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Lori Alexander 14: Environmental Notebook Doodles & Self-Righteous Husband Bashing

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2 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I don't know anything about him, just randomly selected one of the many google hits about miralax warnings. 

He's an anti-vaxxer, just for a start. 

The FDA has written him multiple warning letters about selling or promoting false cures--which seems to be the primary purpose of his website. 

He thinks root canals cause cancer. 

There is plenty more than that. 


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Got it. So sorry for posting a wrong link. Was never a follower or anything. I don't believe miralax should be dispensed like candy to kids like so my pediatricians are doing. 

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21 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Got it. So sorry for posting a wrong link. Was never a follower or anything. I don't believe miralax should be dispensed like candy to kids like so my pediatricians are doing. 

Here is a good link:  


The issue of school rules, mentioned as a problem in this article, is huge. Beyond about 3rd or 4th grade, schools have ridiculous bathroom rules that are not reasonable. I've been in schools where kids are basically allowed to use the bathroom four times in each eighteen week term. 

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25 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Here is a good link:  


The issue of school rules, mentioned as a problem in this article, is huge. Beyond about 3rd or 4th grade, schools have ridiculous bathroom rules that are not reasonable. I've been in schools where kids are basically allowed to use the bathroom four times in each eighteen week term. 

I'm gobsmacked...four times in eighteen weeks? I'd explode. It also discourages kids from drinking water. There's a child in my life who is chronically constipated and the parents don't seem to realize that it's because little Timmy (not real name...) is drinking nothing but soda and never eats vegetables or fruits. Timmy's on a Miralax regimen too.

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Today we get a rerun of Lori's thoughts on living a "simple" and "unmaterialistic" life. 

Is it just me or is the accompanying photo of the artfully arranged empty bottles and dishes, books as decoration, and cascading fresh flowers not seem a bit less than simple? And possibly even materialistic? 

Also... as a renter in a fourplex, there are plenty of reasons to want to get out of those living arrangements to a single family home other than materialism and not appreciating simplicity. Our landlady just evicted a woman who quite regularly was having screaming fights with her 12 year old in the back yard which ended in one or both of them calling the police. The fact that we want to buy a house and not share a backyard with nonsense like that is more in the interest of uninterrupted sleep and a little privacy than unholy materialism.  

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If Lori saw me walking down the street with my younger Bonkers, she would, by her own admission, think I'm doing a fabulous job with her based on her weight. She's 8 years old and JUST broke 50 pounds. No sinful gluttony for this one! Of course, the younger Bonkers thinks that farts are the height of hilarity so  Lori would immediately think we're both going to hell.

Side note-YB's pediatrician had me give her half a dose of Mirilax every 2 days when YB was having some stomach issues. And when I say "pediatrician", I mean actual medical doctor who I took her to for advice, not some rando with a "godly mentor" blog. 

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39 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

Today we get a rerun of Lori's thoughts on living a "simple" and "unmaterialistic" life. 

Is it just me or is the accompanying photo of the artfully arranged empty bottles and dishes, books as decoration, and cascading fresh flowers not seem a bit less than simple? And possibly even materialistic? 


Not just you. If it were unsimple, materialistic me, I'd swap out that top row of artsy-fartsy bottles for some good sturdy canning jars. Use them to hold granola, oatmeal, popcorn, and other pantry staples. Would it be Pinterest worthy? Nope. But I bet it would seem a whole lot more welcoming.

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36 minutes ago, ViolaSebastian said:

I'm gobsmacked...four times in eighteen weeks? I'd explode. It also discourages kids from drinking water. There's a child in my life who is chronically constipated and the parents don't seem to realize that it's because little Timmy (not real name...) is drinking nothing but soda and never eats vegetables or fruits. Timmy's on a Miralax regimen too.

Last school I worked in full time used a planner that the school provided. It had a semester pass page in it (teachers cross off as they are used). Students in grades 6-12 were allowed to use four of those passes per semester (18 weeks) for the bathroom and two per semester for other needs. If they lost their planner, they either had to pay for a new one or had no passes. 

Fortunately, at that school, they had access to bathrooms at lunch. One of the schools I sub in (grades 9-12) uses the same four per semester system in planners but until this year, they locked the bathrooms during lunch. That school does have adequate passing periods (6 minutes) which would allow for students to quickly use the bathroom then. The one I taught in had 3 minute passing periods which was not enough time to get to a locker, walk across the building if need be to next class and use the bathroom. 

One of my big complaints about the way our schools are structured is that adults are basically controlling students' access to the bathroom in ways that are potentially unhealthy and logically ridiculous. The last year I taught full time, I did a little experiment with my seniors. The bathrooms were closet to my room and the principal never came upstairs and most teachers didn't check passes. So I told them that if they needed to go to the bathroom during our 90 minute block, they could just signal me and go unless I told them to wait a moment (if I were in the middle of giving instructions or something, I might ask them to wait). I would not count how many times they went or worry about it unless it appeared to be being abused. The result was LESS kids leaving the room to use the bathroom than were asking when I enforced the stupid pass rule. If the bathroom is not a great reward withheld by all powerful teachers, kids will only use it as needed. 

