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Season 6 of 19 Kids and Counting. God help us all!


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I don't care about the wedding at all, but I would love to see Joy making faces. Can I find some parts of the episode online?

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Of course they're not going to show Gothard's appearance at the wedding on television-that would stir up controversy. Even when Anna explained how Pris and David met, she referred to Gothard's HQ as a "ministry" without mentioning any hints of "IBLP." It's so funny because they refuse to throw out how they're part of IBLP yet have resources on their website that's linked to IBLP and even have pictures on their Picasa site of them attending the homeschool conference. Hell, even they title the albums as "ATI Homeschool Conference."

Speaking of Gothard, what I find weird is how he made an appearance at Josh and Anna's, David and Priscilla's but he did not make an appearance at Adam and Valerie's wedding. I thought Wallers were considered "ATI royalty." Then again, maybe he only make appearances if both people are ATI royalty.

As for David's sexuality-eh, that doesn't bother me as much as him and Pris's constant need to wear matching outfits like as if they're fucking 12. They're right up there with Anna's "Joshy's Girl" purse she carried around the first few months of their marriage. What's even more annoying is that David's license plate says "Dav N Cil." Who does that?! It kind of reminds me of middle school crushes when you would write "I <3 so and so" on your hand. Complete immaturity.

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You're absolutely right to an extent. If Josh had a thyroid problem or something that he can't control, that would be one thing. But it is largely because of his incredibly unhealthy diet that he is the weight that he finds himself. Personally, I've tried to stay away from calling him fat but comment on how unhealthy and gray he looks. Josh pumps his body full of McDonalds and other trans fat laden food almost daily. When he's not getting take out food, he's at home eating sodium rich food that Anna prepares. Josh is a relatively young man and while all young men do not have high metabolisms, it is usually the time when metabolism is the fastest. If he and Anna were to actually eat healthy I'm sure that they would drop a significant amount of weight. The combination of his weight and his receeding hairline, he seems a decade older than his chronological age. For someone being in their early 20's, he looks like he's a cheeseburger away from a heart attack.

ETA: And for the record, I think that his diet and life was so restricted when he was living in the TTH that he has a combination of over indulging just because he can and eating his very repressed feelings. Both are very sad.

Ok, but why is that snark-worthy? If he's eating out of a sense of deprivation, how is that worthy of judgment? And beyond that, unless we can see his full medical work-up, we have no idea of the state of his health, only suppositions. Also, why does someone need to lose weight in the first place? People always say because it's for their health, but we all know that's BS. The truth is that fat people suffer from the most prejudice of ANY group. Bar none. It's a form of "ism" that is completely accepted and celebrated in our culture.

Josh's health, or the lack thereof, is none of our business. His support of legislature and candidates that want to take away our rights, is.

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deelaem, come on up to the Fabulous Blue State of Connecticut, and make me your bride. Your substandard, nearly-60-year-old, plus-sized bride.

I dunno, Hane - can you cook? ;) :lol:

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:clap: Bravo to Deelaem, I couldn't agree more. People weigh different amounts but it is largely completely irrelevant to anything of substance. I am also sick of the attitude that people are fat and/or old and/or ugly because of their hate. Ummm what? I could come up with 100's of examples of hateful people who fit into conventional standards of attractiveness but it would be a waste of my time.

Back to the episode. Although I enjoyed Joy's facial expressions and body language throughout the arranged marriage courtship discussion it was painfully obvious she so did not want to be there. She is only 14 and for some people that age those types of things are sort of uncomfortable to talk about. I don't know if she was forced into that discussion or she volunteered but she didn't exactly look like an enthusiastic participant. I hope there weren't any negative repercussions from JB and Jichelle for her attitude but I kind of doubt it.

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I dunno, Hane - can you cook? ;) :lol:

Whoa, can I ever! And my baking has made strong men weep, and strong women burst into spontaneous orgasm.

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Is there a longer video of the 4 older girls, or was that clip it? 'cause I wouldn't mind watching the whole thing. Love Joy Anna. Go Joy!

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I just watched the wedding on You Tube. Whoa, those fundies LOVE to babble on. I'd fast-forward by a minute or three, only to finding some guy continuing to hold forth. Makes a full-blown Catholic nuptial Mass look like a five-minute special at the courthouse.

