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Season 6 of 19 Kids and Counting. God help us all!


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I noticed more editing that was throwing-the-duggars-under-the-bus-ish. When Michelle took the kittens to the vet, they kept the camera on her while her face was frozen in this kind of creepy clown-like expression. Then, when Michelle was rubbing lotion on Boob's poison ivy, they show Jenny looking scared and backing away from him. Then, there were plenty of shots of Michelle dodging kisses from Jim Bob. One of my favorites was when Jessa said, "yeah we did all this when we were younger, now the younger kids get to suffer through it!" Passive agressive much?

I also agree with whoever said that if the kids can be responsible for raising kittens, then they need to start doing LAUNDRY!!! Not to be morbid or ill-wishing, but have they thought ahead to the fact that Grandma will eventually poop out and will go on to be with Grandpa? I guess they'll just live with their mountains of dirty clothes.

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I think to an extent they've created their own laundry monster. They use that combined closet so there is really nowhere for the kids to put clothes that could be worn again. If they let the kids do that the two bedrooms would be flooded with "slightly worn" clothes in no time. There really is no good alternative in their system except for the if it's been worn to the laundry it goes. If they'd put even one decent sized closet in each bedroom then slightly worn clothes could go in there and the dirty ones to the laundry.

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I think it's simply disgraceful that grandma Duggar is even allowed to do that much laundry with all those kids around that are old enough to learn how. The J'slaves have enough to do, but the middle boys are old enough to sort and fold laundrey, so even if the weren't doing the actual washing they could still make a huge dent in the workload. My great-grandma came to live with us when I was a kid and aside from doing some occasional baking which she actually enjoyed she was never asked to do any household chores. The way we figured it she had raised a family already, and put in her dues. I'd love to see Grandma Duggar with enough free time to pull poor little Jennifer and Jordyn on her lap and tell them a story or read to them. Maybe she could help the younger ones with their schooling, or just spoil them rotten with chocolate chip cookies, hugs and cuddles like a grandma should be doing instead of being the laundry room slave. I seriously wonder at the family values of any family that could treat grandma like a house elf, not that Jim Boob would even get that reference , but that lady is your mother treat her with some respect instead of trying to work her into an early grave.

On a side note if the J'slaves are doing all the cooking and cleaning, teaching and parenting of their little buddies and Grandma is doing all the laundry what in the hell is Michelle doing all day long other than going at it like rabbits with Jim Boob trying to make # 20?

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I haven't posted enough to start a new topic so I'm putting this tidbit of news here.

I just found out that the Duggars are the subject of a Japanese documentary - hence the trip abroad. The producers are also filming in the U.S.

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I haven't posted enough to start a new topic so I'm putting this tidbit of news here.

I just found out that the Duggars are the subject of a Japanese documentary - hence the trip abroad. The producers are also filming in the U.S.

Interesting although I would have paid good money to watch a documentary of the time they spent in China, what with China's one child only policy I'm sure they attracted allot of stares from befuddled locals who were silently thanking their lucky stars for thier country's strict population control laws after witnessing the shudder inducing mess that is the Duggars. A bonus would have been Jim Boob and Mullet getting detained by authorities for preaching the Quiverful lifestyle.

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I haven't posted enough to start a new topic so I'm putting this tidbit of news here.

I just found out that the Duggars are the subject of a Japanese documentary - hence the trip abroad. The producers are also filming in the U.S.

Do you know the title/ realease date? Because that would be interesting to see.

Better yet, is there a link so I can find more?

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Sorry, no link. I heard this from my daughter. She knows a young woman who has actuallly spent some time with the Duggars and has some sort of fan site for them. The young woman has been contacted about setting up an interview with the Japanese crew in Chicago.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if the crew tried to interview Gothard while they were in the area?

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This. Boob and Mullet admittted to the church handouts years ago, but I guess Boob likes to forget about that. I've also heard that they still receive donations.

Generally speaking, when a church looks at government handouts as evil, they fully expect the church to make up the difference. I was taught that was the way it was supposed to happen; people would have needs, of course, but the church (or generous individuals) would take care of them. Christians are believe they are "called" to do this, not the government. I am absolutely not defending Duggars, but being a former church girl I can absolutely understand why they do not consider church assistance to be the same thing as government subsidies.

