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Oh Mullet, what will it be next?


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I wonder if any of the children are going to be illiterate. What a horrible disservice these people are doing to their children. Orphanages used to do a better job. Everything about them smacks of institutional living. Slob served on paper plates, drink dispensers, busing to and fro. Yet there is no accountability.

I saw an episode of Kathy Griffin's new talk show last night and she showed a picture of the Duggars and called them assholes about five times. I wonder if she reads here. She could certainly get some good material; especially about the duggars and dyslexia.

Actually a Duggar episode I would watch might be called Dyslexic Duggars. It would highlight Michelle's "highly-effective" 15-minute teaching style.

Sorry I'm veering left and right on this post. I had a dream about the Duggar's education last night (you know it's bad when you dream about it) and I'm hopping mad at that bitch. Like people have noted animals have more of a mothering instinct than this POS. She's as much of a mother as one of Harlow's wire monkeys. And Harlow was a sick bastard.

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I wonder if any of the children are going to be illiterate. What a horrible disservice these people are doing to their children. Orphanages used to do a better job. Everything about them smacks of institutional living. Slob served on paper plates, drink dispensers, busing to and fro. Yet there is no accountability.

I saw an episode of Kathy Griffin's new talk show last night and she showed a picture of the Duggars and called them assholes about five times. I wonder if she reads here. She could certainly get some good material; especially about the duggars and dyslexia.

Actually a Duggar episode I would watch might be called Dyslexic Duggars. It would highlight Michelle's "highly-effective" 15-minute teaching style.

Sorry I'm veering left and right on this post. I had a dream about the Duggar's education last night (you know it's bad when you dream about it) and I'm hopping mad at that bitch. Like people have noted animals have more of a mothering instinct than this POS. She's as much of a mother as one of Harlow's wire monkeys. And Harlow was a sick bastard.

Maybe Kathy does read here, that would make me happy. I've haven't watched her new talk show yet, but she called the Duggars assholes on twitter after Mullet announced her last pregnancy. She probably see through the bullshit that the Duggars spew through TLC.

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It doesn't seem to me that the Duggars (or indeed any fundie group) puts much emphasis on education. It is all about character for them. Most of them don't see the value of a university education and in fact see going on to higher education as a negative (especially for girls).

Here is a quote from Legacy of Home blog from June 28/2010 (bolding mine:"We did not keep track of credits earned in each subject. In my school, there was no such thing as 4 credits of English, 4 credits of Math, etc. We simply never bothered. Frankly, I never imagined my girls were going to college in the first place. My plan was for them to finish their education with me, and hopefully, marry and become homemakers like their Mother."

As for their sons - fundies seem to promote only jobs that do not need a university education e.g. the tree business the Bates do or the construction/farm work the Mortons do.

So, I am not surprised that Michelle has a glib answer for her son's reading problems. Education means little to someone whose life will be little more than following orders someone be it their husband or Gothard.

A limited version of character at that. Character to them means obedience and a head full of unquestioned horse shit. Period. Nothing about strength or growth or intellectual honesty.

It's scary to think about a sheep-like, uneducated man leading a sheep-like, uneducated wife whose teaching sheep-like, uneducated children. Sounds like a depressing downward spiral.

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Wow, you are just like my husband! My hubby inverts number when he writes (don't tell him a phone number, he will never get it right) and he switches words around when he reads. It's a good thing that he is a fast reader, he has to re-read a lot, he is also an avid reader.

I also discovered that I'm a serial number inverter, when I write, but not if I learn a phone number or b-day orally. But give me a phone number to program into my smartphone and I am almost guaranteed to swap numbers. When I went back to school and re-took algebra (testing put me on the borderline of not needing it and going on to statistics, but it had been over 20 years, so I went back to the basics). I'm glad I took the algebra class since it offered a lot of extra credit and I found that just about every error I made on an exam was due to number inversion. It made me much more careful when I took statistics, but every once in a while, even double-checking, I still made the occasional error. But learning to do that double-check got me a 96 in the course, so I was happy. I tried trig when I was still majoring in nutritional science, but the inversion problems got even worse, even with double/triple checks, so I ended up changing majors. If I couldn't handle trig, no way was I going to be able to handle physics calculations.

