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Obama: "Rape is Rape. It Is A Crime"

happy atheist

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Beeks has demonstrated her privilege before. Supply side ecconomics did work in the 80's, for rich people. For the rest of the people in this country that you don't associate with, not so much. The legal market for tier 1 law grads to make obscene salaries upon graduation has crapped out...she and her privileged friends have not had everything handed to them on a platter, therefor the country is spiraling into ecconomic collapse and lawlessness.

Things are scary for her,because she's not as comfortable as she thinks she deserves to be, so she voted for the racist, sexist, homophobic bigot, who has promised to cut her taxes and protect her stuff. But it's ok everyone! Because she associates with "minorities", and writes grants for them and stuff, so her conscience is clear.

Take your superiority complex and shove it up your ass, seriously. I know too many people like you, who have had the privilege of opportunities and education that most people can't dream of, and it is still never enough. Always think they deserve more. /end rant, sorry I have just had to listen to far too much of this self serving bullshit recently/

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Yes, you GOPers would carry on for a bit, but as fairly recent history has shown us, the president will take the oath of office again and begin another four year term. Just as with GWB, who even managed to take us into two wars during his first term, so so much for "no mandate". So I'm not sure, in the long run, the electoral college/popular vote issue would mean a damn thing in the long run. But you would find it hilarious. Mmmkay.

I'm not a republican.

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Yes Sophie, you nailed it, I'm a racist and that's why I slightly prefer Romney to Obama. :roll: I'm so, so racist which is why I live in an incredibly liberal area of the country, interact on a daily basis with people of all racial and economic backgrounds, and work writing grants for local nonprofits that primarily serve minorities. YOU GOT ME!

Thanks also for your condescending advice that I check out sources other than foxnews, and read the books that, you, internet extremist who implies that anyone who disagrees with Obama must be a racist, have picked out. I'm sure they're really fair and fact-based. I'll get right on that.

if you can't read and understand what I say it's not my fault. I said you were falling for it, not that you were racist and thus attracted to it.

The books I gave you were given to me by a libertarian who tends to dislike Obama immensely. I'd check them out, and learn a bit about Israel, rather than call it your own bias. Your bias is to support policies that are discriminatory and created the situation Israel is in.

But you know one thing in common? The artificial creation of fear to rule people's lives and thoughts. That's a common point between the current republican establishment and Israel's political class. So I guess after all, it makes sense.

ETA: clarification.

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Beeks has demonstrated her privilege before. Supply side ecconomics did work in the 80's, for rich people. For the rest of the people in this country that you don't associate with, not so much. The legal market for tier 1 law grads to make obscene salaries upon graduation has crapped out...she and her privileged friends have not had everything handed to them on a platter, therefor the country is spiraling into ecconomic collapse and lawlessness.

Things are scary for her,because she's not as comfortable as she thinks she deserves to be, so she voted for the racist, sexist, homophobic bigot, who has promised to cut her taxes and protect her stuff. But it's ok everyone! Because she associates with "minorities", and writes grants for them and stuff, so her conscience is clear.

Take your superiority complex and shove it up your ass, seriously. I know too many people like you, who have had the privilege of opportunities and education that most people can't dream of, and it is still never enough. Always think they deserve more. /end rant, sorry I have just had to listen to far too much of this self serving bullshit recently/

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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I never thought of it like that, but that makes a lot of sense. Well said.

Well, it's harsher on re read, but she just sounds so much like some of the people I know from undergrad...came from comfort, graduated Ivy League, walked into a good job, all the while thinking that their lives are sooooo hard and stressful, It gets old listening to very privleged people justifying small minded choices with fear. Makes me remember why JFC hates the bougeoisie ;)

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Well, it's harsher on re read, but she just sounds so much like some of the people I know from undergrad...came from comfort, graduated Ivy League, walked into a good job, all the while thinking that their lives are sooooo hard and stressful, It gets old listening to very privleged people justifying small minded choices with fear. Makes me remember why JFC hates the bougeoisie ;)

I am privileged in that I come from a very educated, upper middle class family. But I don't think the rest of your analysis is me. I choose not to work in the legal field right now because 1) I have small kids and most legal jobs aren't compatible with that and 2) I would rather do the work I'm currently doing, writing grants for nonprofits whose work I truly I believe in. The ones I do the most work for are our local birth to three early intervention center and a nonprofit for minority and new immigrant families who have children with disabilities. I've also written grants for local Indian tribes and a local nonprofit that helps ensure foster children receive adequate education.

