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Meghan and Harry: Royal Baby


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I think Spencer or Theodore as far as names go, for no particular reason other than I like that they honour family and are that little bit more modern. 

However, my predictions are rarely correct lol

Beautiful baby and they both looks so happy 


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46 minutes ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

I think Spencer or Theodore as far as names go, for no particular reason other than I like that they honour family and are that little bit more modern. 

However, my predictions are rarely correct lol

Beautiful baby and they both looks so happy 


He's so cute!

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48 minutes ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

I think Spencer or Theodore as far as names go, for no particular reason other than I like that they honour family and are that little bit more modern. 

However, my predictions are rarely correct lol

Beautiful baby and they both looks so happy 


Aw!!!! What a sweet little squish face! Everyone looks happy and healthy. Hopefully they’re settling in nicely together. :) 

As for the name I have a feeling they’ll go a bit more traditional than expected, if for no other reason then because people are bound to make racist comments if they do anything too outside the box. Meghan and Harry might be fine dealing with that themselves, but they might not want to subject their son to criticism like that as he grows up. I don’t think Spencer will be the first name for that reason - I think they’ll go pretty traditional for the first name at least.  

ETA: Heres the People article. They look extremely happy in the photos attached to that article and apparently they both spoke with the press during the photos as well. 

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5 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Aw!!!! What a sweet little squish face! Everyone looks happy and healthy. Hopefully they’re settling in nicely together. :) 

As for the name I have a feeling they’ll go a bit more traditional than expected, if for no other reason then because people are bound to make racist comments if they do anything too outside the box. Meghan and Harry might be fine dealing with that themselves, but they might not want to subject their son to criticism like that as he grows up. I don’t think Spencer will be the first name for that reason - I think they’ll go pretty traditional for the first name at least.  

ETA: Heres the People article. They look extremely happy in the photos attached to that article and apparently they both spoke with the press during the photos as well. 

It’s a really lovely interview with the new family of 3! Harry is beaming the whole way through. They’ve shown it a few times on TV here (Loose Women and the afternoon news) I’m off work today so parked on the couch enjoying slacking and day time TV 

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The baby is cute. It looks like a baby. I just want a name! Maybe a little later today, since they've just gone to meet the Queen?

Alexander does seem like a good bet. Yes, it's George's middle name, but so what? It's the masculine form of the Queen's middle name, so it's a nod to her. It's classic and traditional, but it also feels modern. It works equally well in Britain and America and is about as popular in both countries (not in the top 10, but in the top 25). It seems like a good, solid, unobjectionable choice. 

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He is absolutely adorable. Meghan looks fantastic, Harry looks so happy. What a wonderful family of three. 

I’m hoping name gets released soon, now that the Queen has met him. I’m dying to know! I think it will be more traditional than expected, as well. 

Harry has a cousin named Alexander, but that might not stop them. It didn’t stop William with Charlotte or Louis. I love the names Alexander or Arthur but I kind of hope they skip using names that George or Louis have, because I already know there will be backlash and stupid articles like Kate Furious over Meghan Stealing Baby Names! Etc lol

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They all look so happy! Meghan looks good, Harry looks giddy and the baby is adorable. I am also wondering what his name is! I also think they will stick with a traditional name. 

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The Royal baby has been presented. Looks like any other adorable 3 day old. That was thrilling let me tell you.

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Baby pictures are here but no name! Too bad, I think the name is all anyone cares about, haha.

I really don’t think they’ll use Spencer as a first or middle name. I know it’s associated with Diana but it doesn’t seem like their style to me. It’ll all be Alexander or Arthur or something. I guess we’ll just have to wait. 

I do think Baby Sussex will become a prince when Charles becomes King. That probably won’t be for another ten years yet, lol.

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Lots of negativity in the British tabloids about the fact that Gayle King/CBS were allowed join the press pool. Apparently it's tradition that only UK papers get that first photo call, something to do with it being their taxpayers' money that funds the Royal family. The rest of the Commonwealth are reportedly NOT happy...

