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Hi. I found your board while looking for a friends

blog (Abigail).

I'm 37 years old, live in the northeast, married,

Catholic, and have soon to be six kids. :shock: :lol: I actually

enjoy this board a lot because, although I guess

I would be considered a fundie here, I don't exactly

go along with a lot of the fundie people I know in

real life. I'm a runner, did my first half marathon

before this latest kiddo, love the gym and have

no qualms about demanding my down time (I home

school my older three). My fourth child was diagnosed

with autism a few years ago. It's been a tremendously

difficult road. Lots a lot of friends who just

couldn't deal with it. I find myself nodding my head alot

reading these posts. They're pretty awesome. :)

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Hi. I am a 33 year old special education teacher who lives in New England. I am the mom of three year old triplets and somehow my husband and I have remained married :). I found FJ while trying to occupy myself during one of the late night- kids are sick and too little to expect to care for themselves- lack of sleep fests that have marked the past several years of my life. If I remember I had seen a 20/20 rerun at 3 am about a fundie cult and google searched fundamentalists. So I have the gods of google to thank for leading me here. I have been lurking for almost a year and signed up for an account in October. I was always kind of scared to sign in and say hi- never thought I had anything witty to say. But with the whole mess going on I wanted to tell everyone what this community has meant to me (even just as a lurker)- FJ has gotten me through the terrible twos (times three) and well into the crazy threes by reminding me it can be crazier- at least I am not wearing frumpers, am not a SAHM- I am able to work at a job I love, and I only have 3 kids!

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Hi Everyone,

I'm a long-time lurker, brand-new member. I can't remember how I found you, but I feel at home here.

I was raised fundie-lite in the Midwest, but my patriarchy came with a side of prophecy, speaking in tongues, and dancing. Thankfully, my parents decided to allow their daughter an education, so I've been out for 13 years. I was absolutely flabbergasted when I learned about Quiverfull (our church taught "good stewardship of resources" - don't have them if you can't afford them), but I've since found I can't stop watching the crazy.

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Long time lurker, occasional poster. I'm 24, from the hinterlands of Wisconsin, and obsessed with dogs. And fundies. And glitter. I'm also a recovering Catholic. Currently single, but dating somebody very promising, who makes my insides feel all squishy. I'm super-psyched that my evil, baby-killing birth control had a co-pay of $0 this month, instead of the usual $75. Hoping this forum transitions smoothly and continues to be the wonderful community I've grown to love!

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brand new member, long-time lurker. 26, married, post-graduate degree holder located in the portion of pennsylvania that is also part of the mid-west. (fact: this place actually exists). never been a fundie and my interactions with the same are limited to hardcore roman catholics but i have always been weirdly interested, and i appreciate the TLC shows that allow me to satiate my fascination under the guise of primetime televesion. for all other times, there is freejinger.

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I've been lurking for a few months. 32, married, one kid (2, in the middle of getting diagnosed ASD). Grew up fundie and homeschooled, never quite got to the head-covering stage but it was jumpers and Josh Harris all the way. Actually, I probably considered Josh Harris scandalously lax. My big entry-point was HopeChest magazine. Wasn't in the inner circle but had lots of HC penpals and fancied myself a writer (!). Living in the UK at the moment for school. Religiously, who knows. Hopeful agnostic probably gets it best, though I feel guilty saying so since it seems like the laziest possible position to take.

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I am 31 and live in Vancouver, BC Canada. I have a husband and a 7month old son:) I am not really religious although i did go to bible study before my son was born. I just can't get up on Sunday mornings;) I found this site when I was looking up the Duggars a year or two ago. I find the quiverful/patriarchy/SAHD movement so crazy, it's like a car crash and i can't look away! I like to lurk as i am too shy to post, maybe one day i will though....

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Long time lurker and want to become more of a poster :)

I am in Australia I am 32 and have one daughter who is 4 and just the one husband!!LOL My husband and I belonged to a IFB church for about 3 years till we were kicked out. This was a full on KJV skirts wearing church planted by some American missionaries. Anyway now we live with our only child (yes very evil of me!!) and are happy in a traditional anglican church. In some ways I probably still have a bit of the fundie in me I still wear skirts but living in the tropical part of Australia it is far more comfortable. I stay at home with our daughter B she has Autism so I keep busy with her early intervention and therapies. In between all this I am doing an Arts degree with a major in Psychology although I hope to have good enough grades to transfer to straight psychology in the next 12 mths. So I hope to see you all around :)

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I am a 27, male, small business owner in Omaha, NE. Friends is too strong a word, but I know the Beasley's, Wissmann's, and Grady's. I used to go to their Church (Millard Alliance) but became disenfranchised and left a several years back. I actually heard about this site from them,they monitor it for their own entertainment, and joined to get a different perspective on their activities and those of others like them.

I too am looking forward to hearing more from you.

Are you familiar with the Bontragers?

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I'm female, 34, and I live in Manchester, UK. My gateway was Anna T (back before she was married), and I was fascinated by Autumn's story - I have a lot of respect for the way she has grown up. I've been lurking here for a very long time, but only got around to registering last August, and chose a username in a panicked moment - can't alter it sadly! I'm a non-active Christian, but I have always been fascinated by cults - on some days life would be so much easier if someone would tell me what to do and what to wear. These feelings tend to go away quickly when I think about it. I am single, no children, and I work in museums. I am currently watching Sparkling Adventures in fascinated horror.

