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Mills Family 6: Livestreaming Dinner Because That Is Totally Normal


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8 minutes ago, Olivia Marie said:

I was hoping all of the hoopla over the new guidelines last January would shut his damn channel down.  

Yeah, what’s up with the new COPPA guidelines? Have they been coming down on any YouTubers? I’m wondering if they give a pass to parents filming their own kids?

 I know that public schools and universities in the US are very constrained by them-we can’t even record online Zoom or Google meets because of it. 

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6 hours ago, Pleiades_06 said:

Yeah, what’s up with the new COPPA guidelines? Have they been coming down on any YouTubers? I’m wondering if they give a pass to parents filming their own kids?

 I know that public schools and universities in the US are very constrained by them-we can’t even record online Zoom or Google meets because of it. 

I was always under the impression that the COPPA rules had everything to do with young audiences, not young people on camera. So like youtubers can’t make money off of personalized ads shown to kids under 13, which is why videos aimed at kids now have a lot of restrictions put on them. I don’t think it’s about protecting kids ON camera. But I obviously haven’t read the actual law this is just what I’ve learned from various discussions on it!

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2 hours ago, can'tstopwatching said:

I was always under the impression that the COPPA rules had everything to do with young audiences, not young people on camera. So like youtubers can’t make money off of personalized ads shown to kids under 13, which is why videos aimed at kids now have a lot of restrictions put on them. I don’t think it’s about protecting kids ON camera. But I obviously haven’t read the actual law this is just what I’ve learned from various discussions on it!

You’re right-there’s a provision about collecting information about minors under 13 but apparently that has nothing to do with the filming of minors.


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SomE observations from the live dinner last night:

Sophia didn’t eat anything except a Grape Or two. And of course all she was having was bread sticks anyway. She seemed either sick or sad. She told Tom it was because she missed Andrea. She went in her bedroom and except For the two seconds Tom was gone to check on her, he totally Ignored the fact that she might need him. And he never checked on her again during the whole Live. 

Tom  Doesn’t pay attention to what the kids eat/don’t eat but he makes sure he eats every meal though. 

He puts out so much misinformation to people. Like the milk situation That’s going on.  And the virus pandemic. It sounds like there are cases of the virus in his county now but he said it doesn’t change the way he feels about anything. He wears a Mask when he’s at his customers houses (To make them feel more at ease) but that is all. He knows what he knows and it’s correct info-everyone else be damned. He’s never wrong. 

Andreas brother Ryan was in chat too. Of course Rachel was front and center and answering all questions. People kiss her ass so much and I don’t understand why. They must think she has pull with Tom. I see she got asked again if she’s family to the Mills and she didn’t answer that one. 

People in chat were being obnoxious with having Eden do asmr stuff. Tom acted like he was aggravated by it and I can see why. It was aggravating me too. 

Someone asked Thomas if he was planning on moving out still and he said he didn’t know. A couple of people Commented he shouldn’t move out. Way to make him feel guilty if he does want to leave. I hope he does. And soon. The sooner he’s out from Under Toms influence the better.  Hopefully he hasn’t picked up enough of his dads habits/beliefs that there is still time For him to make his own decisions and beliefs. 

A lot of people we’re asking what the theme for Hannah’s bday party was going to be. Tom Said one of the regulars said he should Do baby shark as Hannah likes that. Rachel made sure to jump in and say it was her that told Him That. She was almost gloating that he mentioned that he might do her idea for the party. Puke! 

Someone asked about papa Gary and how he was doing. Tom said he was doing ok. Hopefully he isn’t spending time With the kids. The uncle either. They both have a pretty bad history. 

One of the commenters said she had the virus and it wasn’t a big deal. She didn’t have any problem getting over it. A few others said they didn’t think it was a big deal either. And there were a couple who thought it was. I can tell you from living in a state that was hit very hard and lots of people have died, that it Is very serious.  One of the commenters said their daughter has it and was asking for prayers. Those people, including Tom, who don’t think it’s a big deal are beyond stupid. 

