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I've watched FTWD and look forward to the return and Chris Hardwick's show afterwards. I have an entirely different set of comments about that show.

I learned something new today, shipping. Never heard that term used in this context. 

Get ready for tonight's show!


I thought the movie World War Z was pretty good.

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On 3/19/2016 at 11:18 AM, Sera's Arrow said:

This episode granted a needed insight on Carol's development as a character and it was interesting to see the changes that have occurred to her character over the course of time. And -that's- why I love The Walking Dead. It's not just the zombies and jumping over guard rails - these people are people and they are what matters to the story. 

It tells me much about who Carol is when she shot Michelle for slicing Maggie's womb - without hesitation, without pause, without mercy. Everything she has done, everyone she has killed has been to protect her family, regardless of the cost, and that is a trait I admire in people. And Maggie? I'd be very glad if she keeps to the oath at the end about staying away from combat for the foreseeable future. She went almost feral on those people but she almost got herself and her baby killed in the process.

Shipping is something that crops up in every form of media - TV shows, movies, books (I'll save you all the horror of the Harry Potter and LOTR fan-fic shippers) and even video games. I've learned to tune it out as nattering - mostly stupid nattering. Daryl/Rick and Beth shippers were a special sort of ridiculous. When I ship, I ship quietly.

Like Rick and Michonne, for example, I've shipped them from the comics and onto the TV show. Sometimes, I do get my wish. Ha ha! I shipped them because they are bad-ass in both mediums and to me, bad-asses belong with bad-asses. When everyone else was going all 'ee, Xena and Gabby', I was all 'Xena and Ares, ftw!' Oh, Kevin Smith ; ; I shall mourn him again with a glass of wine later.

Out of curiosity, how many people are going to stay with AMC on Sundays to catch FtWD? I'm doing it! I've been interested in seeing more 'zombies at sea' since I read a few blurbs in World War Z (the book, not the movie) plus Recorded Attacks (the one with the slave ship is horrifying on many levels) and a couple of short stories at Tales of World War Z.

I don't know if I'm just dense or what...but can you explain your use of the word "ship" and "shipped" in this post? Maybe I just need more sleep.

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Relation(ship)/(shipped) is how I use/see/take it. Basically pairing/coupling characters from popular culture together - sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it's downright disturbing. I stumbled upon it years ago when people were discussing fan-fiction and someone mentioned 'puppy-shippers', someone else asked "..what?" and we all learned that's what fans of a certain pairing from a book series called themselves. You learn something new every single day on the internet - even things that boggle the brain.

If I used the term wrong, please tell me. I don't keep up with internet slang and any insight into my ignorance is welcome. 

I was also going to post after tonight's episode and apologize to the whole universe and the English language for my overruse of that word. Yiiikes, I promise that I won't do that again.

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Wow, wow, wow. Last night's episode. After the shock of seeing Dr. Denise get the arrow through her eye, my first thought was at least she won't turn.  Sad. That scene with her in the back of the apothecary was nightmarish. I also thought that the meds would all be degraded from lack of environmental control. I am too practical.

It's interesting the moral dilemma that some are dealing with over killing. Yet, there hasn't been one instance yet where not killing a bad guy has been the right thing to do. Daryl said he should have killed Dwight and he was right. So good to see Daryl and his crossbow reunited! 

Eugene? No words for what he did to Dwight, no words. 

Carol, Carol, Carol. Does she have a death wish? Where is she going to go in the wilderness that is not going to require her to kill? Now she will get others killed who go looking for her. She could do like Morgan and build jail cells or other non violent tasks that support Alexandria. 

Absha? Touching and understated meeting up at the end. I thought Abraham may have had  a resurgence of affection for Rosita after she took out one of the ambushers and saved him. I think Sasha will be good for him.

Josh McDermott (Eugene) was hilarious on TTD.

What say y'all?

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Not 1 minute before the arrow through the eye I said to my husband, "She is becoming my favorite character." Damn it!

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2 hours ago, ClaraOswin said:

Not 1 minute before the arrow through the eye I said to my husband, "She is becoming my favorite character." Damn it!

