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Lori Alexander 20: Evil and Hateful as Ever

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I think Lori is very proud of her (Ken's) wealth but she knows most of her readers are not as financially comfortable as she is. That's why, in my opinion, she always throws in her little qualifiers like the sink was rusted and that is the only reason she got a new one. 

My fundy light sister loves to wear her poverty as a badge of honor. The thing is she and her husband both have college degrees and he works a fairly high level job as an engineer. She'll compliment my pants and I'll say "Thanks! They are from Walmart if you want to look for a pair." She'll respond with a big martyr's sigh and say "Oh, I can't even shop at Walmart these days."  She loves to remind us how sacrificial she is by living "in poverty."  

I think Lori tries to be that way but it is so obvious that she is NOT struggling for cash so she has to make her little side comments.  

Side note: When our daughter was a teenager she used to say with a big exaggerated sigh "I am desperate for cash!!"  She had an after school job and all her needs were more than met so I would say "Tell me right now what you NEED that you don't have."  Then she'd stomp to her room and sulk in her need-free bedroom. Good times. 

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Let's play doctor!

Instagram, June 9:




I am happy I don't have to take synthroid since it's all man-made and this one isn't.

Instagram, May 10:




As we age, we lose our stomach acid thus fail to digest food properly.

From WebMD:


Betaine hydrochloride is a chemical substance made in a laboratory. It is used as medicine.

Betaine hydrochloride has an interesting history. Betaine hydrochloride used to be included in over-the-counter (OTC) products as a “stomach acidifier and digestive aid.” But a federal law that went into effect in 1993 banned betaine hydrochloride from use in OTC products because there wasn’t enough evidence to classify it “generally recognized as safe and effective.” Betaine hydrochloride is now available only as a dietary supplement whose purity and strength can vary. Promoters still claim that some health conditions are due to inadequate stomach acid, but this claim has not been proven. Even if it were true, betaine hydrochloride wouldn’t help. It only delivers hydrochloric acid but does not itself alter stomach acidity.

Ruh-roh! It's made in a lab and it doesn't alter stomach acidity!


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14 minutes ago, lawfulevil said:

... if one grown person is "disgusted" with another grown person's consenting sexual activities that's their problem.

Sex...one of very, very few activities in which lack of experience is considered a bonus. 

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3 hours ago, EowynW said:

How sad that Lori ignores most of scripture. I also think she's a dispensationalist by her comment about the church age  


I wasn't familiar with either of those terms but after Googling them I believe you're correct.

I've often wondered why fundies basically ignore Jesus and put soooo much emphasis on Paul's writings.  Is this the reason they give?



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28 minutes ago, kpmom said:

I wasn't familiar with either of those terms but after Googling them I believe you're correct.

I've often wondered why fundies basically ignore Jesus and put soooo much emphasis on Paul's writings.  Is this the reason they give?



I consider myself a dispensationalist mostly because I believe that we are under a new system as Christians, that is, that Jesus fulfilled the law, and we are now to be governed by grace and love.  The dispensationalism I studied would say that the law was inferior, and inadequate to transform human lives; and only the indwelling of the Spirit can do that, and the law is no more.

What I learned is that human beings are always saved by grace through faith, through every part of history, but that the content of what has been known about God has changed, or been progressively revealed.  

Because of this, I was encouraged to learn Greek and Hebrew, and in my theological studies, it was mandatory to study all of Scripture.  

I think that many fundamentalists camp out trying to make the New Testament into a series of rules/laws because they are the doing the same old thing that the Pharisees did: relying on a set of standards to prove themselves better than others rather than doing the difficult work of having a deep relationship with a God that asks us to actively love our enemies. . . 

It's easier to pick something and hold it up as a yardstick than to look at one's own heart and wrestle with the corruption therein.  I struggle to shed my own privilege (however limited I may think it at times) and reach out in true humility and kindness (as they define it!) to others who are unlike me, whom I disagree with.  And yet, my dispensationalism would tell me that this is the deeper calling than a superficial lip service kind of piety.  It forces me to deal with my heart - not anyone else's.   

