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Guest Anonymous

Is this "Anonymous" comment just more of the same 'deleted comments' nonsense? We mock her for having a Tumblr thingy (No, I don't really know what it is), and she makes up a convenient comment to attack.

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The ebil people at FJ 'found' it (never mind that she linked to it) and then *gasp*, talked about it. And, no back patting was involved.

And...Jason's Twitter is gone too. Brandy will be over and out (for now) in 5-4-3-2....

Well, maybe if she didn't put her name on everything, we wouldn't keep "finding" her. It'd probably also make her more employable. Everyone knows bosses google applicants' names.

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all she can be is a wannabe stoner, since she has no job to actually buy any pot.


i wonder what is up with the hairy naked chick though? is that part of her whole new look, or what?

She likes to shock. She wants to be 'different'. So posting a picture of a hairy minge is about right. Goes along with her liberal use of the word 'Fuck'.

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Well, maybe if she didn't put her name on everything, we wouldn't keep "finding" her. It'd probably also make her more employable. Everyone knows bosses google applicants' names.

^This. Brandy wants to be left alone, except when she doesn't. If she really wanted to be left alone she'd either stop blogging, or blog anonymously. As for her being employable, Brandy doesn't want a job. Her flaky flip flopping and hair minge loving all over the internet is not a concern for her because she has no intention of applying for a job. Even though if she got one, they'd be on their feet faster. Instead she's going to rely on Jason who, has a dodgy employment history, isn't that bright and is very easily led. In ten years time Brandy and Jason will be in exactly the same position as they are now sadly.

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Is this "Anonymous" comment just more of the same 'deleted comments' nonsense? We mock her for having a Tumblr thingy (No, I don't really know what it is), and she makes up a convenient comment to attack.

No, that was a response to an actual comment (not by me).

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I wonder what happened with Jason's unemployment? First she said they had been approved and were hoping the first check would arrive in time to pay for Christmas(that was back in the blog days...you know, on Monday :roll: ) Now she's saying he was denied. hmmm....

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Brandy says:

I don’t even get online until my youngest is settling down for bed at night.

Bullshit. I checked out her tumblr earlier and just now. In the last three hours or so she's made twenty new posts. It's 6:30pm here in the UK so I'd guess around midday where she is. Does she put her kids to bed at midday then?

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Brandy says:

Bullshit. I checked out her tumblr earlier and just now. In the last three hours or so she's made twenty new posts. It's 6:30pm here in the UK so I'd guess around midday where she is. Does she put her kids to bed at midday then?

Yes, it's 1:45 now in NH. I call BS!

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No, that was a response to an actual comment (not by me).

You can submit anonymous comments to your own blog. I imagine Brandy doesn't want to actually come and answer people, so she's creating convenient strawmen for herself to attack.

I guess she's into the condescending smiley face right now.

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You can submit anonymous comments to your own blog. I imagine Brandy doesn't want to actually come and answer people, so she's creating convenient strawmen for herself to attack.

I guess she's into the condescending smiley face right now.

No, I say that because I know the person who submitted it. Someone from the CIAL days. So while I don't doubt that she has responded to "anonymous" comments that weren't comments, this isn't one of them.

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I know plenty of people with dreads, and they all have nice neat dreads that look really good even as they grow out. How is it that Brandy only reposts the messiest, lumpiest, most uneven dreadlocks I've ever seen?

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Okay - who thinks that Brandy's anonymous question was submitted by herself to address FJ in a way that doesn't show how often she lurks here to see what we're saying about her?

(Get off your ass, Brandy! Get a job, put those kids in school, stop living with your in-laws, get a life!)

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Each time Brandy responds to a comment, it underlines how insecure she is. I don't say that as an insult, either, but it concerns me and I wish it would concern her more.

Brandy, you feel insecure because something is wrong. Please get some help.

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What the hell are these people teaching their children? How to live for others? That's what it seems like to me and it's very, very sad.

Life is hard and we all spend a large chunk of it trying to 'find ourselves'. That search does not have to encompass our every thought and action though.

Get jobs, even at the convenience store. Meet real people and interact with them. Turn of the damn computer. Put your kids in school. It doesn't have to be permanent, but anyone who truly puts their kids first will do what is necessary when it is necessary. Find a trusted therapist. Get involved with a book club or social group or go to a brick & mortar church so you can meet, interact with, learn from and grow with other human beings. Open yourselves up to thoughts, people, ideas, life. Get the hell out of your in-laws home and support your own family in the way that is necessary, whether it's what you 'want' or not. WORK for and towards your goals and stop expecting them to be handed to you because you have a new Internet idol.

