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Obama 'cried tears of a clown' over CT shooting

Maul the Koala

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It was clear he was not pretending, that in fact he was trying hard not to cry. If you look at him, he actually had to stop what he was saying at one point, and the facial tic/twitch you can see shows how hard he was trying to control his facial muscles.

A father as loving with his girls as he so obviously is, is going to have fond memories of his two starting school and being in kindergarten. Of course he can put himself in the place of the bereaved parents - he wouldn't be human if he couldn't.

That snotty little girl needs to shut her big mouth and learn some human empathy.

Exactly Artemis, as parents we can all put ourselves in the place of the berieved parents, I know from my own expierence as a parent, you never, never get over the death of a child. You sort of learn to live with it at best.

My heart goes out to all the parents and everybody involved, this is absolutely horrible and beyond comprehension.

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They are making similar comments on the One Million Mom's page. The page administrator deleted comments that said if the organization REALLY cared about children, they would be working for gun control.

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Using the deaths of kindergartners to make an anti-Obama political statement is beyond disgusting.

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Here is my response on her FB page:

What an ignorant thing to say. Regardless of whether or not the President shares your values regarding the unborn, he is still human and can feel the loss of human life just like you claim you can. Your remark was insensitive, cruel, and uncalled for. Perhaps instead of commenting on the supposed lack of humanity of the President, you might want to work on your own. And I'll second what Janice said. Deleting posts and banning people might shield you from the truth, but it won't change it. And yes, your grammar is atrocious. Go back to grade school and get an education.

It just cracks me up when people say ignorant stuff and their lack of intelligence is emphasized by piss poor grammar. It just makes them look like they never went to school. "Acception" and "familys"... unbelievable.

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I saw the way he stopped speaking during the speech. No way was he faking that. You know, MOST of my friends who don't support Obama were able to put politics aside for a few minutes and appreciate his genuine concern for the people involved. The same thing happened after the Arizona shooting. Most people can recognize that Barack Obama's human, even if they don't agree with him. It's these crazies who give all conservatives/Republicans a bad name.

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Here is my response on her FB page:

What an ignorant thing to say. Regardless of whether or not the President shares your values regarding the unborn, he is still human and can feel the loss of human life just like you claim you can. Your remark was insensitive, cruel, and uncalled for. Perhaps instead of commenting on the supposed lack of humanity of the President, you might want to work on your own. And I'll second what Janice said. Deleting posts and banning people might shield you from the truth, but it won't change it. And yes, your grammar is atrocious. Go back to grade school and get an education.

It just cracks me up when people say ignorant stuff and their lack of intelligence is emphasized by piss poor grammar. It just makes them look like they never went to school. "Acception" and "familys"... unbelievable.

I liked your post.

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I saw the way he stopped speaking during the speech. No way was he faking that. You know, MOST of my friends who don't support Obama were able to put politics aside for a few minutes and appreciate his genuine concern for the people involved. The same thing happened after the Arizona shooting. Most people can recognize that Barack Obama's human, even if they don't agree with him. It's these crazies who give all conservatives/Republicans a bad name.

I am not American and I don't live in America so I don't get involved in American political discussions, that isn't my place.

I do believe though had I have been an American, I should have voted for President Obama.

To me from, what I perceive, he seems to be a dignified, sincere empathic human being.

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They are making similar comments on the One Million Mom's page. The page administrator deleted comments that said if the organization REALLY cared about children, they would be working for gun control.

First good thing I've heard about them.

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Pisses me off SO badly when people compare the loss of a fetus to that of a living, breathing child.

I've hd three miscarriages, one of those actually made it to second trimester even. NONE of those compare to losing MY SON.

I miss my son's long fingers. I miss his sing-song manner of calling out, "Um, mommy" everytime he wanted me. I ache to hold him, ache to hear him and to breath in his odd smell of medical formula and cystic salt.

I don't know what yesterday felt like for those parents, but I do know what today feels like and there is NOTHING comparing lost pregnancies to this loss. Yes, lost pregnancies that were wanted are painful. They are the loss of the dream and the promise of a child to love and raise. That is not a living, breathing child--one with a personality and a vibrant life that will reduce you to tears when a small reminder smacks you in the face during your daily life.

The President cries because he looks at his two daughters and imagines what it would be like to wake up today with them gone. That is not the tears of a clown but someone smart enough to know there IS a difference between the promise of a lost pregnancy and the soft cuddles of a little one who is gone and can never wrap their arms around you to hug you again.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, CL, but I'm really glad you said this. I have to imagine that any parent who has experienced both a miscarriage and the loss of a child would feel the same way, regardless of their view on abortion. Even the most vocal anti-choicers don't actually consider a fetus to be the same as a child when they're faced with that situation IRL.

