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Gilead Is Real: The War On Abortion And Women's Rights 2


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28 minutes ago, dramallama said:

I'm in Ohio.  I have absolutely zero doubt that our shit stain of a governor and supermajority Republican house & senate are meeting as I type this to plan a full ban with as few exceptions as they think they can get away with, to pass as quickly as possible.  I'm sure they're also going to try to ban people leaving the state for abortion care.

I'm waiting to see which state will be the first to come up with the lovely idea that if you are of menstruating age you need to have a pregnancy test upon leaving the state to ensure that you're not leaving the state to get an abortion. Of course that have to require a pregnancy test when entering the state as well.

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38 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I'm in Illinois and same here. I will be out voting for our governor and every single Democrat running.  

I'm in Illinois as well. I can't decide whether to vote for who I want in the primaries (Democrats, especially now) or vote against the most objectionable Republican candidate.

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16 minutes ago, molecule said:

I'm in Illinois as well. I can't decide whether to vote for who I want in the primaries (Democrats, especially now) or vote against the most objectionable Republican candidate.

I bet I know who that is. 

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1 hour ago, Workingmom said:

I want to cry, I feel so helpless, so powerless. I can't imagine the anxiety, the fear of mothers and grandmothers in the US whose daughters lost the right to determine their own fate, to make decisions about their own bodies. 

Is there any hope left of changing this verdict? 


1 hour ago, Zebedee said:

The way pregnancy is dated is LMP, right? Hence the 6 week rule basically meaning period, 2 weeks later ovulation, 2 weeks later you miss a period (if 28 days) so already 4 weeks pregnant when period is due, giving you 2 weeks to realize you are pregnant and get an appointment (in reality, 4 weeks since fertilization, give or take?). Sorry, never been pregnant, just trying to get this straight - like with the Duggars and honeymoon babies - they're technically pregnant before they ever even kissed?

I mean, it's not going to take too much, especially if a state bans IUDs or something, for some GOP forced birth idiot to take this (being "pregnant" even before you have sex) and run with it - all women aged say 10-50 are to be assumed pregnant even if they have never had sex - and therefore unable to drink alcohol, travel without a pregnancy test etc. It'll become life begins before conception, and those 2 weeks before your period it'll be illegal to drink alcohol or coffee or eat unpasteurized cheese or lift heavy objects or work in labs with dangerous chemicals/radioactive stuff - or any of the million other things pregnant people are supposed to avoid. Including lots of jobs... I mean, this all sounds ridiculous and paranoid, but these people are ridiculous, and every time I think they can't say anything dumber, they do - and millions of people agree with them. 


@Workingmom, for most of us, it's horrible. I've been crying. And then there's the relative with two daughters in a red state who's celebrating. I can only assume she thinks this will never be a problem for their family. 

@Zebedee, yes, you have it right. And I'm sure that's in the offing, because I feel like at least one politician has already suggested treating all people with functional uteruses that way.

46 minutes ago, yeahthatsme74 said:

Pennsylvania here...still allowed, voting blue at every opportunity

For now. Don't just vote blue, point out to everyone you possibly can that voting red this cycle means saying that it's okay for a women you love to die a preventable death from sepsis or pre-viability eclampsia.

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I'm really angry and upset. 

I'm most angry at the Catholic Church. I grew up Catholic and was a Catholic for many years. This isn't totally surprising to me. I think the Catholic's "social teachings" are horrible. Absolutely horrible. I'm so goddamn tired of their shit. They are controlling. 

I feel like evangelicals get credit for being "worse", but the "social doctrine" of the Catholic Church is horrible. I think Pope Francis is not making any real changes and gets way too much credit. I can't see the church changing.

I got into fundie snarking, because some Catholics remind of the evangelical ones we follow here. Even if "they're less extreme", they're still like fundies. 

Edited by Bluebirdbluebell
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3 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I bet I know who that is. 

The one who looks like he will have Trump's support,....

The small farming community where I live has some rabid Trump supporters. One woman drove her lawn mower in the high school homecoming parade last fall, throwing out candy and shouting "We won! We won!" the whole way. And I know that in church Sunday morning, at least one woman is going to use Joys & Concerns time to praise God for overturning Roe v. Wade. I'm trying to plan now how I can word a counter prayer request.

Most people I encounter here talk about abortion as only an issue of single teen moms, as though these women somehow deserve to have to carry their pregnancies to term because they had sex. Fortunately, there are some people who understand that anti-abortion laws also have an impact on women with wanted pregnancies that develop complications. It just isn't the black and white issue so many of my neighbors want to believe it is. 

My heart is so heavy today. I am well past the possibility of pregnancy myself, but I am so sad that women will lose one of the options they have in a difficult situation.