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I've been lurking for a long time and posted a couple of times on the Yuku board after lurking there for about a year. I'm a postgrad student in the UK, 29 and an expat from the U.S. I have a partner here and live in Manchester. I'm sorry to see the mess, obviously, but smokeonthewater's post surprised me. I know JFC and a couple of others are from the UK but I always thought it was a pretty limited hobby over here to follow fundies:)

Forgot to say--Anna T, a women in florida who hasn't blogged in years, LadyLydia and inashoe as well as the WheretheKudzu grows were my gateways back when I moved to the UK back in 2006. I've been hooked ever since and can't even talk about LadyLydia and her basket-o-pink crap that she carries around the house with her. :lol:

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35 year old nursing student here (1 year to go!), living in Northeastern Indiana. Married 12 years to my darling man-child of a husband, stepmother of a 22 year old daughter (lives on her own), unofficial mother of a 20 year old son (joining the Army), have 3 cats (14 y/o Frank, 12 y/o Odin, and 3 y/o Pretty Pretty Princess), and a dog (6ish y/o pointer mix Maggie Jane). Nerd. Catholic. Medieval/Renaissance reenactor. Fascinated by all sorts of different weirdnesses, including fundies. Have an ongoing love affair with parenthetical remarks. Seamstress. Definitely NOT Martha Stewart. Can be found on LiveJournal under the same username; if anyone else is on LJ, feel free to friend me!

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Hello everyone. After lurking for years thought I would finally register and come out of the lurking shadows. I am a 60+ artist who was once called "the devil" by a fundie in a mothers group I belonged to in the 70's.

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Well, hell. I'm going to quit being lazy and come out of lurkdom amidst all this chaos. I've been on some message boards that had some epic meltdowns in the past -- maybe all of them eventually do? -- but this one HAS. BEEN. INCREDIBLE. So many layers. So many players. Just damn.

Anywho, after a wild youth, my best friend unfortunately went fundie in the early '90s. Home birth, home church, homeschool (even though she is in NO WAY qualified to teach her kids anything except maybe street smarts.) She and her husband, who biblically never cut his beard even though it became seemingly permanently infused with food, sold their house and all their possessions and bought a bus to live on and travel around to all these fundy "conferences." Why do these people go to so many conferences? I know, to buy shit from the hucksters. Anyway, she told me it was to "simplify her life." I'm like, "living on a bus with a husband and five kids under the age of ten is going to simplify your life?" :roll:

We started to drift apart. Then, living fundystyle on the bus wasn't weird enough, so they went Faux-Jew. When she called me with her concerns about "demon activity in America," I was OUT. :cry:

I began to research fundies and discovered, unfortunately, there are many more out there like my friend. And that led me here. I have two teenage boys and haven't worked since the oldest was born. I don't believe in the supernatural, so I'm an atheist. In Alabama. :twisted:

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Well, I figure I may as well properly introduce myself since I've come out of lurkdom and have actually started posting. I'm a mom of 4. I work from home. I'm a crunchy granola hippie type. I guess I'm similar to our dear fundies in that I homeschool and homebirth....though both are properly regulated/attended. Frankly, the thought of unassisted childbirth gives me the heebie jeebies. I've gotten creepy vibes from the Duggars since their early shows. One day I googled something about Jinger and her spunk and it led me to FJ! I've probably been reading here a couple of years now. I'm in the Midwest trying to fight the good fight against my fundie-lite friends and family. (Egads, I'm ashamed to share DNA with some of them!) I may finally have gotten through to one of my cousins that the Duggars are giant douchebags.

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Well, I figure I may as well properly introduce myself since I've come out of lurkdom and have actually started posting. I'm a mom of 4. I work from home. I'm a crunchy granola hippie type. I guess I'm similar to our dear fundies in that I homeschool and homebirth....though both are properly regulated/attended. Frankly, the thought of unassisted childbirth gives me the heebie jeebies. I've gotten creepy vibes from the Duggars since their early shows. One day I googled something about Jinger and her spunk and it led me to FJ! I've probably been reading here a couple of years now. I'm in the Midwest trying to fight the good fight against my fundie-lite friends and family. (Egads, I'm ashamed to share DNA with some of them!) I may finally have gotten through to one of my cousins that the Duggars are giant douchebags.

I'm halfway to the crunchy granola ;) We do homeschool, and if I have another I will homebirth. (However - we homeschool because we travel a lot and our school district sucks. Not for brainwashing purposes.)

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We homeschool because our district was horrible, too. The kids do an e-school now, not traditional homeschool, but it frees up my curriculum planning time, so I love it! lol I also don't have to mess with the notification red tape which superintendents around here like to cause problems with. Plus, my 2 who are still at home (1 just went back to B&M in our new, much better district and 1 is too young for school) both have learning disabilities, so it could cause problems trying to even get our assessments or testing for the yearly notification because they really aren't making much progress. It's not for lack of trying, though! Dyslexia is a nasty beast. Especially for little boys who don't want to read in the first place. *sigh*

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Hello everyone. After lurking for years thought I would finally register and come out of the lurking shadows. I am a 60+ artist who was once called "the devil" by a fundie in a mothers group I belonged to in the 70's.

You won the internetz for best user name.

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