Yes, she was warm hearted and was growing as a character. Denise wasn't even on my radar screen to get killed off. Sorry for Tara.

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So, there were a few bits right out of the comic last night. Comic Spencer makes a mean beef jerky stroganoff too and Dwight (now with a burned face) did kill someone with a bolt through the eye while they were in mid-speech.

I admit, I had a pillow in front of my face for some of the episode because, well, I was expecting that bolt at some point. I just didn't know when. Or who, as it turned out. Poor Denise. I had a bad feeling about Tara because of the lack of "I love you" because as I said, it's a bit of a death omen but I didn't think it'd be Denise. I'm going to miss her, she was becoming one of my faves too

Eugene? ...Wow. I'm not sure what to say other than woooow. That man has no fear when he's in action. Abraham's line to him at the end made me 'heh' a bit. I was still a tad sad about Denise, I'm sure the next time I see it, I'll manage a guffaw. And seriously, Carol? Why are you leaving again? Don't you remember what happened the last time you were gone? Herschel died, the prison was tanked and everyone had to run away. When you are gone, bad things happen! 

The walker stories in this episode were heartbreaking/interesting. The 'Hush' one made me cry a little (it was the shoe…) and I wonder how Metalhead happened – like was it an industrial accident when the world went mad?  

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The baby shoe in the sink and red stuff... what was that? Child walkers are so sad, and because of the photos in the apothecary you know some of them likely met that fate.

I think I read that in the comics Abraham got the arrow. Alexandria has suffered a blow losing the doctor, but there is one at Hiltop that they can borrow, perhaps.

Eugene is now "the man".

Beef turkey stroganoff? Yum (not). Where do you get sour cream from in the ZA? 

I though metalhead fell in a vat of moten metal, or had a ladle of it thrown at him. Not sure that Eugene would have killed it in time, despite calling dibs on that Walker. 

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At the beginning of the episode I actually made a comment to my husband about how we never seen child-walkers. He said "maybe they didn't test well with audiences." Probably true.

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In the episode where poor little Sam got eaten, it was the sight of child walkers that made him freeze. Child walkers are rare, that was one of the few time I have seen them. 

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I only half paid attention to that one so I don't remember the child walker there.

The only one I could think of was Carol's daughter. And wasn't there one in the pilot?

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Oh I was SO sorry to lose Denise! I really liked her character. Ever since she tentatively stepped into the shoes of the dead doctor (Jessie's dirtbag husband). I loved when she was so nervous asking Daryl to grab some kind of drink for her when he and Rick went foraging for food, flapping her hands and Daryl flapped his back a bit to tease her.And her struggle to become confident in her knowledge, and taking on the doctor role.

Carol, Carol, why do you run away all the time? Someone is going to look for you, and put themselves at risk :( 

The dialogue between Eugene and Abraham was awesome! "I have adapted and changed" "Welcome to Stage 2" etc

Gotta hand it to Eugene for ...ummmm..., taking the bit between his teeth and creating an opportunity for them to fight back, as well as thinking of a way for them to manufacture their own bullets.

We're going to watch FtWD when it comes back. It deserves a chance to get better. It was OK in the 1st season, but there were only 8 or so episodes to introduce characters, and the Zombie Apocalypse, and set up the whole story arc so it seemed a little rushed at times.

I can't stand The Talking Dead. I want to like it, but it's so damn...screamy *cringe at myself* (can't think of another word), but with the screaming fans, so many ad breaks and more screaming and wild applause, it just makes me think of Oprah, or something. And the guy that's the host think's he's funny, or famous or both, and maybe he is, but we were just like..."???". Watched 2 episodes for how ever long they go for, and there was hardly anything to it. I don't know, I guess it's the different styles of humour in different countries.

Anyway, TWO MORE EPISODES TO GO! I'm thinking Negan will appear next episode, or maybe as a cliffhanger?

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2 thoughts on Morgan's jail cell.

1) It is a 'gun on the mantle piece' - the 'rule' being a gun on the mantle piece in the opening scene 'must' go off before the end of the play - or something like that.

