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I forgot that Morgan's Jedi Master had suffered the murder of his family. He scared himself at how vengeful he could be, and reversed his stance on violence. Still not a useful positions to have when surrounded by folks who would kill you as soon as look at you.

Carol and Daryl are both more than capable of surviving, running after them was silly.

I think a thoroughly evil person can have a redeeming quality or two. Hitler painted and liked dogs. Is the likelihood of a redemptive act enough to make keeping alive those who have shown disrespect for the lives of others? Is that a risk that can be taken? Maybe with prison cells to confine them in, but without any type of law enforcement structure, I don't know.

Yes I did think of the burst out scene in Alien when thinking about Maggie's likely miscarriage. Creepy.

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I understand where Morgan is coming from, and I agree...to an extent. When he and Rick saw that guy running from a barn after saying he was looking for his horse, Morgan let him go, while Rick's instinct was to kill him. No questions asked. What if he was a decent guy? What if he had supplies to trade, or seed to give them? Of course, the other side of that is "what if he was a Saviour and killed one of them?". 

I just think, what are they fighting so hard for, if they never intend to recruit other people they come across? Just surviving in Alexandria until they all eventually die out seems like a pretty pointless existence.

For me, the "right attitude" lay somewhere between Morgans view and Ricks. 

Carol and Daryl were silly to wander off/leave the way they did. Carol had to have known the others would try and find her, putting them in danger. If she had just approached Rick instead, explained she'd lost her nerve/could no longer kill, I'm sure they would have kept her at Alexandria, and not used her on missions/supply runs. I mean, a large number of Rick's group owe their lives to her for Terminus, so if she needed time out, they'd have given it to her.

And Daryl. You idiot. Go straight back to the 'scene of the crime' where they were surprised by the Saviours coming out of the trees and surrounding them, only to be surprised when *shock* the Saviours come out of the trees and surround them...again.

I don't think he's dead. I think Dwight shot him in the shoulder, and they'll all be hauled back to the Saviours main camp to meet some guy called Negan. I hear he's really nice...

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OK, so my husband has been in the hospital in NY since the 15th and he and I do FaceTime on his iPad and my computer.  On Sunday nights we watch the show together and, just like at home, we talk back to the TV.   Meanwhile, in the background, you can hear the nurse coming in to take his roommate's vitals and asking him about his bowel movements. I know I its not funny, the guy has some serious health issues, but damn - the timing of it right after Morgan tells Rick that all life is precious, and the nurse telling roomie, "It's not unexpected." and Dwight saying "You'll be all right."  Plus other funny stuff like my husband singing the song "Havenu sholom aleichem" every time Rick's crew starts kicking ass (you have to be there I guess).  He's getting transferred to the rehab tomorrow and its near home so we'll be able to watch together on Sunday.   Actually, I think TWD is a great metaphor for metastatic cancer.   I love Carol and not just because she copied my look   :) (Short hair rocks.  Lori's long hair plastered all over the place used to annoy me for some reason)  Tonight is "The Americans" which coincidentally is set in Alexandria, but no walkers, only Soviets.  And Noah Emmerich (CDC guy from Season 2).     

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I haven't read any spoilers. I know nothing about the comics.

But my prediction based on nothing is that Glen is going to die.

Someone big has to die, that's for sure. I don't think it would be Daryl though. Carol would be my 2nd guess. Or Maggie. 

Okay...I can't decide. But I do think someone important is going to go.

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For maximum pain, it has to be someone who has been on the show for a long time and Glenn has escaped death a LOT. Like a whole lot.

He's survived
-> running around walker-infested Atlanta alone
-> being pullied down into a well with a bloated walker inside
-> Merle throwing a walker at him while he was duct-taped to a chair.
-> a horrible flu
-> escaping the prison on fire and full of walkers
-> the near death with Tara in the tunnel to Terminus
-> the near death with Nicholas before he crawled under the dumpster
-> the near death during the Great Walker Attack of Alexandria when he was pinned before Abraham, Sasha and Daryl came rolling back.


The word at TWDF (The Walking Dead Forum) is that Steven Yuen (Glenn) is filming a movie (Mayhem) around the same time when filming is slated to begin for TWD's Season 7. Actors can work in film and television at the same time (Kit Harrington, Peter Dinklage, Norman Reedus and Lauren Cohan are all evidence of this) but when schedules conflict... erm, that's harder to justify as no big deal.


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My Kleenex and wine are ready. 

Glenn has had more lives than any cat. As much as I like him, it may be his time for real. 