Sometimes, you just have to know where your limits are and tweak things respectively. That said, aspiring to functional literacy in this day and age is unacceptable. Thus sayeth the English teacher to-be. :mrgreen:

So to the Duggars, SIT DOWN AND ACTUALLY TEACH YOUR KIDS! No one believes the claims that those kids are in "school" 5-6 hours/day, which was the stat they tried to foist on the audience during the last "season." Don't forget, they spent almost a month overseas with maybe one laptop for JimBob to check on his businesses. Next, the Duggars will claim that they're teaching the kids year-round (which they realistically have to, given all the traveling they're doing for the show). Even the Bateses get the summers off. That's the one thing I commend Kelly Bates for: she keeps the travel down to the weekends during the "school year" (save for Big Sandy, of course) and do their real traveling during the summer. They just seem to make education a bit of a higher priority than the Duggars; I even saw a couple girls READING during leisure time at their house, something I've only seen one Duggar (Jill) do during the entire run of specials/series TV. It was during the Moving In special and she was reading in the gazebo, which hasn't been seen since (probably got bulldozed to pour the slab for the basketball court).

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I wonder if any of the children are going to be illiterate. What a horrible disservice these people are doing to their children. Orphanages used to do a better job. Everything about them smacks of institutional living. Slob served on paper plates, drink dispensers, busing to and fro. Yet there is no accountability.

I saw an episode of Kathy Griffin's new talk show last night and she showed a picture of the Duggars and called them assholes about five times. I wonder if she reads here. She could certainly get some good material; especially about the duggars and dyslexia.

Actually a Duggar episode I would watch might be called Dyslexic Duggars. It would highlight Michelle's "highly-effective" 15-minute teaching style.

Sorry I'm veering left and right on this post. I had a dream about the Duggar's education last night (you know it's bad when you dream about it) and I'm hopping mad at that bitch. Like people have noted animals have more of a mothering instinct than this POS. She's as much of a mother as one of Harlow's wire monkeys. And Harlow was a sick bastard.

A Harlow wire monkey-- not even a Harlow cloth monkey. That is COLD!!! :twisted:

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Just another day at the TTH. Wait until the wire sistermoms are introduced!

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Thanks for posting the picture. I never knew what the wire monkey actually looked like. Michelle is actually better than that by a tad but not quite as good as a cloth monkey because at least the baby monkeys went to that for comfort when they were scared and they weren't totally screwed up socially as adults. Harlow really pisses me off. I know he contributed to what we know about attachment theory but as soon as he figured that out, he should have stopped.

There are limits now with what we can do with animals. Michelle just has the right to keep on going until her reproductive parts wear out from overuse and/or age.

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Yikes. Michelle just practically told the public, "My children have reading and learning disorders, and instead of getting additional help, we just deal with the problem ourselves." BTW Michelle? Claiming to have a speech therapy friend means jackshit to us. We know that you are just covering your ass from the scrutiny.

Did you read the comments? Not positive at all.

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Yikes. Michelle just practically told the public, "My children have reading and learning disorders, and instead of getting additional help, we just deal with the problem ourselves." BTW Michelle? Claiming to have a speech therapy friend means jackshit to us. We know that you are just covering your ass from the scrutiny.

Did you read the comments? Not positive at all.

I checked the comments awhile ago and there was 3 comments and none were positive or supportive of Michelle's BS. I was a bit suprirsed that a Duggar defender comment didn't pop up. I do hope more people see than article and I wouldn't be surprised if the Duggars do get a support comment at some point. I think overall, most people aren't buying into the BS the Duggars spew out. My boyfriend is at his parents' house tonight. He is helping them with his paternal grandfather who is ill. My boyfriend is planning to show the article to his mom, who is an occupational therapist. He doesn't buy Michelle's claim about having a speech therapist friend. He said that in his mother mentioned that people and children with learning disabilities will get help from a few different types of therapists. His mom has watched 19kac several times and has said that she finds something off about Michelle.

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Just another day at the TTH. Wait until the wire sistermoms are introduced!

I wish I had Photoshop -- I'd put Michelle's hair on that wire monkey mom.

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My son is taking an advanced digital design class at high school. He says he will try if no one else has tackled it. I tried but did a horrible job of it. He thinks Freejin-Ger as he calls it is a time-waster but he hates the Duggars, especially little miss baby voice. I was trying to find a black and white photo of her hair to match the monkey and that was a mistake.

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I flip flop numbers. Like instead of 472, I'll write 742. I have to double and sometimes triple check what I've written. Makes doing the checkbook fun.

I have that problem, too. What is it called? I had to do a lot of phone calls for my mom's office one summer and I kept getting "This call cannot be completed as dialed". Turns out I was dialing 123-456-7890 as "123-465-7980" or something. Oops. :oops:

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Lol I don't know what it's called but it's really irritating, isn't it?

