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Lori Alexander 29: Gossiping about Gossip

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15 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

Ugh, what a fucking moron.  As long employers are treating their employees well by legal and safety standards and the work environment isn't hostile- that's not slavery. 

Here's the thing.  Lori wants to look at every reference to marital relationships in the NT as presenting God's ideal for all time, instead of  viewing the verses as giving advice on how people could cope with the cultural restrictions of the time (while following Jesus and encouraging others to also follow Jesus), plus admonishing those with power (men, masters) to be loving and protective of those without power.  Logically, that means that the references to slavery must also reflect God's ideal for all time, rather than being an attempt to help slaves cope with their current powerless lives and encourage masters to free their slaves or at least be as kind as possible. 

Since no one these days wants to say that the horrors of slavery in this country's not-so-distant past = God's ideal, they have to believe that (1) the slavery in Biblical times was different, and (2) the slave/master references are comparable to today's employer/employee relationships.  

Turning them into employer/employee relationships also let people like Lori actually use the slave/master references as further support for the idea that relationships where one person makes the rules and the other obeys are normal and healthy.  After all, your husband has to obey his boss, just as you have to obey him.  Now, your boss doesn't get to come home with him and dictate every part of his life, and your husband can replace a verbally abusive or controlling boss with a new boss without being told he's sinning.... but if you ignore all that, it's just the same.      

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Lori's notebook doodle roughly translates to: 

If you're hurt by my teaching, it's your fault, not mine.

Here's the problem:  Lori also says, "If you disagree with me, you HATE God", or "If you disagree with me, you disagree with God".  You'll also notice that in a argument, she often says, "The Bible is clear (that I am right)!"

She puts vulnerable readers in a horrible position and then blames it all on them.  She's despicable.  

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Perfect example:



It's good, but a lot of women want to work and be at home, what do you say to them? Genuinely asking, not being rude or trying to paint you into a corner. When a man and woman both decide that two incomes are better than one, what is your input into their marriages and lives?



It's not what I think but the roles that God has ordained since the beginning of time for males and females.

There was an additional response, but Lori deleted it.

Do you see how she claimed the COUNTLESS posts she's written on this subject aren't her thoughts, but God's?  It's not Lori Alexander's interpretation of what men have written.  No, her words are the very thoughts of God.

Now, this woman has two choices.  She can respond with a different interpretation and have it immediately deleted (which appears to have happened), or she can concede that Lori speaks for the God of the Universe, and do as Lori says.


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@KoalaI was just wondering about those comments. I clicked on more replies and it went blank which implies there was once a comment there. Did you or anyone else see what it said? 

When I first saw the question before Lori replied I was wondering how she would handle that. I thought she was going to say they are selfish. Any woman who wants to work is of course selfish. But really what she actually said has far worse implications. 

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No, I missed it @AlwaysDiscerning.  

I agree with you...what she's saying has much more serious implications.  She has set herself up as someone who speaks for God, and is "commanded" by God to tell her readers what to do.  At the same time she wants to declare herself not responsible for anything that happens to others as a result of her "teachings".

She doesn't say, "This is my interpretation of scripture".  She says, "Scripture is very clear" or "Your disagreement is with God, not me!"  In other words, she is not to be questioned.  

I don't think she went into this ever thinking she would be called to explain herself.  I remember back in the early days of the blog, someone questioned her on one of her blog posts.  If I remember correctly, they basically wanted sources for what she was saying.  She totally flipped out, and said something like, "I can't believe you would question me!"  You could tell that she was used to people just accepting whatever she says to avoid the giant come apart she has if they don't.  She has a lot of gall, but mostly I just think she loves controlling other people.

As an Atheist, even I can see that her "ministry" is in clear contradiction with the Bible on many levels.  The main issue, is that she uses her blog to gossip, tattle, and "wander from house to house" saying things she ought not to say.  Her own admission that she spends a "majority of the day" monitoring other adults online, tells us that she's an idle busybody.

Another issue is that she's constantly sowing strife among believers.  She's haughty, proud, and she loves to stir up drama.  How her more devout readers can't see that, I can't begin to imagine.