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7 hours ago, Koala said:

From the FB comments of the "No Fat Kids Allowed" post:

Lori recommends and links the following product:




THIS is why Dr. Alexander shouldn't be giving out medical advice.  A quick look at the bottle shows that you are NOT to give the product to children under 4 without consulting a doctor. Does Lori mention that, or ask how old her kids are?  Nope.  Just, "yes!"


 *raises hand* I'll help!  The dosage is:

ASK YOUR CHILD'S DOCTOR!!!  You don't just give your kids random shit from Amazon because some nut on the internet recommended it! 

Then this shining example of intelligence comes along and asks:

I am sorry, but are you out of your freaking mind, lady?  Does Lori look like a doctor to you? This is a woman who can't figure out how to pick up her purse, get in her car, and drive away from a fire.  She brags that she's not very intellectual, and doesn't understand big, confusing words.  She often describes herself as "easily deceived".  Do you REALLY want her giving you medical advice for your two children who obviously have health issues?  Really? 



I actually think the only ingredient in this is magnesium. BUT. That doesn't mean magnesium is safe for all people at all times for all reasons. I take heavy doses of magnesium for migraines (and have used this product in the past even), and I wouldn't give this to a child unless I wanted to clean an unspeakable mess off the drapes, carpets and various other furnishings. Magnesium is notorious for causing intestinal distress.

***Yeah, definitely not something I'd give a kid without explicit directions from their doctor.


 If you give your child magnesium supplements, do not exceed the tolerable upper intake level. For children between 1 and 3 years old, this is 65mg per day. Children from 4 to 8 should not take more than 110mg per day, and children from 9 to 18 should not take more than 350mg per day. Excess magnesium can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, nausea, slow heart beat, low blood pressure, confusion and death.



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3 hours ago, TeddyBonkers said:

Not just you. If it were unsimple, materialistic me, I'd swap out that top row of artsy-fartsy bottles for some good sturdy canning jars. Use them to hold granola, oatmeal, popcorn, and other pantry staples. Would it be Pinterest worthy? Nope. But I bet it would seem a whole lot more welcoming.

Ha! I had the same thought. To me, that was the opposite of simple.

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Sometimes I wonder how much of Lori's constant anger comes from knowing she's getting old when she's a member of a subculture that values women only for their domestic labor and youth/attractiveness/fertility. Despite Lori's stance on divorce, Ken's threatened to leave her before, so we know it's not really off the table. It's not like there's so much tying them together. They don't love one another, they don't enjoy each others' company, we know they don't burn up the bed-sheets, he doesn't even like her stupid salads. Her only leverage is to remind him and everyone they know over and over that he promised Jesus he'd put up with her for life as long as she "submits". I'd be a bitter harpy too.

Thanks, Lori, but I'll take feminism- if my husband starts treating me like yours treats you (or I start treating him like you treat Ken), we could go our separate ways, and in that case we probably should. Who wants that kind of marriage? Constant criticism, contempt, the silent treatment, bashing each other with Jesus, the victimhood Olympics... I've had past relationships with only some of those, and I'd rather live with a bobcat.

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Lawfulevil, I agree with you, and it seems that she's really unhappy and angry. She's using her blog and chat to teach other women to make up for the void at home.

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11 hours ago, TeddyBonkers said:

If Lori saw me walking down the street with my younger Bonkers, she would, by her own admission, think I'm doing a fabulous job with her based on her weight. She's 8 years old and JUST broke 50 pounds. No sinful gluttony for this one!


Hey, my firstborn is almost the same as younger Bonkers! A few months past 8 years and 51 pounds. Cool. :) How tall is yB? Mine is 50 inches tall. She's been a stringbean almost all of her life.

My younger has a different body type, so it's a good thing that I don't think like Lori. I know better than to think there's anything wrong with my younger kid. Poor LorKen kids.

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@WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?, yB is fairly tall for her age! She's just over 4 feet tall and all leg. Buying pants for her is super fun. :( I'm looking forward to warmer weather when she can wear skirts again (which she prefers).

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Sometimes I really wonder just how far someone could troll Lori. 

Lori, thanks to your mentorship I am submitting to my husband and thinking only of his happiness. I didn't put quite enough love into dinner last night so he broke my arm and caused some minor internal bleeding, but jI didn't make a sound through the whole ordeal because I'm determined to win him without a word, just as you advise. 

Lori, I have seen the light thanks to your ministry and have begun realizing that my desire for happiness in my marriage was a false idol. I am now finding happiness in devoting myself to my household duties. As I'm folding my husband's boxers, I make sure to hold each one to my face and breathe my love into them since they will soon be touching my husbands skin. So many  women just don't realize  that  a man can tell how much his wife loves him by how she treats his things! 

Lori, as  newly  submissive  mother I am determined to follow my husband  in all households and family decisions. My husband  is determined to have thin, healthy children just as you advise. He thought our 11-lb newborn was a little chunky (he was hoping for closer to 8-lbs) so we have been putting her on Miralax and at three months  now I'm so happy to report that she has gotten down to the weight my husband wants!  She doesn't cry much but I'm sure that is due to our strong parenting. We don't allow children to rule the household with their will.  I pray that she will become a weak-willed, frail child just like yours were.