Personally, I an thankful for the EBT program (although I don't think it is perfect; I was shocked to see an EBT sign at a Wendy's recently) and I mentioned in another thread that my own family used food stamps during a particularly bad year. I have nothing against the program, at all, but I *do* understand why, right or wrong, it is not considered the same thing as church handouts for many people.

An aside -- as someone who did some volunteer work with a church food bank, the handouts from churches are often very helpful because the recipients do not need to meet the government's definition of "need"; that is, a family could have an unexpected bill, crisis, one week job shutdown, whatever, and immediately get some food from the church (as opposed to selling the family car so they can qualify for food stamps.)

edit - grammar

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Growing up on a farm we raised plenty of strays we even raised a few wild animals such a a fawn, a few baby rabbits and raccoons and we even successfully raised a few baby birds that fell out of the nest. We never put any of them in a plastic pitcher a good old cardboard box, a wicker basket or a crate of some sort always worked just fine. A few fuzzy blankets and a warm water bottle makes and excellent fake momma for the little ones to snuggle. Why Michelle couldn't figure that out is beyond me, honestly I'm kinda starting to wonder about her sanity/intelligence she does some very odd things for someone that considers themselves to be wise enough to advise others.

I really hope the leghumpers who watched the kittens episode don't use the plastic pitcher for orphan animals. I agree, the warm water bottle in a box is a good way for kittens to be kept warm and it is much better than a fucking pitcher. I do wonder about Mullet's intelligence. She could have gotten a lot of good info about how to create a nesting box for them. I hope the vet who appeared in that episode watched on Tuesday.

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Didn't watch the hunting episode until last night. My first thought was is it really necessary to show the married people kissing all the time, it just, imo, seems gross after awhile (& boring too). Yes we get it, they're married so they can now kiss, have sex, etc., but do we really need to see it. Not modest at all in my opinion. I was particularly "grossed out" and annoyed when they were all in the living room and first the camera focused on D&P kissing, then J&A, then Boob & J'chelle. Come on, just gross! In-laws are visiting from out of state, I would imagine they'd want to sit around the living room and "catch up" on what's been happening since they last saw each other, not sit around the living room and see who can make out the most!

I also think this season is a total snooze-fest with nothing really new to show. We've seen most of the things in previous seasons including house construction. But I say good for JD if he has a better house then Josh!

One final comment, seeing how fit David and Priscilla seem to be, wonder if that will continue or if they will follow in Josh & Anna's footsteps and pack on the pound after a few years of marriage. Josh looks gross to me.

P.S., I realize I have used the word gross too much in this reply, but guess I couldn't help it. Sorry.

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One final comment, seeing how fit David and Priscilla seem to be, wonder if that will continue or if they will follow in Josh & Anna's footsteps and pack on the pound after a few years of marriage. Josh looks gross to me.

My guess would be no. Whatever other issues David may have (*coughing*), food deprivation while growing up doesn't appear to be one of them. Plus being active obviously comes more naturally to him than Josh.

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Can't resist jumping in to add my 2 cents re laundry and pet treatment.

Two person household here - one mom, one son. I typically do 5 to 6 loads of laundry per week. One load bed linens, one load towels, one load darks, including jeans, one load whites, one load misc, and usually one additional load as needed. It's plenty enough work for me to wash, dry, fold and put away 6 loads per week. My heart goes out to Grandma Duggar for being put to work in the Duggar laundry - what a way to show complete lack of respect for your elders JimBob!

As to those poor kittens - the Duggars need to avoid pet ownership at all costs. They have absolutely zero understanding of how to treat children or animals properly. I feel mightily for any poor creature who crosses their path.

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I'm a few episodes behind but I am DYING of boredom. I don't want to watch ANYBODY hunt, I don't care if it's Chipper Jones, I am snoozing. They've obviously run the course here.

I think Grandma should be freed too. 70 damn loads of laundry a week? It's disgusting that the Duggars require so much help to raise the kids THEY popped out.

And they're just fucking idiots. "We got to see outside things that were... inside!! It was neat and stuff!" This from a so-called adult. My 7 year old is more articulate.

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More from the Duggar news trove, this time from the Factiva database. Jim Bob was doing interviews with major newspapers years before TLC "discovered" him:

The Chicago Tribune


10 March 1999

The bill, which needed 75 votes in the 99-member House, was defeated 41-8.