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My goodness how the entitlement oozes from that post about staying at home full-time.  She doesn't realize how privileged she is. 


I love never having to wake up to an alarm. If I’ve had a rough night of sleep or can’t sleep, I don’t worry about it because I know I don’t have to go to a job in the morning.

Well, lucky you, Lori, lucky you, because getting up very early is one of those things we "less godly" women do to help provide for our families. We work AND we're there for our families.  Besides, your Proverbs 31 lady is said to be up pretty early, if I recall correctly, not sleeping in, lounging around all day getting her vitamin D and monitoring other people's lives. 


I love Mondays just as much as I love Fridays and Saturdays!

Good for you! So what? 


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3 minutes ago, onemama said:

Besides, your Proverbs 31 lady is said to be up pretty early, if I recall correctly, not sleeping in, lounging around all day getting her vitamin D and monitoring other people's lives. 

Ain't THAT the truth!  

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Oh Lori I meant to ask in my last post but would you mind doing a blog post on what a typical day of homemaking looks for you? What you do, when you generally do it, etc? I know you don’t have a set schedule for housework but I would like to know how you move through your day. Maybe you could also write about how your day looked when your children were smaller? Thank you!




This would be tough for me since I spent most of their growing up years very sick so each day was what I could get done, not always what I wanted to get done, Serena. But I always made sure they were well nourished and was continually teaching and training them since I knew these were very important. I will think about your suggestion. Thank you!

Oh ffs, just tell them the truth.  

You had a nanny who held the baby for "hours a day".

You had a housekeeper to take care of your house.  

You didn't get up with your babies at night, instead, leaving them to cry.  

You required your children to spend afternoons in their rooms so you could rest, and then you tossed them your nasty, slimy salad for dinner (leaving them so hungry that they begged for the food Ken cooked).

You didn't homeschool for the majority of their education, and the few years you did, you had them read and do math- nothing else. 

You didn't have time to teach your children to do basic household tasks, and you didn't waste your time with bedtime routines and prayers because you "didn't feel like it".

The ONLY thing The Godly Mentor could really be bothered with was "discipline".  That she had energy for.  She couldn't reliably pray with her children at night, but she never missed a chance to hit them with her leather strap, and she fat shamed her daughters every chance she got.

There.  That was Lori's schedule.  The reason she can't give you her current schedule, is because she probably still has a housekeeper.  

With other adults to monitor on the internet, where would she ever find time to clean???

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Seriously. I have Lupus, I have Sjogrens, my lifelong asthma makes me susceptible to bronchitis and pneumonia (recovering from bronchitis as I type) and just this week I had a biopsy that indicated I have breast cancer. In between having the biopsy, recovering from it and having an MRI done, I washed all the windows and screens, cleaned the entire house and shopped for enough groceries to get us through the first couple of weeks of my treatment. 

I am one year younger than Lori. 

Too sick my eye.  Too lazy is more like it. 

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2 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

Ain't THAT the truth!  


2 hours ago, onemama said:

   Besides, your Proverbs 31 lady is said to be up pretty early, if I recall correctly, not sleeping in, lounging around all day getting her vitamin D and monitoring other people's lives. 


I know, right?  I laughed at the part about not setting an alarm.  What SAHM gets to sleep in?  OK , so they may not have to get up at 5:00 a.m., but they still have to get up at a reasonable time.  My children were early risers when they were little.  I had to get up. 

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Lori would be appalled to know that I have no idea how my husband keeps his clothes. I stack the folded clothes on the floor in the living room as I fold. When I am done, he picks up his pile and puts them away. I literally have no idea which drawers he keeps anything in. I have never opened his dresser drawers. 

I am a Titus 2 failure. I hope our poor pitiful marriage can survive. 

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6 hours ago, kpmom said:


I've often wondered why fundies basically ignore Jesus and put soooo much emphasis on Paul's writings.  Is this the reason they give?


