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Lori Alexander 37: Practicing Medicine Without a License

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MAJOR eyeroll at Ken’s banana shake “depression cure”. Yeah, fuck off Ken. Douche.


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Unless that banana shake was served alongside divorce papers from Lori, I really don't see how that'd help. :pb_lol:

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2 hours ago, Hisey said:

Honestly, I think they'd be a lot happier if they paid LESS attention to their gut, and not more.

The whole family--even Alyssa, the best of the lot--seem obsessed with what they put into their mouths, and convinced that eating has to be this complicated ritual requiring Beef Liver Supplements and Beet Kvass.


I think they have orthorexia. In Lori's case at least it seems like disordered eating. I suspect Alyssa too. Poor Alyssa seems to think if only she eats the right thing she'll get pregnant. Her instagram is a study in disordered thinking.

Oh hot times tonight when she let into a fan girl about Mother Teresa, of all things. Lorbags argued that St. Teresa was not X-tian and had gone to hell because her "works were empty" and she didn't believe in Christ. It boggles the mind. Of course, fan girl pretty much apologized to the great bag o' winds herself.  

Get into that chat room to see her in action.

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On 1/13/2018 at 10:41 PM, Free Jana Duggar said:

Sure, it happens occasionally. I've seen a few incidents over the years, but not nearly as common as Lori and the fangirls think, and the incidents I know of were between coworkers, not between a boss and employees. 

And honestly, I feel like she's living/referring to an episode of Mad Men or Bewitched, where all the women are "secretaries" and all the men are "bosses" ....in all my places of employment (4 different places in 30 years total -- same industry: health care) they've all been a  pretty female dominant  field. We have women bosses, we have men bosses, the women aren't fetching coffee for the men or vice versa.  Everyone's fetching their own damn coffee! LOL    I'm sure there are some "relationships" going on, but more often than not its among peers...not among supervisors/subordinates.  

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They have to think that to feed their narrative of women working: bad, men working: good. Notice the victim blaming, affairs ONLY happen because women don't know their "place". Can anyone send Lori a copy of the Handmaid's Tale??/

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And today we're once again treated to a diatribe about women wasting time and money going to college. Lori, you really need to come up with some new topics, you've become boring and repetitive. *yawn*

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6 hours ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Unless that banana shake was served alongside divorce papers from Lori, I really don't see how that'd help. :pb_lol:

That was my thought - the only depression Ken suffers from is the reaction anyone would have to living with Lori......

I’m not white knighting Ken - he’s appalling in ways that are all his own - but I really think he’d just be your average, slightly sleazy, kind of clueless, conservative “Christian” dude without Lori. It’s ironic that he’s stuck on her crazy train, seemingly unable to get off, when she’s meant to be his submissive helpmeet, deferring to him in every way. I’m pretty sure Ken would be a lot happier with a wife who wasn’t a Godly Christian Mentor but also wasn’t a complete fucking bitch.

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25 minutes ago, teachergirl said:

They have to think that to feed their narrative of women working: bad, men working: good. Notice the victim blaming, affairs ONLY happen because women don't know their "place". Can anyone send Lori a copy of the Handmaid's Tale??/

Her doodle also makes the really weird assumption that if someone brings you coffee/you bring someone coffee, you automatically want to sleep with them. She is trying to imply that submission is the root of all sexual attraction. Not true at all. 

@Hisey As someone who has had stomach issues since birth (which were only really diagnosed 3 years ago), I have to think about what I eat if I want a healthy digestive system. Some people really do have to take some care with that. Of course, the big difference between Lori & Co and me is that I won't spend all my time telling you about it or preaching that you have to eat exactly like me. If I am eating out with you, I will quietly order what I can eat without a fuss. If I am eating at your house and you have something on the table that will bother me, I will either have a very small amount or take none and I won't say a word.  And I also know that I can eat exactly as I need to and not be having stomach issues and still get a head cold. Because the two are unrelated. 

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15 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Her doodle also makes the really weird assumption that if someone brings you coffee/you bring someone coffee, you automatically want to sleep with them. She is trying to imply that submission is the root of all sexual attraction. Not true at all. 

