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The gays have a secret facist regime- homototalitarianism


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Because, you know, TTH thinks that gays want to take over the world with their facist regime:

This appears to be one small victory against homototalitarianism... I couldn’t believe the homofascist bent/flavor of this story at first, but then my disbelief turned to joy because, once again, the adverse influence of the homosexual lifestyle in our nation’s schools can be clearly and easily shown. Anyone offended by a mural depicting a man graduating from college, getting married, and then having a son, is clearly a twisted individual.


If anyone wants the less-biased version of this story- here you go:



Why did no one ever tell me I was part of a secret facist regime? We totally need to develop a pamphlet or a secret handshake or something. Homototalitarianism is for sure going to fail if I, as one of teh gayz, has not even heard of it ;)

Why did no one ever tell me I was part of a secret facist regime? We totally need to develop a pamphlet or a secret handshake or something. Homototalitarianism is for sure going to fail if I, as one of teh gayz, has not even heard of it ;)

I did not know about this either. People really need to get the word out. Who is in charge of PR? Clearly they are failing.


Homotolitarianism is an amazing word. As for the sentiment behind these posts all I can say is :roll:


Homotolitarianism - try saying it three times real fast. :lol:


I did not know about this either. People really need to get the word out. Who is in charge of PR? Clearly they are failing.

I work in PR now, perhaps I should take over :lol:


Homofascism? Is that like regular fascism but with even more faboulous uniforms?


Homototalitarianism: fabulousness under the threat of death.

Sweet Christ, I can't even... Every time I think I've seen the most a person can stick their head up their own ass, something like this happens.

Why did no one ever tell me I was part of a secret facist regime? We totally need to develop a pamphlet or a secret handshake or something. Homototalitarianism is for sure going to fail if I, as one of teh gayz, has not even heard of it ;)

Yeah, I never got the bloody handbook, or the toaster either. ANd what happened to the nifty uniform?

Homotolitarianism - try saying it three times real fast. :lol:

I can't even say it once. :?

Why did no one ever tell me I was part of a secret facist regime? We totally need to develop a pamphlet or a secret handshake or something. Homototalitarianism is for sure going to fail if I, as one of teh gayz, has not even heard of it ;)

Didn't you read your agenda? It's got to be in there somewhere.

Edit: Did that loser seriously just claim that a prayer banner in a public school is "hardly controversial stuff"? Where's the ACTUALLY unbiased version of this story? There has to be one - right?

Also, I love how the assumption is "well, if it doesn't reflect everybody's life, the only alternative is GAY FOLKS". What about remaining single and/or having no children?


I'd rather have a homotalitarianist in office than Frothy or Mittens.

Seriously though, where the hell do fundies get these ideas?


Hey, that's in my state! Woohoo! Rhodies repreSENT!

After watching the story (which is still pretty biased), I can completely understand why people would object to the last image in the mural. In a high school, graduation is a pretty universally-applicable prediction for its students, but after that, the possibilities diverge wildly. And it's not just the "homototalitarians" (new Scrabble word!) who might object, either! Young men who graduate from Pilgrim High might marry a woman, or marry a man, or co-habitate with a partner and never marry, or marry and have kids, or cohabitate and not have kids, or not have any sexual partners at all! Including the last image just reinforces this heteronormative, hugely-restrictive meme of what "being an adult" means, and it's bullshit.

That being said, us homofascists have to step up our game! Our brethren the atheist communazis stepped up in Cranston, and now it's our turn! Today, Pilgrim High, tomorrow, THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHAHA! *thunderclap*

Why did no one ever tell me I was part of a secret facist regime? We totally need to develop a pamphlet or a secret handshake or something. Homototalitarianism is for sure going to fail if I, as one of teh gayz, has not even heard of it ;)

I did not get the email, and now I'm really pissed. I wanted a cabinet position.


Everyone, calm down! There was an issue with the post office, your pamphlets, uniforms, toasters and initiation booklets are in the mail. To make up for the delay we have also included proslytizing material so you can convert the non-homosexual heathens and a wonderful collection of sex toys.

Everyone, calm down! There was an issue with the post office, your pamphlets, uniforms, toasters and initiation booklets are in the mail. To make up for the delay we have also included proslytizing material so you can convert the non-homosexual heathens and a wonderful collection of sex toys.

Ya know its an election year, I'm gonna be hard pressed when I'm doing knock and talks to right wing republicans trying to get them to vote for the big O no less recruiting LGBTs while doing door to door dildo demonstrations. Can ya at least make it a bit easier for us old folk?

Oh yea and the last fucking toaster I got from you folks is dead. I want my new one fed x'd with next day delivery.

Everyone, calm down! There was an issue with the post office, your pamphlets, uniforms, toasters and initiation booklets are in the mail. To make up for the delay we have also included proslytizing material so you can convert the non-homosexual heathens and a wonderful collection of sex toys.

Is the toaster already rainbow-colored, or do we have to paint it ourselves? (If it makes rainbow toast, all tardiness will be forgiven.)


Ya know its an election year, I'm gonna be hard pressed when I'm doing knock and talks to right wing republicans trying to get them to vote for the big O no less recruiting LGBTs while doing door to door dildo demonstrations. Can ya at least make it a bit easier for us old folk?

Oh yea and the last fucking toaster I got from you folks is dead. I want my new one fed x'd with next day delivery.

If you want we can also send an assistant to help you with anything you need ( ;) ). The new toasters are much better quality than the last ones. This year we have doubled our groups numbers so we have more money to spend on gifts for the good little LGBTQ people of the world.

Is the toaster already rainbow-colored, or do we have to paint it ourselves? (If it makes rainbow toast, all tardiness will be forgiven.)

The toaster is already rainbow coloured and you can choose between rainbow toast, male/male symbol, female/female symbol, or blue and pink transgender symbol.


If you want we can also send an assistant to help you with anything you need ( ;) ). The new toasters are much better quality than the last ones. This year we have doubled our groups numbers so we have more money to spend on gifts for the good little LGBTQ people of the world.

What kind of bait and switch crap is this???? What about us bisexuals? No cute little symbol for us ? We're still undecided huh? I'm going out and burning my rainbow flag right now.

The toaster is already rainbow coloured and you can choose between rainbow toast, male/male symbol, female/female symbol, or blue and pink transgender symbol.


But, but, think of how FABULOUS everything would be under homotereteatotlingferrisschism would be.


Are they in any way related to the gay mafia?



Good grief, let that nice pink-haired girl paint her mural the way she want to! Art censorship sucks.


If we have a homototalitarianism regime, can I be the head of the Fag Hag Brigade?


Can I have this toaster?



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