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QAnon 2: Every New Conspiracy Theory Is Nuttier Than The Last


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On 5/19/2022 at 8:48 AM, Cartmann99 said:
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I'm going to be interested to see what happens when the new Q religion comes up hard against the established religions.

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Last time I saw Micki Larson-Olson, she was at Hagerstown Speedway with the convoy.


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2 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Last time I saw Micki Larson-Olson, she was at Hagerstown Speedway with the convoy.


She learned it at the The Donald Trump Law School for Qult Members Who Can't Law Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too

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How many times must a Qanon-nut hit their head against a brick wall before they understand if JFK didn’t return the last couple of times it was predicted he would, he won’t return at all.

But let’s play along here, and make believe he does suddenly appear somewhere. Then what? He’s either a decrepit 105 years old, or a zombie— but either way, he’d still be a Democrat… so… what do they think will happen?


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I find it amusing that the Q-nuts were in DC yesterday. Yesterday was the huge Pride parade. Oh, and the March For Our Lives. I'm sure they tried to stay away from the gay people and the anti-gun people.



This made me laugh. I hear her:


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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, hard pass on this event:



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  • 3 weeks later...

You couldn't make this up:


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19 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

You couldn't make this up:


Wait wait wait wait WAIT!  Is the argument here that Queen Elizabeth, who is not American, dying 1776 days after the first Q drop, is somehow signaling a revolution?  Because a) although the Declaration of Independence took place in 1776, the actual start of the Revolutionary War was April 19, 1775 in Lexington and b) as we all learned in grade school, that war was between England and the people who wanted to separate from England.  As we all also learned in grade school, the war involving Americans who wanted to revolt against other Americans took place nearly a century later and had an entirely different name.  It really cracks me up when these morons run around with their 1776 shirts and banners because that whole bit was about getting out from the rule of a completely separate country/empire, not about taking over this country.  Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anything about "taxation without representation" going on amongst the Qers and their ilk.  Seems to me they are far more into the Civil War mentality with their "confederate" flag (you know, that flag that wasn't ever the flag of the traitors but has become in their lore "our heritage") and their racism and their belief that if things went back to the good ol' days of pre-Civil War they would be high falutin' plantation land owners instead of the far more likely very poor people who would struggle to feed their families and would be treated horribly by the actual plantation owners.  Then again, they don't strike me as a bunch of deep thinkers and I have probably put more thought into the whole thing just during typing this comment than the entire group has collectively thought through their whole philosophy. 

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Okay, even if we somehow accept the premise that the number 1776 is somewhat relevant because of … reasons … (feels more like a Dan Brown novel but ok, let’s just run with it for the moment…), how, exactly, is this supposed to have gone down? The Queen, having checked her calendar, decided to breathe her last, just because it had been 1776 days since that … thing … to signal what? To whom? This seems just as far-fetched as the alternative, that the Queen was murdered to signal the same elusive thing to the same elusive audience. Are they saying King Charles is Q? Or maybe Liz Truss is and this is her endgame, somehow?

I‘d also like to point out that the day was always going to have been 1776 days since that thing, and something or other was always to have happened on it, since the idea of a day on which nothing is reported to have happened is just not entertainable in this news-hungry day and age. So, whether the headline might have been „New Infrastructure plans leaked“ or „Ukrainian offensive drives back Russian troops“ or „Scientists in India discover cure for AIDS“ or „Earth actually flat, NASA discloses“ or „Kim Jong-Un breaks down in tears, discloses unhealthy obsession with cheese,“ some basement -dwelling troglodyte, somewhere, was always going to have said „coincidence? I think not!“

Ack, look at me, trying to find logic in the inherently illogical…

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14 hours ago, Shrubbery said:

Ack, look at me, trying to find logic in the inherently illogical

Well, I just had to Google Kim Jong Un and cheese, because it sounded ridiculous, because it is ridiculous but is also apparently a thing, so… yup. Illogically logical is where we are. Thanks a lot, troglodytes! 

**Love that word, by the way. Perfectly describes a cousin-in-law. 

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Very sad story from my home state. A man who had been radicalized and drawn in to QAnon killed his wife and dog and critically injured his adult daughter. Police killed him on scene because I believe he started shootings at them. What a terrible shake and this conspiracy BS and people saying that ‘they’re just asking questions’ or ‘free speech’ or ‘it’s just entertainment’ this is Rot it’s horrendous and it’s hurting people.