Then again, this is Meghan, so the British tabloids will always find something to gripe about :my_rolleyes:

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It's the tabloids' job to create controversies so that they can sell more papers and get more clicks. I never take anything they say seriously unless it starts appearing in the mainstream press.

I think I'm hoping for Alexander, Henry (and just call him Henry rather than Harry), or Arthur. Or something totally unexpected like... Callum.

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45 minutes ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

It’s a really lovely interview with the new family of 3! Harry is beaming the whole way through. They’ve shown it a few times on TV here (Loose Women and the afternoon news) I’m off work today so parked on the couch enjoying slacking and day time TV 

Same here I was watching Loose women, when we got to see the baby. He is beautiful and Harry and Meghan both look so happy. 

As for the name I have no idea. I guessed right with George and Charlotte. Louis I was surprised with. I think they will honour Charles and possibly Philip in his name.

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I'd love Theodore Henry Phillip or something. I'd also like David as a first name - it's one of Harry's middle names, and it's very strong and classic. 

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2 minutes ago, viii said:

I'd love Theodore Henry Phillip or something. I'd also like David as a first name - it's one of Harry's middle names, and it's very strong and classic. 

I love David. I've always wondered if they'd use it due to its association with Edward VIII, though. David Philip Charles would be really nice.

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I wonder if they may decide against “Arthur” as a first name as it is the name of Kate’s sister’s, (Pippa’s) new baby. Nicholas, Alexander, Christian, Albert or David are real possibilities. I think that the first name will be fairly traditional; don’t want to make it too easy for the nay sayers to have something to snark over. 

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Yeah. I don’t think they would use Arthur because of that reason.  What about Christopher? That’s a nice name. Classic  without being too old fashioned.

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1 hour ago, singsingsing said:

I love David. I've always wondered if they'd use it due to its association with Edward VIII, though. David Philip Charles would be really nice.

My guess is no precisely because of its association with Edward VIII. A shame, because David is a great name.

I was going to throw my hat into the name-guessing ring, but everyone else has already posted some permutation of what I would have guessed, so I'll just say that I feel sure 'Spencer' will be among the three middle names.

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I'm confused by the Edward VIII comments - David was just one of his middle names, just like it's one of Harry's. Am I missing something else? 

Name: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

Can't say I saw that coming at all!

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2 minutes ago, viii said:

I'm confused by the Edward VIII comments - David was just one of his middle names, just like it's one of Harry's. Am I missing something else? 

He was always called David by his family.

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1 minute ago, viii said:

I'm confused by the Edward VIII comments - David was just one of his middle names, just like it's one of Harry's. Am I missing something else? 

Name: Archie Harrison

Edward VIII was called David by his family and close friends.

I just saw the name announcement. I totally did NOT expect them to use one of those popular modern British nickname-names. I'm super excited that they defied all the expectations. I guess anyone who put money on Archie is rich now, lol! I'm not into nicknames as names, but it's pretty cute, and Harrison as the middle name is adorable.

It seems like he won't have a title? I was hoping for no title, so that's cool.

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Definitely seems like no title - which means no Earl of Dumbarton. 

I wonder if his name is Archibald, with Archie being a nick name, or if they skipped right to Archie. Kind of seems like it. 

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Archie Harrison is interesting. I'll leave it at that. 

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2 minutes ago, viii said:

Definitely seems like no title - which means no Earl of Dumbarton. 

I wonder if his name is Archibald, with Archie being a nick name, or if they skipped right to Archie. Kind of seems like it. 

Archie (as in just Archie, not Archibald) is really popular in Britain right now. It was ranked #18 in 2017. I'm guessing it will shoot up a few more places now.

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I'm not a fan of when people give children nicknames as actual names, but that's just me personally. 

Have to admit - kind of hate the name. I like Harrison (son of Harry), but not a big fan of Archie.

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8 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I guess anyone who put money on Archie is rich now, lol! 

I guess it also proves that the bookies (who seemed to expect a girl and a very different name) aren't psychics! 

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