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Hi, I'm a longtime lurker from Norway. A bit baffled by the whole concept of Quiverfull families and Dominionism really. Just enjoying reading, learning, and occationally posting. :banana-skier:

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Hello!!!!! I was sent to a private christian school in Dallas from grade 4 to 11th after which I dropped out and went strait into community college. We were not allowed to wear pants.does anyone remember wearing culottes? We wore those during gym. The school was unaccredited and had no library,computer labs, nor science labs. Most of our teachers had no degrees or if they did it was from Pensicola christian college. Christian patriarchy was beaten into our heads. The school took kids who had been kicked out of the local public school but had no tools to really help them. Kids who played football or whose parents donated to the school were allowed to cheat or just passed along in classes. The was a lot of hypocrisy in the teachers and administration. The education was crap. I was very behind in science in math when I got into college. What really made me leave was a youth pastor from the church coming to my house and calling me when he knew my mother was not home. It was creepy and I had watched enough Oprah to know that my intuition should be listened to. My mother has mental illness that impairs her judgement severely so she found this funny. But did not see the danger. I feel like i still have some emotional baggage from my fundie experiences and want to put this baggage in the trash. hence my name

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I am in my forties. I have two children and a husband. Husband and I are equals in our marriage.

My world has diverse people in it. I have a hard time imaging a world that is not working toward being inclusive. I hope and pray that it will be harder for my children to imagine a non inclusive world and harder yet for their children to imagine one.

I first heard about FJ from a religion debate/discussion board. A poster thought I might enjoy this board and recommended it. I have been lurking and reading for a long while now and just decided to start posting too.

edited for a smoother read

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Hi everyone! I'm 22 and I live in NYC. I've been fascinated and repulsed by fundies, the Duggars and the like since I can remember, and I've been reading through this forum for a while so I decided to finally join :)

I just graduated college this April!

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I'm educated, happily married for 16 years, childless by choice and a fun loving republican. We're also pro choice, pro women's issues and are concerned and dismayed about fundies hijacking of our party and our religion.

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Hi everyone! I'm 22 and I live in NYC. I've been fascinated and repulsed by fundies, the Duggars and the like since I can remember, and I've been reading through this forum for a while so I decided to finally join :)

I just graduated college this April!

You're close to me in age and in location. (I'm right across from Staten Island and a little over 30 minutes away from Manhattan.) Hiya and welcome! *insert wavey smiley here*

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I've been lurking since long before the rapture, and talk of an FJcon inspired me to register, mostly so I could figure out how to donate to the cause. I doubt I'll post much, but you never know. The community that has formed around snarking at fundies has educated, entertained, and sometimes even awed me from afar for quite some time.

I supposed I'm most horrified by the Maxwells, but FJ has turned me on to other trainwrecks to read about, and I waste too much time doing just that.

I'm pushing 60, a single and childfree woman who lives in Missouri.

I guess this intro will do for now. Where's the donate button :?:

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19 year old student, Oregon. I've been lurking a while after a friend suggested this forum for some awesome snark. :D

Welcome to a fellow Boregonian. :D

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So I grew up fundie, kinda Cajun inner city redneck version of the Duggars. I am the eldest daughter, homeschooled in a family of 10 with the typical incessant babysitting and chores, faith healing, beatings, 1980's castoff clothing, infrequent baths, and those giant blocks of USDA government cheese, which apparently substitute for manna from heaven. I think I was born with an internal bullshit alarm and when I realized what the beeping was about, I read the bible (KJV, obviously) to figure it out, turned agnostic, then secretly called my grandparents to beg for help and public education at age 12. They helped big time, and I awkwardly started public high school, learning how to live "normal." I kept fighting what I thought were just my crazy parents beliefs (unaware of there being a "fundie lifestyle"), called the police on my Dad at age 14, realized cops can be idiots, then moved out at 17. I got a degree in English and political science in New Orleans, and a masters in public policy in Boston. I did my master's degree capstone paper on the deregulation of homeschooling laws. About a year ago I found Free Jinger and it made me laugh at a time when PTSD symptoms were kicking my ass. Then I said nothing but now I'm ready to talk. I'm married, no kids. When I watch the Duggars or Rick Santorum I get flashbacks and an urge to punch people.

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:shock: I had NO idea about fundie families until I read a lot of intros. I was not raised in a religious home or community. Some of my friends were catholic (no fundie anything) but it was never anything we discussed, nor was it a big deal. I find it inspirational and amazing that people/kids have the strength and ability to find themselves in such an oppressive upbringing. I didn't experience what you have been through, I wonder if I would have been as strong as you if I had. I am sure I will learn a lot from you.

