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Shoot, I also meant to say that I'm expecting a mid-September wedding. I truly believe that the two have been courting for the past few months (my guess is since March or so) and that the engagement is going to be the typical fundie 3 months.

No way they got engaged without a courtship - we the public just weren't informed is all.

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Best of luck to the happy couple, of course, but I really hope Joseph loosens up a little once he's on his officially own & they get the confidence to make their own "house rules." (*I just read Cassia's post - Maybe he's trying to one-up the old man during conferences? More Maxwell than Maxwell?)

Poor Sarah! She needs a big bouquet of flowers and a nice card - with some good thoughts meant just for her. I bet ol Stevie wouldn't let the delivery guy anywhere near the door! Then, he'd make her "donate" the flowers to the nursing home.

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In the photo she just turned 16 and got her drivers' license.

Poor, poor Elizabeth. What a difference being brainwashed can make.

The mom seems to be a poor speller. She apparently doesn't know the difference between too and to, and quite and quiet. :roll:

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Best of luck to the happy couple, of course, but I really hope Joseph loosens up a little once he's on his officially own & they get the confidence to make their own "house rules." (*I just read Cassia's post - Maybe he's trying to one-up the old man during conferences? More Maxwell than Maxwell?)

Poor Sarah! She needs a big bouquet of flowers and a nice card - with some good thoughts meant just for her. I bet ol Stevie wouldn't let the delivery guy anywhere near the door! Then, he'd make her "donate" the flowers to the nursing home.

I have a feeling Sarah will be occupied making her bridesmaid dress and decorations for the impending ceremony.

I do hope the brides family goes all out when it comes to the paper plates. They do have a penchant for pulling out the stops when it comes to coordinated table decorations (i.e. idols).

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I'll give the mom a pass...my mom is highly intelligent, educated and well read--and yet if you read her facebook posts, you'd wonder how she made it through college. She is just a hunt-and-peck typer and it shows. I wonder if it's the same here?

Okay, so I love the hippo first birthday party. The colors are awesome and the decorations super cute. Someone put a great deal of thought and planning into that first birthday party, which tells me that someone cares about celebrating each child individually.

WHAT THE HELL IS ELIZABETH THINKING???? Going from that to the Maxwell drudgery?

(Also, the mom has had 11 kids? She looks fantastic--and happy. She just strikes me as a very happy, spunky person...I bet if Dad Munck told her no more Pepsi, she'd throw the bottle at his head and keep on drinking it. She doesn't appear to be sitting around thinking about death...)

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Elizabeth is beautiful and they look very happy; I wish them all the best. I looked at their family blog a little but didn't go through it too thoroughly. Someone upthread posted an entry about them going to a Maxwell homeschool conference and being convicted by all the Maxwell wisdom that was imparted. I'm betting that's how Elizabeth and Joseph met. Another sister-in-law for Sarah to clean house for . . .

No, only the parents and youngest baby went to the first Max conference in Anaheim in 2008, which is what turned on the fundie switch. I imagine the parents kept in touch. Laura seems to be the chief blogger, but does Steve allow Teri to email beyond her "Corners?" I'm sure Laura and Arthur subscribed to those after meeting the Maxwells. It appears that Joseph only met Elizabeth at that conference in Pigeon Forge or thereabouts last year. For all we know, the Munck children had no knowledge of the Maxwells at all, unless the smaller ones read the Moody books. Laura doesn't mention using MOTH or any other Maxwell materials.

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What I hate about fundie courtship is how little you know a person before committing to marriage. It doesn't look like the two have spent more than a few days at a stretch together (and even then it's surrounded by family!). The first time the two well be together will be their honeymoon. How horrible will it be if elizabeth realizes what a nutcase the rest of the family is? It's a good thing that she is starting married life a mile away from the main clan, at leat some sanity may be retained with a little distance.

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If you look at the comments from the Munck blog update on the engagement, if appears as though they did have a courtship. One person (Emily) said that they were praying for them during the courtship. Guess it wasn't entirely arranged.

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Elizabeth and her family could provide the conflict desperately missing from Poor Sarah's writing.