@Hisey As someone who has had stomach issues since birth (which were only really diagnosed 3 years ago), I have to think about what I eat if I want a healthy digestive system. Some people really do have to take some care with that. Of course, the big difference between Lori & Co and me is that I won't spend all my time telling you about it or preaching that you have to eat exactly like me. If I am eating out with you, I will quietly order what I can eat without a fuss. If I am eating at your house and you have something on the table that will bother me, I will either have a very small amount or take none and I won't say a word.  And I also know that I can eat exactly as I need to and not be having stomach issues and still get a head cold. Because the two are unrelated. 

Both Mr. & I have to really be careful with that as well. We are low key about it around others tho. I do have to bring a side for me while eating at inlaws though because they are always so determined to eat as carb and gluten filled as possible. Every. Time. :-/ 

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7 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Both Mr. & I have to really be careful with that as well. We are low key about it around others tho. I do have to bring a side for me while eating at inlaws though because they are always so determined to eat as carb and gluten filled as possible. Every. Time. :-/ 

My in-laws love greasy fried food which I really cannot eat--only in very small portions unless I want two days of burning stomach pain. And SiL always comes up with something that will torture my stomach. Easter last year it was hot salad dressing made out of bacon grease. I wish I was making that up. And she's the part time vegan who preaches about food much like Lori when she's not on a candy binge or making salad dressing out of bacon grease. I had to grab my salad and dig in MiL's fridge for another dressing, then she threw a fit because I wouldn't eat her food. 

Parents-in-law wanted us to meet them at some hole in the wall restaurant that serves nothing but deep fried fish and chicken with deep fried vegetables on the side last summer. I'd been having gastritis flare as it was and Mr. 05 very politely told them there would be nothing I could eat there which they did not take well. 

SiL's toy boy has a revolving set of food restrictions which we have to hear about All. The. Time. But it is all very inconsistent. On Christmas Eve, they make (the world's worst) oyster stew (nothing but oysters and milk--she doesn't even put in salt and pepper). I brought potato soup with cream base. So we're in the kitchen and MiL is getting out a bucket of chicken noodle soup from Costco and explaining to me that she bought it because the toy boy can't eat dairy. While she was telling me this, he came and got a plate and put a giant cinnamon roll covered in cream cheese frosting on it and took it in the other room to eat. Okay. I actually think his restrictions are masking an eating disorder. He also goes on binge and fast rotations all the time--like he'll binge junk food non-stop for 3-4 hours one day then eat absolutely nothing for the next 2-3 days.  He is excessively underweight, too

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@louisa05 the first year we got married, I dutifully ate whatever the inlaws served every week because I didn't want to offend them, and it really set me back healthwise. I'm learning to be much more strict about it now. 

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2 hours ago, teachergirl said:

 Can anyone send Lori a copy of the Handmaid's Tale??/

Oh, but Lori already knows alllllll about The Handmaid's Tale, because she read what Wikipedia says about the 1990 movie, and she teaches 'NOTHING even closely similar to The Handmaid’s Tale.'  :pb_rollseyes: 

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Here is her latest little notebook nit-witticism. 

She almost always begins a post ready for a fight. 

"Women hate me because...". "A woman was mad at me for...." "

You know what she never does?

She never writes a post aimed at those readers who do support her. She never writes that she is thankful for her faithful readers and those who leave positive words. It's like her Amazon page. Until it was pointed out here at FJ, she only responded to her critics but never thanked her supporters. 

Lori WANTS to be angry. She holds on to it like a security blanket. She is happiest when she's unhappy. What better way to stay unhappy than by obsessing over those who hate her?  I think she reads comments and is disappointed when she realizes someone is not disagreeing with her. That's why she finds a way to argue even with those who support her writings.  She loves to focus on the negative.

I'm just going to leave this little reminder right here. 


Philippians 4:8 

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.



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2 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Her doodle also makes the really weird assumption that if someone brings you coffee/you bring someone coffee, you automatically want to sleep with them. She is trying to imply that submission is the root of all sexual attraction. Not true at all. 

@Hisey As someone who has had stomach issues since birth (which were only really diagnosed 3 years ago), I have to think about what I eat if I want a healthy digestive system. Some people really do have to take some care with that. Of course, the big difference between Lori & Co and me is that I won't spend all my time telling you about it or preaching that you have to eat exactly like me. If I am eating out with you, I will quietly order what I can eat without a fuss. If I am eating at your house and you have something on the table that will bother me, I will either have a very small amount or take none and I won't say a word.  And I also know that I can eat exactly as I need to and not be having stomach issues and still get a head cold. Because the two are unrelated. 