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A cliffhanger! Why am I not surprised? The intensity was almost too much for me. The fear when everyone was on their knees waiting for one of them to be killed was palpable. Rick looks like he just cant believe this is happening. It wasnt even his fight, it was Hilltop's fight, and now Ricks people are dying. They could have used Eugene's intelligence to figure out how to boost their food and nutrition capabilities without hiring out as mercenaries. The two communities could have joined together. What a waste.

Negan is too handsome and well dressed, nice haircut and everything. He's a sadist, accesorizing those two red rover walkers to mimic Michonne and Daryl. Not to mention murdering folks with such barbarianism. On the Talking Dead, the point was made that Negan and Rick might be two sides of the same coin, and if we saw Negan's story from the beginning like we did with Rick, maybe we would be on Negan's side. I still hate Negan though.

Morgan kills a man! Will he and Carol trade places? Carol is fading fast, seems like she no longer cares if she lives or dies. I wish she could have accepted the love that was offered by Tobin and carved out some semblance of a life in Alexandria, instead of crashing and burning. 

To keep traveling down those roads knowing that Negan's army is in the woods seems crazy to me. 

So who met Lucille? Negan didn't seem too picky about who his victim would be. Male or female, main or secondary character, who do you all think it was? If the comics are followed, it's Glenn. Maybe it's Maggie, to end the pregnancy story line for good. I just can't tell how the ennee meenee minee moe thing worked out, but I was a nervous wreck by then. I'm going to rewatch for clues.

FTWD next week, it will almost be a relief, although I can't stand the mother character.

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I admit that earlier in the season I only half paid attention. So....I am still a bit confused as to where they were going in the RV and why and what Hilltop is exactly...ha!

My husband said "the writers probably don't even know who they are going to kill off yet."

I think it has to be one of the main people for it to be "exciting." I think it will be Glen. I will be a bit sad just because he's my show crush. 

We know it's not Rick or Carl. But I deleted it so I can't go back and look for any "clues." Let me know what you find, if anything.

I just hope they don't show the killing because I can do without that.

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During last week's episode, it appeared that Maggie was having a miscarriage. Hilltop is another community that has a doctor and they are taking her there to be seen. Alexandria's doctor (Denise), took an arrow through the eye. They also want to find Michonne and Daryl. Maggie brokered a deal with the Hilltop community that the Alexandrians would take out Negan's group in exchange for food. Hilltop has food but aren't really fighters. 

I had one hand over my eyes during most of this episode. As much as I love the show,  I can't stomach too much graphic violence.

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Ugh, that ending! I think actually showing what happened and to whom would have been a lot more impactful than a cliffhanger. Walking Dead Producers: your show is the most popular on television. You really didn't need a cliffhanger to get us back for the next season.

I heard a woman screaming at the end, but couldn't tell if it was Maggie, Rosita or Sasha. If it was Maggie = RIP Glenn. If it was one of the others = RIP Abraham.

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14 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

During last week's episode, it appeared that Maggie was having a miscarriage. Hilltop is another community that has a doctor and they are taking her there to be seen. Alexandria's doctor (Denise), took an arrow through the eye. They also want to find Michonne and Daryl. Maggie brokered a deal with the Hilltop community that the Alexandrians would take out Negan's group in exchange for food. Hilltop has food but aren't really fighters. 

I had one hand over my eyes during most of this episode. As much as I love the show,  I can't stomach too much graphic violence.

Thanks. I didn't remember that deal. Nor that they had a doctor. I should probably pay closer attention.

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16 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

During last week's episode, it appeared that Maggie was having a miscarriage. Hilltop is another community that has a doctor and they are taking her there to be seen. Alexandria's doctor (Denise), took an arrow through the eye. They also want to find Michonne and Daryl. Maggie brokered a deal with the Hilltop community that the Alexandrians would take out Negan's group in exchange for food. Hilltop has food but aren't really fighters. 

I had one hand over my eyes during most of this episode. As much as I love the show,  I can't stomach too much graphic violence.

I thought that too, and I was wondering if she was being eaten alive inside out by a zombie fetus... 

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The good news? Negan is exactly how I pictured and it's lovely to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan in another role beyond 'Daddy Winchester', especially as a villain. My confession is that I think Negan is kinda sexy too, especially as he is portrayed in the show. What can I say? Fictional villainry turns my crank ...only fictional though. I have my limitations and boundaries.