2) foreshadowing, rule of 3.  We have seen it twice now.  We will see it again (and it probably won't be a good thing either).

Denise I saw it coming from the beginning of the episode.  "I want to go."  Uhuh - just don the red shirt there.  "Let's take the tracks."  I knew danged well nothing good was going to happen on the tracks.  And the third strike - we got your backstory a bit.  


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      I feel terrible for Tara. I have always had a soft spot for Eugene and I'm so happy he is stepping up. I thought part of his anger at Abraham had to do with how he treated Rosita. Father PeePeePants (tm PreviouslyTv forums) has been stepping up. I am incredibly disappointed to see Morgan has not learned a damn thing.

       Something has been bothering me a bit. In the back of my head I wonder if they killed the wrong people somehow at that camp. Like they may not of been the real bad guys......I don't know, I think there may be a twist in that plot coming.

      I hope they never follow train tracks again!

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Re: child walkers
There was supposed to be a heartsmashing one in the second season - the bit when Dale (RIP DALE!) and T-Dog ( RIP T-DOG) are looking for antibotics in the cars while the rest of the gang are off looking for Sophia (RIP Sophia). There's a bit with a car seat covered in blood and there was originally going to be either a dead toddler in that seat or a toddler walker. Either way, they decided not to go along with it which is probably a good idea. I know I would've bawled. If I bawled over a shoe with the only remains of what was a child, I would be a pile of tears and sob at a walker toddler.

Undead kids freak me out. I go back and forth between wanting to see more of them (because nothing freaks me out more in the entire zombie trope if I'm being honest and sometimes, it's nice to feel scared while watching a scary show) and being fine without seeing many because of the tears that will follow.

Re: the "real" bad guys
I admit to some thought on this myself. I think whoever those people were, they are affliated with The Saviors though and from what we've learned about The Saviors, they do not treat their own people well. That one woman, Michelle, had a finger cut off because she stole gas to find her boyfriend's body. Dwight and those two women he was with were running from The Saviors. "We earned what we took!" and "Crazy rules are crazy!" (paraphasing the last one) was said and then you see Dwight's face. It looks pretty painful, even though he is a jerk. I wonder if that was the price he paid for escaping...?

The people killed in that compound could've been prisoners of sort? People working off a minor offense? That's the only reason why I can think of having numerous pictures of bashed-in heads above your head as you sleep: intimidation and brainwashing through fear. "See? See what will happen if you step outta line?! DO YOU SEE?"

The only thing wrong with that thought is they all seemed pretty free to come and go and only two guards for all those people in there, eh, doesn't seem very likely.

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Wasn't Noah's brother a child walker?

Note that the OMG thread was merged with the old TWD one, I wish they hadn't done with that but oh well.

Two more episodes, and Negan!!!!!

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Last night was all kinds of stupid. Did Carol really think running away would solve her problem? Before she was out of the gate good, she was killing folks in true Carol fashion. 

Then Daryl runs off without talking to anyone first, back to the tracks where the ambush took place. Now Glenn and Michonne are in trouble and he got himself shot. Very little risk assessment in this episode. I was disappointed.

I love scenes where the group gets to clean up, shower, etc. It really returns their humanity. The hardest part of the ZA for me would be the filth.

Maggie is miscarrying! Oh no! And Glenn is gone. They need a rule that prospective parents need to work inside the walls only, FHS. No common sense here either. I like the dynamic between Maggie and Enid. Still can't stand Maggie's accent though. I don't think her haircut meant anything deep.

What do y'all think?

Oh, the term "ship" was used on Talking Dead last night but I heard it here first. Thanks @Sera's Arrow!

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My dad and I had our own 'Talking Dead' over the phone last night. He said what I was thinking. "Why are they always stopping in the middle of nowhere and jib-jabbering without paying attention to what's going on around them?!" That sounds like a good way to die when people who actively want to make you pain AND walkers are shambling about, yeah.

Daryl's motivations though, I can understand. He's angry - not just with Dwight but himself for letting Dwight go with his crossbow and for showing the mercy to Dwight in the first place. "I should've killed you." Yes, he should've. He should've called upon his inner Merle and beat him to death like a good hammer would. Then again, when you are raging at yourself and struggling with regrets, it's hard for common sense to pop up and say 'heeey, maybe you should calm the eff down and THEN do something with an actual plan!'...