Yes, they are more Paulians than Christians. The simple instructions of Jesus to love are all but ignored.

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@HoneyBunny - Hoping that you get through treatment with as little ill effects as possible...sending you strength and warmth.

Lori: The results of my MRI after my car accident showed 5 bulging discs in my lumbar spine. The pain is insane...YET...I managed to take hubby to work this morning (my car is still under the weather), came home, took myself to my PT appointment and grocery shopping. I took hubby his lunch and he was able to drive me home and bring the groceries in (we live in a 2nd floor apartment). I put them ALL away, washed dishes and actually worked for a while. I also managed to fix a yummy dinner.

So Lori - suck it. Ken - my husband has enough RESPECT for me to not act like some horny hound dog knowing how much pain I'm in right now.

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@HoneyBunnySending you ALL positive thoughts that all goes well with your treatment - and virtual hugs and chocolate -


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Since Lori and Ken read here:   Lori, you paragon of wifely virtue,  Did you learn how to give your husband blood thinner injections in the right spot and not hurt him?  Did you ever learn how to establish a sterile field  and cath him every 6 hours?   How about clean, turn and change him? Monitor pressure sores? Learn to use a Hoyer lift? Would you do that for Ken so he could stay at home? Would Ken do that for you?  My guess is deep down, the answer is no and you know it.

I'm laying odds that the next health crisis she has- Ken will be on the golf course or with a Russian half his age in pursuit of a "nourishing meal."

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Hannah Petry says:

June 9, 2017 at 10:36 am

Hi Lori,
I understand that you are a complementarian believer on the scriptures, believing the traditional doctrine that men are the heads of households and in the church while women act as assistants to them, thus only “complimenting” them.

I want to inform you that I see you want to share truth to your viewers, but your sources of information and face-value reading of the scriptures simply isn’t true. Any sources that are commentaries are simply how someone views the scripture. There is absolutely no direct study of historical context, language syntax, or cultural accounts based in commentaries, particularly the ones you mentioned. Also, if we are to read scripture at face value, not studying into the things I mentioned, then you must also agree with the scripture which says “a man will leave his mother and father to join his wife and become one flesh”, which would, at face value, infer that the wife owns the husband ( Gen. 2:25 and Eph. 5:31), “the husband and wife owning each other” ( 1 Cor. 7:4), mutual submission to Christ (Eph. 5:21, which you even pointed out), scriptures that speak of no one in the Kingdom of God lording over one another ( Matt. 20:25-28).

So if those are all face value scriptures, then the Bible appears to contradict itself. But when scriptures are studied in their correct contexts, keeping in mind the traditions, cultures, governments, religions, and language of the times these scriptures were written, we see a much different picture, one that shows God’s love and submission to God and others working not as a hiearchal pyramid, but as one unit, the body of Christ. This is talked about in several scriptures of the Bible, predominantly throughout the New Testament. There were also plenty of women who did exactly what God instructed them to do without the permission or even knowledge of a husband such as Jael, Tamar, Esther, Deborah, Junia, Lydia, Dorcas, Priscilla, Anna, and Phillip’s daughters, who were all in positions of authority, prophesied, or preached the gospel, and I’m sure there are more.
So why would the Bible clearly affirm women in the Bible as co-heirs of Gof’s creation and made in God’s image and be given authority to do whatever their calling is, but Paul and Peter give specific instructions to women in Ephesis, Corinth, and where Peter was preaching?

History tells us that this was the Greco-Roman culture, which was all about the hierarchy of men dominating all things and oppressing women, treating them as property to conquer. Why would Paul and Peter tell these women to submit to men in a culture where they were already submitting to men? According to historical logic, probably because at the time of Pentecost and shortly after, women did not have the means of independence, education, and authority to teach or survive on their own, so it makes sense that instead of letting them do whatever they want right away, they should listen to their husbands, who already had independence and education, to help them out, and to be able to actually go to church and sit in and learn from these men (which they weren’t allowed to do in their culture).

