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Obama 'cried tears of a clown' over CT shooting

Maul the Koala

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Tears of a clown (think she meant crocodile tears but that's another issue all together), is back up and scrubbed. I hope no one minds, I invited then for cake.

You are so right, at least in my language there is huge difference beteen 'crocodile tears' and 'tears of a clown'.

The crocodile tears are fake, the tears of a clown are happy on the outside and crying on the inside.

But we all agree about her illiteracy.

Similar also in English. I read tears of a clown as "pretending" to cry for an audience, but actually really feeling sad. The audience thinks you're putting on an act but you aren't.

The crocodile is "crying" to tempt you closer for him to eat.

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Similar also in English. I read tears of a clown as "pretending" to cry for an audience, but actually really feeling sad. The audience thinks you're putting on an act but you aren't.

The crocodile is "crying" to tempt you closer for him to eat.

We have so much in common! Will you marry me? :lol: :lol:

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oi! I think FJ has reached its government-approved quota of gay marriages :lol:

They will make us the proverbial exception (acception :lol: )

I smell a romance......

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The Muslims on my friends list and also on Tumblr are almost as bad as the fundies from this thread. THey keep talking about how Obama is a hypocrite because he's crying over little American kids but is sending drones to Pakistan and other parts of the MIddle East, and why isn't he crying for all the little Syrian kids and blah blah blah. It's pissing me off. I do'nt understand people. I really don't.

Okay, I understand that drones are kind of a shitty thing and what's going on in Syria is terrible. But what's going on in the middle east and Central Asia is a war. Which sucks. And sometimes children die in collateral damage. Which is fucking terrible. But, partially because we're desensitized to war and partially because we know war isn't safe, but first grade classrooms are supposed to be, it's nowhere near as heart-wrenching and painful as a class full of kids being mowed down in their first grade classroom because some evil psychopath decided to open fire on them.

So, unlike these fundie fucks comparing abortion to what happened, I can understand where your Muslim friends are coming from. Dead children are dead children and dead children are a tragedy (note: aborted fetuses are not dead children). But it's not hypocritical to cry over what happened in CT and not cry over children dying in the Middle East and Central Asia. It hit Obana far closer to home, because his children go to a classroom every day and that's the only mistake those poor babies ever made (though I'd be shocked if Sidwell Friends, despite the fact that it's a Quaker school, does not have far better security than Sandy Hook), because as President of the United States, not President of the world, so dead babies here are his responsible the way that dead children in Syria aren't, and because in the MIddle East, children aren't the primary targets, they are collateral damage. In CT, some fuckface went in with the intention of slaughtering innocent children and left them all with multiple bullet wounds.

And, for what it's worth, I'm going to politicize this (even though you didn't mention your Muslim friends talking about Palestinians, because I'd be 100% shocked if they aren't) and say as a Jew, I think Palestinian children dying in Israeli attacks is tragic (as well as Israeli children dying in Palestinian attacks and terrorist attacks). But last time I heard, Israelis weren't setting members of the IDF into elementary schools in Gaza to take out a classroom of children.

My point being: Obama isn't a hypocrite. And can people PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop making tragedy into a competition? Let's let these poor children rest in peace instead of saying "I see your 20 dead children in CT, now I'll raise you 30 dead children in Syria."

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How did I fucking know that someone was going to trot out the abortion comparison.

I am just apoplectic with rage at all the opportunistic fuckwads out there.

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Katie's friends don't seem that bright either. Here's a FB post congratulating on the birth of her son:

He is such an angle, you are very blessed! :doh:

I don't know about the baby, but the poster's angle would definitely be obtuse.

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My inlaws who are faux Jews (Messianic Evangelicals) believe that Obama's tears were insincere because their Rabbi/Pastor believes that.

I tore into them today, asking them if Dubya or Romney was in the WH and cried would that be sincere. They couldn't respond so I called them racist because they are.


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I haven't gotten to read this whole thread, but I think it's ridiculous that this even has to be said! It's not the first time we've seen the President cry. I'm sure many people completely unrelated to the actual situation have cried over it. I cried for hours when I got home that day.