Louisa and Ew, I'm sorry, I did not mean to be insensitive to those with genuine stomach issues. But I was and I apologize.

I was just talking about this with my husband, and I realized I was raised in a home where food was 100% fuel, and never discussed or appreciated in any way. In retrospect, it was weird. There was no discussion of recipes, of seasonings, of healthy or unhealthy choices. It was the 70s, but still. We never, ever ate out (maybe 10x in my entire childhood) and even then the food we ate was not discussed.

So Lori's obsession with food seems extraordinarily self-indulgent to me. And irritating. But I see now that I come from my own dysfunctional perspective, and, who knows, maybe some of her remedies are useful. I know people mocked her for her salad video but I was never really clear on the basics of salad making and (this is so embarrassing) actually found it useful. (II am so ashamed)

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Yeah I'm not even gonna bother reading that post on college. It's not really mine or anyone else's fault that you chose to waste your degree and claim you didn't learn anything. I'm going to guess that isn't true. Even if I don't use my counseling degree I've learned a ton of information that I can bring with me to other jobs. If you didn't learn anything, well... to me that says a lot about how seriously you took your schooling. There is a problem with people finding work in their degrees but that doesn't make them worthless degrees. College definitely isn't for everyone either but to directly discourage kids to go? Blah 

and Lori, it's time to find a new topic. How about doing good to others? Huge part of the Bible. Maybe on the fruits of the spirit other than self control? 

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Lori: "It's a lot easier to point fingers at other's faults instead of recognizing your own faults and changing."

Again, she doesn't see the irony. :irony:

That's all she does on her blog: pointing fingers and telling people they're wrong and she is always right.

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3 hours ago, teachergirl said:

They have to think that to feed their narrative of women working: bad, men working: good. Notice the victim blaming, affairs ONLY happen because women don't know their "place". Can anyone send Lori a copy of the Handmaid's Tale??/

She’d probably think it was a description of paradise on earth. Of course, she and Ken would be among the elite in that world.

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2 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Easter last year it was hot salad dressing made out of bacon grease.

That’s an actual thing. My mom used to make hot German potato salad with a dressing of equal parts bacon grease, vinegar, and (maybe not an “equal part”? I don’t remember) white sugar, seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Sometimes she fried chopped red onion in the bacon grease before adding the vinegar and sugar. She used the same “hot bacon dressing” in her wilted spinach salad. (Pour the hot dressing over fresh baby spinach topped with sliced mushrooms, chopped hard boiled egg, crumbled bacon, and cherry tomatoes, I think.) She didn’t make it very often because bacon was luxury food, but man, she loved the stuff.

I adapted her recipe (like 1 tsp of honey instead of 1/4 c sugar, and way more vinegar than fat, and no tomatoes) and enjoy it once in awhile when I feel like I ought to eat more green stuff. I don’t really care for green stuff all that much. At least on my plate.

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17 minutes ago, refugee said:

She’d probably think it was a description of paradise on earth. Of course, she and Ken would be among the elite in that world.

She would certainly love to be a Commander's wife even if Ken had a Handmaid. I'd prefer to see her as an Econo-Wife .

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49 minutes ago, refugee said:

That’s an actual thing. My mom used to make hot German potato salad with a dressing of equal parts bacon grease, vinegar, and (maybe not an “equal part”? I don’t remember) white sugar, seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Sometimes she fried chopped red onion in the bacon grease before adding the vinegar and sugar. She used the same “hot bacon dressing” in her wilted spinach salad. (Pour the hot dressing over fresh baby spinach topped with sliced mushrooms, chopped hard boiled egg, crumbled bacon, and cherry tomatoes, I think.) She didn’t make it very often because bacon was luxury food, but man, she loved the stuff.

I adapted her recipe (like 1 tsp of honey instead of 1/4 c sugar, and way more vinegar than fat, and no tomatoes) and enjoy it once in awhile when I feel like I ought to eat more green stuff. I don’t really care for green stuff all that much. At least on my plate.