I mean seriously. Would she express alarm or concern at any of that stuff? I feel like no matter what , no matter how dangerous a situation, if they say they're doing it because of her guidance, she would be all for it. 

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6 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

Hey, my firstborn is almost the same as younger Bonkers! A few months past 8 years and 51 pounds. Cool. :) How tall is yB? Mine is 50 inches tall. She's been a stringbean almost all of her life.

My younger has a different body type, so it's a good thing that I don't think like Lori. I know better than to think there's anything wrong with my younger kid. Poor LorKen kids.


Sounds like my three. My oldest is 5'8" and 120#. He is long and super duper thin. My middle is built more like a linebacker. He's an inch shorter than his big brother and 15# heavier with massive shoulders that look like they belong on an adult man (he's 12). And my youngest has a more average build. None of mine are overweight, medically speaking, though, so I guess I'm godly enough?

37 minutes ago, Yogi said:

Sometimes I really wonder just how far someone could troll Lori. 

Lori, thanks to your mentorship I am submitting to my husband and thinking only of his happiness. I didn't put quite enough love into dinner last night so he broke my arm and caused some minor internal bleeding, but I'm determined to win him without a word, just as you advise. 



Make sure you try her ice water treatment for broken bones! I'm sure it's safe and effective and waaaay better than anything your doctor could advise!

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The more I read about her, the more I feel her motivation to mentor can be summarized by 'misery needs company'. I do feel sorry for her, even though I feel more sorry for the women she 'mentors'. She may by now even realize she is wrong on many issues, but feel she is beyond the point of no return and has to keep up her women bashing or lose face, and possibly her husband and provider. 

Yes, Ken and Lori may deserve each other, but nothing can be gained from two miserable peole trying to spread their misery. I wish they could learn to love each other and their poor kids and grandkids. And leave counseling to those with wisdom and balance.

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3 hours ago, Yogi said:

Sometimes I really wonder just how far someone could troll Lori. 

Lori, as  newly  submissive  mother I am determined to follow my husband  in all households and family decisions. My husband  is determined to have thin, healthy children just as you advise. He thought our 11-lb newborn was a little chunky (he was hoping for closer to 8-lbs) so we have been putting her on Miralax and at three months  now I'm so happy to report that she has gotten down to the weight my husband wants!  She doesn't cry much but I'm sure that is due to our strong parenting. We don't allow children to rule the household with their will.  I pray that she will become a weak-willed, frail child just like yours were.


I would do that in a heartbeat- but I've been banned, along with most everyone from FJ, I think!

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2 hours ago, foreign fundie said:


She may by now even realize she is wrong on many issues, but feel she is beyond the point of no return and has to keep up her women bashing or lose face, and possibly her husband and provider. 


I'd gain a modicum of respect for her, if she ever said she was wrong on something. Or hadn't thought it through. Or hadn't considered all possibilities. Or just said that her advice wasn't applicable to all situations equally.


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YAY! I did something right according to Lori. My three are STILL slender. Daughter is 5'2" and about 110 on a good day. #1 son is 6'1" and maybe 170, #2 son is 5'7" and 140ish lbs. When they were growing up, trying to find them clothes was a nightmare. #2 son was all of 35lbs in kindergarten. 

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Fuck Lori.

My mom was the somewhat-heavier-than-average sister of two skinny siblings, and was made to suffer for it all her life. My (chubby) grandmother used to whine to the family doctor, "But I feed them all the same food!"

Mom grew up more than halfway convinced that thin people are morally superior to not-thin people. As kids, we'd hear her on the phone obsessing about the amount of and kinds of food she served. When my middle sister turned out to resemble Mom's much-despised mother-in-law, my sister became the object of lifelong physical and emotional abuse--and started stress-eating from a very young age. 

I once heard Mom saying of a local pediatrician, "Dr. X HATES fat kids," as if it were a sign of his professional superiority. 

And despite all this, none of us was ever thin. I managed to starve my 5'3" self down to 128 lbs. at 19, thanks to the Stillman Water Diet (at least two quarts of water a day, plus fat-free protein--no fruits or carbs), but couldn't sustain it.

Toward the end of her life, when she was having one of her tantrums, she looked at us, her three plus-sized daughters (with our careers, master's degrees, and terrific kids), and said dramatically, "I've failed with every one of you!" Done with her crap, I responded, "That's funny--I don't feel like a failure!"

And my abused middle sister was the one who, when Mom was in home hospice care, dying of congestive heart failure, gave her bed baths--and washed and dressed her body as we waited for the funeral director to arrive.

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2 hours ago, TeddyBonkers said:

I would do that in a heartbeat- but I've been banned, along with most everyone from FJ, I think!

The reason I wouldn't do something like that is because there might be someone out there who believes it, and puts their newborn on a diet.

It is tempting to put outrageous things out there--outrageous things that agree with Lori but are obviously wrong--just to see what Lori'd say. But I don't do it because, like I said, what if someone really thinks it's OK? There are a lot of stupid people out there, like that nut yesterday who wanted to put Miralax through a feeding tube.

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