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Jinjer 45: First a Preacher then a Seminarian

Coconut Flan

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Just now, AtlanticTug said:

If Jill followed Derrick around on all these trips like Jinger does with Jeremy, everybody here would be ridiculing her for being clingy, dragging a baby around on endless flights, not having any interests of her own, etc. I really don't see this as any different.

I agree, but on the other hand I think Jinger is a bigger draw than Jeremy so when it's a speaking engagement that they want people to come to it makes sense to bring Jinger.

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I don’t see anything wrong with them travelling together all the time. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if it was Jill and Derick either. Travelling that much with a baby seems like a nightmare to me, but that’s up to them to decide.

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The difference between Jinger and Jill is, at least how I look at it, is Jeremy has some kind of church speaking engagement and is a pastor and she is his wife. Derick was just doing whatever BS work or training for Cross Church and wasn't an actual pastor or anything like that. Wasn't Derick apart of a training program thing through CC or something when Jill went with him? Based on the information I have it makes more sense for Jinger to go with Jeremy while Jeremy speaks than Jill and the boys to go with Derick while he was doing whatever with the program he was apart of but Jill was not. 

I was under the impression that Jill spent the/those trip(s) by herself walking to Chic Fil A but it seems like Jinger actually spends a lot of the time on these trips with Jeremy. That being said I don't think it's a bad thing for Jinger or Jill to travel with their husbands. Even with their children. Jill going on a trip for a program her husband was a part of but she was not just seems kind of weird. Also, traveling with small children can be stressful and is personally not my idea of a good time and wouldn't do it unnecessarily. 





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2 hours ago, AtlanticTug said:

If Jill followed Derrick around on all these trips like Jinger does with Jeremy, everybody here would be ridiculing her for being clingy, dragging a baby around on endless flights, not having any interests of her own, etc. I really don't see this as any different.

ETA: My husband travels around North America and the world extensively. I did 2 one-year long maternity leaves and I could have gone with him. I went once, to Boston, to join him at the tail end of a week he was there so we could spend the weekend there and brought our 7-month-old at the time. It wouldn't occur to me to go to every one of his work events, etc. I had a whole life at home...

It is common for a pastor's wife to travel with her husband to speaking engagements. If she does not come, the pastor will usually sends her regards. Jinger would be included in any social events such as lunch after the service. Being a pastor's wife is like a job.

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Eh, it doesn't bother me that she travels with him. My husband has a job that keeps him traveling internationally a good majority of the year. I used to travel with him pretty frequently back when we had less responsibilities. Now with a dog, house, baby, and my business it's less frequent but I do try to go at least a couple times a year. I always made sure my presence was always when he would have downtime or not be entertaining his boss/clients. 

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3 hours ago, Ali said:

It is common for a pastor's wife to travel with her husband to speaking engagements. If she does not come, the pastor will usually sends her regards. Jinger would be included in any social events such as lunch after the service. Being a pastor's wife is like a job.

I guess it's not really my experience for that to be the case. Now I don't go to church weekly admittedly, but I recall 4 visitor pastors in the last year, who came for a week or a weekend. ONE time one brought his wife, and that was because there was a women's devotional conference going on at the same time and she was a speaker there. The other times, if the wife was there, it certainly was not made known. I always assumed many of these couples had 3, 4, 5 young kids at home and the wife stayed for that reason. 

I don't care one way or another if she goes. I just think that there is no way that Jill gets the sort of latitude extended to her that her sisters do regularly. Imagine if she was dressing a baby girl in these ridiculous headpieces every day, we'd all be laughing at how she is obsessed that everyone knows she is a girl baby, etc. Jinger gets much, much more of a pass. Even though her husband is, in my view, a LOT more insidious than Derrick. Derrick is an idiot who at least has the decency to make it clear that he's an asshole. Jeremy is Derrick with lipstick.

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Jill is such a piece of work. I don't read her regularly because she's so terrible, but every time I stop in, she manages to go lower, and yet, I still somehow end up surprised by it. 

Edit: how the heck did I get here? I swear I clicked on Jill. WTF DID I DO? Someone send help, wine, and directions back to JRod.

