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[CW: Child Sexual Abuse] Josh and Anna Duggar 26: Smugshot™ Jermajesty Duggar


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10 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

I wonder how Jrod will react.

If she has any sense she won’t want to remind folks that she allowed a pedophile in proximity to her family. It certainly wouldn’t be good for her brand. So, if she’s smart she’ll leave it alone and protect her children from people who are known to have a history of sexual assault. If Jill Rod wants to be a decent parent she will seek out help from professionals to explain what happened... But Jill Rod doesn’t exactly have a history of making wise decisions, so who knows?!?

I just hope that whatever she does or says isn’t something that causes victims more suffering.

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52 minutes ago, LilMissMetaphor said:

Seems more anti-Jesus than anti-child abuse, upon first read.  Pretty odd how people who don't believe in God still blame him for not doing his job properly.  Josh (claims) to be a Christian, therefore it's Christ's fault that Josh is a pervert? Hmm.  

I think the author was really saying "Josh's supposed reverence for the teachings Jesus" didn't prevent his behavior.  But that's a lot of words.  Speaking as an atheist myself, I'd never blame anything on God or Jesus because I don't believe either ever existed.   But I might say something like, "So much for all that Jesus/Bible/God stuff".   Which is how I read this. 



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29 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

I like Jinger's response.  

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo

"We are disturbed to hear of the charges against Josh," the couple wrote in a statement via Instagram on Friday. "While this case must go through the legal system, we want to make it clear that we absolutely condemn any form of child abuse and fully support authorities and judicial process in their pursuit of justice." 

Id like it more if Jinger and Jeremy wouldn’t continue to endorse and promote the Duggar lifestyle and the oppressive theology that comes along with it. But they do and just recently, they even had Michelle on their podcast as if no molestation and abuse ever happened in the Duggar household.

So while I hope these recent happenings are a wake up call for them, I kinda doubt it. Still, if it truly is and they don’t just want to protect their public image, good for them. 

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 Not sure if this belongs on Zsu’s page so feel free to delete, but Zsuzsanna just posted a huge Josh-is-a-rebrobate Facebook post. Irony irony irony after her own son turned out to be a perv and a half. 

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21 minutes ago, fundiefan said:

When you think masturbating d is a sin that will damage your soul for life, you really don't have any concept of the fact that sexual abuse of children/siblings/babysitters/sex workers is not only more "sinful" - it's also a crime. 

That's because they barely care about the law, and only really care about it when it suits them. They want to be able to beat and neglect their kids and face no legal ramifications for doing those things either. But they're perfectly happy to insist that their preferences for laws on abortion and marriage be enforced on others. 

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2 minutes ago, Jacked said:

If she has any sense she won’t want to remind folks that she allowed a pedophile in proximity to her family. It certainly wouldn’t be good for her brand. So, if she’s smart she’ll leave it alone and protect her children from people who are known to have a history of sexual assault. If Jill Rod wants to be a decent parent she will seek out help from professionals to explain what happened... But Jill Rod doesn’t exactly have a history of making wise decisions, so who knows?!?

If Anna Duggar invited JRod to visit and stay at the warehouse for a few weeks while Josh is home awaiting trial,  (yes, I know that can't happen, but for the purposes of illustration) Jill wouldn't hesitate to take her up on the offer and bring along her eleventy little girls.   The famewhore in her couldn't resist.  She's that disgusting.

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9 minutes ago, Hera said:

 It’s going to be inescapable and I highly doubt TLC will stick around for the fallout. Maybe in the short term to see how it shakes out, but “Supports Pedophiles” is not something any company wants to be known for doing.

I also thought TLC would cancel but after reading their lame statement on People, I'm concerned that TLC may not cancel.


"TLC is saddened to learn about the continued troubles involving Josh Duggar," the network said in a statement to PEOPLE on Friday. "19 Kids and Counting has not aired since 2015. TLC cancelled the show on the heels of prior allegations against Josh Duggar and he has not appeared on-air since then."


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@luv2laugh yeah this has an air of “what do you want from us, we CANCELLED 19KaC...we don’t put the Duggars on TV...” while aggressively pushing CO off to the side like we don’t all know it’s right there. ?

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2 hours ago, baldricks_turnip said:

I think I read that the FBI maintains some sites on the dark web that host abuse material for the purpose of tracking and prosecuting those who download them. Chances are, if someone does that its probably a pattern of behaviour and there are other files they have accessed but the planted files are so easily to prove.

Yes my husband is an IT person and he told me that they have something encrypted in the material that when accessed  will alert them of the location of the computer. He thinks that was the real reason they raided his car lot. 

