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Obama 'cried tears of a clown' over CT shooting

Maul the Koala

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I agree.

We had some disasters here in my (secular) country and public commemoration services attended by officials. In their speeches is no reference to the scripture or a higher power.

Our (Dutch) queen has the tendency to do so in her christmas message on national telly and and her king's speech to the parliamentary year to close. It is not much appreciated by a vast majority of the people, but she is a very stubborn and willful turnip.

She's a queen. She only has that sweet gig because somebody at some point decided that her family had been chosen by God. What would you expect from her? ;)

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She's a queen. She only has that sweet gig because somebody at some point decided that her family had been chosen by God. What would you expect from her? ;)

True, but she is officially the head of state. Her televised christmas speech is private (the PM has to approve it though). But the closing of the parliamentary year is a state affair.

The majority of the Dutch people want to leave god out of it.

Personally I am not exactly a monarchist, to say the least......

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I think Obama was very sincere in his words. I don't know how anyone with an ounce of compassion could cry crocodile tears over this tragedy.

With this tragedy the nation needs to come together as one regardless of race, religion, political affiliation etc.. We need to do it for the families of these victims.

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So many people have disgusted me with their reaction to this. Wondering why the teachers and staff weren't armed, blaming the school for not having enough security (newsflash: they did have an intercom installed, but the shooter blasted the door open with the rifle), saying the children wouldn't have died if God hadn't been removed from public schools. And now this. I've also seen criticism of Obama crying in the first place, I guess because it makes him wimpy or something? I don't know, I can't comprehend that.

Of course that's sincere. He isn't just the president; he's the father of two girls and he's mentioned over and over that any parent would be absolutely gutted upon hearing this news.

I also got someone on my tumblr posting the "Obama only cares about American kids, why isn't he crying over the Pakistani children he kills with his drones, HMMMMMMM?" Look, Obama isn't in the White House, cackling with glee because children are dying overseas. Children dying, especially in such a gruesome manner, is always sad, no matter where it happens. And there's pain and suffering and despair and sadness all over the world. Do I like it? Of course not. It's heartbreaking and I'm 100% anti-war, I don't like hearing about children being collateral damage. I'm sure the president feels the same way. Especially because a lot of these battles were inherited from the previous administration.

I hate that way of thinking "You're sad about that? Well __________ has it worse, you heartless bitch!" It reminds me of when Amy Winehouse died and there was so many people online saying we shouldn't mourn her because she was a drug addict and there's other people in the world who deserve our sympathy. No matter what her demons were, it was still sad seeing somebody die that young!

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