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I wonder if any of the children are going to be illiterate. What a horrible disservice these people are doing to their children. Orphanages used to do a better job. Everything about them smacks of institutional living. Slob served on paper plates, drink dispensers, busing to and fro. Yet there is no accountability.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Wins the prize for typo of the week!

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I checked the comments awhile ago and there was 3 comments and none were positive or supportive of Michelle's BS. I was a bit suprirsed that a Duggar defender comment didn't pop up. I do hope more people see than article and I wouldn't be surprised if the Duggars do get a support comment at some point. I think overall, most people aren't buying into the BS the Duggars spew out. My boyfriend is at his parents' house tonight. He is helping them with his paternal grandfather who is ill. My boyfriend is planning to show the article to his mom, who is an occupational therapist. He doesn't buy Michelle's claim about having a speech therapist friend. He said that in his mother mentioned that people and children with learning disabilities will get help from a few different types of therapists. His mom has watched 19kac several times and has said that she finds something off about Michelle.

I would love it if someone credible could get media attention and show the Duggars in a new light. I can just see it on the news- "Family ignores childrens' disorders and braggs about it".

I wish I had Photoshop -- I'd put Michelle's hair on that wire monkey mom.

PLEASE Someone do this! Or even better- put a J'slave's face on the wire monkey!

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She is operating off of the old premise that dyslexia is related to visual processing. Now we know better; memory, visual-motor integration, auditory processing including phonemic awareness and automaticity are the primary factors. Getting letters out of order is common and a lot that has to do with visual memory--not visual processing. Backwards writing, not so much Mullet! She's about 30 years behind when it comes to thinking about dyslexia. Here is a clip from an article I found online that says it better than I do.

Dyslexic children also experience difficulties with 'jumbled spellings'. These are spelling attempts in which all the correct letters are present, but are written in the wrong order. Examples include dose/does, freind/friend, siad/said, bule/blue, becuase/because, and wores/worse. 'Jumbled spellings' show that the child is experiencing difficulty with visual memory. Non-dyslexic children and adults often use their visual memory when trying to remember a difficult spelling: they write down two or three possible versions of the word on a spare piece of paper and see which spelling 'looks right'. They are relying on their visual memory to help them, but the visual memory of a dyslexic child may not be adequate for this task.

Again, it's hard to tell whether they have a learning disability. If I were the evaluator, I would make sure they have had good schooling and a lot of intervention before I proceeded and I would do so with caution. I evaluated a home-schooled boy this year and was confident he had a writing disability but that was because I also went to the home and observed her teaching her child for about an hour and then I went to a group activity where I watched him with peers because before that he had seemed a little spectrumy to me. To make this diagnosis lightly is to discount the people who truly struggle with reading problems and as the word becomes part of our everyday language (I'm so ADD) and it gets overdiagnosed, funding is spread even thinner. The best thing parents can do is work with their children. Travelling from place to place isn't going to do it Mullet. Children aren't just magically educated.

Edited for errors. Sorry!

I have always suspected I have mild dyslexia. I just can't visualize some words as being spelled correctly, even as an adult. I frequently transpose numbers, and I have to focus intently to read for comprehension. Incidentally, I was tested as a child, and it was determined I was not dyslexic, but I have a distinct memory of being in 2nd grade and my teacher saying, "This is a 'B", and this is a 'D', and finally seeing the difference.

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So far there are only two comments in support of Mullet


What's wrong with working a menial job? Americans bitch about illegal immigrants working in America, yet sneer at Americans who might have to work at menial jobs. Which do you want? As for length of home schooling vs public school, there are formal and informal lessons. Most of what I learned about geography I learned through camping trips or my dad taking my brother and I on oil industry sales calls during Professional Days, Spring Break, Winter Break, Teacher's Conferences, Summer Break. It doesn't take as long to teach two to seven kids as it does 20-23, so a home schooler's formal lessons would not be as long as a public school child's would be.


Great advice, Michelle! It's neat hearing the reality on this type of scenario and seeing how you dealt/deal with it. Love how much you speak positive, encouraging, loving words to your children~!

There is also comment from a man whose child is dyslexic and he call Mullet's article BS.

