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Election Results 2016, Part 2


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6 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

They don't like brown people 

Or non Christians


The disabled

The poor

They want a 1950s world and lifestyle without the upper tax rates.


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3 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

Did not realize (or forgot) that Mike Pence is a Young Earth Creationist. 


Why. Just why. Other countries how fo you feel about us? 

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24 minutes ago, RandomTrivia said:

If it's not the place, we need one.  Or just a room where we can all sit and be numb.  An uncomfortably-high number of my family and in-laws voted for this clown, and I don't know whether to be depressed or freaked out.  And I have nowhere to go to be freaked out/depressed, and figure out how to keep my mouth shut at Thanksgiving. 


I am not talking calls from some of mine. Too fresh at this point.

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1 minute ago, SassyPants said:

I am not talking calls from some of mine. Too fresh at this point.

I may have to hide a few people on FB.  I've got to sit through dinner with DH's very conservative Catholic family this weekend, and again at Thanksgiving, plus Thanksgiving with my own family.  I may hope for the flu to hit. 

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Someone posted a very good post on FB this morning, I need to find it.  Gist was we survived Bush, we'll survive this, but it may not be fun.  And even when the world doesn't reward the values you believe in, you keep on living as if they matter because of what is says about who you are. 

Someone needs to get Sir Patrick Stewart to record that so I can put it on an unending loop in my head for a day or so. 

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26 minutes ago, Toothfairy said:

Explain to me why Trump supporters keep saying they want America back? 

They want people of a certain skin color to "know their place" and take the scraps occasionally tossed to them.  They want women to "know their place" and if they can't take a little sexual harassment in the workplace, maybe they should quit their job and go work in a preschool (I'm paraphrasing one of Trump's deplorable sons, who said that).  They want that good old boy white privilege all to themselves.  They want to be able to bully, harass, and injure anyone they think is Muslim or an immigrant, with impunity.  That's the America they want back.  They are tired of having to be "politically correct."  They think Trump and the Republican Party is going to get them good jobs and white privilege.  They are fools.

21 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

Or non Christians


The disabled

The poor

They want a 1950s world and lifestyle without the upper tax rates.

Oh yes, they want women to have fewer and fewer opportunities, so that they will be stuck in marriages with an imbalance of power.  You know, like the good old days.  Women have been getting too big for their britches, earning their own money and not being financially dependent on their husbands.  No longer willing to be a violent spouse's punching bag.  Spreading their wings and finding out that it feels really good to be in control of your own life, instead of dependent on the whims and desires of your lord and master. 

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1 hour ago, EyeQueue said:

My 17-year-old daughter came home last night after an election-night watching party with her classmates, and she was in tears. She's afraid Roe v. Wade is going to be overturned, that there will be mass round-ups of immigrants, no help for refugees, and that it will be open season on LGBTQIAs.

Yeah. This hits close to home. I'm dealing with this, too, with the young people I love. Trying to be a voice of reason and hope, but... It's pretty sobering to think that I've said, the last few elections, that the next election had *got* to be better... and instead, they've been betting progressively worse. I shudder to think of the next one.

Frankly, I'm hoping for a decisive landslide sea change in the Congress in two years. My vote is consistently for gridlock. Selfish of me, but I just wish the government would let us the h*** alone if we're trying to live quietly responsible lives.

I'm not putting this very well, and I really hope I haven't said something offensive. I think I might have gotten an hour of sleep last night, and I usually say things badly when that is the case, without meaning to.

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6 minutes ago, Childless said:

I'm burning my American flag in my drive way as soon as I get home.  Fuck this country.

I'm not going to burn mine, but I will replace it with the rainbow flag this evening. 

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My dad texted me a while ago. I don't think I ever talked much about him before. Funny thing is he was a hardcore Democrat all his life. Turned into a sexist, a racist.

But has a burning hatred for HRC. Called her every name in the book. When I visited last he showed me his Hillary for Prison shirt hanging on the wall. Told me over dinner she should go back to baking cookies. Couldn't stand talking to him about politics anymore. He's been vicious about it the past two weeks.

