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Meghan and Harry: Royal Baby


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So all the rumours where true. I’m happy for them. But 3 months pregnant and now a 2 week packed tour trough Australia, hats off to her :)

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Not even just Australia. They're heading to quite a few of the Pacific Islands too. It'll be a long two weeks of media coverage here, that's for sure!

I kind of thought it was odd at Eugenies wedding it was odd she wore a loose coat and dull coloured clothes when everyone else was a little more bright and dressed for warmer weather, but it's nice of them to wait until after her big day to announce. Not really given surprise though given their both a bit older and have expressed they wanted to be parents.

Hopefully she's able to cope well with the upcoming media frenzy, and i hope they have a happy and healthy baby next year!



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I think they had only a small window in when they could announce. Eugenies wedding  was friday with parties going on untill saturday. They had to leave on saturday. If they didn’t announce it there would hace to wait untill after this trip and if Meghan was feeling unwell or tired due to her pregnancy they would have a hard time explaining why she is absent etc.. and more pressure in her with a lot of media speculating if she was or wasn’t pregnant. Now she doesn’t have to hide the bump :)

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Aplologies for my multiple announcement pictures in my post above.   My iPad (and quite possibly my brain) were having a malfunction.

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31 minutes ago, SamiKatz said:

Can I call Diana for a girl?

William and Kate's daughter, I can not remember the adorable girls's name, has Diana as one of her middle names. But I wouldn't be surprised if Harry and Meghan use it in there somewhere.

I wondered when I saw the picture of her in the coat, and then a later picture where they were either leaving for their official visit or had already arrived there.  She was possibly getting in a car, but she was holding a bunch of folders in her hand and it looked like she was trying to cover up a possible bump.

I'm happy for them and hope that all goes well.  I'm not surprised that it's this soon after their wedding, based on their ages.  Not that I think that they are old, just general info.

But I do wonder what the next attempt at attention from her half-sister will be.

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I'm assuming they'll have to go for pretty traditional names (seems the farther you are down the line of succession, the more likely you are to be called Savannah or Zara or whatever). And I'm trying to think of good, classic names that aren't in yet in use by the family.

Girls: Eleanor? Jane? Mary? Amelia? Caroline? Adelaide?  I was going to type Catherine and forgot about the sister-in-law. Can we bring back Matilda?

Boys: Albert? Alfred? Frederick? Edmund? Harold? Stephen? Richard? John? (Can we bring John back? Did that one king ruin it forever?)

I'm curious why some traditional (Anglo-Saxon, French, and/or Biblical) names don't seem to be associated with the royals. Paul? Matthew? Samuel? I would love for them to bring back some badass medieval names like Aethelbert, just for the laughs.

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I'm looking at the names of Queen Victoria's children and their spouses.  There are some possibilities there.

For boys:





(probably not Leopold [Victoria's son] or Henry since that is Harry's actual name)

For girls:







Maud  (I have a hard time imaging this)


Marie or Maria


Eugenie  -Beatrice was one of the daughters of Victoria; Eugenie was her daughter

With either Sophia or Maria, I'd hope they'd pronounce it with a long "i" Soph- EYE-uh, Mar-EYE-uh


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For boy: Charles, Phillip, Arthur, Albert

For Girl: Diana, Victoria, Alice, Elizabeth 

Then again Harry and Meghan's children are not automatically going to be prince or princesses so they could use non traditional names. With cousins named Savannah, Isla, Mia and Lena they would not be out of place.


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2 hours ago, PlentyOfJesusFishInTheSea said:

I'm assuming they'll have to go for pretty traditional names (seems the farther you are down the line of succession, the more likely you are to be called Savannah or Zara or whatever). And I'm trying to think of good, classic names that aren't in yet in use by the family.

At the time she was born, Zara was higher in the line of succession (6th) than this baby will be (7th).  Though to be fair, Zara was born without a title since her father turned down his.

I think they'll probably use traditional names, but maybe not as strict as William and Kate.

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I don't think that they will have to be too strict about names. The baby won't be close enough to the throne to warrant it. Time will tell I guess, I hope all is healthy.

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I'm guessing they'll go less traditional and not accept Prince/Princess as titles. I don't think they'll go titleless like Anne for, but maybe similar to Louise and James being Lady and Viscount.

It's an interesting position they're in because they have the choice essentially. He grew up with cousins with a mix of titles and how that affected their lives.  (Beatrice and Eugenie get a lot of criticism for being non working Princesses, but Peter and Zara don't get anywhere near as much backlash but still a lot of the privileges).

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Awww sweet news. Also nice to know that a baby that close in the line of the throne will be biracial! :)

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Congratulations! That's great news. I'm leaning towards traditional names. Maybe not completely tradition. But still going to guess

Girls: Mary, Alexandra, Victoria, Alice

Boys: Albert, Frederick, Arthur, 

 I'd love it to be Eleanor or Matilda but probably not. 

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He or she will most likely get a traditional British upper class but not necessarily Royal name. The child will only get near the throne if a terrible disaster happens so they have many more options than The Cambridge’s did.   

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Alice was the name of Prince Philip's grandmother, Princess Alice of Battenberg who was also styled Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark after he marriage to Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark.   For her actions saving Jews during WWII, she is recognized as one of the Righteous Among the Nations.  Princess Alice was deaf, but could read lips pretty expertly.  She used her deafness to fool the Nazis when they'd try to question her.  She could not hear them, of course, but she could tell what they were asking her.  Her Royal apartment in Athens, where she was hiding Jews, was right next door to Gestapo HQ.  After the war, she founded a Greek Orthodox order of nursing sisters.  She is buried on the Mount of Olives.  I think the Episcopal Church considers her a saint.

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Princess Alice was Philip's mother, not his grandmother.


I'd love to see an Albert; I was hoping William and Kate would use that one.  One of Charles' middle names is Arthur, so that could be a choice, too.  I like Alexandra and Alice for girls.

I do seem to have a thing for A names today!


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They will never do an Albert.They  are not cruel.  This boy will most likely  to be sent to an all boys boarding school someday and that would be horrible for him.

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34 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

They will never do an Albert.They  are not cruel.  This boy will most likely  to be sent to an all boys boarding school someday and that would be horrible for him.

I can't see the younger royals sending any of their kids to boarding school, but I agree that Albert would not be a good choice at all. I was dreading that William and Kate might name their last one Albert.

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