Someone asked if the kids were closer To Tom Since Andreas passing. He said he wasn’t sure. Maybe. He said Hannah was very close To Andrea and as soon as Andrea died Hannah transferred that closeness over to Him. He was glad for that. Man, it must be when he’s not on camera because anytime I’ve seen Hannah she is close to Asher because he does everything for her. And I think the biggest reason she was close to Andrea is because she was breastfeeding her. Any other time Asher took care of her. Just like Tonight. Asher had Hannah for most Of the live and when Hannah did go over to Tom, he picked her up and not even a minute later Set her down. She wanted to get back up in his lap and he asked her why she wanted to get picked up again as she just wanted down. No she didn’t you asshat, you put her down when she still wanted to be on your lap. 

Someone asked if he had gotten a housekeeper yet. Tom Said one of the neighbor ladies offered to do it. Doesn’t look or sound like she started yet. 

A couple people asked if they had a roomba, air fryer or an instant pot. He said no. He said he didn’t know why they didn’t have an air fryer. He thought they were a good idea. I bet they get one of each now. Some idiot or two will think they are doing a great thing and buy them for them.

He had to do his like and subscribe before he was done. Even though he says he doesn’t like doing it. 

Some of the commenters are such idiots. They keep asking the kids to do stuff on camera like they are Circus monkeys. And Tom doesn’t say or do anything about it. In some cases he even encourages it. 

I did hear Tom say the other day (in a different live) that because of the virus and her home being in lockdown they Haven’t been to see grandma fern. And he said he hadn’t been to see her for awhile Before that. Unless they have been there to see her and didn’t film it, they have only been to see her once since Andrea died that I know of. Someone in the chat said he could call her on the phone if they couldn’t go see her. Tom said he didn’t think of that. Duh! I personally think he just doesn’t care to see or talk to her. He always says he’s too busy to go see her. Yet he has time to go live all the time. 



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I have a couple of comments about his live video. As mentioned above, he talked about getting a housekeeper. It sounded like to me she is volunteering to help him out, in other words, there will be no money exchanged. Just as I figured he wanted it done for free. He said she was not a “real housekeeper”, just a neighbor who wanted to help.

Also, he talked about their “savings”. I have heard him mention it before in a live drive. I don’t consider the money that was donated as his savings. Someone worked for that money and donated it to that schmuck. He sure does like that free money. 

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1 hour ago, All About the Shekels said:

I have a couple of comments about his live video. As mentioned above, he talked about getting a housekeeper. It sounded like to me she is volunteering to help him out, in other words, there will be no money exchanged. Just as I figured he wanted it done for free. He said she was not a “real housekeeper”, just a neighbor who wanted to help.

Also, he talked about their “savings”. I have heard him mention it before in a live drive. I don’t consider the money that was donated as his savings. Someone worked for that money and donated it to that schmuck. He sure does like that free money. 

It sounded to me like she offered to help and maybe he thinks it’s free help. Or maybe she meant she would help for free. Who knows. I’m sure either way he thinks it’s free help for him. If I remember correctly (I don’t feel like going back and watching again), there was a commenter who said ‘hi from your neighbor’. Maybe it was the woman who offered to help. 

I think it’s wise not to just blow the go fund me money, but it seems like any time he talks about it, it’s all about his future needs. I was under the assumption that people gave the money to help the kids now, not finance Toms retirement. Other than putting in a second bathroom, I’m not sure that Tom has used any of the money to help the kids in any way. He keeps saying that he’s heard he shouldn’t make any big changes for the first year after a Spouse dies, so he uses that excuse as to why he hasn’t bought Andrea a headstone yet. I think it’s just laziness on his part. I know he still had credit at the local store and a crap ton of Walmart gift cards, plus his work is just as good as ever. (And if you hear him talk his business is better than ever). Andreas medical bills are paid off and the house is now paid off, so he’s sitting pretty well Financially right now. He has no car payments, and no other loans that we know of (and if he did I’m sure we would have heard about it). It seems to me he could hire a cleaning lady and still have plenty of money. And I’m sure his fans are still sending money in the mail. Heck, just on the live last night almost $42 was donated to the kids. (And it wouldn’t surprise me if the kids don’t see any of it). 
Oh, and because I know super stalker and her sidekick (Another fan that’s off her rocker)  read here, go take care of your own kids and husband and leave the Mills kids alone. And to Tom, have you ever heard of family home movies? He keeps saying he and Andrea make/made these videos for the future generations to watch. So make them, but keep them private. Why do they have to be on a public forum like YouTube? Why do they have to be available for strangers to watch? Do like other people do and put them on a disk or a dvd. I have tons of family videos for my kids and their future spouses and families to watch but none are on YouTube. 