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26 minutes ago, EyesOpen said:

Very sad story from my home state. A man who had been radicalized and drawn in to QAnon killed his wife and dog and critically injured his adult daughter. Police killed him on scene because I believe he started shootings at them. What a terrible shake and this conspiracy BS and people saying that ‘they’re just asking questions’ or ‘free speech’ or ‘it’s just entertainment’ this is Rot it’s horrendous and it’s hurting people.


The 21 year old posted on Reddit's Qanon casualties (as it says in the article).  I had been reading the thread, wondering if the person posting had hijacked the story and was falsely posing as a child of the killer but the original poster was giving information that made it clear she was the real deal.  It was heartbreaking to read it because she was clearly in such shock and was already dealing with survivor's guilt because she happened to be somewhere else when her dad started shooting.  The people responding to the post were incredibly kind and several provided excellent advice and resources (I had no idea that librarians could provide resources for people in these kinds of situations!) and several people asked her to message them so they could help.  The poor young woman was so distraught and I think she just needed somewhere to turn where people would believe her and have some kind of understanding.  I lurk on Reddit and for the first time since I started lurking I seriously considered creating an account so I could reach out to her.  I don't know really what I could say to her other than to let her know that there are people out here who have watched the Qanon conspiracy leaders and the destruction they have caused so we believe her and to try to give her some kind of solace in knowing that there are people out here who do see the sick and twisted tumor the people who started and keep the Qanon thing going have inflicted on our society.  I know I am preaching to the choir here but this poor young girl lost her father to the rot (perfect description @EyesOpen) which ultimately led to her losing her mother, the family dog, and her sister in the hospital.  I really hope that their community embraces these young women and treats them with love and kindness.  

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I just saw that story on Huffington Post. 


A Michigan man died in a firefight with police Sunday after he allegedly killed his wife and wounded his daughter, with another family member blaming his interest in QAnon conspiracy theories for the attack, according to NBC News.

Igor Lanis, 53, fired a shotgun at officers responding to a 911 call outside his Walled Lake home, leading police to return fire, according to the local Oakland County Sheriff’s office.

The 25-year-old who placed the call had said her father shot her, the Sheriff’s Office wrote in a statement on Facebook. Responding police saw her “attempting to crawl from her home” and transported her to a local hospital for emergency surgery.

The young woman is now in stable condition. The Sheriff’s Office told NBC News that no police were injured in the shooting.

Another reason why government at every fucking level needs to take this Qanon shit all goddamn serious. 

Hey @EyesOpen and @AlmostSavedAtTacoBell the angry reaction is not directed at you but these fuckfornicate qanons who cause douch death and destruction. 

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It’s been decreed. King Charles has anointed Fucknut president again. JFK (Sr or Jr) didn’t get it done, so on to the next!

Do these people hear themselves talk? Like seriously. They actually say these things out loud. How do they not realize… 

Edited by AnywhereButHere
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1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:


It’s been decreed. King Charles has anointed Fucknut president again. JFK (Sr or Jr) didn’t get it done, so on to the next!

Do these people hear themselves talk? Like seriously. They actually say these things out loud. How do they not realize… 

The comments on that article are pretty good, especially the ones from people claiming to be from England.  

So to recap, the people who throw around "1776" are claiming a figurehead monarch from the very country from which, in 1776, people living in this country formally declared independence, somehow has the inclination to declare a guy who committed multiple faux pas when dealing with his mother the President and if he is not reinstated will declare war even though, ya know, figurehead with no power to declare war.  I bet not one of them understands the irony. 

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Silly Qs, if he was signing something declaring Trump president of the US (dear lord, just typing that is so bizarre!), he would have used this pen again:


Or perhaps a Sharpie, in honor of Donald's preferences.

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On 9/15/2022 at 7:49 PM, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

The comments on that article are pretty good, especially the ones from people claiming to be from England.  

So to recap, the people who throw around "1776" are claiming a figurehead monarch from the very country from which, in 1776, people living in this country formally declared independence, somehow has the inclination to declare a guy who committed multiple faux pas when dealing with his mother the President and if he is not reinstated will declare war even though, ya know, figurehead with no power to declare war.  I bet not one of them understands the irony. 