I associate with new immigrants, English language learners, people with disabilities and minorities on a very regular basis. I'm still educated, white and uppermiddleclass but that doesn't mean I don't care about anyone else and it doesn't mean I don't recognize how incredibly lucky I am/was. We donate over 10% of our income and I am choosing to move into a career where I'll probably never make even half of what I made in "big law." If voting for the other guy means I'm an evil entitled bitch who wants to stick it to the poor folks to claw my way to the top, ok, but I'd say you don't really know me or my family at all.

Eta: and I did not mean to imply my life is "so hard and stressful" because of the economy. We are lucky not to be affected very much (yet). My life has been crazy for the past few years only because of random stressful events (moving, trying to get my son the best/right medical care and education, marital problems due in part to the stress of having a child with special needs, rtc). I still know I'm much luckier than most. I'm not sure what else, short of voting for who you all think I should have voted for, I can do to give back in proportion to how much I've been given.

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Don't think your evil, just entitled and clueless. You care about the work you do, but not enough to put your fear aside and vote for the candidate that won't further defund social services, gut the BIA, and otherwise make life more difficult for those in this country who are not white, upper middle class, and very educated. And FYI, there are very few full time jobs, professional or otherwise, that are compatible with raising young children. Many parents have to work them anyway to survive. The fact that your upper-middle class self has the option of not having to work in the profession that someone paid lots and lots of money to train you in means you have privilege that most other people in society lack. WTF are you so afraid of?

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Seriously, let's talk about Reagonomics. Real average wages went down steadily over the 80's; the deficit was tripled even though it was a time of relative economic stability with no wars; average unemployment was higher than under Carter even though Carter had a shit economy. I could go on and on. Not to mention that the deregulation resulted in a lot of problems that are still plaguing us, and the massive shutdown of mental health facilities and other necessary government programs.

See, I am afraid that Romney *will* adopt something like Reagonomics. Reaganomics was really awesome for the top 10% and super shitty for everyone else. I plan to be in the top ten percent in about 5 years but I really don't want to accumulate wealth on the backs of the poor.

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Don't think your evil, just entitled and clueless. You care about the work you do, but not enough to put your fear aside and vote for the candidate that won't further defund social services, gut the BIA, and otherwise make life more difficult for those in this country who are not white, upper middle class, and very educated. And FYI, there are very few full time jobs, professional or otherwise, that are compatible with raising young children. Many parents have to work them anyway to survive. The fact that your upper-middle class self has the option of not having to work in the profession that someone paid lots and lots of money to train you in means you have privilege that most other people in society lack. WTF are you so afraid of?

Yep, as I said, I'm incredibly lucky. And the "someone" who paid for my law degree is me.

I don't like the direction our country is going. I don't think Obama has proven he has what it takes to turn things around. From the research I did, I voted for the candidate that I thought would be best for the country as a whole in the long run. I do not think he's going to immediately take away all our civil rights, and I even think he'll be better than most republicans when it comes to scotus nominees. My hope is that he can help stabilize the economy and then we can continue to move forward on social issues.

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In all seriousness, what direction is the country going in that you don't like? Expanded healthcare access? Debt? Lilly leadbetter? I hear people say that, and it always seems to translate into some version of "I'm afraid the underclasses are going to take all my stuff"

Assuming you don't mean it that way, what are your concerns about the direction of the country?

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In all seriousness, what direction is the country going in that you don't like? Expanded healthcare access? Debt? Lilly leadbetter? I hear people say that, and it always seems to translate into some version of "I'm afraid the underclasses are going to take all my stuff"

Assuming you don't mean it that way, what are your concerns about the direction of the country?

I actually think Obamacare was a step in the right direction. Our healthcare system was/is beyond F'd up and I think, despite its flaws, doing something was better than doing nothing.

The immediate problems I see - unemployment, debt, housing crisis, rising food costs/ cost of living in general, government waste AND in addition to the economic stuff, I'm not impressed with obama's foreign policy.

Edit: also, sorry, I have to leave again. I appreciate your thoughtful engagement though.

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I actually think Obamacare was a step in the right direction. Our healthcare system was/is beyond F'd up and I think, despite its flaws, doing something was better than doing nothing.

The immediate problems I see - unemployment, debt, housing crisis, rising food costs/ cost of living in general, government waste AND in addition to the economic stuff, I'm not impressed with obama's foreign policy.