I know it is a real thing. But coming from her.....we've had to endure lectures on the merits of veganism or vegetarianism from her way too often along with lectures on how we don't eat healthy like she does. Then she shows up wanting to feed us bacon grease? I'm sorry if you like it, but my response was WTF? Plus their father had a heart attack, has stents, takes heart medication and is supposed to be on a low cholesterol diet. And she knows that I have to avoid greasy and high fat foods. So she came to a family gathering with something she knew two people out of six there had no business eating and tried to force us to eat it. This dressing wasn't offered to us, it was poured on the salad with no one's consent. I actually had to leave the dining room with mine to keep her from putting it on it and endure a "you're too good to eat what I make even though you can't cook" tantrum. (Plus I can cook). 

Also, my general reaction to pouring grease on my food intentionally is always going to be WTF. Even if it wouldn't make my stomach hurt for days if I ate it. 

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Lol — my reaction to a “vegan” using bacon grease in a salad dressing would also be WTF.

Not lol-ing with regard to your stomach issues. Food sensitivities suck.

*edited to put quotemarks in because she sounds more like a food-faddist than a vegan or vegetarian like the vegans and vegetarians I know. As if food is her avenue to “holier than thou”.

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Just now, refugee said:


Lol — my reaction to a vegan using bacon grease in a salad dressing would also be WTF.

Not lol-ing with regard to your stomach issues. Food sensitivities suck.

She goes back and forth between a regular diet, vegan and vegetarian. Plus she is sometimes not eating sugar or gluten or carbs or whatever other trend of the moment she is jumping on and/or promoting with seminars at her yoga studio in which she bills herself as a nutritionist of some sort (because an English Lit degree equips one to give paid nutritional advice to others--I know this as I have one, too).  We literally never know what she's eating or not eating. So any family gathering has to be preceded by the grand "what will SiL eat?" dilemma. We can plan a holiday meal a week or so out around her status of the moment and it may have changed by the time the event arrives, then tantrums about no one caring about what she can eat ensue. Plus, she is constantly telling toy boy he can or cannot have something and/or he is pretending he can or can't have something, so that becomes an issue. She was vegetarian on her b-day (NYE) a year ago and bringing bacon grease salad dressing on Easter. 

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yup. Food is definitely her ticket to “holier than thou”. Sounds like a control thing, too? Not only can she feel superior to everyone else, but she always has a reason to put others in the wrong.

I find that kind of behavior exhausting, so you have my complete sympathy.

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57 minutes ago, Seahorse Wrangler said:

She would certainly love to be a Commander's wife even if Ken had a Handmaid. I'd prefer to see her as an Econo-Wife .

I'd prefer to see her as a Handmaid.  She would have to be aged back a few years, but hey, this is fantasy!  :pb_lol:  Since she thinks women should have no rights, I'd love to see her with none (only for a short time, I wouldn't wish permanent Handmaid status on anyone, even Lori).  She thinks women should just do what the men in their lives tell them?  Handmaid is her dream career choice!  Of course she wouldn't get to subsist on her slimy salads and salmonella dressing, and the counters wouldn't be wiped with her chicken juice Norwex cloths, and she couldn't make everyone else follow her rules, but I'm sure Lori would willingly give up her rights since she wants to take them from other women, right?...right??!  

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3 hours ago, usmcmom said:

Lori WANTS to be angry. She holds on to it like a security blanket. She is happiest when she's unhappy. What better way to stay unhappy than by obsessing over those who hate her?

I completely agree with this. Lori is not a Christian or even a fundamentalist, she's an extremist. She has a hateful and unrelenting view of everyone that does not abide by her rules which incedently, she does not follow herself. She doesn't represent Christianity any more than Muslim extremists represent their religion. Like any extremist, she has an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of rules that no one could ever hope to follow and therefore gain acceptance. She requires absolute obedience from her fangirls. Follow or be outed.

 As time has gone on, we've all watched Lori's message become ever more hateful and narrow. Once she realized that her teachings weren't received well and she didn't shoot to fame, she became a heartless taskmaster. 

I was talking with a friend of mine recently who was telling me about her mom. Mom was complaining about the smallest details in her life. I said, life is too short to worry about such things. She said to me, "SuperNova, for some people, life is too long." 

Life is long for Lori.


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