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8 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I also thought TLC would cancel but after reading their lame statement on People, I'm concerned that TLC may not cancel.


It's disgusting. It's as though TLC thinks the public is oblivious about the money going to JB and that any appearances by Anna weren't helping Josh... WTF. Not to mention JB & Michelle appearing on the show. Most of the public is going to be angry at JB & Michelle for enabling Josh. They didn't get him professional help when he molested the sisters. How is Josh affording the attorneys? Most of us know it has to be JB.

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9 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Will you be giving us a list of what we are and aren't allowed to pretend, or is this our only directive?

Some time ago I stopped believing in red pointy tailed, pitchfork wielding Say’un and started recognizing folks like spleen for what they are. Which is the embodiment of the fictional construct they created. If Satan were real he would prolly kick it with keep_my_spleen, IMO. 

Or maybe xtians and Republicans cooked up the concept of sayyun to distract from how, who and what they really are?

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5 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I also thought TLC would cancel but after reading their lame statement on People, I'm concerned that TLC may not cancel.


TLC & People in the same sentence when discussing the Duggars. That answers any and all questions. The bottom line, on all fronts, is the only thing that matters.

They may not have shown Josh on tv, but almost immediately Anna was on CO. I don't watch, but I was watching various "breaking news/snark/Josh did it again" videos on Youtube by various & sundry snarkers & "reality" tv commentators, etc... and one showed a clip of Anna & baby Meredith waling with Jessa & baby Spurgeon at some cabin talking about "milestones' (jesus christ, is the entire show this fake? How does it still get ratings?)

This was weeks after Josh went to Jesus camp to...what do they do in Jesus camp when someone is a deviant? 

So, anyway, the Josh Duggar family is fully profiting from TLC & the Duggar Money Machine, despite keeping the pedophile away from the camera. 

TLC has zero moral standing. 

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2 hours ago, Smee said:

American politics is fucked in general and I’m glad not to live there (for many reasons) but having hung out in the politics section of FJ all through 2020, I feel like I can confidently say that you won’t find much support on this forum for defending the Republican Party’s crimes and systemic failings. Whataboutism will get you about as far as suggesting the Dillard kids are no better off than the Ms.


I do want to state for the record that my comment was not at all in defense of Republicans. We have a massive problem in this country. This last election was the first in history where both candidates had been credibly accused of sexual assault. The right didn’t care about the accusations against Trump any more than the left cared about the accusations against Biden. 

I consider myself pretty far down the progressive side of the spectrum, but our issues will never be fixed so long as we are happy to ignore or excuse accusations made against people we agree with politically. 

Disregard this point if someone has already brought up Joe Biden as I’ve not read up to date, but the fact that multiple people have brought up Trump and Kavanaugh and no one has mentioned Biden, who has a long-standing reputation as being “handsy”, and people used to laugh about him being your “creepy uncle” and has been accused of SA and inappropriate touching by multiple women just underlines that point. 

It’s so easy to just point a finger at Republicans when they do this. They make it so easy. It’s not so easy to recognize that the same thing goes on with us as well. But if we don’t even recognize it, how can we ever possibly fix it?

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4 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

It's disgusting. It's as though TLC thinks the public is oblivious about the money going to JB and that any appearances by Anna weren't helping Josh... WTF. Not to mention JB & Michelle appearing on the show. Most of the public is going to be angry at JB & Michelle for enabling Josh. They didn't get him professional help when he molested the sisters. How is Josh affording the attorneys? Most of us know it has to be JB.

I haven't watched the show much (cause it's boring as hell) but when I did I noticed that JB and Michelle were appearing nearly as regularly as they did during the 19 Kids days.  And while I'd normally not blame parents for how a kid turned out, those who have followed this gross family to even a moderate extent know what they did - and didn't do - when that smug pig assaulted their little girls.

They need to go away.  And I have a feeling TLC is looking into ways to break any contract they have with JB.   There are plenty of other freaks in the sea. 

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9 minutes ago, frugalitymom said:

Yes my husband is an IT person and he told me that they have something encrypted in the material that when accessed  will alert them of the location of the computer. He thinks that was the real reason they raided his car lot. 

It's really not great either scenario: either they knew he had this stuff and didn't arrest him for over a year or they were investigating financial malfeasance and found it in the process. In both cases, he was around kids the whole time and possibly in the latter has more charges coming.

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2 hours ago, seraaa said:

This is a current example that, if true, may be a reason to remove someone's assignment, I agree! For example, if it revealed that he'd betrayed something he should not have talked about. I assume he denied it and they haven't been able to prove it? Which obviously does not mean that he didn't do it, only that it makes it harder to remove him. I also assume that he did not know that she was spy, because well. If they'd had proof that he knew that and didn't disclose, he'd be gone.