1. Trickle down economics actually will and has hurt those areas.

2. Mitt Romney refuses to release his economic plan. If there was anything good in there, don't you think he would? It seems that his voters are willing to take his word for it, but anyone can say they have an awesome plan that will save the country. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

3. Mitt Romney seemed to praise Obama's foreign policy for the most part in the last debate. So I doubt he can do any better.

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I see Beeks still refuses to provide specifics on what she likes about Romney's economic policies.

We were on the brink of total economic disaster 4 years ago. Obama's actions prevented another Great Depression. And but for unprecedented Republican obstructionism we'd probably be much farther along in the recovery.

But I think it's worth providing some of the narrative of Bill Maher's spot-on rant last night.

Now, when I talk about getting into bed with Mitt Romney, obviously I don’t mean literally. Please, Mitt Romney doesn't even know what a blow job is. He thinks it's something the Pep Boys do to clean out your carburetor.

No, what I’m trying to do is make an analogy to that old public service announcement about how when you go to bed with one person, you’re not just going to bed with them, you’re — well it’s like that with Mitt. When you elect Mitt, you’re not just electing him, you’re electing every right-wing nut he’s pandered to in the last ten years.

If the Mitt-mobile does roll into Washington, it will be towing behind it the whole anti-intellectual anti-science freak show. The abstinence obsessives, the flat earthers, home schoolers, the holy warriors, the anti-women social neanderthals, the closeted homosexuals, and every endtimer who sees the Virgin Mary in the grass over the septic tank.

Now, I understand having issues with Obama, but stop to think of all the crap we haven’t had to deal with in the last four years. Anybody remember Terri Schiavo? Obama isn’t perfect, but he never turned the entire federal government into a Jesus freak episode of House. And he doesn’t have an attorney general like John Ashcroft, who once covered up a statue at the Justice Department because it was showing too much tit, like it was Janet Jackson.

I’m just saying, last four years, no crisis about boobies. No controversies about whether stems cells are actually tiny people. No Defense of Marriage Act, no Office of Faith Based Initiatives, no peddling creationism at the national parks. Did you know that before Obama got in the Smithsonian couldn’t mention global warming as a possible reason the glaciers were shrinking? Because heat melting ice was just a theory. Yes, that was our daily diet of turd under the last business minded sensible moderate. And before you say, that was then, this is now, sitting in Congress right now we’ve got a fresh can of nuts just waiting to get cracked open.

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I see Beeks still refuses to provide specifics on what she likes about Romney's economic policies.

We were on the brink of total economic disaster 4 years ago. Obama's actions prevented another Great Depression. And but for unprecedented Republican obstructionism we'd probably be much farther along in the recovery.

But I think it's worth providing some of the narrative of Bill Maher's spot-on rant last night.

Now, when I talk about getting into bed with Mitt Romney, obviously I don’t mean literally. Please, Mitt Romney doesn't even know what a blow job is. He thinks it's something the Pep Boys do to clean out your carburetor.

No, what I’m trying to do is make an analogy to that old public service announcement about how when you go to bed with one person, you’re not just going to bed with them, you’re — well it’s like that with Mitt. When you elect Mitt, you’re not just electing him, you’re electing every right-wing nut he’s pandered to in the last ten years.

If the Mitt-mobile does roll into Washington, it will be towing behind it the whole anti-intellectual anti-science freak show. The abstinence obsessives, the flat earthers, home schoolers, the holy warriors, the anti-women social neanderthals, the closeted homosexuals, and every endtimer who sees the Virgin Mary in the grass over the septic tank.

Now, I understand having issues with Obama, but stop to think of all the crap we haven’t had to deal with in the last four years. Anybody remember Terri Schiavo? Obama isn’t perfect, but he never turned the entire federal government into a Jesus freak episode of House. And he doesn’t have an attorney general like John Ashcroft, who once covered up a statue at the Justice Department because it was showing too much tit, like it was Janet Jackson.

I’m just saying, last four years, no crisis about boobies. No controversies about whether stems cells are actually tiny people. No Defense of Marriage Act, no Office of Faith Based Initiatives, no peddling creationism at the national parks. Did you know that before Obama got in the Smithsonian couldn’t mention global warming as a possible reason the glaciers were shrinking? Because heat melting ice was just a theory. Yes, that was our daily diet of turd under the last business minded sensible moderate. And before you say, that was then, this is now, sitting in Congress right now we’ve got a fresh can of nuts just waiting to get cracked open.

