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Excellent point, JFC. The Nazis were not exactly trying to come off as warm, fuzzy, compassionate guys. They were dealing with the "Jew Problem" (or Gypsy problem, homosexual problem, etc. They had a lot of "problems"...)

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Volume 1, Episode 6 of Jonathan Park was about an African Safari and they mentioned Australopithecus afarensis. in a nutshell, they basically said that there are no transitional fossils and that if you believe in evolution, then you believe that you are nothing more than molecules that came together by random chance.

Yes, but *my* Jonathan Park will actually find one! :twisted:

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What's the point in all the military themed toys? Most Quiverfullers don't let their boys join the armed services. Yeah, I know some of them do ATI camp stuff, but that's more akin to the Boy Scouts than the Marines.

"Futuristic and fantasy themes?" You mean like this?

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They glamorize WWII , but they have an "out" now because the military allows omg gayz. So, they would enlist, but, you know, they can't.

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Oooh, looking at the scanned pages, I want a full catalog now too. Just looking at the complete ridiculousness of the 3 scanned pages is too much.

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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They glamorize WWII , but they have an "out" now because the military allows omg gayz. So, they would enlist, but, you know, they can't.

And don't forget having to answer to female officers. Heaven forbid!

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What's the point in all the military themed toys? Most Quiverfullers don't let their boys join the armed services. Yeah, I know some of them do ATI camp stuff, but that's more akin to the Boy Scouts than the Marines.

Things that require use of your imagination regarding the future or things that arent real = BAD

Things that involve pretending (imagination) to blow shit up and kill people for realz = GOOD

Anyone else see a problem here?

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And don't forget having to answer to female officers. Heaven forbid!

Or those scandalous female NCOs, wearing the pants and giving orders like we have authority or something.

Actually, yes, I do dislike the more recent LEGO sets, but that's because I don't like how now there are so many specialized pieces that can only be used one way. And don't even get me started on the girl oriented LEGOs which unfortunately my daughter really wants (the more elaborate figures and really stereotypically girly building themes).

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I'm betting fillers for Be-all, too.

You know, I just read a Yahoo survey story on female entertainers who haven't dyed their hair, dieted to a size 0 or had plastic surgery, and one (Tina Fey? Ashley Judd?) laments that it's crazy, how obsessed we are with women's appearances.

So I'm sorry that I'm snarking on Beall's appearance.

But I'm sorrier that it's important to the VF crowd that bearing and raising 8 kids and helping to helm the VF empire isn't enough for them, Mrs. Phillips must be pulled & nipped & stuffed.

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Oh I just found my copy in the pile of junk mail! I don't think Beall has had work done, I think it's just lighter hair color and losing 20 pounds.

Regarding the products...I can't believe they are now pushing medieval knighthood as a system "which gave boys clear goals and helped install a boldly masculine vision" (page 50). WTF? I guess if the vision involves serfs, endless regional warfare, and inherited property, that could be a true statement.

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I so want a catalogue, but I don't want to pay Doug Phillips (is a tool) $10.95 to post it to Australia. And my headship would think I had finally lost it and fallen victim to my fundie obsession if charges to Vision Forum showed up on our credit card.

I hope it's uploaded in full soon.

Some of the toys they offer do look awesome. I wish they could be bought without the side order of abhorrent religous theory.

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They glamourize the military because they have snazzy outfits, and because Doug Phillips spends 100% of his time singing the praises big strong manliness and 0% of his time acting like it. And because Doug Phillips is a tool.

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They glamorize WWII , but they have an "out" now because the military allows omg gayz. So, they would enlist, but, you know, they can't.

I find it interesting that for all the fetishization of the military and all the military toys, they're all OLD war toys - green or green camo, explicitly aping WW2.

I see kids playing army by me (secular kids) and they manage to have khaki/grey/brown/computer print camo stuff, just like what they see their relatives wearing and see on the MODERN news.

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Alright, I feel really dumb, but I must have missed the original conversation: why is Doug a tool?

It would save server space if someone could summarize all the ways he isn't a tool.

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It would save server space if someone could summarize all the ways he isn't a tool.

How Doug is not a tool: . . .

There ya go.

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His kids probably don't sleep on Costco shelves or in a bathroom.

And they probably get more than one animal cracker on their birthday. That's all I can think of.

Seriously, though, when did the Doug Phillips is a tool campaign start? Was it during the anaconda hunting, or before?

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Or those scandalous female NCOs, wearing the pants and giving orders like we have authority or something.

Desertvixen, I always mean to tell you this story. I had a mate who joined the army because of female officers like yourself :)

I don't mean he fancied them, although to be honest there may have been an element :oops: We had an...open day? (I don't know what it's called in America). A careers day, where one could go along and see what the army was up to and sign up, if interested.

I don't make the height requirement (as a youngster I wanted to join the military but I'm 5'0 so I was stuffed). He did make the requirement and he saw a female corporal putting recruits through their paces on a training ground. This impressed him greatly as "I never seen women doing that kind of thing" and "Anybody can do anything in the Army". He's a helicopter technician now and he's out in Afghanistan somewhere.

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Because I have nothing else useful to add to this thread, and because someone upthread asked, the Phillips children are:

Boy: Joshua, Justice, Honor, Providence

Girl: Liberty, Faith, Virginia, Jubilee

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Because I have nothing else useful to add to this thread, and because someone upthread asked, the Phillips children are:

Boy: Joshua, Justice, Honor, Providence

Girl: Liberty, Faith, Virginia, Jubilee

ehat is with fundies naming their kid Jubilee? Jichelle, Doug Phillips is a tool, we learned recently that Kelly Bates had a Jubilee...
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Because I have nothing else useful to add to this thread, and because someone upthread asked, the Phillips children are:

Boy: Joshua, Justice, Honor, Providence

Girl: Liberty, Faith, Virginia, Jubilee

Kian: What up from another Angeleno. :greetings-waveyellow:

I'm with Talitha Cumi; those sound like two boy names and six girl names to me. Maybe because of Honor Blackman and...I don't know why Providence would be feminine, other than simply not sounding like a dude name to me. Or virtue names generally being for women, I suppose.

Also, Faith is obviously in between categories, but Joshua and Virginia just make it sound like he didn't have the foresight or stones to stick to the concept all the way through...but then Jubilee doesn't really fit the others either. Because Doug Phillips is a tool. Bradrick has the same issue, where one kid's a noun, one's an adjective, one's a place name, and one's a proper name but still a dumb choice for a first name (IMO). Choose one lexical category and stick with it, dipshits!

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It would save server space if someone could summarize all the ways he isn't a tool.

I just threw my head back cackling and alarmed the stranger sitting next to me.

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Regarding the products...I can't believe they are now pushing medieval knighthood as a system "which gave boys clear goals and helped install a boldly masculine vision" (page 50). WTF? I guess if the vision involves serfs, endless regional warfare, and inherited property, that could be a true statement.

Much of medieval knighthood and chivalry was a code of conduct, instituted to do something with highly trained younger sons (those spare sons who weren't going to inherit anything and weren't destined for the Church) who, left to their own devices, very well could and would run rampant over the general populace, raping and pillaging as they went. And often did anyway. Tournaments were seen as a way to make money and provide a socially acceptable outlet for aggression and violence, not as some huge test of manhood or something.

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