Wait, you mean the head of a kingdom doesn't have the authority to determine who gets to be the head of another, foreign country? 

Doesn't a King trump votes?!


Q-MAGA-mind blown. 

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20 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

Wait, you mean the head of a kingdom doesn't have the authority to determine who gets to be the head of another, foreign country? 

To be fair, that’s how a lot of medieval wars in Europe got started … so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see whom the King of Navarre, the Dukes of Aquitaine, the Count Palatinate, the Doge of Venice, the Pope and the two Anti-Popes will end up backing and then see how it goes. 

To be on the safe side, a Trump kid should probably marry a princess of Aragon or the Holy Roman Emperor.

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17 hours ago, Shrubbery said:

To be on the safe side, a Trump kid should probably marry a princess of Aragon or the Holy Roman Emperor.

Barron! We've found your spouse for you. Good news, you'll be engaged for at least two years before you can get married, but at least you're the same age. Sorry Tiffany, you'll have to break it off with your current partner, we need you to marry one of the at least 5 potential heirs to the Holy Roman Empire... currently most of the unmarried ones are elderly, so at least it'll be a short political alliance... but it's OK, one your Dad is proclaimed the Kingly Godhead of America and the World we can dissolve all unions and it'll be business as usual.

Assuming the other heirs don't take umbrage and gang up on our new King, in which case we may need you to undertake some serial marriages, OK?

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:55 AM, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

The 21 year old posted on Reddit's Qanon casualties (as it says in the article).  I had been reading the thread, wondering if the person posting had hijacked the story and was falsely posing as a child of the killer but the original poster was giving information that made it clear she was the real deal.  It was heartbreaking to read it because she was clearly in such shock and was already dealing with survivor's guilt because she happened to be somewhere else when her dad started shooting.  The people responding to the post were incredibly kind and several provided excellent advice and resources (I had no idea that librarians could provide resources for people in these kinds of situations!) and several people asked her to message them so they could help.  The poor young woman was so distraught and I think she just needed somewhere to turn where people would believe her and have some kind of understanding.  I lurk on Reddit and for the first time since I started lurking I seriously considered creating an account so I could reach out to her.  I don't know really what I could say to her other than to let her know that there are people out here who have watched the Qanon conspiracy leaders and the destruction they have caused so we believe her and to try to give her some kind of solace in knowing that there are people out here who do see the sick and twisted tumor the people who started and keep the Qanon thing going have inflicted on our society.  I know I am preaching to the choir here but this poor young girl lost her father to the rot (perfect description @EyesOpen) which ultimately led to her losing her mother, the family dog, and her sister in the hospital.  I really hope that their community embraces these young women and treats them with love and kindness.  

I find myself really hoping that these people have an afterlife and the first thing that happens is they realize how incredibly stupid and gullible and just plain WRONG they were in life. 

Although my belief in the afterlife faded a little during the Trump administration. I was hoping the ghost of Lincoln would find some way to harass Trump, LOL! He might just be too oblivious to have noticed any ghostly shenanigans, however. 

My faithi in humanity dips daily, and I have less and less hope. Some people are just so aggressively STUPID! I can't even deal. How do they manage to function day to day?

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

I find myself really hoping that these people have an afterlife and the first thing that happens is they realize how incredibly stupid and gullible and just plain WRONG they were in life. 

I don't believe in an afterlife, so the comeuppance I always wish on these people is that they wake up out of the fog they are in (in jail, if deserved) and really, deeply realize how wrong they were, and how much damage they have done, while still alive.

My anger and frustration sometimes wants to see them live with the full weight of that, and feel like shit every moment for the rest of their lives. My more positive and practical side wants them to then do something to heal the wounds they've made in the world, and prevent more of this shit.

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31 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

I don't believe in an afterlife, so the comeuppance I always wish on these people is that they wake up out of the fog they are in (in jail, if deserved) and really, deeply realize how wrong they were, and how much damage they have done, while still alive.

My anger and frustration sometimes wants to see them live with the full weight of that, and feel like shit every moment for the rest of their lives. My more positive and practical side wants them to then do something to heal the wounds they've made in the world, and prevent more of this shit.

That would be significantly better. I just don't see how some of them can possibly come out of this. The things they believe are so ridiculous and out there and insane that it seems they've completely lost any touch with reality, and I have no idea what could possibly wake them up from something like that. 

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