It's still not grounds to justify both-sidesing this issue, mind. My point isn't that the Democrats have neverr done anything wrong, but rather that the scale of institutional support around sexual misconduct issues is, currently, a particular problem for the Republican Party.

It is not true. This woman was circulating among a lot of politicians 10 years ago. Swalwell was a city council member when he knew her. There are no allegations of wrong doing or sex. Swalwell, like many other politicians, was targeted by the Chinese. He shared no information and did not sleep with her. She did sleep with two midwestern mayors.

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27 minutes ago, Hera said:

, Josh’s molestation of his sisters coming out in 2015 when it happened over a decade before when he, too, was a minor and the family was able to say they’d dealt with it and trot the victims out to bleat their forgiveness just feels different to the public than his recent arrest for possession of this material after a months long investigation by the feds. This isn’t going to be able to be brushed aside as an “indiscretion” or whatever. This is a 33-year old father of 7 who actively and recently sought out pre-pubescent child pornography.

I'm revisiting the Megyn Kelly interview Jill and Jessa did. They are both so adamant that Josh had changed and that the matter had been resolved. They insist they forgave him. I can't imagine what they must be feeling if, in their minds, this chapter was really closed, to know that he's still participating in the harm of children.

(What also jumps out about that interview is how angry they were that the material had been published by the magazine without their consent. Jill remarks that it was retraumatising, and that it's another assult on their agency to have choice to tell the story - or not -taken from them. I understand why they felt that way.)


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I don’t know how to tell for sure, but I’m imagining that most famous fundies are at least screening comments on their public accounts now? I took a quick tour through the fundie Instagrams that I could think of off the top of my head (mostly Bates kids), and at least a few have posted since the news came out yesterday, but suspiciously none of the posts, or the comments people are leaving on the posts, are asking about the scandal. Erin Paine apparently did a whole IG Live yesterday with, as far as I can tell without watching it, not a single  question from viewers about Josh. I know people who are actual fans of the show, not just snarkers like us, know that the Bates and Duggars are very closely adjacent, so there’s no way they’re not getting a zillion questions. 

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7 hours ago, SorenaJ said:

Is it illegal to create, receive or possess sexual fanfiction with underage characters?

In Canada, my understanding is that it would be illegal under section 163.1(c) of the Criminal Code whether that is written fanfiction or fan drawings etc. There is an exception for material created solely by the accused (ie written materials and drawings that did not involve children in its creation) for private use and never shared or distributed.



Definition of child pornography from Canadian Criminal Code

163.1 (1) In this section, child pornography means(a) a photographic, film, video or other visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means,(i) that shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity, or(ii) the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years;(b) any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act;(c) any written material whose dominant characteristic is the description, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act; or(d) any audio recording that has as its dominant characteristic the description, presentation or representation, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act. — Criminal Code, 163.1 (1).


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55 minutes ago, Snarkasarus Rex said:

We don’t know for sure, but the assumption is she was (is?) living there as a mother’s helper. It was just Emily that was showing up in pics at the warehome and TTH, rather than her whole family. 

Be careful about speculation. Double check the rules, please. We have a rule called "Leave the Kids Out of It" for a reason.

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5 minutes ago, AliceUpsideDown said:

I don’t know how to tell for sure, but I’m imagining that most famous fundies are at least screening comments on their public accounts now? I took a quick tour through the fundie Instagrams that I could think of off the top of my head (mostly Bates kids), and at least a few have posted since the news came out yesterday, but suspiciously none of the posts, or the comments people are leaving on the posts, are asking about the scandal. Erin Paine apparently did a whole IG Live yesterday with, as far as I can tell without watching it, not a single  question from viewers about Josh. I know people who are actual fans of the show, not just snarkers like us, know that the Bates and Duggars are very closely adjacent, so there’s no way they’re not getting a zillion questions. 

Never mind, I watched about 30 seconds of the Live and it sounds like they generated the (pretty banal from the caption) questions in advance. Convenient!

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6 minutes ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

There are no allegations of wrong doing or sex. Swalwell, like many other politicians, was targeted by the Chinese. He shared no information and did not sleep with her. 

Accusations were definitely made.  Maybe not publicly by the FBI but they were definitely made. The link is the first non-right wing publication that came up in a quick Google search but there are several more (I read about it originally on the BBC so it got some traction).

How do you know that he did not sleep with her? I’m legitimately asking if I missed him making a statement here. When last I saw he was refusing to say one way or the other.


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