What's with these fundie men and their waving a hand around to conduct the congregation in song? (Whatsisname Maxwell did the same thing when NR-Anna's authoritah was transferred to him.) David came close to backhanding Priscilla a couple of times.

Am I alone in sensing he felt ZIP connection with Priscilla? She could easily have been edited out, and it would have been a seamless Fabulous David Show!!! Brotherman looks madly in love with his fabulous self.

And the bridesmaids' gowns. Sorry, but it is indeed possible to have a modest gown that isn't constructed like a pillowcase with sleeves, and that shows that a woman is indeed female.. Even if the bride couldn't find such a thing at a bridal boutique, aren't all these gals supposed to have a PhD in homemaking? Shouldn't at least one of them know how to sew?

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Why in the world would Josh retweet: "They made a fake film in the middle of the episode of what it's like when a boy comes to "date" one of Jim Bob's girl. It's..awful. #19Kids"? I mean, that's not really something to be proud of. Methinks his reading comprehension sucks.

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Why in the world would Josh retweet: "They made a fake film in the middle of the episode of what it's like when a boy comes to "date" one of Jim Bob's girl. It's..awful. #19Kids"? I mean, that's not really something to be proud of. Methinks his reading comprehension sucks.

That, or he's trying to get in a passive-aggressive dig against Jim Bob. JB has set a fantastic example on how a grown man should treat his father, after all.

Whoa, can I ever! And my baking has made strong men weep, and strong women burst into spontaneous orgasm.

After the wedding, can ya'll adopt me? I hear being raised by 2 mommies makes you bisexual and socially awkward, but I'm willing to risk it for quality baked goods :whistle:

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Ok, time for one of my patented guaranteed-to-piss-people off rants.

Josh Duggar is a creepy, misogynistic asshole jerk. His beliefs and actions are damaging to the basic human rights of over half the population. The key words here are beliefs and actions. His weight has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

Fatness is so completely demonized in our country that it has become crazy. What does it accomplish? Do people really think that shaming fat people will motivate them to change? I read a news story this morning about a 200lb. woman whose doctor is now refusing to treat her. I mean, what the fuck. Because she doesn't fit into a near-impossible standard he set, it's ok to let her die? What ever happened to the Hippocratic oath?

If all people had to do was eat less and exercise to lose weight, we wouldn't have this problem. But as any statistic will show you, DIETS DON'T WORK! You lose weight in the short term, but unless you're one of a very few who can keep it off, you gain it all back again. And why is that? Because the cause for obesity exists in the brain. All cutting-edge science is pointing to this conclusion. So unless and until science comes up with a brain solution (and chances are that will be a long time off, given the power of the diet industry), people will continue to struggle with obesity.

As for Smuggar, yeah, he eats a lot of junk food. But while I'm not excusing his deplorable beliefs and actions, he probably eats like that because his brain is telling him to. Whether for comfort or stress release, it really doesn't matter. Seriously, it really doesn't matter. If he were a liberal atheist, none of you would be harping on his weight.

And speaking of that, what does fat bashing do for you? Does it make you feel righteous and superior? Does it make you feel better about yourself that you don't look like that, or if you do, at least you have the decency to be ashamed of it? I've said this before, but attacking people's looks is the laziest and most shallow form of snark. If a fundie saw a picture of you and said mean things about your looks, could they also defend it because they think your beliefs are wrong? They actually have done that, I and recall some pretty righteous indignation because of it.

Feel free to tell me I'm hand-slapping, because I sorta am. But I'm sick and fucking tired of people who decry all the meanness and injustice in the world, but have no problem being ignorant and cruel about fat people.


Thank you. As someone who has struggled with weight my entire life, I assure you, fat shaming will do nothing to motivate me (or most people) to lose weight. Quite the opposite, it will probably make me feel horrible about myself and then I'll eat even more since I have a tendency to eat my feelings. And to people that disguise it as "well, I'm just concerned about their health", I say bullshit. You're just making yourself feel better by putting someone else down about their appearance but disguising it in what is, unfortunately, a socially acceptable way. A stranger's health is none of your fucking business.