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After a few weeks lurking I decided to go ahead and join up. I have an interest in fundie's due to growing up being home schooled in a part of Florida where only fundies did so, and everyone assuming I was one of them because of it. I also nearly married into a fundie lite situation before I got out of that and met my current fiance. Prior to moving to GA for college I traveled around the country, moving every two months with my family for my dads job as a project manager for a construction company. I'm a recent graduate, and currently looking for a job in marketing, preferably food related. I'm completely food obsessed and hope to some day own a bakery/cafe. While I am looking for work I am some what of a stay at home girlfriend, living with my boyfriends family so I can be near him and save up money for my own car and apartment.

Happy Snarking!

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I've commented a few times so thought I would say "Hi"..... Hi!

Zsu was my introduction to Free Jinger, and I enjoy reading, but do not often have much to add :-) Most of the smart stuffs already been said by someone else by the time I get to read ;-).

I'm from South Africa, an agnostic (if I had to label myself) and abhor people who use the bible to justify their hate. Even though my country has its problems, even we (being third world and all) allow gay marriage and have one of the fairest constitutions in the world.

I'm also a naughty single mother who had sex and bore a child out of wedlock.

As punishment, my ex and I get along fabulously. We are a big, unusual and happy family (including new wife and children.)

I'm still happily single; support myself, my child and my mother with the money I make at the job I love.

I'm 36 years old and my only girl child is nearly 12 and just about perfect (I obviously am speaking completely objectively).

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I've lurked for a long time. I think I found you guys from MWOP, but honestly, I can't remember. I'm morbidly fascinated with the Duggars, so this place seemed interesting.

I'm 36, UK based, married, 2 kids. I am a Christian, but I try to be open minded, and to be honest, I think a lot of my friends regard me as too liberal. My father is gay, and I've grown up in many places, and cultures, and my life has taught me that loving people is important, and that I lead my life, according to my beliefs, and not to push or punish or judge others different from me if that makes sense.

I must admit, with the US elections coming up, it's been very interesting. Romney scares the hell out of me, and I've actually lost friends on Facebook because I've protested about the "Obama is a Muslim" YouTube stuff and all the crap that is being posted generally. In the UK our system is totally different, and it's certainly been edcuational watching the US election stuff unfold.

I'm anti Pearl, anti smacking, anti arranged marriage/courtship, anti patriarchy all that stuff. I even got a book by them and also a Babywise book removed from our church library. They'd been gathering dust in a box, someone put them on the shelf, and then when I explained what they actually were, they binned them.

That's a bit rambling. I just thought I'd say hello.

Ps edited to add, I grew up in a VERY conservative Catholic family, became very unhappy with Catholicisim when I was 18, and left. I still struggle with issues from what I was taught as a child from the Catholic point of view.

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So I grew up fundie, kinda Cajun inner city redneck version of the Duggars. I am the eldest daughter, homeschooled in a family of 10 with the typical incessant babysitting and chores, faith healing, beatings, 1980's castoff clothing, infrequent baths, and those giant blocks of USDA government cheese, which apparently substitute for manna from heaven. I think I was born with an internal bullshit alarm and when I realized what the beeping was about, I read the bible (KJV, obviously) to figure it out, turned agnostic, then secretly called my grandparents to beg for help and public education at age 12. They helped big time, and I awkwardly started public high school, learning how to live "normal." I kept fighting what I thought were just my crazy parents beliefs (unaware of there being a "fundie lifestyle"), called the police on my Dad at age 14, realized cops can be idiots, then moved out at 17. I got a degree in English and political science in New Orleans, and a masters in public policy in Boston. I did my master's degree capstone paper on the deregulation of homeschooling laws. About a year ago I found Free Jinger and it made me laugh at a time when PTSD symptoms were kicking my ass. Then I said nothing but now I'm ready to talk. I'm married, no kids. When I watch the Duggars or Rick Santorum I get flashbacks and an urge to punch people.

Welcome! You have an incredible story.

While it probably means nothing coming from a complete stranger, I am proud of you for all you have accomplished. :)

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I've lurked for a long time. I think I found you guys from MWOP, but honestly, I can't remember. I'm morbidly fascinated with the Duggars, so this place seemed interesting.