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What is the uncle's shady past? I only know of Papa Gary's past.  That family is full of winners.

When Andrea was alive the channel at least had some useful elements. I personally enjoyed her organizing videos (I didn't watch the rest since I was only interested in organizing, so please don't jump all over me for her Sandy Hook videos.  I had hopes Tom could be useful on You Tube, too... such as giving tips or inspiration to single parents or especially single dads.  HA!  Jokes on me... he has not produced a single minute of useful content on his channel.  Other than the entertainment I get from laughing at losers like Creepy Rachel Day, there is no reason for me to watch.  Thank you to those of you here who do recaps because I just can't stand to watch him anymore.


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I thought he said it was Claudia who was previously affectionate to her mom and then transferred that affection to Tom. Which is heartbreaking because that girl either gets criticized or ignored the most. 
We can all see her desperate attempts at getting his attention ?

I also noticed that when he gets annoyed with any of the kids he says “ Silly girl/boy” 

Which in tomspeak means “ stop annoying me “

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Why oh why does this family still have their GoFundme account up ? People are still donating as of 4 day ago. There are people in this world struggling a lot more than this family. Like someone mentioned. Their medical bills are paid, the house is paid, they still have numerous gift cards. He's one of the lucky ones who's still working. So why expect people to still donate ? My guess is GREED ! 

I get they lost their mother and wife. But guess what. Other people have lost loved ones too, I lost my mom, grandmother and aunt all within a year almost twenty years ago. 

There's a pandemic going on right now. People lost their jobs. And the situation is going to get a lot worse. Poverty, homelessness, physical and mental abuse are going to be on the rise. And this greedy family sits there with their hands out. 

Hey Tom. Maybe try donating instead of being a greedy pos. And FFS, Take down your GFM account. 

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2 hours ago, Wash your hands said:

Why oh why does this family still have their GoFundme account up ? People are still donating as of 4 day ago. There are people in this world struggling a lot more than this family. Like someone mentioned.

I've said it many times. He hasn't changed the wording on it either, it still says his wife has cancer and he needs to be with her so he won't be working, blah, blah, blah. Then he goes and buys a 1500 dollar Purple2 mattress for himself and phones for himself and the older boys. 

He released a video today too and it was just more of the same old stuff. He cut open a giant gummy for the kids to eat and asked them what part they wanted, so of course they all started saying what they wanted all at once. I wish he would of just cut it up and handed out the pieces rather than having them compete over who gets what. It just seems wrong.

Lots of footage of Hannah running around in bare feet,  marker all over her face and feet, and eating candy.  

2 hours ago, WhatAlife said:

I also noticed that when he gets annoyed with any of the kids he says “ Silly girl/boy” 

exactly, or he says "you're so cute"  and it's clear he is annoyed. 

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I watched thru the first few minutes of the random live and someone brought up the stimulus checks. Oh he wishes they wouldn’t send out that money, bad for the economy, Yada yada yada. I bet he will gladly accept it! We have heard this song and dance before. Lol He could send it back to the govt. huh tommy boy? That’s right, it will stay right in your greedy hands.

His followers want him to print his dead wife’s recipes and a planner. Did she ever make anything that needed a recipe? His people have noodles for brains. Lol I guess now that the donated money has dwindled down he will start hocking the recipes and planners. 

I just couldn’t take anymore of that nonsense.

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I turned on the live and the first thing he says after how is everybody is "there's Rachel Day" with a smile i can't tell is a smirk or flirtatious? I can't believe she has kids and a husband and spends so much time in the Mills' life and has never met them. She is scary! And I wanted to say how disturbing it is to me that Eden can read all the comments, and people tell her things to do and she does them on camera. An isolated family who homeschools so the kids won't be exposed to the real world but yet they put their whole lives on display, dirty house, video game addiction, terrible manners, poor hygeine, extremely unhealthy diet, dangerous yard, child neglect etc. to make evil money! Fascinating. Someone could do a grad paper on this family!

Oh and I forgot - what is that called when you think you have all the answers to all the questions? And Tom is a religious zealot?

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I watched the March vlog in which the kids mostly video. 
Their house is in such disrepair. It is sad. That floor should have been the first thing he fixed. I think for the price of that mattress , he could have had a decent, safe floor in the kitchen/ living room. That should have been a priority. 