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3 hours ago, Destiny said:

Edit: how the heck did I get here? I swear I clicked on Jill. WTF DID I DO? Someone send help, wine, and directions back to JRod.

I'm a bit late, but here you go. Rescue ferrets :ferret: :ferret:, wine :wine:, and a link:


(I didn't know which page/thread you were on. :kitty-wink: ) 

:pb_lol: :pb_lol: :pb_lol: :pb_lol: :pb_lol:

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7 hours ago, SamiKatz said:

Wouldnt Jinger kind of be expected to go, as the Pastor's wife?

Yes, I would think so. That makes a big difference between her and Jill, IMO. Jinger is Jeremy's paper doll and needs to speak with him or support him. He sells them as a unit. Jill clings to Wreck while doing the most mundane things. School, work. Her last insta post is a photo of her sitting next to him while he studies eating jellybeans #jellybeans. It's riveting stuff. 

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17 hours ago, HereticHick said:

He preached at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas this morning: https://www.trinitybiblechurchofdallas.com/events/2018/12/2/december-2-2018-jeremy-vuolo

Seems that church is looking for a pastor.  Maybe Jeremy was auditioning.  


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1 hour ago, Tim-Tom Biblethumper said:

Seems that church is looking for a pastor.  Maybe Jeremy was auditioning.  


If he was in the job application process, my experience is that the congregation would want to meet the whole family. 

I totally agree that Jill gets much more hate than the other sisters. Jinger traveling with Jeremy feels different to me than Jill tagging along. Jeremy might have liked knowing his wife was in the audience while he as preaching. It is normal to feel nervous in front of a different audience. Jinger also was probably not going to have long periods of time in the hotel room without Jeremy resulting in her walking miles to Chick-Fil-a.

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This is totally different from Jill tagging along. A minister's wife usually is part of the church community and members want to know the family as they will become part of their church community. The Vuolos, the entire family, represent that church. It's a different role than Jill had, albeit very short term, as the wife of a: WM worker, wanderer in Central America, fake missionary program attendee and now law school student. People would likely want to meet Jeremy's family, especially if this visit to Dallas was for a minster related job interview. 

Life isn't fair and equitable

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There's nothing wrong with Jill travelling with Derick. The only thing I find strange is when she inserts herself into things with him that she doesn't seem to actually be involved in. Like when he was doing that ministry certificate through their church and she posed with him and the rest of the group for photos. But she wasn't part of the program. That's weird to me. Just travelling with him is not weird to me at all. Why shouldn't she? If he left her at home all the time I guarantee you we'd be criticizing them for that and questioning why she never got to go anywhere with him.

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IMO, Jinger gets a pass where Jill would be vilified, simply because people like the Vuolo's more than the Dillard's.  Jeremy & Jinger have the same disgusting beliefs as Derrick and Jill, they are just wrapped in a prettier package and delivered in a classier tone.

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I actually have a soft spot for Jill (none for DD), but the Dillards are awkward and lack any sort of social awareness. She is among the Duggars who has been slow to acclimate to life outside of the TTH. She's trying hard to find her niche, but has been unsuccessful. The bohemian lifestyle has not helped :( . The lack of knowing herself, her individual strengths and weaknesses is so strong and particularly debilitating for Jill. The Duggar group think and eliminating all individual thinking or skills development has really hurt Jill. It's just too bad that DD didn't suggest that JILL go back to school, maybe to get a LVN license as a precursor to obtaining a true midwife license, as opposed to him continuing his education, yet again, especially with his history of 30 second commitment to any endeavor. It seems as if DD does not know how to truly lead (as per his role in this arrangement) and help to nurture and develop Jill's interests. In the absence of such, Jill is flailing and clinging more strongly to DD; more dead weight than sail- Conversly, Jeremy seemingly has helped and encouraged Jinger to develop and let her true self shine. Reading, fashion, athletic pursuits, art, music...


ETA- And you can simultaneously abhor beliefs and still acknowledge positives that you see happening within these relationships. Jeremy can have horrible beliefs, yet still able to support his wife in expanding her horizons. AND, DD can have horrible beliefs, AND be self as opposed to family centric.

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I have no issue with Jill travelling with Derick. I have issues with her posting pictures of her sitting on his lap in the middle of the big group. The Dillards just seem to make everyone around them awkward.

