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Aunt Lori Alexander 22: Criticising your poop and pining for Gilead

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I know we've moved on from home births now, but re-reading this thread, about home births, was really interesting. It always amazes me how different countries do things so differently, when giving birth is really so simple (provided it all goes well and there are no complications). Where I live, we have regular pre-natal checkups with our midwife from about 16 weeks pregnant until birth. At 36 weeks pregnant, the check-ups are weekly. Here, homebirths are safe as houses, because we've had such great pre-natal care, including regular blood tests, ultra-sounds if necessary, measuring of the baby etc. If there are likely to be complications, the midwife will recommend a hospital birth. Usually two midwives attend a homebirth - one to tend to mum and one to tend to baby in case of emergencies. They carry resuscitation equipment and oxytocin with them. 

It makes me so sad to read of mums who are having unassisted homebirths because they can't afford to pay for quality care. It is even sadder when the baby or mum ends up becoming really unwell or even dying as a result of this unassisted homebirth. It makes me really upset reading that some insurance companies push unsafe homebirths/scenarios on women.

Here, there is no way a midwife would allow a VBAC homebirth or a homebirth where they are not confident it is safe - they would lose their practicing certificate and likely be fined as well.


Moving on ... Stupidly, I went to Lori's blog. I try to avoid reading there these days because she makes me so angry. One woman, Mrs M I think her name was? sounds like she is about to crack up. By the sounds of things, her husband is a grumpy twat and needs a slap upside the head. She sounds totally overwhelmed. Instead of encouraging her to stop reproducing and perhaps put her kids in school, then sit down with her husband and tell him that he needs to help her because she is going crazy, people are blaming her, and accepting her husband's bad (abusive?) behaviour and pretty much telling her to try harder. Sometimes it's not about trying harder. That poor woman sounds on the verge of a mental breakdown. That is the sort of thing that leads women to kill their children/themselves. The fact that Lori is not actually helping her, sickens me.

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And more advice to Mrs M



 The children need to be taught to respect their daddy, and that will only come from you respecting him. YOU have to set the example for the children, because trust me if you don’t respect him, they won’t either. They may obey him, but not respect him. 

- Fix him his favorite meal

- have his favorite snacks available,

- when he walks through the door, fix him a cold beverage and smile

even if he never appreciates it, it doesn’t change the fact that you are to honor him.


Did this woman even read what Mrs. M wrote?  How is she supposed to respect, honor, serve with a smile, a man who doesn't want to be around because he doesn't like the mess?  A man who doesn't want to spend time with his kids because they don't behave as he expects them to? 


my depression times stem from straying from my role that God has given me. It’s like my heart knows I am not living as God has called and things just aren’t right,

Nice... so, even though you prefaced this with "this is my experience", you are obviously letting it taint your perception because you have yet to acknowledge that Mrs. M may not be able to get her home spotless and keep it that way just yet, and perhaps, her husband will simply move his goalposts again. You know, men do that too. 


 No excuses, your husband wants the home spotless, so get it spotless and work on keeping it clean and tidy. I am only guessing here, but I feel like this is a major concern between you two and it needs to be taken care of. He’s not asking you to do something that is unreasonable.

It sounds like an unreasonable expectation from her at this point. 


get those kids to doing chores,

Which kids? This sooooo irks me!  Husband = godlike figure you must honor, reverence, respect, never contradict, etc...  kids? Those inferior beings you need to boss around (or beat into submission) to help kep "god" happy.  

They are her children. Worthy of respect, honor and love.  Ok?  

Mrs. M goes on:


Every day he rings me to make sure I am following the schedule to the letter. If there is any hint I am not or I am running late, he lectures me about how I don’t care about the schedule etc. And even if i tried that day, if the house isn’t spotless he goes off at me and the kids about the state of the house.