I feel so bad for Asher, he tries to rally the kids to help him clean, they just scatter away or make more messes. He sounds and looks exhausted. He does everything! 
Hannah does really love him, he’s such a wonderful kid to take on all these roles ( house keeper, child raiser)  but you can tell he is under so much stress. 
Because at his age, he should be worried about school, girls, sports and maybe a job and getting a drivers license. 
It is SICK that he buys bread for the family  “ to learn how to be responsible “

Tom is so clueless, he doesn’t realize that his son already IS responsible and has more than enough responsibilities in this family!!  Asher feeds, dresses, keeps safe and provides emotional support to most of the little kids. He cleans up, does dishes and prepares daytime meals for the youngest 4! 
Tom thinks it is TOO much on himself, yet here is Asher shouldering most of every day mundane work while Tom records hours of lives in a park by a lake!!! Can Asher escape for some alone time?! Ever?!  This kid is going to have serious PTSD when he finally becomes free. 

Another sad part- everyone ignores Solly probably because it is hard to understand him so this little boy seems lost in that big group, nobody really acknowledges him when he shares or talks. He must feel so lonely. At least Andrea would say “ a huh” or some other platitude. I hope the grandma or aunt gives Solly some attention. He really needs speech therapy badly -that would help him be heard in that group otherwise he will become more quiet and withdrawn. ☹️ 
And before Tom dismisses my input as someone who doesn’t know how it is in large families- I have 11 kids, ( 4 grown now)   My ninth child had speech problems similar to Solly and I was the only person that could kind of understand him so I know what it is like. After a year in speech, he started improving so much and now 3 years later we forget that he used to be hard to understand. It works! 

I also  ( after watching one of the first Duggar specials ) always vowed to not burden my older children with the care of the younger kids. They did and do help out, but it is not in any excessive way, they are not assumed child care providers mini moms or dads. 
They have love for their siblings and care about each other, but I made darn sure that they didn’t feel like they had to change diapers, feed or keep the kids safe because mama needed the free time. 
The kids were my decision, so they were my responsibility. 
My oldest are in college and or military, they all are involved in community and sports. 
It makes me mad when the fundies have kids that they don’t feel like actually raising ( doing all the dirty work) , it gives large families a bad rep. 

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Yes indeed, Rachel is one spooky person. She has her own channel in Youtube showing what she has been shopping and she has guite a few children, so i suppose everything gets on hold when Tom is doing live. She seems obsessed. 

3 minutes ago, WhatAlife said:

I watched the March vlog in which the kids mostly video. 
Their house is in such disrepair. It is sad. That floor should have been the first thing he fixed. I think for the price of that mattress , he could have had a decent, safe floor in the kitchen/ living room. That should have been a priority. 

I feel so bad for Asher, he tries to rally the kids to help him clean, they just scatter away or make more messes. He sounds and looks exhausted. He does everything! 
Hannah does really love him, he’s such a wonderful kid to take on all these roles ( house keeper, child raiser)  but you can tell he is under so much stress. 
Because at his age, he should be worried about school, girls, sports and maybe a job and getting a drivers license. 
It is SICK that he buys bread for the family  “ to learn how to be responsible “

Tom is so clueless, he doesn’t realize that his son already IS responsible and has more than enough responsibilities in this family!!  Asher feeds, dresses, keeps safe and provides emotional support to most of the little kids. He cleans up, does dishes and prepares daytime meals for the youngest 4! 
Tom thinks it is TOO much on himself, yet here is Asher shouldering most of every day mundane work while Tom records hours of lives in a park by a lake!!! Can Asher escape for some alone time?! Ever?!  This kid is going to have serious PTSD when he finally becomes free. 

Another sad part- everyone ignores Solly probably because it is hard to understand him so this little boy seems lost in that big group, nobody really acknowledges him when he shares or talks. He must feel so lonely. At least Andrea would say “ a huh” or some other platitude. I hope the grandma or aunt gives Solly some attention. He really needs speech therapy badly -that would help him be heard in that group otherwise he will become more quiet and withdrawn. ☹️ 
And before Tom dismisses my input as someone who doesn’t know how it is in large families- I have 11 kids, ( 4 grown now)   My ninth child had speech problems similar to Solly and I was the only person that could kind of understand him so I know what it is like. After a year in speech, he started improving so much and now 3 years later we forget that he used to be hard to understand. It works! 