Jeremy and Jinger have the same awful beliefs, Jeremy has proved that with his recent twitter musings. He reminds us occasionally that he's an awful prick. He's just good at social media, and so is Jinger. Derick and Jill are not good at social media, Jill uses too many hashtags, and Derick's sense of humour comes off super dickish and pedantic.

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I'm not Christian but I assume with being the pastor's wife, Jinger is leading some sort of women's group and is also the face of the congregation. I know that as a rabbis wife, one would need to be part of a lot of events. It would look bad if she wasn't at mikva and such. 

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59 minutes ago, OyToTheVey said:

I'm not Christian but I assume with being the pastor's wife, Jinger is leading some sort of women's group and is also the face of the congregation. I know that as a rabbis wife, one would need to be part of a lot of events. It would look bad if she wasn't at mikva and such. 

It depends a lot on the denomination or individual congregation; some want the pastor’s wife to be almost a copastor (unpaid and and untitled), while some prefer to plug her in where her individual strengths lay. My husband’s current congregation doesn’t have any expectations of me; they hired him, not me, and understand that I work outside the home and can’t really get involved too much. I volunteer to clean the bathrooms and work the sound booth. Other than that, I don’t like to get too chummy.

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To me, it's not really a surprise that they follow their husbands around constantly. I mean, what else are they going to do? They don't have jobs, they don't go to school, they've been discouraged all their lives to have hobbies that aren't related to Jesus. If Jinger or Jill were left at home, I don't know what they would do to fill their time besides watch their kids and text their husbands. They might as well just go with Jeremy and Derick. It's actually pretty depressing to think about.

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1 minute ago, Anna Bolinas said:

To me, it's not really a surprise that they follow their husbands around constantly. I mean, what else are they going to do? They don't have jobs, they don't go to school, they've been discouraged all their lives to have hobbies that aren't related to Jesus. If Jinger or Jill were left at home, I don't know what they would do to fill their time besides watch their kids and text their husbands. They might as well just go with Jeremy and Derick. It's actually pretty depressing to think about.

Read to their kids, learn to cook, take up a hobby, clean their homes, garden, read, take a class, volunteer at a shelter, soup kitchen, home for battered women, home for children, drive a shut in, delivery meals on wheels, visit GM Mary, visit their in-laws, take a bible class, learn a foreign language, take some real music lessons, take a nap. The list is actually endless.

Expand their freaking horizons and minds.

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I would be surprised if any of the married Duggar kids and their spouses ever spend a night apart with the exception of Josh and Anna which obviously didn’t work out well. Can anyone think of an example of any of the Duggars expressing or implying that they were without their spouse overnight? I think they are of the belief that always being together makes a better marriage. Most of us are looking at it from the perspective that jobs and other commitments make this totally impractical, but the Duggars aren’t tied down by real life like regular people.

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10 hours ago, Carm_88 said:

I have no issue with Jill travelling with Derick. I have issues with her posting pictures of her sitting on his lap in the middle of the big group. The Dillards just seem to make everyone around them awkward.

Jeremy and Jinger have the same awful beliefs, Jeremy has proved that with his recent twitter musings. He reminds us occasionally that he's an awful prick. He's just good at social media, and so is Jinger. Derick and Jill are not good at social media, Jill uses too many hashtags, and Derick's sense of humour comes off super dickish and pedantic.

pedantic - new word 

many of the essays are long, dense, and too pedantic to hold great appeal"


i have nothing else to add because I agree with everything you said. 

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I see the Jinger and Jeremy were still in Dallas as of Monday afternoon--which makes me agree that Jeremy is there for more than just a Sunday guest preaching slot--he's there for a job interview.

If they moved to Dallas, they'd be a few hours closer to the Duggar compound, right?

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1 hour ago, HereticHick said:

I see the Jinger and Jeremy were still in Dallas as of Monday afternoon--which makes me agree that Jeremy is there for more than just a Sunday guest preaching slot--he's there for a job interview.

If they moved to Dallas, they'd be a few hours closer to the Duggar compound, right?

And more importantly, farther away from the scary, brown people and the need to learn Spanish.

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