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It's officially Unhealthy Coping Mechanism Weekend.  Hide yo kids, hide you wife, I'm eating my feelings and nothing in my vicinity is safe.

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I don't know if interracial marriage will be overturned. 

However turning back gay marriage, could lead to a ruling that basically says the states get to determine who gets married. So they wouldn't need to overturn Loving vs. Virginia directly.

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Lawrence V Texas will be a target.  It struck down a Texas law that criminalized "sodomy".

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I woke up absurdly late today and I'm just hearing about the news now. 

I am almost at a lost for words. Shaking as I type this. In awe, gobsmacked, dismayed, crushed, stunned. I am SCARED. I don't ever want to have children. I rely on PP for my contraception. Even when I was in my Christian upbringing, most people were shouting about how Roe v. Wade had no chance of ever being overturned. Now people are saying, "Well we live in Illinois, there's not chance of it being overturned here." Sorry but I no longer believe this. It can obviously happen in places where you think it will never happen. And how is the process going to go now that so many people are going to be flooding IL considering we are absolutely surrounded by states who most definitely will adjust their laws. 

I am so ashamed of my country and I am so fearful to be here now. I don't know how to process this. 

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This is how I am responding to all Democratic Party fundraising emails henceforth.



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Fuck. I'm so fucking angry. I can't even. Fuck.

Where each state stands on abortions.


Once upon a time I wanted to move south, warm weather, beaches. Now I want Canada to annex my state.


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I'm fortunate that I live in California, even though I'm going through perimenopause. One of the reasons I got the Paraguard in 2017 was that I had a suspicion this was going to happen, and even in California, it's easier than trying to get sterilized if you've never been an incubator, I mean pregnant. As it is, it's staying in until I've been through menopause which should happen before it needs to be replaced. 

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I had my Fallopian tubes removed in March because I knew this was coming.  Sometimes being right sucks, but damn am I glad I did it when I did.  I don't have and don't want kids but the childfree subreddit on Reddit.com has a list of doctors who won't give you shit for wanting to be sterilized.  I bet OBGYN offices are going to be flooded with requests now.

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One of the things that is making me angriest about this (and I freely admit this is because I am not American, so the ruling doesn't have the direct effect on me that it does on many of you) is the sheer hatred and glee the forced birthers are all showing. If they loved babies so much, they'd be happy about all the extra babies, the increased domestic supply for them to love on,  and calling for a social security net, but they aren't. They are outright relishing the crushed dreams, the mental, physical and emotional suffering of women. They absolutely could not show more clearly just how much they outright hate and despise women, and they cannot wait for more.

It's like seeing those Taliban sympathizing arseholes cheering when women were kicked out of universities and schools in Afghanistan last year. And although the situations in the US and Afghanistan are extreme, I know this kind of hatred of women is worldwide. I hate that women across the world basically have to rely on there being enough non-arsehole men who actually can be bothered to stand up for them in order to have the most basic human respect. And we have to act all grateful for being allowed to exist in public. And it isn't just religious extremists, though they sure love hating women because of eating an apple or whatever. I just do. not. understand. Where the fuck does this hatred for over half the population come from? I honestly do not think a single one of these people loves their mother, sister, wife, daughters.

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7 minutes ago, Zebedee said:

I honestly do not think a single one of these people loves their mother, sister, wife, daughters.

I think some do, and place those women in a special category in their minds (and lives, keeping them somewhat safer than the rest of us). But I'm sure there are many who just see women as commodities, and every possible permutation of attitudes in between. Sickeningly, the weird and evil ability to see others as less than fully human has a spectrum and subtleties, just like everything else in the world.

Hell, some of the people overjoyed about this shit are women.

I'm so frightened for  . . . well, everyone who isn't in favor of this shit. I fear for young women in the states that already have passed awful laws most of all, of course.

But then I start thinking about the rest of the country, and other countries (there are right-wing monsters lurking everywhere - don't think wherever you live is totally safe), older women, children whose parents can't afford more kids, men who are allies, medical workers, non-cis/hetero/binary folks, and anyone who just wants to live a life with some privacy and rights.

In time, practically every person on the planet could be affected by this idiocy.

Oh, and add me to the list of people who took comfort in an imaginary future I've hoped for since 1966. I spent two hours in bed holding the dog and watching ST:TNG.

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I think interracial marriage (RE Loving) would be on the table if there was a juicy case related to it. That sounds absurd but Thomas has a very bizarre legal philosophy. It's a combination of originalism with an extreme distrust of government and a weird reading of history. He is both very conservative and IMO very radical in his distrust of authority (ie white men). 

What will probably stop Loving from being reconsidered is all the other cases being given priority.


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8 hours ago, formergothardite said:

I'm sitting here crying in despair and anger. It just seems so hopeless. I don't even know what to say or do. 