One representative said he opposed the funding because he opposes Clinton.

"I would have voted for impeachment, and I think he has disgraced our state in a lot of ways," said Rep. Jim Bob Duggar (R-Springdale).

The Wall Street Journal

Deregulation Loses Steam In Many States

25 January 2001

A growing number of states are postponing electricity-deregulation plans because of fears prompted by California's energy crisis.

At least a dozen states in recent weeks have begun taking a second look at opening their consumer power markets to competition...

Lawmakers and regulators across the country are drawing another lesson from the West Coast: If deregulation goes wrong, the results can be catastrophic.

"It will destroy industry in Arkansas if we are one of the first to deregulate and then we start having problems," says Jim Bob Duggar, an Arkansas state representative who favors halting deregulation altogether...

Newsday (New York)

Notebook: Lawyerless Little Rock

13 May 2001

THE ARKANSAS Legislature is suffering from a shortage of lawyers. If you call that suffering.

Rep. Jim Bob Duggar doesn't. A Republican real- estate agent from Springdale, Duggar concedes that the legislature needs a few lawyers ("We don't want to do anything unconstitutional"), but "few is the key word." Duggar is one of 15 non-lawyers on the 20-member House Judiciary Committee. At one time, the committee would have been nearly all lawyers.

"We non-lawyers make law based on what the general public would prefer, rather than from a trial lawyer's perspective," Duggar said. "There are plenty of safeguards to protect the innocent. We sure don't want to let guilty people slip through the cracks."

That sort of talk frightens Rita Sklar, director of the Arkansas branch of the American Civil Liberties Union. It's easy to make jokes about lawyers, and many people do, but when you need a lawyer, you really need one.

"Some areas of the law that the Judiciary Committee deals with are . . . difficult and complicated, criminal justice among them," Sklar said. "What people think of as rights for criminals are really rights to protect the innocent . . . I was in a committee meeting when a member pounded his fist on the table and said, 'The judiciary can't keep on overturning our laws.' I had to explain to him that, yes, the judiciary can."... The effects of the vanishing lawyer on the Arkansas legislature aren't as dramatic as one might expect, so far...The quality of the rhetoric, never extremely high, has declined a bit. Certain knowledge is less widely shared. One lobbyist recalls a committee meeting at which a bill on easements came up. "Only a couple of people - the lawyers - knew what an easement was. We spent about an hour listening to them explain the legal concept to their colleagues."

The New York Times

In State Legislatures, 2nd Thoughts on Term Limits

21 May 2001

...In Arkansas, State Representative Jim Bob Duggar, a Republican, said he had tried to get a bill approved that would expand House limits to four two-year terms from three, to match the eight-year maximum in the Senate. But it died amid the radio campaign and a balky Senate.

''When it came down to it, the Senate didn't want to add any time to the House without the Senate getting some more time also,'' Mr. Duggar said in a telephone interview. ''Anyway, we were not able to get anything done.''...

The New York Times

Senator Running on Family Values Has a Tough Race After Divorce

15 April 2002

But Mr. Hutchinson is also facing an opponent in the Republican primary on May 21. He is State Representative Jim Bob Duggar, another conservative Southern Baptist. Mr. Duggar says he was ''called by God'' to run against Mr. Hutchinson.

Mr. Duggar, 36, the father of 13 children (''14, really, since my wife is pregnant and life begins at conception''), is not regarded as a serious threat to Mr. Hutchinson's renomination. But he is something of an embarrassment, given that very few other senators up for re-election this year have primary challengers. Further, Republicans who abandon Mr. Hutchinson for Mr. Duggar in May may not return to him in November, if they go to the polls at all.

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The Duggars have no business having children or animals, and I have come to the conclusion the welfare/donations debate is a moot point. That asshole Jim Bob HAD money to support even that ever growing family, and he chose to piss it away in vanity political campaigns and for the glory of being a one term legislator. He was sitting on money his family needed. He crammed 15 people into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom shithole, feed his children crap, clothed then abominably and barely shoed them so he could play politician. Of course they never applied for welfare, with Jim Bob's monetary assets they would have been denied until the drew down the money to meet the eligibility criteria. They took charity that should have gone to people who did not have money in the bank. He and Michelle felt entitled to do so because they were such super special breeders.