Carol, eh, I think living with people was becoming too hard for her as evident by the 'fuzzy noise' while Tobin was talking. She will kill to protect herself though Morgan is right, she doesn't like it. I also re-watched the episode when she was writing in that notebook in regards to the people she's killed and I noticed the first letter was 'R'. I thought the first people Carol killed was Karen and David and then I remembered Randall. Carol didn't kill Randall, Shane did, but obviously Dale's comment to her hesitation to make a decision during that "trial" has had a long-time impact on her.

Maggie's hair...  I thought it could be an intentional nod towards her saying that Alexandria felt as much of a home to her as the Greene Farm when she was still with her father and sister. Or maybe they found a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks that makes a good argument of why long hair can kill you when zombies are concerned? Anything is possible. /oldspicelogic.

/bows at SilverBeach. You're quite welcome, I'll pass along the thanks to the fine people at a nerdy gaming forum I was on at the time for teaching me that term in the first place though. :pb_biggrin:

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Daryl's motives are understandable, but actions based on extreme emotionalism are not wise in the ZA or maybe any other time. He needs a significant other.

I don't think Carol ever liked killing, she saw the necessity of it. Now I think she has a severe case of PTSD. Probably never saw herself as a fighter, as she was a mom and domestic violence victim. Morgan got to her, and I think most of his idealism is just crap in the ZA. The guy who saved him was not confronted by human predators, his morality was directed to walkers only. What do you do when it's you or them?

I have very short hair but don't know if I could maintain this style without a salon. I definitely wouldn't have anything hanging for either human or zombie attackers to hang on to. Maggie probably had horrible split ends, lol.

37 minutes ago, ClaraOswin said:

If you miscarry a child...would it become a zombie?

I wonder....



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43 minutes ago, ClaraOswin said:

If you miscarry a child...would it become a zombie?

That was my first thought as well. Or an even more complicated theory that it would make Maggie immune to zombies. But then, hadn't one of the women that captured Carol and Maggie talked about suffering a miscarriage? She seemed to be doing ok. This is so morbid.

Going after Carol is one thing, they didn't want her to leave forever, but going after Daryl seemed unnecessarily stupid to me. Since when do they think Daryl can't take care of himself? I also think he would've heard all of those Saviors in the woods with his tracking instincts, but oh well. I guess it was all just to get a bunch of them outside of the walls to set up for the finale next week.

I'm expecting the finale to end in a cliffhanger of epic proportions.

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The man who taught Morgan that all life is precious had to deal with evil, violent people even before the world ended. One of them killed his entire family - his wife and his children - and he starved that man to death, even counted the days. So I think his philosophy was more for the living than for the dead. I mean, he had no moral or ethical issue with putting a stick in a walker's head, he did bury them with their names but he was alone and he had no one else to bury except for those walkers. He had no opportunity to do the 'we bury the ones we love and burn the rest' practice that our gang follows because his loved ones were already buried. I think Morgan fears becoming the man he was again and if he kills, he might be driven over the edge? Maybe that is why he clings to the philosophy he was taught by his Jedi Master so hard.

I'm not sure where I stand with Morgan's philosophy. Sometimes I'm like "sure, all life is precious" and other times, I'm like "some not so much." The Wolf redeemed himself quite well at the end of his life, methinks. He fed himself to walkers to give Denise time to run away to the infirmary, even after he was shot by Carol and really didn't need to do anything except for die and be a very cheap funeral. No, he chose to hold back the walkers away from Denise and he told her to go, to run. The whole thing kinda reminded me of when T-Dog charged at the walkers so Carol could get away and hide in The Tombs.  A thoroughly evil person wouldn't have done that, IMO.

As for miscarriages, I don't think a fetus the size of a jellybean could do much internal damage. A late term miscarriage however, eeesh, yeah.. I don't see that going very well. At all. I, in fact, envision something akin to an xenomorph chestburster only out of the womb.

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