The Internet will not give them lives yet that is exactly where they turn.

Their poor kids are going to grow up without knowing how to interact with other people or compromise or stand firm in a decision or even know what the hell they truly like, want or enjoy.

The erratic Internet presences is only a symptom of giant problems that need to be resolved. They're obviously not doing that and their kids will pay the price. They try to turn their Internet existence into their actual existence and they'll continue to fail every - single - time because they're trying to band-aid what actually needs a tourniquet. They're not even willing or able to do the 'hard things' to fix their own lives.

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I'll tell you what's weird to me. A few months ago this woman was wearing head coverings and contemplating throwing out all of her t-shirts in favor of blouses (t-shirts pertaineth to a man you know), and now she's got pictures of naked people all over her blog or whatever the hell that thing she's posting on is. Strange, strange, strange...

Those poor little girls of hers are going to come out of there not knowing which end is up.

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I'll tell you what's weird to me. A few months ago this woman was wearing head coverings and contemplating throwing out all of her t-shirts in favor of blouses (t-shirts pertaineth to a man you know), and now she's got pictures of naked people all over her blog or whatever the hell that thing she's posting on is. Strange, strange, strange...

Those poor little girls of hers are going to come out of there not knowing which end is up.

It was a few months ago, and several months ago, and last year, and a few times the year before that.

This isn't new or recent. From the day they've been online - or, the day I first read her blog of the day about five years ago - it's been the exact same wheels being spun. One day she's a perfect Christian, throwing out movies and books and music, then the next day spending a fortune replacing it all. All the while, being a bitch about it.

They seem to do what they do in order to piss someone else off rather than to be what they need/want to be. All or nothing, and whenever they switch gears, they get all 'in your face' to the group they're moving away from.

Head covering, dress wearing Christian today; bins of raw beans and grains and natural eating tomorrow; no movies or music on Tuesday, every and any 'controversial' piece of media the next - and every change brings 'in your face' and 'fuck you' to whoever they were trying to mirror the day before.

They repeat the same patterns over and over and over. They were living with Jason's parents before they decided their god wanted them in Wyoming and they packed up and moved out there with nothing - the same van, though - and cut everyone off.

Neither has any idea how to work towards goals. They don't have goals and that is the saddest thing of all. Everything they do is for or because of other people.

In one year their kids have gone from obsessed Christian to barrels of 'natural' food to buying and using home piercing equipment to homeless, with all the things in between. She's read and watched and thrown out Harry Potter books and movies twice this year alone.

Even as an adult it makes my head spin. I'm separated from them entirely and only observing, and it confuses the hell out of me. Their kids are living it.

It breaks my heart.

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On another note, she seems to be into pot these days. Pictures of it, at least.

How the hell can she afford that fad when her husband didn't get the unemployment he just got but then / is denied (for today's story)?

I don't actually have anything against marijuana. I don't do it myself but I have no moral or other judgement about it - other than hey, it costs money! If you are living off your in-laws how can you even imagine getting you some?

I like my beer. And admittedly, one of the best things about it is the calming/relaxing/mind changing it contributes to. But, when I was unemployed, I had over a year without any beer at all.

I don't know that they've gotten into toking, but she's giving that impression with her bong pictures and her idea of hippie living. Of course, I know she most likely has it all wrong and doesn't have a clue and the pictures are her reality and pictures of her new plan rather than reality. But, I really hope they aren't spending (someone else's) money on dope.

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They are unstable enough without drugs, I really hope they don't add mind altering substances to that mess.

And they are pretty much unemployable even without a boss googling their names and finding out that not only are they erratic extremists with a trail of conflict all over the net, but they also do drugs.

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You know what I wish? I wish his parents were able to raise the girls. Put them in school, on a schedule, and give them the stability they must crave. Kick both their parents out on their lazy asses until they got help and proved they were trustworthy. I know it's not their responsibility, and they should not have to, but it would be better than feeding and sheltering two adult slackers.

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When I see her Tumblr's photos, I think that she is dreaming her life, not living it...

Those pictures are so far from her life, she so doesn't look like those beautiful girls... I remember from her previous pictures that she looks very frumpy and unkept :roll:

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Guest Anonymous

Was this the same woman who's family became homeless so they started living in the wilderness and told the kids they were just going to be camping for a really long time? Or am I thinking of someone else.

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