So he texted me and told me we live in the greatest country in the world. I told him to not even fucking start anything, I can't deal with it. Part of me wants to tell him we're gonna do IVF and if he wants to come within 1,000 miles of that child, he's gonna learn to shut his goddamn mouth and not denigrate women in front of her. 

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2 hours ago, Mecca said:

There is no stinking way Donald can follow through with most of what he promised during his campaign. It is impossible. I mean, build a wall and have another country pay for it? How is that even possible? How does he plan to round up people and pay for their deportation? How is he going to ban Muslims under the constitution? How is he going to do the massive tax cuts he promised while also trying to balance a budget? 

Trump will get into the White House and realize this is a lot harder than he ever anticipated. Trump can't just snap his fingers and shit gets done. That is why we have checks and balance system in place. It is amazing how many people truly have no clue how this all works. His promises will fall very short and the dumbasses that voted him into office will be left wondering what went wrong without understanding that when the moon is promised it cannot be delivered even when Donald Trump says it can be. 

I try to take comfort in the fact that we survived eight years of W, so we can survive 4 years of Trump. As one of my high school history teachers said 20 years ago "It's really hard to get stuff done in our government. It's a giant bureaucracy to ensure that. That way, one guy can't muck it all up."

The tiny silver lining is that people can no longer claim racism and sexism are a thing of the past. You can't fight what you can't see and now it's out there in the open for everyone to get an eyeful.

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9 minutes ago, Mela99 said:

My dad texted me a while ago. I don't think I ever talked much about him before. Funny thing is he was a hardcore Democrat all his life. Turned into a sexist, a racist.

But has a burning hatred for HRC. Called her every name in the book. When I visited last he showed me his Hillary for Prison shirt hanging on the wall. Told me over dinner she should go back to baking cookies. Couldn't stand talking to him about politics anymore. He's been vicious about it the past two weeks.

So he texted me and told me we live in the greatest country in the world. I told him to not even fucking start anything, I can't deal with it. Part of me wants to tell him we're gonna do IVF and if he wants to come within 1,000 miles of that child, he's gonna learn to shut his goddamn mouth and not denigrate women in front of her. 

Is your dad, my dad? Reg. Democrat but 80YO,  angry and one of the biggest misogynists on the planet.  Trump has given him license to spew the most horrible things, ever.  They texted me last night all cheery- I told them both that they were fools.

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25 year old chickie of a 44 year old former friend is waxing poetic about Trump's heart and soul and how great his speech was and how god is moving the country and will work through Trump and how Hillary is an evil, selfish bitch only in it for herself and gave no speech to her blind fans...

The irony is overwhelming on so many levels. The self delusion is astonishing. Or, would be in any other person. Because, this chickie's values are loose and not very solid so I'm not surprised, just kind of stunned at her conviction when I know she has nothing  - - her 44 year old husband is the ex husband of chickie's high school art teacher; he and chickie hooked up when she was 14 while on a European trip with his (now ex) wife/her teacher. He was supposedly helping chaperone. She got all her values from a man who hooked up with a 14 year old. Since she was the 14 year old, she's too deep in to have a fucking clue.

Anyway, even knowing that, I'm stunned at the total and complete blinders these people put on and how they convince themselves Hillary is from the devil and Trump from heaven. Their god is apparently in control and will use The Donald to better this country like no president ever has.

I have been nauseous since last night and I couldn't even watch the returns; I turned off the tv and took Excedrin PM to crash and burn and hide. I woke up this morning and it all came flooding back. I am still sick. The nausea is awful; I have a headache because I am all clenched up in fear and anger and HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?

I dislike people very much today and would have taken a vacation day if I'd had any left.

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Everyone is like we survived Bush! But I guess cause I was like in 1st grade when that happened I didn't realize the implications until my AP Gov teacher taught us senior year so I guess this just hurts me a lot more in the sense that I don't know how to handle it... if that makes sense?

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7 minutes ago, candygirl200413 said:

Everyone is like we survived Bush! But I guess cause I was like in 1st grade when that happened I didn't realize the implications until my AP Gov teacher taught us senior year so I guess this just hurts me a lot more in the sense that I don't know how to handle it... if that makes sense?

