone on my LiveJournal friends list posted about "the chick who got engaged at Arby's, oh my god what the fuck" and it's become a frequent stop ever since. I've had my own dealings with fundies over the years, mostly on ElJay since that's where I spend most of my internet time and it's something that both fascinates me and makes me extremely sad.

I come from a bit of an amalgam of a family. Dad's side, completely conservative save for him and his baby sister, Mom's side was a lot more liberal and live-and-let-live until recently when her brother suddenly turned really, really conservative and fundie and stopped speaking to her and my aunt because they didn't criticize gay folk and voted for Obama.

I'm 35, lived in the Midwest all my life but now live in Northeast Tennessee, never married, happily childfree (I have a furbaby though!), work in a pathology lab, was raised Episcopalian but also dabbled in Paganism for a time in college, and currently identify as atheist because reasons. Politically I'm extremely liberal (I always say I'm a born-and-bred Daschle democrat). And personally... I'm generally quite cheerful, though I once swore so creatively and at length that a NASCAR driver walking by at a shindig in conjunction with a race at Bristol turned around, looked at me, and went "DAY-UM!"

See ya 'round!

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Hi, I've been lurking for a while now, and since I finally found something to contribute to another thread, it seems time to introduce myself. But how? I'm a high-schooler who, up until this (my last) year, was homeschooled. And, yes, for religious reasons. My family is Seventh-day Adventist, so in some ways very conservative, in others terrified by American evangelicalism's power. I went through a brief phase around 13, influenced by some American friends, when I only dresses and skirts. That's long past, and now I have a morbid fascination with Christian Patriarchy. I do consider myself a Christian, but I shock my mom with my liberal views. I guess I'm at a sorting-things-out point in life. Anyways, that's "the short of it". ;) I look forward to dialogue here.

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Guest Anonymous

Chances are likely that no one will ever see this, but I've been creeping around here for long enough. I decided a post was in order. I'm 28, 3 kids, Ohio.

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Chances are likely that no one will ever see this, but I've been creeping around here for long enough. I decided a post was in order. I'm 28, 3 kids, Ohio.

I see you over there, hi neighbor!

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