Maybe Steve sees this and let this one slip through to bolster sagging revenues and provide fresh material for Poor Sarah.

Or, maybe Joseph really is a little high-strung hellion set on making his own decisions, damn it. After all, he has already shown us his independent streak by purchasing a house .7 miles away from MaxHell St. I wonder if Steve tried to nix this thing since she clearly is not from the same cloth, hence no mention of any of this until an engagement.

No wonder Teri looks like hell at this last conference. Did she know what was about to happen? :violin:

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Interesting little tidbit from the comment section w/r/t part of the way Joseph paid (or is paying Steve back) for his house.

When I renewed my subscription yesterday to the schedulebreeze site for the upcoming school year, I smiled when I saw at the checkout that the proceeds of the purchase go toward his home purchase.

Interesting...although if Joseph is the IT guy, he probably set up the "schedublebreeze" spreadsheet in a grand total of 5 minutes, but the post implies that he wasn't receiving proceeds from this until he needed to buy a house.

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If you look at the comments from the Munck blog update on the engagement, if appears as though they did have a courtship. One person (Emily) said that they were praying for them during the courtship. Guess it wasn't entirely arranged.

Someone else mentioned a "conversation in April" so they've been courting for at least two whole months. I would lay money down that the phone call for permission to court (since the Maxwells weren't traveling in the spring) came on Elizabeth's birthday, hence the request to keep it "low key" since it might have also represented the beginning of the courtship.

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Re Laura's blog:

The Muncks Quiver

They do?

I love how Laura went into great detail about each of the kids' names--namesakes, meanings, Biblical significance--but leaves out any Biblical mention of Mary. Too Catholic, I guess. (Maybe she's like Miss Raquel, who's miffed that Ave Maria, one of her favorites, is about Mary.)

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Wow. I just KNEW there had to be a reason Joseph bought a house and immediately got into some fast work to get remodeling done. She's a pretty girl, though.

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I doubt it has anything to do with the Catholic emphasis on Mary. It's pretty clearly a family name that they chose to honor people by choosing. They probably weren't even thinking about the Biblical Mary.

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My only hope is that Joseph will be so enamored with getting Teh Sex, he'll do whatever it takes to make his new blushing bride happy, including allowing decorative trees in the house and encouraging her continued art education.

Also? Zsu has a pool, people. Yeah, these people may look sweet and shiny, but they still appear to be cut from the same mold as the other repressive assholes. They are letting their firstborn precious gift from god MARRY A FUCKING MAXWELL. That alone is enough for me to judge them as not being what they appear to be in all the purdy pictures. It doesn't take more than 1 or 2 Mom's/Dad's Corners to see what these people are about, so surely they aren't going into this that blindly.

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I think that that worse than ending up in the Maxwell family is ending up in the Maxwell family via Joseph. I met the family over a two day conference last year and the only impression I got from Joseph was that he was arrogant and haughty. I didn't get that vibe from the other children at all - they were all very friendly, going out of their way to talk to people, hold doors open for others, catch your eye and smile. But not Joseph - he was walking ahead of me into the church and didn't even consider holding the door open. I was sitting in the church with my friend before their lecture began and John came right over, SAT DOWN WITH US and started chatting (Sarah also did this but at a different time). It's not like Joseph was directly rude or did anything in particular, it was just the vibe I got from him - sort of snotty. Maybe within his family he's delightful - I can only hope so because right now, I'm feeling awfully sorry for this poor girl. The Maxwell's are bad enough but in my opinion, Joseph is the worst of the bunch...

I kind-of got a snotty/arrogant vibe from him in the engagement photo but I couldn't tell if it was just because they aren't allowed to touch and he was awkward. Your experience with the family is really interesting though.

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Wow. I just KNEW there had to be a reason Joseph bought a house and immediately got into some fast work to get remodeling done. She's a pretty girl, though.

It's amazing how motivating the chance to finally have sex can be.

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Apparently earlier this year the Lord told them that the Maxwells had in right all along. :roll:

In 2008 they posted about celebrating Easter, in 2012 they posted about how they spent Resurrection Sunday. Also the kids no longer participate in many of the activities they used to participate in. They now only participate in God honoring activities.