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I know Lori just loves to remind us that she is commanded in the Bible to teach the young women, but she is forgetting a critical component of the 'command':

Titus 2:3 "Likewise (the previous verse instructed older men how to behave), teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.

THEN they can go on and teach the younger women.

My handy-dandy 1828 Webster's Dictionary has the following definitions:

Reverent: Submissive; humble

Slander: A false tale or report maliciously uttered. and tending to injure the reputation of another by lessening him in the esteem of his fellow citizens

So In my humble opinion, Lori needs to get herself right before she can teach others. Don't blame ME, it's right there in BIBLE!

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Lori, awhile ago:    "...Being happy, fulfilled, blessed, and at peace isn't a sign of God's will for your life...."

I'm thinking it goes like this. Lori looks around her life. Big house in a nice place, check; indulgent husband, check; long vacations, check; healthy attractive children and grandchildren, check; organic food and high-price cosmetics, check; household help, check; a cat to kick, check; published author, check; viral poster, check; some adoring fan girls, check; the godliest of them all, check.

But dang it all, she's still discontented and miserable. So, therefore, happiness is not a sign of God's will. In fact, it's probably a sign you're doing it wrong, since indubitably she does it right. Nothing except maybe yoga pants seems to upset her more than commenters who say they are living peacefully and happily according to their own interpretations of God's word.



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Lori is "morally opposed" to happiness, like so many of these fundie wives. They go on and on about how much work marriage is, how HARD marriage is...I get it...the first 16 years of my marriage were hard...because my husband was a jackass. Once he got that wake up call, life is MUCH better...we're happy and content in life. But, since I'm not a groveling doormat, I'm "doing it wrong", ESPECIALLY since I'm the reason my husband got the wake up call. Something about refusing to put up with his behavior and addiction and calling the cops one night I'd finally had enough of his shit...

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While there are a lot of awful fundies out there, there are also fundies who sincerely and honestly believe scripture is clear about these things. in their mind there is no doubt whatsoever. That's how it was my whole life. My parents are this way. My inlaws. Many of my former churches. Many nice people I know  who don't have an asshole bone in their bodies, honestly believe the Bible is crystal clear about these things and are genuinely horrified (and grieved) at people who don't see it that way. 

It is a hard situation. Especially with family. It's gonna take a lot of work for us to get through. 


Now lori and Ken though, they are just plain mean. 

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I've been thinking about this part of today's post


She hires a maid or a cleaning service, eats out at least 50 percent of the time with her family or without them, makes cold cereal and coffee, the standard breakfast for her family, 

I was thinking what the hell is so wrong with cereal, cold cereal ? What is the implication here the because its cold, the wife is lazy? Were it hot cereal (oatmeal) would this be better? OR NO is a wife suppose to make a fancy full hot breakfast everyday of the week?  What if the husband wants cold cereal?

Naturally, the ever hypocritical Lori doesn't have a hot breakfast everyday. Remember this photo of her yogurt. She says its her favorite breakfast! Then there was that video where she talked about Ken coming downstairs and making his own breakfast. 


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I hope Lori reads here because this prayer is for her:

A Narcissist's Prayer


That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did

You deserved it.

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There you have it!! Exactly what @Koalawas talking about earlier. Its not me telling saying you have to stay in an abusive marriage, its the Lord!! 

Just because its not explicitly said in the bible you have a right to divorce in cases of abuse doesn't mean you can't. Remember, Lori, you said this:



Common sense and wisdom would say you divorce an abuser!

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@SuperNova  I think my mother took the Narcissist's Prayer as her mantra for living, especially the "if I meant it, you deserved it" part.

She was never one to apologize for anything ever, and most especially if she was wrong or just flat out being snarky mean because she could.  Her standard come back was always "Why should I apologize. If I said it, I meant it, And you deserved it." (direct quote)

She also created her own "history" in which things never happened the way they really did, but as she said they did.  So that her making me call my high school boyfriend on his birthday to break up with him (or she would do it herself) became I did it because I was shamelessly chasing after X.  Who, by the way, didn't move to our town until 8 months later.  And who I was friends with but never, ever dated. 