Someone should document how much of JB's money went to his political campaigns while his children lived in deprivation. How much went to political campaigns while he was scamming charity donations from churches and individuals? That would be a book I would buy. He then got TLC to finish the TTH and has been getting freebees left and right from sponsors. He's a pimp and a hustler, and I want to see him go down and go down hard.

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I was particularly "grossed out" and annoyed when they were all in the living room and first the camera focused on D&P kissing, then J&A, then Boob & J'chelle. Come on, just gross! In-laws are visiting from out of state, I would imagine they'd want to sit around the living room and "catch up" on what's been happening since they last saw each other, not sit around the living room and see who can make out the most!

To me, this is one of the most glaring examples of lack of social skills, manners, etiquette, call it what you will, that the Duggars and their like exhibit. Smooching in front of others all the damn time.

My parents have been (mostly) happily married for over 50 years. They would kiss goodbye in the morning, and "hello and welcome home" when my dad got home from work every night. It was just a quick peck. They certainly didn't feel the need to make a big production of kissing each other in front of guests. It's tacky.

My sweetie is pretty irresistible to me, but when we're out in public, I contain myself. If I feel a sudden rush of affection for him while we have guests over, I just ask him to come help me in the kitchen and plant a passionate kiss on him there - in private. All this "look at us!" stuff is lame in the extreme.

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"Duggar is one of 15 non-lawyers on the 20-member House Judiciary Committee. At one time, the committee would have been nearly all lawyers.

'We non-lawyers make law based on what the general public would prefer, rather than from a trial lawyer's perspective," Duggar said. "There are plenty of safeguards to protect the innocent. We sure don't want to let guilty people slip through the cracks.'"

This is some seriously scary shit. Boob and his ilk don't seem to much like the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

It's little wonder the (finally) released and obviously innocent West Memphis Three were convicted in Arkansas.

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So Jim Bob wanted to make laws based on what people PREFER. I'm liking the sound of that. I prefer that State legislators not get paid for their services. Let 'em work for free. Jim Bob is one ignorant man.

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The Duggars have no business having children or animals, and I have come to the conclusion the welfare/donations debate is a moot point. That asshole Jim Bob HAD money to support even that ever growing family, and he chose to piss it away in vanity political campaigns and for the glory of being a one term legislator. He was sitting on money his family needed. He crammed 15 people into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom shithole, feed his children crap, clothed then abominably and barely shoed them so he could play politician. Of course they never applied for welfare, with Jim Bob's monetary assets they would have been denied until the drew down the money to meet the eligibility criteria. They took charity that should have gone to people who did not have money in the bank. He and Michelle felt entitled to do so because they were such super special breeders.

Someone should document how much of JB's money went to his political campaigns while his children lived in deprivation. How much went to political campaigns while he was scamming charity donations from churches and individuals? That would be a book I would buy. He then got TLC to finish the TTH and has been getting freebees left and right from sponsors. He's a pimp and a hustler, and I want to see him go down and go down hard.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: A- freakin' -men!!

Well said, Arete Jo, very well said!

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I haven't posted enough to start a new topic so I'm putting this tidbit of news here.

I just found out that the Duggars are the subject of a Japanese documentary - hence the trip abroad. The producers are also filming in the U.S.

I just hope (beyond hope perhaps?) that the Japanese documentary is a hard-hitting, truth-be-told one, not like the drivel that TLC and Sean have been trying to pass off as reality.

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Every time I see Jim Bob kiss Michelle I remember that he has stank breath, and am squicked out. Bad breath and/or stinky feet make me want to hurl.

I think the allergy testing "birthday present" was really a present for Michelle, so that she wouldn't have to put up with that anymore. Unfortunately Jim Bob "decided not to have the allergy shots" thus perpetuating the bad breath. Michelle can't NOT kiss him, because she doesn't get that option. Maybe she should get him hooked on Altoids, or start slipping Nullo into his TTC or something.

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I only watched the first episode this season. They are doing episodes about Jim Bob's stinky breath now? Really? How can this show go on another season? What's next, a show dedicated to toe fungus and yeast infections? They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this show.

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I think it was last season. Michelle's fabulous birthday present to Jim Bob was allergy testing. He has post nasal drip, which, as she so delicately put it "causes an odor."

Bonus: the allergy testing was very painful for Jim Bob! Yay! Do it again!

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