He's controlling  her, berating her, blowing up over something she can't change.  Her life sounds unlivable. Friends are already offering advice that should give her pause:


Friends and family around us think that A. We shold stop having kids because clearly I can’t handle the ones I have and b. They think the kids should be in school.

But no, 


 Thankfully my husband won’t agree to either of those options.

I don't get it. She sounds depressed and co-dependent to me.  Caught in the lie that she has to live a certain lifestyle (QF - homeschool - extreme "submission") to please God.   


But it is so hard when everyone around you says you can’t do it.

Listen to them, Mrs. M. They have a point. Your husband sounds like a person who has many problems, but you and the kids aren't those problems.  You may put your kids in school (it's actually mandatory in some countries, like where I live), and you can, at least, take a break from having children util you feel ready.  Perhaps in that time you can spend some time reading the words that Jesus spoke.  Don't read Lori's blog or similar blogs, just focus on Jesus.  

Love from another wife in a difficult situation.  

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42 minutes ago, KDA said:

I know we've moved on from home births now, but re-reading this thread, about home births, was really interesting. It always amazes me how different countries do things so differently, when giving birth is really so simple (provided it all goes well and there are no complications). Where I live, we have regular pre-natal checkups with our midwife from about 16 weeks pregnant until birth. At 36 weeks pregnant, the check-ups are weekly. Here, homebirths are safe as houses, because we've had such great pre-natal care, including regular blood tests, ultra-sounds if necessary, measuring of the baby etc. If there are likely to be complications, the midwife will recommend a hospital birth. Usually two midwives attend a homebirth - one to tend to mum and one to tend to baby in case of emergencies. They carry resuscitation equipment and oxytocin with them. 

This is standard practice in my state. We have excellent midwifery care here and the freedom to have a home birth or birthcenter birth. The only difference is VBACs are allowed, which are on a case by case basis with most midwives. Having a csection doesn't doom most women to a repeat one, and many are able to go on to have a successful VBAC he second time around. 

In my area, if a midwife decides a potential VBAC is too much of a risk say, VBAC3, which most don't want to risk, they are referred to the local VBAC wizard OBGYN who gives the woman a fair shot at her VBAC, and most of the time very successfully. 

I grew up in the midwifery culture here and in my state it's a good system. Mr. EW & I will definitely be shooting for a homebirth as our first plan should we ever have a child. 

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Hahaha it the one year anniversary of her viral post so today's post is to mark the occasion!!

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1 minute ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Hahaha it the one year anniversary of her viral post so today's post is to mark the occasion!!


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You know, if I don't get to have expectations, then neither does he. He can NOT expect any of the wifely things Lori teaches, like a clean house, dinner on the table, sex when he feels like it, and more.

Turnabout's fair play.

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I hope we don't read about a mother that has taken her children's lives, as well as her own.  This woman sounds like she's barely holding on and Lori et al are just handing her more rope to make a noose :(   This sounds so much like Andrea Yates.

I really hope she is reading other places like Love, Honor, Vacuum, and SSB.  This is really worrying :(

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Yes, I was attacked viciously on this post and other posts close to it. No, I am not bothered by it. I have been viciously attacked since I began blogging. This should come as no surprise to any of you. The world hates God’s ways. I love His ways and will teach them to whoever will listen as long as the Lord allows me to do this. They judge me constantly; the same thing they are accusing me of doing. I have never called anyone a name, ridiculed or treated those with whom I disagree with disdain and disrespectful foul language.  

Nope, not bothered by it all all! CLEARLY! Nope. Just keep on talking about how you are attacked and keep trying to garner attention. This is the 4th post in a week that talks about all those evil people against her.  


I also love watching God send thousands of new readers to my blog and Facebook. What Satan intends for evil, God can use to help pull His remnant together so that together we can support each other in the ways of the Lord.

Yes, she loves the attentions of thousands, be it good or bad. 