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I have that problem, too. What is it called? I had to do a lot of phone calls for my mom's office one summer and I kept getting "This call cannot be completed as dialed". Turns out I was dialing 123-456-7890 as "123-465-7980" or something. Oops. :oops:

Dyscalculia. Other symptoms include: difficulty reading maps, clumsiness, issues following "rules" of sports games, difficulty with music theory if you're taking music lessons, bad with names and faces... there's more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia

I've got damn near all the symptoms except for reading a clock and the inability to visualize mentally. Those I got. But everything else? holy cow. I almost didn't graduate college because of a math class ~ i had tested out of all math pre reqs and my mother and father insisted I take it anyways. I can't afford to get tested but I already have a documented learning disability- ADHD :P

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That's fascinating! I had no idea that it was a legit problem, I just chalked it up as 'numeric dyslexia' so people would understand... Also explains why I stink at putting names to faces and why I used to turn the map when on a trip!

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I wonder if any of the children are going to be illiterate. What a horrible disservice these people are doing to their children. Orphanages used to do a better job. Everything about them smacks of institutional living. Slob served on paper plates, drink dispensers, busing to and fro. Yet there is no accountability.

Some of the howlers may end up homeless, the way they are going. They are not instilling the work ethic required for manual labor or the intellectual curiosity needed as a professional. Even to run a car lot, you need to be literate (and Josh is hanging on by the skin of his teeth there.) What the hell are the howlers gonna do when Dimbulb and J'chelle go off to the great TTH in the sky?

I tend to not believe the dyslexia. From what we've seen on the show, they just haven't been taught to read.

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I also think some of the howlers will struggle financially in the future. There is only so much Boob can do for them. Not all them have the work ethic that John David has. Joseph will probably end up with some manual labor type business. I recall reading in another thread, that Gothard is against certain forms of vocational training and apprenticeships.

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You know, on one hand, I don't think there's anything wrong with learning a trade. I really think that, in general, society puts so much emphasis on "Going to school and learning something to earn you big bucks" that we kind of lose sight of things like basic car mechanics, electricians, etc.

Trades are important, and there are a lot of people who earn very good livings at them. I would be totally happy for my son if that's the career path he chooses. Do SOMETHING, enjoy it, get as good as possible at it, and prosper. I'll watch the grandkids!

However, the Duggars have essentially pigeonholed their kids into only really being able to pick up a trade, and not even fully do that because they are all into "Owning their own business" or whatever it is they are doing. A lot of trades have schools and courses involved to become certified. I doubt the Duggars will ever do any of that, unless they escape from their crazy parents. I doubt Josh ever took any courses on business management, and will eventually run that carlot into the ground.

Which brings me to my next theory; there really aren't any more Duggar courtships, because, for all thier grandstanding about Josh being financially cut off and independent, we all know that's bullshit and they're likely supporting his family pretty heavily. I'm pretty sure that they aren't ready to have to support a third family if another one of their kids gets married and starts furthering the Gothard agenda through blatant uterus abuse.

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That's fascinating! I had no idea that it was a legit problem, I just chalked it up as 'numeric dyslexia' so people would understand... Also explains why I stink at putting names to faces and why I used to turn the map when on a trip!

I'm great at putting names with faces, but HORRIBLE at putting faces to names.

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Dyscalculia. Other symptoms include: difficulty reading maps, clumsiness, issues following "rules" of sports games, difficulty with music theory if you're taking music lessons, bad with names and faces... there's more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia

I've got damn near all the symptoms except for reading a clock and the inability to visualize mentally. Those I got. But everything else? holy cow. I almost didn't graduate college because of a math class ~ i had tested out of all math pre reqs and my mother and father insisted I take it anyways. I can't afford to get tested but I already have a documented learning disability- ADHD :P

Thanks for the info on discalculia! I didn't realize there was so many other things attached to that. I have butter-fingers when I go to pick up or hold things with just my hands (I dropped a loaf of banana bread hot out of the oven yesterday, amazingly it didn't break) I'm also bad with connecting names with faces. I love that I've learned so much from all you FJ'ers :D

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Dyscalculia. Other symptoms include: difficulty reading maps, clumsiness, issues following "rules" of sports games, difficulty with music theory if you're taking music lessons, bad with names and faces... there's more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia

I've got damn near all the symptoms except for reading a clock and the inability to visualize mentally. Those I got. But everything else? holy cow. I almost didn't graduate college because of a math class ~ i had tested out of all math pre reqs and my mother and father insisted I take it anyways. I can't afford to get tested but I already have a documented learning disability- ADHD :P

OMG. I so have this. It's just like a list of those little things in life I find difficult. I have had a recurring dream since childhood where I am in a phone box trying to dial a number and I can't do it. I just start over and over again and can't finish. I also have terrible trouble with remembering names and understanding games and sports. How very odd. I was always a straight A girl in everything apart from maths and physics. It all adds up. :lol:

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