If I protested that the event didn't happen the way she said, there was a tolerant condescending laugh, followed by "You're just hallucinating. You know that's not true." In hindsight I realize my beloved Daddy spent a great deal of time and energy keeping her in check.

When he passed, as adults we all realized just how much he kept her in check and what it would have been like if she'd gone full bore as we were growing up.  We always say the only mean thing Daddy ever did was die and leave us Mama.



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Ohhhhh this is so good too!



She is actually saying if you have any failings as a Christian you are not filled with the holy spirit. Christians are not allowed to fail. 

This is SERIOUS bad theology. 

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She just deleted Lois' last comment where she says "I am praying you will allow the Holy Spirit to teach you wisdom". 

Of course Lori doesn't need prayers or to be held accountable...so that is her big FU to Lois. 

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2 minutes ago, EowynW said:

What? So peter didn't fail when he denied knowing Jesus? What the fuck is Lori smoking? 

She would tell you that Peter wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit yet when that happened. Which is true, but I'm sure he failed in many ways AFTER being filled with the Spirit, too, and would probably be the first to admit that. The Holy Spirit didn't then and doesn't now turn Christians into perfect human beings. 

Well, except for Lori, of course. And she'd be the first to admit that. :roll:

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(KJV) John 18:10 - Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Manchus.

Peter also was the impulsive one who sliced an ear off of one of the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus.  Peter was also known as Simon the Zealot.  The Zealots were known to be a rather militant group and it is often taught that Peter's reaction was an impulse going back to his days as a fighter.  He surely would have received the Holy Spirit by then, as it was at the end of Jesus' ministry.  He simply failed for a moment to have SELF CONTROL, which is merely a part of The Fruit of The Spirit (and not one of many separate fruits, as Lori teaches.) So there you have an apostle who "failed."

Also Paul was first known as Saul of Tarsus and was known to be a great persecutor of Christians before his conversion.  Matthew was a tax collector before becoming an apostle. In that era, tax collectors were notoriously crooked and usually cheated the citizens from whom they received money.  

Old Testament or New, there are many "great men" in the Bible who failed.  The commenter was not using these examples to justify sin but to show that these great church leaders had faults and God chose to lift them up and allow them to prosper and live redeemed lives.   I think that is why the commenter brings this up in a discussion on divorce - divorce will not cause God to turn away from a woman who leaves her husband because he is an abusive monster.  


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@feministxtian (adds "woman veteran plates" to her retirement plan), last time I was on Nellis gas was NOT a good deal . 

@usmcmom and others: the Exchange (NEX/AAFES) is not the deal it used to be.  I generally only run in there if I need something small and I don't have time to leave post.  They do have pretty good deals on makeup, both the drugstore and higher end stuff.  And I did buy my Coach purse there on sale! 

The commissary is slightly better.  I go there more often because it's a 25-30 minute drive to Kroger and/or Target.

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@usmcmom, I'm probably going to sound all nitpicky here, which I totally don't mean to, so please please please forgive me. :pb_redface:  But the Holy Spirit didn't come to the disciples until the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts, after Jesus' death and resurrection. So in that sense, Peter hadn't received the Holy Spirit when he cut off the soldier's ear, or when he denied Jesus three times. I'm guessing Lori wouldn't hesitate to point that out in order to prove that True Christians are perfect and can't possibly sin. Or interpret the Bible incorrectly, which of course Lori never, ever does. :my_dodgy:

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3 minutes ago, Loveday said:

@usmcmom, I'm probably going to sound all nitpicky here, which I totally don't mean to, so please please please forgive me. :pb_redface:  But the Holy Spirit didn't come to the disciples until the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts, after Jesus' death and resurrection. So in that sense, Peter hadn't received the Holy Spirit when he cut off the soldier's ear, or when he denied Jesus three times. I'm guessing Lori wouldn't hesitate to point that out in order to prove that True Christians are perfect and can't possibly sin. Or interpret the Bible incorrectly, which of course Lori never, ever does. :my_dodgy:

You are right. Thank you for pointing that out. 

My evil Christian college education was A LONG time ago. Please don't tell my professor. 

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