Old Mother West Wind here. Yes, we survived Bush. We also survived Nixon which I doubted could happen after I voted for McGovern in 1972 in my first election. They were bad indeed but I am sorry to tell you that IMO this is worse than either of them. 

We're in uncharted territory now where a narcissistic sexual predator with zero experience in politics or even government is going to be POTUS. Not only will the Republican Party both manage & support him enthusiastically, but he has the open endorsement of the KKK and other US hate groups as well as far right politicians from around the world. Think about that.

Would be nice if I'm as wrong about this as the pollsters were about this election, but I'm very afraid for those I love and care about, and for the US.

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11 minutes ago, candygirl200413 said:

Everyone is like we survived Bush! But I guess cause I was like in 1st grade when that happened I didn't realize the implications until my AP Gov teacher taught us senior year so I guess this just hurts me a lot more in the sense that I don't know how to handle it... if that makes sense?

Yes, we survived Bush. But, Trump is no Bush. I never thought I'd ever give the shrub (while president, I refused to use his name because I despised him so badly) any credit, but I'd take him again in a heartbeat.

His followers at least hid their dark sides. He didn't publicly proclaim his need for vengeance, adorations &  worship. He didn't rally his followers to be misogynistic bigots. He was dumb as a bulb and had advisors with their own agendas and he got us into illegal wars that took thousands of lives that are still being fought....but I would still take him over Trump.

He sucked, but Trump sucks worse by leaps and bounds.

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48 minutes ago, catlady said:

I'm not going to burn mine, but I will replace it with the rainbow flag this evening. 

We're ordering the California state flag and are going to fly that instead from here on out.

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I wanted Gore to win but I didn't lie awake worrying  that Bush is a vindictive fascist sociopath.  

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4 minutes ago, fundiefan said:

Yes, we survived Bush. But, Trump is no Bush. I never thought I'd ever give the shrub (while president, I refused to use his name because I despised him so badly) any credit, but I'd take him again in a heartbeat.

His followers at least hid their dark sides. He didn't publicly proclaim his need for vengeance, adorations &  worship. He didn't rally his followers to be misogynistic bigots. He was dumb as a bulb and had advisors with their own agendas and he got us into illegal wars that took thousands of lives that are still being fought....but I would still take him over Trump.

He sucked, but Trump sucks worse by leaps and bounds.

At least he knew the bare basics of what to do. Trump is going into this with, literally, no clue how anything works. There's a huge learning curve ahead for him and I don't think he has the attention span necessary.

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1 hour ago, Toothfairy said:

Explain to me why Trump supporters keep saying they want America back? 

I have a lot of family and friends who have experienced years of increasing regulations. My brother-in-law, for instance, is a farmer. He tried to use no-till and low-till farming along with other environmentally friendly farming techniques. However, he has a lot of regulations he has to follow, some of which cost him. He has said for years that he wants the America that allows people to thrive on their own without all the restrictions.

While I think that it is true for some Trump supporters that racism and misogyny are at the root of their support, quite a few of his supporters have been increasingly frustrated by regulations and restrictions. He said the things that they have been wanting to hear for a couple decades.

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1 minute ago, Lillybee said:

I am very afraid that he will appoint Sarah Palin to Sec. of the Interior.

But imagine the talk shows where Palin tries to explain what Trump said and Trump tries to explain what Palin said. 

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Just now, molecule said:

I have a lot of family and friends who have experienced years of increasing regulations. My brother-in-law, for instance, is a farmer. He tried to use no-till and low-till farming along with other environmentally friendly farming techniques. However, he has a lot of regulations he has to follow, some of which cost him. He has said for years that he wants the America that allows people to thrive on their own without all the restrictions.

While I think that it is true for some Trump supporters that racism and misogyny are at the root of their support, quite a few of his supporters have been increasingly frustrated by regulations and restrictions. He said the things that they have been wanting to hear for a couple decades.

And unfortunately, regulations are in place because if not, it would be a free for all. Left untethered, most people do not always make the best decisions or choices. For your BIL, as a farmer, he has to know that the Earth matters...it provides life for all. It's long term, vs short term thinking.

Basic greed will kill us.

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