I hope this helps see why egalitarian Christians believe what we believe. May the Lord reveal the truth of this topic to us all as we seek to follow God will all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Hannah Petry




Ken says:

June 9, 2017 at 7:48 pm

Hi Hannah,

Lori asked me to try makes some sense of your comments and respond to them or she wasn’t going to publish them. It seems that you, like others who hold an egalitarian view of God’s ideal for marriage are reaching for straws, chasing red herring and making assumptions that have no substantiation in the scriptures or history.


HAHAHAH, if she can't make sense of them she doesn't publish!


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5 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Ken says:

June 9, 2017 at 7:48 pm

Hi Hannah,

Lori asked me to try makes some sense of your comments and respond to them or she wasn’t going to publish them. It seems that you, like others who hold an egalitarian view of God’s ideal for marriage are reaching for straws, chasing red herring and making assumptions that have no substantiation in the scriptures or history.

'Lori asked me to try makes [sic] some sense of your comments'...I can't get over how patronising Ken is!! Hannah's comment is clear and well-written. Ken's bloviations are long-winded, typo-ridden, pompous and equivocating. Not to mention downright offensive, a lot of the time. For him to criticise Hannah's concise, comprehensive post is so hypocritical! Even if he doesn't agree with the content, he should at least appreciate that it's far better written than his screeds.

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Make some SENSE of her comments? Excuse me, but coming from Ken? That's just... :laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling:

Sorry, Ken. I read her comment very quickly and understood every. single. word. without having to struggle or re-read anything. YOUR giant walls 'o text, on the other hand, are almost invariably incomprehensible, and even on second or third reading, don't improve in clarity. You could take lessons from this woman on how to write even a basic, coherent sentence, much less an entire post. :pb_rollseyes:

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Hannah is in the egal group I'm in on Facebook. She's very smart. And sweet. Quite a few people are praying for Lori over there, but I personally think they are wasted prayers. Lori is too hateful. 

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What I think is the most disrespectful thing is when someone spends a long time on writing their comment, puts thought into it, only for it to be chucked. 

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7 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

What I think is the most disrespectful thing is when someone spends a long time on writing their comment, puts thought into it, only for it to be chucked. 

I wrote to Lori mentioning that, and she replied with a blog post explaining how her blog is a "teaching blog", and that she won't post comments that disagree with her view.  I think it was the "poop on my lawn" post.  I responded telling her that she wouldn't have to deal with any more "poop" from me, but that I think she's arrogant if she's unwilling to engage in conversation with people who are trying to reason with her.  

I find Ken's comment equally arrogant and disrespectful.  His reasonings are not just horrific, but very hard to understand.  Dave's and Trey's are of similar nature, especially Dave's. That man's comments, which have been approved, even featured on Lori's blogs as posts, are not just hard to read, they're also mired with poor theology, anger, hatred and disdain.  

Lori and Ken aren't interested in truth. 

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If its a teaching blog then she shouldn't allow comments. By allowing comments it suggest she is open for debate and discussion when she isn't. She only allows comments I imagine for her ego. For all the fan girls to gush over her. Of course they could still do this in the chat room or email if she got rid of comments, buts she wants the public to see how great she is, how she supposedly saves marriages. 

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15 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Lori would be appalled to know that I have no idea how my husband keeps his clothes. I stack the folded clothes on the floor in the living room as I fold. When I am done, he picks up his pile and puts them away. I literally have no idea which drawers he keeps anything in. I have never opened his dresser drawers. 

I am a Titus 2 failure. I hope our poor pitiful marriage can survive. 

Ha, it's the same with me (and I"m a SAHM). I leave his clothes on top of his dresser. He LIKES to organize his things by himself. I've certainly never packed for him, he would hate that. Why do fundy men want to be treated like babies? 

On the plus side, I do our taxes, manage our investments, research new purchases .  . being a SAHM doesn't mean you just do the mindless chores. It means you do the chores that work best for your family.

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