I'm 36, UK based, married, 2 kids. I am a Christian, but I try to be open minded, and to be honest, I think a lot of my friends regard me as too liberal. My father is gay, and I've grown up in many places, and cultures, and my life has taught me that loving people is important, and that I lead my life, according to my beliefs, and not to push or punish or judge others different from me if that makes sense.

I must admit, with the US elections coming up, it's been very interesting. Romney scares the hell out of me, and I've actually lost friends on Facebook because I've protested about the "Obama is a Muslim" YouTube stuff and all the crap that is being posted generally. In the UK our system is totally different, and it's certainly been edcuational watching the US election stuff unfold.

I'm anti Pearl, anti smacking, anti arranged marriage/courtship, anti patriarchy all that stuff. I even got a book by them and also a Babywise book removed from our church library. They'd been gathering dust in a box, someone put them on the shelf, and then when I explained what they actually were, they binned them.

That's a bit rambling. I just thought I'd say hello.

Ps edited to add, I grew up in a VERY conservative Catholic family, became very unhappy with Catholicisim when I was 18, and left. I still struggle with issues from what I was taught as a child from the Catholic point of view.

Welcome from a fellow ex-fundie-Catholic! And good on you for getting the Pearls binned! Good riddance to bad rubbish. ^_^

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Hi everybody! I'm an off and on lurker who decided to take the plunge and register. I'm late 30's, female, from the Southern U.S., not married, no kids, surrounded by fundies (mostly Pentecostal, Holiness, and some IFB). I was raised conservative Christian, but now I'm liberal Christian. I really enjoy reading here, and I think y'all are great and provide an invaluable service exposing fundamentalism and patriarchy for the evil that it is.

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I'm a 48 y.o. mother of two, raised in a strict Catholic household in Detroit. Abusive and dysfunctional family life, left when I was 17 and haven't looked back since. Put myself through 3 years of college, left for a year to work, married a fundie man, divorced after 12 years. Went back, finished my degree in biochemistry at 38, got a masters, worked doing bench research, had an emotional crash when the kids left the nest, have been struggling with severe depression and PTSD for the last 2 years.

I love science, politics, and I'm aghast at the way that "women's issues" are being manipulated by the RW in this election.

I have been reading this forum pretty much nonstop for the last 12 hours, and I'm very proud to have sussed out mystifying acronyms: VF, ATI, and the like. I have friends who are adhering to the QF philosophy, and I'm either a cautionary tale or a mentor to a few of them.

So, there it is. Glad to have landed here

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Hello all, I'm a 24 year old college student in the USofA working on my BA in History. A good portion of my family, including my parents, are card-carrying members of the Independent Fundamental Baptist denomination, henceforth to be shortened as IFB. Grew up in fundie church schools, mostly in VA, but it was a little different than most because my family is also military. I'm currently living GA. I went to public school during high school because of a lot of scandals going on at the church school, plus bullying. What a life-changer, but I didn't start to really mellow out till I went to the community college. I will always be thankful that dad wanted me to get a "real" degree. I have mentally distanced myself from the IFB, but since I live with my parents, I have to physically show up, so I will have plenty of snark to share (and GA pastors are FUN y'all!).

I've been lurking on free jinger since it was on yuku, and only just now joining. I look forward to participating in this community.

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Hello all!

I'm Trish, I'm a 35 year old mother of four. I'm currently in my 7th semester of my nursing degree, first semester within the actual program. I finish in May 2014!!! I'm happily married, live in VA, and not fundie nor do I come from a fundie family. But I'm surrounded by the shit all time living here in bible-belt-hell. I found you all thanks to facebook narc. I used to post on a board where Didi posted, and we split because of the softies and the "wolves". Basically, the softies were a bunch of people who couldn't handle being called on their ignorance. Didi was one of those. Thanks to a mutual friend, I saw her posting about being banned, and came over and took a peek. This looks like my kind of place! :D

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21. Married (no kids :clap: ) Ex Catholic - now atheist. I was a Jesus Freak and a half in my early teens (not so fun in a big city). Asked too many inconvenient questions and decided that it wasn't for me anymore. Found this board yesterday looking for info on Crystal Paine, and I just loved the environment so I had to stay. :dance:

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21. Married (no kids :clap: ) Ex Catholic - now atheist. I was a Jesus Freak and a half in my early teens (not so fun in a big city). Asked too many inconvenient questions and decided that it wasn't for me anymore. Found this board yesterday looking for info on Crystal Paine, and I just loved the environment so I had to stay. :dance:

Crystal Paine is someone I am dying to find more info on... I want to know the story of how/why she seems to be less fundie these days.

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