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Seeing Mackynzie cry like that is exactly why my cousin and her husband made the right choice in not having their 1 1/2 year old at their wedding back in May.

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Thank you. As someone who has struggled with weight my entire life, I assure you, fat shaming will do nothing to motivate me (or most people) to lose weight. Quite the opposite, it will probably make me feel horrible about myself and then I'll eat even more since I have a tendency to eat my feelings. And to people that disguise it as "well, I'm just concerned about their health", I say bullshit. You're just making yourself feel better by putting someone else down about their appearance but disguising it in what is, unfortunately, a socially acceptable way. A stranger's health is none of your fucking business.

Call bullshit all you want. I have never once called him a fat ass. I really am legitimately concerned about his health. He looks so unhealthy that his skin is gray. As much as I dislike Josh, I don't want those kids to be left fatherless. The amount of fast food Josh intakes is alarming. It would be one thing to eat his feelings if he were eating healthy food but to constantly eat his feelings in the form of a massive cheeseburger is worrysome.

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When the J'slaves were talking about potential husbands Jill said that Jinger would want someone "visionary and spunky." Visionary in what way? What does that mean in this context?

This concept comes from Debi Pearl in "Created To Be His Helpmeet". She says there are three different kinds of men: visionary, steady, and command. Here's a link to Lori Alexander explaining it: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2011/05/three-types-of-men.html

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This concept comes from Debi Pearl in "Created To Be His Helpmeet". She says there are three different kinds of men: visionary, steady, and command. Here's a link to Lori Alexander explaining it: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2011/05/three-types-of-men.html

Damn, I'm always forgetting about that part in Genesis where it says that God created three different categories of men, Douche, Doucheier, and Doucheiest, and then created women to be their slaves.

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You're absolutely right to an extent. If Josh had a thyroid problem or something that he can't control, that would be one thing. But it is largely because of his incredibly unhealthy diet that he is the weight that he finds himself. Personally, I've tried to stay away from calling him fat but comment on how unhealthy and gray he looks. Josh pumps his body full of McDonalds and other trans fat laden food almost daily. When he's not getting take out food, he's at home eating sodium rich food that Anna prepares. Josh is a relatively young man and while all young men do not have high metabolisms, it is usually the time when metabolism is the fastest. If he and Anna were to actually eat healthy I'm sure that they would drop a significant amount of weight. The combination of his weight and his receeding hairline, he seems a decade older than his chronological age. For someone being in their early 20's, he looks like he's a cheeseburger away from a heart attack.

ETA: And for the record, I think that his diet and life was so restricted when he was living in the TTH that he has a combination of over indulging just because he can and eating his very repressed feelings. Both are very sad.

The thing is, it's just none of your damn business what he weighs or how healthy he is or not. Josh's health is between him and his doctor.

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Ok, time for one of my patented guaranteed-to-piss-people off rants.

Josh Duggar is a creepy, misogynistic asshole jerk. His beliefs and actions are damaging to the basic human rights of over half the population. The key words here are beliefs and actions. His weight has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

Fatness is so completely demonized in our country that it has become crazy. What does it accomplish? Do people really think that shaming fat people will motivate them to change? I read a news story this morning about a 200lb. woman whose doctor is now refusing to treat her. I mean, what the fuck. Because she doesn't fit into a near-impossible standard he set, it's ok to let her die? What ever happened to the Hippocratic oath?

If all people had to do was eat less and exercise to lose weight, we wouldn't have this problem. But as any statistic will show you, DIETS DON'T WORK! You lose weight in the short term, but unless you're one of a very few who can keep it off, you gain it all back again. And why is that? Because the cause for obesity exists in the brain. All cutting-edge science is pointing to this conclusion. So unless and until science comes up with a brain solution (and chances are that will be a long time off, given the power of the diet industry), people will continue to struggle with obesity.

As for Smuggar, yeah, he eats a lot of junk food. But while I'm not excusing his deplorable beliefs and actions, he probably eats like that because his brain is telling him to. Whether for comfort or stress release, it really doesn't matter. Seriously, it really doesn't matter. If he were a liberal atheist, none of you would be harping on his weight.