The news? The men with the horses and the armor are probably from "The Kingdom", another settlement nearby and people who become very useful in dealing with The Saviors. As a special note, I won't riot if a beloved character is killed off. I watch TWD and GOT with the full expectation that everyone and everything I love is going to die sooner or later so ... feh. I WILL riot if they leave Shiva on the editing floor though. Who is Shiva? One of the most amazing creatures in the TWD Verse, that's who Shiva is.

The bad news? I hate cliffhangers at the end of a season, especially of that nature. C'mon! It's a bit like if Jon Snow was ABOUT to be shanked by his brothers in black and then 'nope! gotta wait 'til next season to see what happens!'. I never take it as a good sign because it's like the show has to force you to watch the next season. I thought I could crack the code if I paid enough attention but then the 'eeny miney moe' began to go out of line order and I was all "... dammit, they saw through my scheme before I could even use it." 

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1 hour ago, Sera's Arrow said:

The good news? Negan is exactly how I pictured and it's lovely to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan in another role beyond 'Daddy Winchester', especially as a villain. My confession is that I think Negan is kinda sexy too, especially as he is portrayed in the show. What can I say? Fictional villainry turns my crank ...only fictional though. I have my limitations and boundaries.

The news? The men with the horses and the armor are probably from "The Kingdom", another settlement nearby and people who become very useful in dealing with The Saviors. As a special note, I won't riot if a beloved character is killed off. I watch TWD and GOT with the full expectation that everyone and everything I love is going to die sooner or later so ... feh. I WILL riot if they leave Shiva on the editing floor though. Who is Shiva? One of the most amazing creatures in the TWD Verse, that's who Shiva is.

The bad news? I hate cliffhangers at the end of a season, especially of that nature. C'mon! It's a bit like if Jon Snow was ABOUT to be shanked by his brothers in black and then 'nope! gotta wait 'til next season to see what happens!'. I never take it as a good sign because it's like the show has to force you to watch the next season. I thought I could crack the code if I paid enough attention but then the 'eeny miney moe' began to go out of line order and I was all "... dammit, they saw through my scheme before I could even use it." 

There's a fan theory floating around based on the shadow seen on Negan just before he swings the bat down.  It's clearly Carl's hat.  In this theory, based on where the lights are coming from, to cast that shadow of Carl directly on Negan, Negan has to be standing to Carl's right.  The order from Negan's perspective is Glenn, Rosita, Daryl, Michonne, Abraham, Maggie, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl, Eugene which puts everyone except Eugene to Carl's right but Aaron immediately to his right.  

I'm not sure I completely believe it's Aaron but it's an interesting theory based on the lighting and shadows.  There are other theories based on what's in the background when Negan swings down but I need to re-watch to see if I can discern any difference. 


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I was okay for Glenn to die earlier in the season.  So whoever goes, eh, I'm probably fine with it.  (Also a GOT viewer and a veteran of Battlestar Galactica, a series where you learned to not get attached to people).  

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Interesting. I hope it wasn't Aaron though there was a lot of foreshadowing that it could be him. He was featured quite a bit in the episode - there's the fact that Rick didn't want him to come, he really wanted to be there for Maggie because he owed her and he wanted to shoot the hanged man down and was adamant about trying. He's a good person and good people are often the first ones to die in the TWD Verse.

The most interesting bit of possible foreshadowing was showing clips of one of the three-in-the-box POVs. That could also be a foreshadowing to the final POV shot in the episode. It would be Scott Gimple's style to tie it in that way OR use it as a giant red herring.

Rick looked like he was about to hear a phone ring when he had Michonne's hair though... seriously.

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After much cogitation, I think the Negan victim is Abraham. I do think a tactical error was made by not revealing the victim and allowing emotion to peak before a six month hiatus. I was kind of disappointed at the somewhat wimpish ending after seeing Negan torment everybody and swing the hell out of that bat. So, Rick was brought all the way down, which according to Gimple was the season ending event, meh. Season 7 will start with emotional upset, and I don't think that is the way to go.

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2 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

After much cogitation, I think the Negan victim is Abraham. I do think a tactical error was made by not revealing the victim and allowing emotion to peak before a six month hiatus. I was kind of disappointed at the somewhat wimpish ending after seeing Negan torment everybody and swing the hell out of that bat. So, Rick was brought all the way down, which according to Gimple was the season ending event, meh. Season 7 will start with emotional upset, and I don't think that is the way to go.

I agree.  On Sunday I cared about who was dead.  Now, I've moved on with my life.  By October I'm probably going to have to rewatch the episode to remember what I cared about.  Cliff hangers made sense 10 years ago on shows without loyal audiences (and DVRs).  Now they're annoying. 