Guess they were "ripe" for being brainwashed. How sad, me thinks Elizabeth will fit right in with the Maxwells. Wonder if she is even allowed to drive anymore. I'm sure the family feels so "blessed" that their daughter was able to "snag" a Maxwell son.

Yesterday, I told about how our family lived the hurry scurry lifestyle and never seemed to find a balance on the fulcrum called life. If, you missed that post you can click


to read it.

Our life as a whole was busy, and trying to keep our balance never seemed to happen. We sought to have a balance, hoping that harmony would also come with that balance. Yet, it seemed the formula that we would apply never changed us completely....

We remained busy!

Our children were getting older and the Lord continued to bless us and add more children to our quiver. Arthur and I became burdened that we weren't doing something right, but we couldn't figure out what exactly it was that we were lacking.

We homeschooled, we were very active in church, went on mission trips, our children had loads of outside activities...choir, music, sports, etc. We ate dinner together most nights, prayed before meals, and at bedtime prayed with our children...so what was missing?

Arthur and I felt the Lord telling us to attend a Family/Homeschool

encouragement weekend in Anaheim CA. put on by the Maxwell Family of Titus 2.We booked a flight, hired a sitter for our children, and packed up baby Wesley and off we went to California for the weekend.......

This type of thing was totally out of character for us, and we truly had no idea what a work the Lord was going to in us that weekend.

The Maxwell family spoke straight forward all weekend, backing their words up with scripture. Often times what they said hit a nerve....you know that nerve of 'Oh I already knew that but I'm not doing it'...yes, that nerve!

Several of the sessions Teri Maxwell gave to the ladies I thought , wow, she knows just how I feel. Then she would give practical ways to help you with the situation, all pointing to our need to be in God's word!

Arthur went to several other sessions put on by Steve Maxwell for the men.

The session that hit home for Arthur was the session on Family Bible Time, Arthur walked away convicted but also on fire and encouraged!

Arthur stated on that day that when we returned home he would be starting a family Bible time. And that is just what he did upon our return home.

We began the next day after arriving home, and haven't missed a day since then. As a family we began to dig into God's Word, and to pray together as a whole family seeking one accord.

Little by little the Lord began to open our eyes to our many short comings,

and He began to refine us in a way that we didn't even know existed or even thought possible.

This is when we began to see harmony, and the balancing on the fulcrum started to seem like less of a daunting task.


Because we started to give God our first each morning,

we began to know Him in a deeper richer way from being in His word,

and our family started to see one another in a completely different light...

Harmony was upon us!

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It's amazing how motivating the chance to finally have sex can be.

:lol: Apparently so!! And if they've really been only courting for two months, wow.....that's fast. :shock: Anyone have any bets on when they'll get hitched? I've only been reading the Maxwells' blog for about a month now, so I'm not sure how long the other guys' courtships/engagements were.

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Wow! That's some serious Maxwell asskissing going on from Elizabeth's family.

On another note, how can one be "in His word"? That doesn't even make sense. I hate fundiese!

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As newcomers to the cult I'm sure that the bride's family think she is marrying up into fundy royalty. I cannot wait for this hymen sale transfer of authority. I hope it's streamed live.


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It is sad to see Elizabeth's family becoming more and more fundie as you go through their blog. I enjoyed seeing the older pics and even in the more recent pictures you can see the love this family has for each ohter. They have fun together. The kids have celebrated Halloween, Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and birthdays. The older teenagers were able to travel to missions in pairs rather than en mass a la Maxwells. The girls wore shorts, pants and bathing suits and still managed to remain Christians. They seem to really enjoy their pool; it would be nice if Joseph could put one in - the back yard seemed large enough.

Perhaps Joseph will become less arrogant when he marries. Elizabeth appears to be a happy, out-going girl so it would be a shame for her to have all the fun sucked out of her life. They are both so young, they undoubtably will try to have as many blessings as they can. Is it sad to wish them to be middle of the road fundy or fundie-lite? Maxwell fundiness is just too extreme to wish on anyone.

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