And speaking of that, what does fat bashing do for you? Does it make you feel righteous and superior? Does it make you feel better about yourself that you don't look like that, or if you do, at least you have the decency to be ashamed of it? I've said this before, but attacking people's looks is the laziest and most shallow form of snark. If a fundie saw a picture of you and said mean things about your looks, could they also defend it because they think your beliefs are wrong? They actually have done that, I and recall some pretty righteous indignation because of it.

Feel free to tell me I'm hand-slapping, because I sorta am. But I'm sick and fucking tired of people who decry all the meanness and injustice in the world, but have no problem being ignorant and cruel about fat people.

As a fat person (I use the word fat as a value-neutral term), thank you for this. My health is between me and my doctor, and as despicable as Josh is in many ways, it's the same for him.

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The thing is, it's just none of your damn business what he weighs or how healthy he is or not. Josh's health is between him and his doctor.

You know what else is none of our damn business? Everything that these people put on television! He's putting himself out there for public consumption, so if I want to remark that the man-child looks like he's sweating grease, I can. Josh puts his family's lifestyle out there as the pinnacle of what is to be immulated. I think it's justifiable to call him out on where his lifestyle is lacking.

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The thing is, it's just none of your damn business what he weighs or how healthy he is or not. Josh's health is between him and his doctor.

But Michelle's health is also between her and her doctor, and that's never stopped anyone here from speculating about how dangerous her pregnancies are, how much she's risking her health having more babies, how she's developing osteoporosis from having so many pregnancies, etc. I agree that fat shaming shouldn't be encouraged, whether the subject is Josh or anyone else, but I can see why the snark goes there sometimes. The line between what is "allowed" and "not allowed" to be discussed on a forum like this is extremely blurry.

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You know what else is none of our damn business? Everything that these people put on television! He's putting himself out there for public consumption, so if I want to remark that the man-child looks like he's sweating grease, I can. Josh puts his family's lifestyle out there as the pinnacle of what is to be immulated. I think it's justifiable to call him out on where his lifestyle is lacking.

Josh is an aspiring politician who wants to get into power to deny rights to women, LGBTQ folk and others. His views on those things are our business because they affect us. But none of us are Josh's doctor so none of us know how healthy or unhealthy he actually is so it's not our place to comment on it. Unless you are a medical professional with access to his patient records, you really have no idea what state his health is in.

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But Michelle's health is also between her and her doctor, and that's never stopped anyone here from speculating about how dangerous her pregnancies are, how much she's risking her health having more babies, how she's developing osteoporosis from having so many pregnancies, etc. I agree that fat shaming shouldn't be encouraged, whether the subject is Josh or anyone else, but I can see why the snark goes there sometimes. The line between what is "allowed" and "not allowed" to be discussed on a forum like this is extremely blurry.

I don't speculate on Michelle's health, gynaecological or otherwise, because I am not a medical professional with access to her patient records and so I am not qualified to do so. If others choose to do so, that's up to them, but it doesn't stop me from calling them out on it. It's not 'not allowed' but it's still shitty. I don't do health policing.

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Oh and it makes me :lol: that anyone thinks Josh has seen a doctor in recent history. Josh does not seem the type to shell out any money unless he's dead or dying. Hell, he made Anna have an unplanned homebirth because their regular willing to be filmed doctor was out of town and he would probably have to actually pay to have Anna deliver Mackynzie in a hospital. I'm sure TLC would not have forked over the money for a hospital bill if the only shot they got was the outside of a hospital door or a waiting room filled with Duggars. So no, I highly doubt that any doctor in the greater NW Arkansa area has any intimate information regarding Josh's weight.

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Josh is an aspiring politician who wants to get into power to deny rights to women, LGBTQ folk and others. His views on those things are our business because they affect us. But none of us are Josh's doctor so none of us know how healthy or unhealthy he actually is so it's not our place to comment on it. Unless you are a medical professional with access to his patient records, you really have no idea what state his health is in.

And none of know what the state of Michelle's uterus is either. But we can take an educated guess that it's paper thin and we talk about that ad nauseum when she's pregnant/speculating that she's pregnant. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to say that Josh's cholesterol level is probably through the roof considering he posts pictures of his trans fat diet constantly.

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