Don’t feel badly for me when I get hateful comments. We have been promised in Scripture that we will be hated because He was hated. This is nothing new. Jesus spoke the most radical words at the nexus of history that exploded forth the greatest display of God’s salvation by way of the cross. They hated the creator God so much that they murdered His Son, and God turned their hate into the greatest good for mankind. Yes, pray for me and my ministry, and be an unashamed light in a world that is quickly growing dark with sin and blindness. Continue to do what the Lord has commanded you to do and store your treasures in heaven. The time is short. So recognize that anyone can replace you in a job, but no one can replace you as a godly wife to your husband and as a loving mother to your children. 

Don't feel badly for me, but pray for me! On and on and on again about any one who doesn't agree with her hates God. The more she keeps doing this the more I am motivated to keep up the screenshots. I want her to go viral. She thinks its all cute for now, but no news agency has picked up on her truly crazy stuff. I can't believe that housework thing went viral in the first place. It is so tame. 

Oh and she is sure to point out that she went viral in TWO different news sources, not just one but TWO...did you hear that TWO?


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She clearly thinks she's being persecuted. She revels in the idea, makes her feel like a martyr. Lori, you don't have a clue what real persecution looks like, and you never will. So shut up.

A response on her 'It's my VIRAL ANNIVERSARY, y'all!' post that will likely disappear as soon as Lori steps out of the bath*: 


The great thing about feminism is it promotes choice. The choice to be a homemaker or a Career woman. An opportunity for children to see their fathers in a nurturing role occasionally and helping with the home.. making boys into young men who understand how to nurture and respect children and women.

(2nd comment from same person:)

As a liberal feminist I work part time half the year. My second husband and I live with our 2 children. I love homemaking and keeping the house tidy with my children's help. Husband works hard and helps when things get overwhelming. 
Thank goodness I have that choice.


*(I wonder if she uses a Norwex cloth when she showers? :pb_eek: )

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@Loveday Yes, I just captured that comment. Its going to be another busy day of deleting for her. This sort of post is going to bring out both sides in droves. 


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***Squeal*** Did you guys know that Lori had a post go VIRAL?  How did we miss that?  Because she did.  Lori had a post go viral.  It went viral.  ON the internets! :dance:


This is a repost from a year ago when a post of mine went viral!

Yes, I had a post go viral.

You got that, right?  Lori's post went viral.  Viral, it went.  



y mom only completed high school. She was a full-time mother as well as most of her friends. They all married around 20 or 21 years old and stayed married until death did they part. All of her friends were full-time mothers. Children were cared for by their mothers full-time. Dads worked hard to provide. No one thought anything about it. It was just the way it was and always had been

No, honey.  Maybe in the rich circles you run in, but down here in the real world, it has most definitely NOT always been that way.

My grandmother worked.  The entire family had an odd fixation with eating, and the only way they could support their habit, was for Nana to walk herself to work everyday.

My great-grandmother (who would be well over 100 if she were still alive) worked the farm.  So did her children.  They also had a strange compulsion to eat a few times a day (maybe it was hereditary?), and all were willing to work for food.  

If you'd suggested to any of them that they worked to pay for "luxuries", they'd have laughed you all the way back to Door County, for one of your 7 week vacations.  Their idea of a luxury, was letting my grandfather stay in school until 8th grade, or having something other than beans for dinner.



Yes, I was attacked viciously on this post and other posts close to it. No, I am not bothered by it. I have been viciously attacked since I began blogging. This should come as no surprise to any of you. The world hates God’s ways. 

Lori- you aren't God, and your "ways" aren't his "ways".  


They judge me constantly; the same thing they are accusing me of doing. I have never called anyone a name, ridiculed or treated those with whom I disagree with disdain and disrespectful foul language.  

Your entire blog is based on judging others, and you most certainly have called people names, even going so far as to suggest a reader with a boisterous personality was a prostitute! 



Don’t feel badly for me when I get hateful comments. 

Then why keep pointing it out?  You delete comments right and left, so no one would even know about it to feel bad for you if you didn't keep posting about it.