I am so sorry. And angry.

And wondering if the timing of this isn't partially to distract from the Jan 6th hearings 

7 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


So I guess the only legal abortion in some states is to be shot. 

5 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

While all of this disgusts me I am wondering just how far the states that have already eliminated abortion will take this. Are they going to eliminate over the counter home pregnancy tests so that people can't determine if they're pregnant without seeing a medical professional or a crisis center that would notify authorities if they started out pregnant and now they're not? Will they take this even further and have some kind of app to require all menstruating people to use the app so that there's a record if they may be pregnant? I know this sounds very outlandish and dystopian and would make a good dystopian novel for those who are better writers than I. However the way these fundamentalists and evangelicals are working to take over the government I would put absolutely nothing past them.

Remember today's dystopia is tomorrow's to-do list for these Evangelical Republicans.

If they're going that way I can see mandatory DNA testing to confirm fatherhood.

Also IVF completely banned in some states.

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9 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

I think some do, and place those women in a special category in their minds

Yes, I guess JimBob does seem to love Michelle. But these fundie dads are happy to beat the individualities out of their daughters, and then send them off to joyfully submit to a virtual stranger with a heart for the lord (bleh), and basically a life of rape and impregnation. 


11 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

But I'm sure there are many who just see women as commodities

Isn't one of JRod's sisters married to a man who didn't seem to care which one he got? As long as she has a servant's heart and loves the lord and will submit? I guess they are actually all interchangebale when you are in a circle where personalities are suppressed. Just need a woman, any godly woman, to cook, clean, and have the babies, doesn't matter who she is, as long as she's as hot as possible, obviously. 


13 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

Hell, some of the people overjoyed about this shit are women

I know, and that is even more incomprensible to me


14 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

there are right-wing monsters lurking everywhere - don't think wherever you live is totally safe

Indeed. I doubt the forced birthers are going to make great inroads where I live - and even less in the UK where I am from. One of the few things I love about the UK is how gloriously unreligious it is, even though we technically have no separation of church and state (not that that means anything, obviously). But most of my family are childfree and/or gay atheist Poles, Hungary is getting worse, and Malta, despite its friendly touristy exterior, is a shitstorm, which only allowed limited reasons for divorce as recently as 2011. (Also virulently anti-abortion, e.g. the US tourist denied an abortion at 16 weeks after her pregnancy became non-viable, this week: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jun/23/us-woman-denied-abortion-in-malta-flies-to-spain-for-termination-andrea-prudente)
It's scary that all this seething hatred is hidden behind normal exteriors.
I know that the forced birth movement in Europe is also funded heavily by US Evangelical money. The RW nutjobs and their hatred has had appalling effects in Africa, with their aid programs not being allowed to mention birth control or abortion, aside from the Catholic fanatics doing the same things.



23 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

people who took comfort in an imaginary future I've hoped for since 1966.

Well, I wasn't born until 1978, but I have been an avid Trekkie since the mid 90s - though I will always love ST:TOS most. Something about Mr Spock, I think. I shall always thank my fellow Physics geek friend for introducing me to the joys of ST. A vision worth fighting for, even if it comes with Gorns and Wesley Crusher, lol.

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Against my better judgment, I posted “I draw the line at a 12-year-old being forced to carry her rapist’s baby” on an FB thread, and I got a couple of replies saying “It doesn’t happen as often as you think.”  Dude.  ONCE is too many.

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I saw this headline on CNN and immediately decided it needed editorial assistance to more accurately reflect reality: 

DHS warns of potential violent extremist activity in response to abortion ruling

DHS warns of potential protest activity in response to violent extremists' abortion ruling

15 minutes ago, church_of_dog said:


So incredibly many comments on twitter noting that Clarence Thomas didn't bring up Loving. 

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46 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

And wondering if the timing of this isn't partially to distract from the Jan 6th hearings

I had the same thought.  Wouldn't be at all surprised.

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3 hours ago, dramallama said:

Lawrence V Texas will be a target.  It struck down a Texas law that criminalized "sodomy".

I think birth control is the next logical move for them.  Sodomy can wait til next year.

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27 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Against my better judgment, I posted “I draw the line at a 12-year-old being forced to carry her rapist’s baby” on an FB thread, and I got a couple of replies saying “It doesn’t happen as often as you think.”  Dude.  ONCE is too many.

How would they know this? It's not like most families would publicise this, and if anything I suspect it's more common than they realise. But yes, one is too many, as is one woman dying from ectopic pregnancy, or sepsis, or eclampsia, or one child growing up knowing they weren't wanted.

Also if pregnancy crisis centres want to cosplay as healthcare they should be forced to abide by HIPAA regulations.

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