I also  ( after watching one of the first Duggar specials ) always vowed to not burden my older children with the care of the younger kids. They did and do help out, but it is not in any excessive way, they are not assumed child care providers mini moms or dads. 
They have love for their siblings and care about each other, but I made darn sure that they didn’t feel like they had to change diapers, feed or keep the kids safe because mama needed the free time. 
The kids were my decision, so they were my responsibility. 
My oldest are in college and or military, they all are involved in community and sports. 
It makes me mad when the fundies have kids that they don’t feel like actually raising ( doing all the dirty work) , it gives large families a bad rep. 

Asher, he is so lovely. It makes me mad that he has to buy bread! He looks very tired and so skinny, he has too much responsibility! How could Tom actually buy himself a new mattress, when there is so much things to be fixed. 

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Tom is saying 800,000 people died from the flu two years ago so the Coronovir us is nothing! He is a dip!! And those broken up pieces of kitchen floor could be toxic in such an old house. I agree he should have finished the bathroom and fixed the floors first.

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Tom had a live q&a before the live bible study last night( he was in his office). He said his jobs were all done for the day, the kids were fed and he had nothing to do, so he thought he’d do a live. (Although he says he never has free time to do things that need to be done). So he spent an hour and a half on a live q&a and then an hour on the Bible study. (2 1/2 hours he could have been taking care of his kids and such). Of course super stalker was the first one on the live and Tom acknowledged her. (Made her day I’m sure.) 

Said he took a bike ride earlier and went to the local store for a bottle of water. (So more time

Away from his kids yesterday). 

Someone asked him if his new bathroom was a half bath. He said he didn’t know. It was going to have a shower, toilet and sink. So whatever that meant, he said. 

Someone asked if he had received his stimulus check yet. He said he didn’t know. He said he didn’t know how he felt about getting it. He said free money was always good but being tax payers money didn’t make him feel good about it. (Um, we all know how he likes free money-he has a $70k go fund me that proves it). 

He said supper was grilled cheese, grilled peanut butter sandwiches and tomato soup. (At least that’s a decent meal, but I wonder how many of the kids didn’t eat it.)

Back on the subject of the stimulus check again. He said he didn’t see a reason to shut down the economy. He said we might be slowing down the virus but he honestly thinks we are just drawing it out. He said we can’t stay inside forever and as soon as we start going back out again it will probably just start all over. (Reading the live chat and Some of his commenters are such idiots). 

Crazy stalker had to get her like and subscribe comment in there. 

One of his regular commenters said she sees there are a lot of republicans in the chat,?( her emoji not mine) 

So now he’s saying the flu from 2 years ago is worse than Covid and there were more deaths from that. He said  if we could handle 800,000 deaths from that then why are we not able

To handle the 60,000 that have died from this virus. (Ok, I can’t watch any more of this video right now. He is such an ignorant fool. And so are the minions that follow his stupid ass!) 


oops-while I was typing others responded. Sorry, didn’t mean to repeat what others had already said. Lol

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Asher could use a solo bike ride! 
Hey Tom, maybe instead of hours of  kid free you-time, Asher can get away for some leisure and you can keep the house running, kids fed and safe, loved and educated? 
Tell me it’s a bad idea. Convince me that it’s not your job to do all of what Asher is doing. I dare you. 

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3 hours ago, WhatAlife said:

I feel so bad for Asher, he tries to rally the kids to help him clean, they just scatter away or make more messes. He sounds and looks exhausted. He does everything! 
Hannah does really love him, he’s such a wonderful kid to take on all these roles ( house keeper, child raiser)  but you can tell he is under so much stress. 
Because at his age, he should be worried about school, girls, sports and maybe a job and getting a drivers license. 
It is SICK that he buys bread for the family  “ to learn how to be responsible

That poor kid hasn't had time to grieve his mother's death and he was thrown the responsibility as caretaker for his younger siblings. He's got the weight of the world on his shoulders and his father couldn't give a flying f*** about him. He's rather sit on his butt on live and answer questions and "flirt" with his minions.  I'm honestly worried for him.

And I will say. The way some the people act towards Eden creeps me tf out. Tom did mention how out of the kids, she gets the most sent to her. I really hope the gifts are from people with good intentions. 