*sigh*  I just can't...my lord...

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@AlwaysDiscerning, glad you captured that, I was hoping you would. I'm too technically challenged--do you have to put the picture on a site like Photobucket first, or can you just upload it directly here from your computer like you can with pics on Facebook? I'm clueless! And then there's blocking out people's names, totally lost there! :embarrassed:

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1 minute ago, Loveday said:

@AlwaysDiscerning, glad you captured that, I was hoping you would. I'm too technically challenged--do you have to put the picture on a site like Photobucket first, or can you just upload it directly here from your computer like you can with pics on Facebook? I'm clueless! And then there's blocking out people's names, totally lost there! :embarrassed:

I have the screen open I want to capture and push the print screen button "prtsc". Then paste it into some photo program. The basic paint program that comes with microsoft works well. Then you take the paint brush and color over the names and then save and upload here directly from computer. 

5 minutes ago, Koala said:


Then why keep pointing it out?  You delete comments right and left, so no one would even know about it to feel bad for you if you didn't keep posting about it.

Its like this guy said


Yeah, what hateful comments. I bet a lot of her readers wonder what on earth is she talking about as I never see them. 

LOL. Only if you are good with the delete button. I guess she thinks she speaks kind words because the only echos left on her blogs and facebook are kind. 

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One year anniversary of one of my posts going viral!

One year already?!?  My how time flies when you're in love with attention!

Warm wishes for endless happiness with your precious VIRAL! post.  You two are so lucky to have each other :romance-heartstiny:


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5 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I have the screen open I want to capture and push the print screen button "prtsc". Then paste it into some photo program. The basic paint program that comes with microsoft works well. Then you take the paint brush and color over the names and then save and upload here directly from computer. 

Thank you, I'll give it a try. :pb_smile: I'm glad we don't have to use Photobucket--I haven't been on my PB account in years and have totally forgotten how to use it. LOL. 

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@LovedayForgot to mention, I also crop the screenshot. I try to get a piece of identifying material in so that it is evident it came from her blog. If all you capture are just the comments when Lori is not in the conversation, some might not believe it was ever on her site. Like the one above from Nancy I made sure to capture some of the left side of screen to get identifying marks in that it clearly came from Lori's fb page. 

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Continue to do what the Lord has commanded you to do and store your treasures in heaven. The time is short.

She could have ended her post there. But no. One final plug of her ultimate agenda: all women at home where they belong.


Continue to do what the Lord has commanded you to do and store your treasures in heaven. The time is short. So recognize that anyone can replace you in a job, but no one can replace you as a godly wife to your husband and as a loving mother to your children. 

God doesn't love only the women who act the way that Lori says they should act. I believe that Jesus died for all of us. That each of us have an individual walk with Him. That each of us will one day be judged individually before God based on that walk. God didn't make us as mindless robots. He gave each of us our own mind and personality, and he gave us the ability to make choices.

Do I have all the answers? No. Do I often stumble? Yes. But I don't paint myself as a teacher and prophet.

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Either my internet has a lag, or she's on the ball this morning.  I don't see the last two comments made by Meghan, the ones about birth control and myrrh.  

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Yeah wow look at that...can't have someone pointing something out in the bible that goes against Lori's agenda. 

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11 minutes ago, Imrlgoddess said:

Either my internet has a lag, or she's on the ball this morning.  I don't see the last two comments made by Meghan, the ones about birth control and myrrh.  

That's been happening to me this morning as well. I refreshed the page, though, and those comments finally showed up.

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I captured it but for ease here just putting in the text. Meghan just said


Also I really do enjoy your posts but am sometimes confused by the things you write that seem contrary to what is in Scripture. If it's not in Scripture, where do we get off making up our own worldly rules?


and just like that 6 mins later all of meghan's comments are deleted and in there place tons of links of links to lori about how birth control causes abortion

Meghan was silenced. 

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