People using tragedies to push their UNRELATED agendas are disgusting.

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I haven't gotten to read this whole thread, but I think it's ridiculous that this even has to be said! It's not the first time we've seen the President cry. I'm sure many people completely unrelated to the actual situation have cried over it. I cried for hours when I got home that day.

People using tragedies to push their UNRELATED agendas are disgusting.

This, and it's probably the least effective way to push your agenda. It doesn't matter how valid your comparison is, everyone is just going to think of you as the douchebag who couldn't stop harping about X for a minute and acknowledge that there's been a tragedy. And then there's people who just went right out and were like "you think this was bad? X is worse." So far X has just been abortion, which is not worse, but suppose they named something legitimately worse. Sure, there are worse things than 20 children being gunned down, but pointing that out, whether it's to raise awareness or for teh lulz, is purely insensitive.

ETA Holy shit guys, look what I crossposted with.

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Now Victoria Jackson is comparing it to abortion

http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/ce ... 6538010105

"My friend Jim Riley posted: "Wasn't the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do every day? It's a wonder we don't have more 20 year old "dads" doing what women and doctors have been an accomplice to for years in America. When you forget the TEN COMMANDMENTS, people, THIS is what you get."'

Jackson, now a political commentator and Tea Party favourite, also lashed out at US President Barack Obama's tearful press conference.

"Obama dramatically wiped a tear as he said, "The majority of those who died today were children - beautiful little kids ... They had their entire lives ahead of them - birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own..."



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Yes, that baby is just such a cute angle. Totally. And somehow I doubt the person making that comment meant to be punny.

I love Schoolhouse Rock. I hope she takes whoever posted that up on the suggestion to learn a bit more about government in a fun and musical way :dance:

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I think he is a very endearing man. I just watched CNN (couldn't sleep 3 AM) and I am very impressed by his speech, too much god and bible quotes to my secular taste, but apparantly this is what the USA want to hear.

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I think he is a very endearing man. I just watched CNN (couldn't sleep 3 AM) and I am very impressed by his speech, too much god and bible quotes to my secular taste, but apparantly this is what the USA want to hear.

I can't say it's what the US want to hear, but perhaps it is what the people of Newton Ct. want to hear. As an atheist and an avowed antireligionist, I'm not going to draw a line in the sand or get into a pissing match while a town deals with the slaughter of it's children and some very committed adults. If the atheists and agnostics and humanists of Newton want to address this I think they are in the best position to do so.

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I agree that he seems to be a very good man. I think he's very genuine and like most people, I think he is horrified by what has happened.

but he cant be he makes woman have abortions. 5 million a day no less. that's one busy man there.

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I can't say it's what the US want to hear, but perhaps it is what the people of Newton Ct. want to hear. As an atheist and an avowed antireligionist, I'm not going to draw a line in the sand or get into a pissing match while a town deals with the slaughter of it's children and some very committed adults. If the atheists and agnostics and humanists of Newton want to address this I think they are in the best position to do so.

Obama is at least nominally religious, so it was probably a sincere reflection of what he was thinking at the time. Considering what I have been reading around the internet, I would say it is probably not enough religion for the rest of the country. Everyone is desperate to turn to Jesus for comfort, but never to ask where he was while those babies were getting killed.

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I agree that he seems to be a very good man. I think he's very genuine and like most people, I think he is horrified by what has happened.

I have this impression too. I think he's quite open in his feelings and unguarded.

However, doesn't change the fact that his politics are dodgy (putting it politely).

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I can't say it's what the US want to hear, but perhaps it is what the people of Newton Ct. want to hear. As an atheist and an avowed antireligionist, I'm not going to draw a line in the sand or get into a pissing match while a town deals with the slaughter of it's children and some very committed adults. If the atheists and agnostics and humanists of Newton want to address this I think they are in the best position to do so.

I agree.

We had some disasters here in my (secular) country and public commemoration services attended by officials. In their speeches is no reference to the scripture or a higher power.

Our (Dutch) queen has the tendency to do so in her christmas message on national telly and and her king's speech to the parliamentary year to close. It is not much appreciated by a vast majority of the people, but she is a very stubborn and willful turnip.

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