Hey Tom. Maybe put down the damn camera for one minute and talk to your kids. See how they're doing. Especially the older ones. They can hide their feelings better than the younger ones. Give Asher a day off where he can just chill and not have to worry if his siblings got fed or not. 

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I’ve thought when the allowances are handed out Asher should get about 10 times what he is paid for all the jobs he does. Caretaker for the small children and he is raising Hannah, household chores, clean and more than likely meal prep when that inept father figure isn’t around.

Here’s an idea for ol tommy boy, since he doesn’t feel good about the stimulus check, give all of it to Asher. That would look good in a savings acct.

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5 hours ago, Grandma D said:

I turned on the live and the first thing he says after how is everybody is "there's Rachel Day" with a smile i can't tell is a smirk or flirtatious? I can't believe she has kids and a husband and spends so much time in the Mills' life and has never met them. She is scary! And I wanted to say how disturbing it is to me that Eden can read all the comments, and people tell her things to do and she does them on camera. An isolated family who homeschools so the kids won't be exposed to the real world but yet they put their whole lives on display, dirty house, video game addiction, terrible manners, poor hygeine, extremely unhealthy diet, dangerous yard, child neglect etc. to make evil money! Fascinating. Someone could do a grad paper on this family!

Oh and I forgot - what is that called when you think you have all the answers to all the questions? And Tom is a religious zealot?

So many words to describe that know it all pos, none of them are good.   To save time, I’m going with pompous ass.     

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14 hours ago, All About the Shekels said:

Lol I guess now that the donated money has dwindled down he will start hocking the recipes and planners. 

He did make mention of putting together a cookbook and selling them or even maybe starting to sell t shirts with bible verses on them. 


6 hours ago, WhatAlife said:

I feel so bad for Asher, he tries to rally the kids to help him clean

I do feel that Asher genuinely enjoys taking care of the little kids BUT that doesn't mean it ALL has to fall on him. He is a minor and that kind of responsibility should not be laying on his shoulders all the time. He's being taken advantage of becasue he does enjoy it, he automatically does it without being told to do it,  and Tom just lets him do it becasue it makes things easier for HIM. 

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This is total BEC, but I wanted to find a list of which kid is which, and all I can think is: 

For someone who made a YouTube channel based on organization, Andrea can't even organize a family tree in a readable manner. So much extra information, and it doesn't make any sense. 




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1 hour ago, Maggie Mae said:

This is total BEC, but I wanted to find a list of which kid is which, and all I can think is: 

For someone who made a YouTube channel based on organization, Andrea can't even organize a family tree in a readable manner. So much extra information, and it doesn't make any sense. 

  Reveal hidden contents



Holy freak.   I need a Dramamine looking at that damn mess.  It looks like she vomited on a piece of paper.   Even including her all important mandatory color-coding.  Precious.    She didn’t have enough sense to go inside during a blizzard, he is the same.  Match made in Hell.   

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28 minutes ago, Olivia Marie said:

Holy freak.   I need a Dramamine looking at that damn mess.  It looks like she vomited on a piece of paper.   Even including her all important mandatory color-coding. 

It bothers me so much. Random floating heads. Extraneous information. (Do viewers need to know relatives that don't appear on the channel? Doesn't everyone have relatives who never appear on their channel? ) Why is Tom's daughter from a first marriage in a completely different color? That's SO rude. Do viewers need a picture of someone that "isn't a part of their life?"  White on yellow isn't readable! 

WHY ISNT IT TOP DOWN LIKE EVERY OTHER FAMILY TREE EVER? There is a reason that there are standard ways to make these things. 

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In that live Q&A you can literally hear the kids screaming and crying, in general and also for dad, outside Tom's office and he ignores it all. Until the end when someone asks if they could see Hannah, then he lets the kids in to appease his precious audience's wishes to see his kids on demand. How these women don't see how these videos display and encourage neglect of his kids' needs is beyond me.

2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

It bothers me so much. Random floating heads. Extraneous information. (Do viewers need to know relatives that don't appear on the channel? Doesn't everyone have relatives who never appear on their channel? ) Why is Tom's daughter from a first marriage in a completely different color? That's SO rude. Do viewers need a picture of someone that "isn't a part of their life?"  White on yellow isn't readable! 

WHY ISNT IT TOP DOWN LIKE EVERY OTHER FAMILY TREE EVER? There is a reason that there are standard ways to make these things. 

It's the floating head of Papa Gary that gets me.

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