That is all kinds of awesomeness and I am posting it on my FB page and attributing it to Maher. Thank you, JJ. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Eeeeeh. Beeks is voting for the candidate that is most likely to support and enhance the way that she lives. I'm doing the same, but because I'm a middle-class gal, I'm voting for Obama. Historically speaking, social agenda tends to change on a local level. Fiscal and overseas agendas on a federal level. We can't bitch about pro-life voters being single-issue voters on here and then do the same.

For what it's worth, none of the upper middle class folks that I associate with seem to think that the economy is as dire as Beeks does. Mostly because they really haven't been affected by the recession at all. And so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. C'est la vie.

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Eeeeeh. Beeks is voting for the candidate that is most likely to support and enhance the way that she lives. I'm doing the same, but because I'm a middle-class gal, I'm voting for Obama......We can't bitch about pro-life voters being single-issue voters on here and then do the same.

I don't get the impression that Beeks is a member of the .05% that Romney is concerned about.

And I don't think anyone here is arguing about a "single issue".

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I don't get the impression that Beeks is a member of the .05% that Romney is concerned about.

And I don't think anyone here is arguing about a "single issue".

Oh, give me a break. While Romney might literally be part of the 1%, his interests are with the "rich." My father is a doctor who averages about $400,000/year before taxes. You know who my father supports? Who all his doctor friends support? I can guarantee that Romney is very concerned about people like my father and his friends.

A lot of things are single issue.

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Oh, give me a break. While Romney might literally be part of the 1%, his interests are with the "rich." My father is a doctor who averages about $400,000/year before taxes. You know who my father supports? Who all his doctor friends support? I can guarantee that Romney is very concerned about people like my father and his friends.

A lot of things are single issue.


And "things" is plural.

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So are boobs, sadly.

Sorry, but I'm not following you at all.

Aside from your boobs, do you have a point?

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Sorry, but I'm not following you at all.

Aside from your boobs, do you have a point?

Nope! Other than the fact that we buried my mom, officially, today. And she gave me the beliefs that I still hold dear. She loved a lot of people of all vices.

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I'm still not getting how you can say in one breath that you thought Obamacare was a "step in the right direction," then vote for the guy who has said (ad nauseum) that he'll repeal Obamacare on his first day in office. And this, "Oh, well, we can fix the economy, then go on to social issues." That sounds great, except Romney's own party are the ones who have bleated about the economy for the last four years while introducing more anti-abortion legislation in Congress than ever before. Romney is the guy who's saying he wants to add an amendment to the Constitution banning gay marriage. Why would I ever assume that the same person saying that is going to take care of our economic situation and then turn around and be okay with abortion or gay marriage? I just don't see how one follows the other at all.

As far as Reaganomics, my father got laid off while that was going on, so I'm inclined to have doubts about how fantastic it worked out for everyone. I mean, vote for whomever you want, but I think it's really disingenuous to try and pretend that when you're voting for Mitt Romney, whatever your reasons, you're not actively supporting people who oppose basic civil rights for women, gay people and undocumented immigrants. Now, if that's worth trading for a lower tax rate or more support for Israel or something, that's up to you, but I don't have a lot of patience for anyone who does this routine of pretending that their vote has no consequences and that in supporting certain political elements, they're helping put in power people who have demonstrated very plainly, time and again, that they don't have any problems with denying others their civil liberties.

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Of course, the ultimate irony is that Romney CREATED THE FREAKIN' BLUEPRINT FOR OBAMACARE in Massachusetts.

And now he wants to abolish it.

How can anyone take this clown seriously?

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I can't understand how someone who works with immigrants every day would want to vote for Romney. And again see the words used: Obama does not have what it takes. Now I would never say Romney does not have what it takes, I would say Romney's policies are bad and harmful to the country both short and long term. But to say he does not have what it takes... If a politician has got that far in the race, usually they have enough clout and leadership to get the job done. The questions are what kind of job is going to be done.

Anyway, what's the point of debating with someone who closes conversation because of a "bias" for a country that does not respect human rights on a daily basis. A country that according to her deserves nothing but unconditional support when one knows of the many conflicts the country started, and its record on human rights.

Does it surprise anyone that this person votes for a candidate that does not care for other people's human rights? Who says those can wait? Who thinks the government is going to fall down?

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