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Do fundies get their pets fixed?


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I've wondered this too! :lol:

I once babysat for a family with 7 kids, age 10 and under, all homeschoolers, mom was expecting #8...and yes, they're Catholics of some sort.

I told the some of the older kids about how I sometimes foster kittens for an animal shelter. I take care of them until they're old enough to be spayed and neutered, and they asked me what that was. I told them that it was taking out their reproductive bits so they can't have more kittens to control the overpopulation.

I'm pretty sure one of the kids said that was a sin, and that abortion is evil. I couldn't even begin to think about how to explain that to someone who thinks that any form of birth control is sinful, even for animals.

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I doubt it. They don't think well enough of their kids to get them proper medical attention. I sure can't see them spending several hundred on an animal.

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I know fundies that get their pets fixed, but told us that if the animal was pregnant to stop the surgery and sew them back up. We usually tell them no or this classic...your cat had tumors.

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Depends. I went around the mulberry bush with a woman whose husband believed that everything should be fruitful and multiply--so their "homestead" (a ramshackle small farm) was swarming with livestock they couldn't even feed up to sale weight, much less doctor.

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I was thinking since many people spay or neuter their pets, do fundies as well? It is basically animal birth control.

I was watching Kitty Cam when this dawned on me.


CUTE kitties :D

This is cool, and it's on 24/7. Something to do when I wake up at night. I wish the Feline Rescue where I volunteer had a kitty cam.

I think fundies who live in the city probably spay and neuter their pets, those in the country probably don't.

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I know mostly country fundies and most of the ones who do have pets either have an old dog that is male and may or may not be fixed or they have lots of cats and other animals running around breeding at will. There are also some fundies I know of who basically run mini puppy mills - less than three females, but they don't register, show, check for heritable diseases, and they do it for the money. The first time I ever contradicted a homeschool dad it was about his plan to do this. I was a kid who had spent my childhood reading books on animals and how to care for them and I asked if he was going to get them checked for hip dysplasia (the dogs he bought were a large breed) and the patriarse did not like getting questioned AT ALL. He froze up and radiated anger silently at me and since then I have often worried about his kids, especially as I've learned about abuse. Anyway, kind of a bunny trail. I would say a lot of fundies do get proper care for their pets but a large minority do not and encourage their kids to breed them and sell them to hopefully get a little extra money.

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The fundie lite family that grew up near me didn't fix their cats, but in the rural area where I grew up, families used to try and keep 5 or more outdoor cats around due to rodents. Overpopulation never happend because some cats would fall prey to coyotes, owls etc.

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I was told by an ex-friend (Jewish) that neutering a pet went against the biblical command to "be fruitful and multiply".

I then told them that they were full of shit, and it was done for the health of the animal and that my Rabbi didn't have an issue with it so she could butt the hell out of my business.

Isn't the "be fruitful and multiply" like, a command for oh I don't know HUMANS?

I'm with Bob Barker on this one.

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That's an interesting question. Don't fundies tend to be among those who believe that animals don't have souls, don't go to heaven, etc.? If that's the case, then it seems like pretty much anything in the Bible would only apply to humans. If they don't get their pets fixed, I would be more likely to think it's because they can't afford it.

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If they were keen on following the Bible, wasn't there a phrase in there somewhere about how God gave us dominion over animals?

If they were so keen on giving them the human directive of "be fruitful and multiply," then why aren't they vegetarians? (because, you know, if snipping them is a sin, so is killing them for food...)

Sometimes I really don't understand the fundie mentality.

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We lived on the same block as a fundie family once. they had three kids (brats) and a dog that had a litter twice a year. They claimed it was ungodly to have the animal spayed. Also, they 'sold' the puppies to a small locally owned family pet shop. My kids would not play with their kids because their kids were bullies. Eventually, a little girl with another fundie family moved across the street. She loudly informed my children one day that she could no longer play with them because they didn't believe in God. A week later, she was back at our door because the other fundie kids kept bullying her around. Go figure.

Note, the pet shop was great. Family run, even the young kids helped out. We got all our pet supplies there. They did take in puppies and kittens, and other animals to rehome them.

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I'm sure it varies.

But I would imagine that some think of the encouragement to neuter pets as part of the left-wing sodomite Marxist New World Order Conspiracy to somehow take away their rights.


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I think they probably neuter/spay because of the whole dominion over the animals thing. Plus I doubt they think animals have souls, so they probably aren't to concerned about destroying innocent souls !!!1!!!1 as they would be with humans. If the evil government encouraged them to spay/neuter they'd probably cry persecution though.

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If a fundie wanted to convert me, mentioning the absence of animal souls in heaven wouldn't be a good way to go about it. The only reason I cling to the idea of a heaven is for the hope of seeing dearly departed animals once again.I know it's stupid! A heaven without animals is not heavenly at all.

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My family got two cats last year and they started getting interested in the male cats in the neighborhood a little earlier than expected. They were supposed to get spayed, but there was a chance one of them was pregnant. I found it pretty funny to see my parents struggle to figure out if their anti-abortion beliefs extended to cats. (They eventually decided to get her spayed anyway.)

I did some googling when that happened and found a surprising amount of people who are super anti-abortion when it comes to pets. I find that pretty weird. Most eat meat, so why is killing an adult animal (after it has probably endured a lifetime of mistreatment, no less) okay while removing animal fetuses is not?

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If a fundie wanted to convert me, mentioning the absence of animal souls in heaven wouldn't be a good way to go about it. The only reason I cling to the idea of a heaven is for the hope of seeing dearly departed animals once again.I know it's stupid! A heaven without animals is not heavenly at all.

I trust you have seen the classic Twilight Zone episode.

If not:


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When we were fundies, we always had our animals fixed. Well, the cats and dogs, anyway. I had a rabbit, but we never got her fixed since she didn't come into contact with other rabbits.

My parents saw it as part of being a responsible pet owner, plus they didn't want to deal with heat cycles, puppies/kittens, etc.

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Thanks for the link thoughtful. You live up to your screen name. I watched the whole thing and it made my teary. I don't know why.

You are welcome!

Possible reasons it made you teary:

- Rod Serling was brilliant -- the slow, calm pacing of that episode really lulls and lures you in.

- that hound is really adorable.

- you have a sweet, animal-loving nature.

- it's nice to think that a dog wouldn't let you get fooled into going to Hell.

It gets me, too.

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If a fundie wanted to convert me, mentioning the absence of animal souls in heaven wouldn't be a good way to go about it. The only reason I cling to the idea of a heaven is for the hope of seeing dearly departed animals once again.I know it's stupid! A heaven without animals is not heavenly at all.

Totally OT, but have you seen that Twilight Zone episode written by Earl Hammer (The Waltons) where the old man and his dog die while out coon hunting and then they walk up the road and try to get into "heaven"?

I'll say no more b/c it's full of awesomeness, but you would love it if you haven't seen it.

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Thoughtful beat me to it! As soon as I saw the post, I knew I had to mention it. In my haste, I did not read the rest of the responses.

It's one of the great ones.

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