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I was really disappointed by the ending of the episode. Actually, I've been starting to get a little tired of the characters doing stupid things, or making silly decisions, for a while. When TWD began, and through the first 3 or so seasons, the tension was ramped up because the writers had a take no prisoners attitude, and like Game of Thrones, would suddenly kill off a major character when you least expected it. Not any more.

They dance around killing off major characters, like with Glenn and the dumpster, by putting characters in seemingly impossible situations, only to suddenly have someone totally unexpected arrive to rescue them, or for them to perform some kind of miracle to escape relatively unscathed. 

I couldn't get over Rick and Daryl's blasé attitude towards that truck full of food a few episodes ago. If they'd taken it home, they had food to trade with Hilltop without having to take out The Saviours. 

They agree to go after The Saviours without doing much in the way of reconnaissance. They didn't know how many there were, where their base of operations was, they didn't know much at all really. 

Despite knowing The Saviours are around, everyone still rushes off in all directions - Eugene and Abe to that foundry where Eugene wanted to make ammo, Carol runs away, Daryl, Rosita and Denise go looking for an apothecary...all when they KNOW the Saviours are out there, but they rush about all over the place anyway.

Darryl runs off to avenge Denise's death on the railway lines, where they were surprised by The Saviours coming out of the forest.....by going to the railway lines again, where he's surprised by.....guess what? The Saviours coming out of the forest again. 

The Saviours have shown that they conceal their presence in the forest, so why would they want to carry Maggie through the forest, when it's likely to be full of Negan's men?? I don't know - some of their decisions and choices were becoming riskier and riskier, and sometimes I couldn't understand why they were doing what they did.

And this last episode. As soon was they came to the first roadblock, they should have turned back, as Negan's guy said "There's more than one way to get where you're going". As in - we know you're going to Hilltop* and we're going to be on all the roads on the way there. At least that's how I took it. We know they know where Hilltop is. I realise they wanted to get Maggie to the OB, but seriously, they could have turned home, given her antibiotics and something for the fever, because they sure as hell were't going to get to Hilltop that day, Negan's guy made that clear IMHO. 

*Sidenote: Those walkie talkies they used during the walker parade had a pretty decent range - should they have left one at Hilltop for communication? Or are they lost? 

Everyone watching was awaiting the arrival in the show of Negan and most people knew somebody, a main character, was going to die, so it was suspenseful - we were all waiting for it, but the whole impact of their death was weakened by the 7 month wait to find out who it is. That whole episode was a slow build up towards that beating, and the writers played it for a cheap cliffhanger. 

Anyway, for what it's worth, I think it's Abraham because he wouldn't show any fear toward Negan, rather, he straightened up and looked him in the eye. There was a kind of farewell between Abe and Eugene, who came into the show together, where Abe tells Eugene he is a survivor etc. It was a goodbye at the time because they were walking through the woods and leaving Eugene with the RV, but maybe too, it's foreshadowing Abe's death.

Tl;dr: I think the writing is getting weaker, the cliffhanger was crappy, and I think Abe was the lucky one who got up close and personal with Lucille (Negan's bat).

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Yes, Abraham dared to fall in love with Sasha and dream of a family with her. Poor Sasha, her guys always get killed. 

I don't think Negan would have gone for a cowering person, and in a weird way he respected Abraham for "taking it like a man". 

It's settled in my mind, it was good old Abe that met Lucille. Gonna get into FTWD for the next few weeks.


I hope ZNation has a new season.

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@DaffyDill you couldn't possibly be saying that the writer's failed to believably cut off all options but the ones they chose, could you?  

Because they didn't.  

I didn't believe that Rick and Daryl would have realistically chased after some guy when they had a truck of food.  There were other options (like say someone go back to town with the food and come back with a vehicle).  

I immediately saw Denise as a red shirt when they let their medical person out of the walls.  Because the answer to her should have been 'we'd love to take you along but if someone gets hurt or sick and something happens to you, they're dead.'  

I could see Daryl leaving town to wallow in it and be away from everyone because guilt but I don't see him being stupid enough to go right back to that spot.  

Glenn and the dumpster was over the top for me.

And while everyone was all ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh over Rick and Michonne etc I was all 'uhoh' because they got comfortable and then everyone got stupid.  

As a writer, I liked the ending.  I've also read something that pointed out the first person perspective they used a few times in this episode which might give a hint as to the identity of Negan's victim.  (or not, because writers and producers can get stupid).  


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I dont think its Glenn because everyone expects it to be Glenn.  Whats the point of a cliffhanger if you follow the expected plotline?

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