I think CA?D and LBAC are full of a bunch of self-righteous teenagers who are desperately seeking approval for having babies at very young ages. They can find a point of agreement with a bunch of older judgmental bitches who consider them sluts for not keeping their legs closed, and head their insults off at the pass by reminding them that at least they didn't MURDER THEIR BAYBEEZ!!!1!!!11! Most thinking people develop some nuance in their thinking about abortion by the time they hit 30 and gain a little life experience.

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I know when it comes to the thorny topics of senseless violence, gun ownership, mental illness, and politics I often check out the musings of marginally educated teen moms.

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It all begins and ends with abortions with these nimrods. Is there no other societal ill that affects actual living humans that is worthy of their prayers? Honestly, if abortion were ended across the board tomorrow, I think a number of these anti-choicers would themselves lose the will to live. They would have nothing else to prattle about.

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I know when it comes to the thorny topics of senseless violence, gun ownership, mental illness, and politics I often check out the musings of marginally educated teen moms.

Can I quote you? That's brilliant!

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I know when it comes to the thorny topics of senseless violence, gun ownership, mental illness, and politics I often check out the musings of marginally educated teen moms.

Wishing so hard there was a LIKE button on FJ so I could hit it eleventy!!1!!!!11 times.

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I'm so glad people like my quote. I just copy and pasted it to this FB page. If you are on FB go like it before it gets deleted.

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went on a rant at them. lets see if it stays there

Hee. Our little mama went on a banning spree after she saw what we left her last night.

But for me, it boiled down to How the Fuck is Obama Supposed to React, you stupid cow? The fundies love "men's men" (I reminded them of Orangeman (Boehner for our international posters), and I reminded her that the President is supposed to be our symbol of strength. I asked her how many tears were enough. No response he gave (tears to cold stocism) would be right for a lot of people, not restricted to fundies. I might have mentioned she'd prefer the alternative, even though it would have been as President-elect and therefore not the "official" response. Mitten's face doesn't move. How can it cry unless he goes to the Wizard and gets a heart (and soul)?

Stupid cow. That speech was the only thing that cracked my reserve yesterday. The girl is too young to "read" people and when Obama paused to compose himself, I lost it. It's how most men cry, especially ones who have to make an urgent statement borne out of tragedy.

Fuck her. I got my first FB ban because I shot her shit down (as did many of us). I encourage other FBers to post and get mature voices into her brain. Even if she deletes them, it means we've dented her resolve and at 16, whose resolve is solid? Make her a blithering mess by the end of the day. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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I'm so glad people like my quote. I just copy and pasted it to this FB page. If you are on FB go like it before it gets deleted.

I gave you my like!

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that, CL, but I'm really glad you said this. I have to imagine that any parent who has experienced both a miscarriage and the loss of a child would feel the same way, regardless of their view on abortion. Even the most vocal anti-choicers don't actually consider a fetus to be the same as a child when they're faced with that situation IRL.

I think CA?D and LBAC are full of a bunch of self-righteous teenagers who are desperately seeking approval for having babies at very young ages. They can find a point of agreement with a bunch of older judgmental bitches who consider them sluts for not keeping their legs closed, and head their insults off at the pass by reminding them that at least they didn't MURDER THEIR BAYBEEZ!!!1!!!11! Most thinking people develop some nuance in their thinking about abortion by the time they hit 30 and gain a little life experience.

I said something similar to friends. I have had miscarriages and it is a horrible experience, but I feel more sadness at these unnamed children's senseless deaths than I did over my own losses. How can you compare an insentient fetus to a 5 year old, a 5 year old who died a violent death in abject terror? I cannot even compare my fetuses (feti?) to the horror of the children who were led out of that school with their eyes closed because they had to pass the bodies of their schoolmates. The first graders who were hidden in a dark bathroom with a teacher whispering "We have to be very quiet because there are bad guys out there and we don't want them to find us."

The mind boggles. I blocked someone (and it has been a long time coming, believe me) for making a similar statement.

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My alter ego Caresse Crosby lobbed one at her on FB.

ETA: deleted in seconds.

It was there long enough for me to "like" it. Mine will be deleted as I said that posts are being aborted, just like some pregnancies.

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Guest Anonymous
My alter ego Caresse Crosby lobbed one at her on FB.

ETA: deleted in seconds.

I had the privilege of seeing it. I asked, for my part, why Kaitlynn was permitted to post illiterate comments about the President if the site was dedicated to ending abortion. Wonder how long that one will last?

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