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Jill Duggar Dillard Part 8: They Call Him Choo Choo?

happy atheist

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The great thing about countries other than the US is the use of the pharmacy. You can get just about anything from a pharmacist in Latin America. You go in, explain your issue (what an opportunity for using that Spanish) and come out with meds. They have Internet so meds are easily researched once dispensed. 

The anti-diarrhea medicines dispensed in Latin America are amazing.

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I'm pretty sure that they are in Antigua Guatemala. Most of the pictures they have shown from the area resemble Antigua. 

They are in Antigua. The arch Derick has photographed is in Antigua and the school he attends is in Antigua. 

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 Not anywhere near Bradley Bates' level of cute--that kid set the standard for fundie babies--but he's not at all at the, "Well, isn't he just precious" end of the spectrum.


My step son is making me a grandma.  I showed him a picture of Bradley and informed him my grandchild better be that cute or we are returning it. lol

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Looking up chickenetti on Pinterest-- woof, this dish does not photograph well. It looks so grey.

Incidentally, Anna's version of this recipe uses chicken broth where Jill's uses milk, and it also contains tomatoes and (as mentioned earlier) green peppers. I've seen other variations that include different veggies, the wildest one being this one that has celery, carrots, mushrooms, peppers, pimentos, parsley and incorporates worcestershire and tomato soup into the sauce!

PS @ClaraOswin, I have the same recipe! Sour cream and cheese are my star-crossed true love, so I adore that mess of a recipe but I try to make it only once a year or so, because I also adore... living.

We have it a few times a year. I can't help myself. :) But we put it as a side dish and try not to go too crazy with our portion sizes. It's a recipe from the back of the hash brown bag...haha.

It makes me glad that Instagram wasn't around when I was pregnant. The world would have seen me making sweet, sweet love, to a box of Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies, on the daily. I gained 50+ pounds each pregnancy, thanks to my love affair, with one Little Miss Debbie. 

Sour cream and onion Pringles were my go-to pregnancy snack food. Sometimes I'll say to my son "How did you get so cute? Must be the Pringles!" I also ate a LOT of carbs while pregnant. I had all day nausea from 6 weeks to 28 weeks and carbs were easy for me to tolerate. I ate a lot of noodles.

I gained just under 30 pounds (which is exactly right for someone my size) and my son was 7 pounds, 13 ounces. I was a bit worried with my eating habits but it turned out okay. Though I just barely passed the 3 hour glucose tolerance test.

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I don't think Israel has Down Syndrome/another chromosomal abnormality. If he did, we wouldn't hear the end of the Dillards/Duggars vigorously patting themselves on the back for not aborting him.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I don't think he has Downs, I think he LOOKS like other Downs kids I have known. I know the Duggars would have turned him into another pro-life platform if he did. Just like Josie.

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Jill just posted a new photo of Derick and Izzy. Do Izzy's eyes look like a child with Down's Syndrome? Or am I totally off base? I have a friend with a little boy who is a Down's child and the eyes are so similar. I also have a friend who's child was diagnosed with a rare syndrome, at the same age,  with Koolen-DeVries Syndrome. metimes I wonder with th7

This makes me wonder. If Israel was oxygen deprived due to Jill's long and poorly handled labor, would they actually tell anyone about it? I can see the pat on the back abortion thing but if he had some of ailment directly tied to their decisions. I think they'd keep that quiet. 

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I've got to give Jill a pass on her Chicken-etti recipe. She's still really young and experimenting. She will hopefully move to healthier meals as she gets older and more experienced in the kitchen.

My mom was not a cook at all... we grew up on microwave food. (My siblings and I joke that my mother's specialty was toast.) I started really cooking my senior year in college and we ate a similar recipe to that Chicken-etti one (cream of mushroom soup, chicken, noodles and lots of cheese.) This was a big deal recipe for me... I thought I was doing something really creative. Flash forward a few decades and I'd never eat, never mind make, anything like that.


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I'm starting to think it's strange by 8th grade I was cooking my own meals because I won't eat pork or beef. My mom's rule on me not eating that was I had to cook for myself then. 

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This makes me wonder. If Israel was oxygen deprived due to Jill's long and poorly handled labor, would they actually tell anyone about it? I can see the pat on the back abortion thing but if he had some of ailment directly tied to their decisions. I think they'd keep that quiet. 

If it were something minor, I think they'd keep it completely quiet (as they should if they had any respect for his privacy, not that that would be the reason they'd stay silent). If he had some major issues that couldn't be hidden, they'd stick to the pro-life party line and not acknowledge that their stupid decisions had anything to do with it. I'm no child development expert but so far Izzy seems to be on track...he's crawling, standing, etc., not at all like a baby who suffered major oxygen deprivation. I've seen a lot of hypotheses floating around that later learning disabilities could be the result of seemingly minor oxygen deprivation at birth, but as far as I know there's nothing concrete on that yet. 

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He seems to be hitting his milestones right on track to me. My son has hit all of his late. And he's in speech therapy now. About to start physical therapy too. He's not super behind, but enough for it to be a concern. I often wonder if it is something to do with his birth. His initial APGAR score was only a 3. He was quite blue and not breathing. I have no idea for how long. By 5 minutes, his score went up to a 7. Looking at time stamps on the photos, he was pink and crying around 2 minutes old. It's something I'm kind of afraid to google though.

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This makes me wonder. If Israel was oxygen deprived due to Jill's long and poorly handled labor, would they actually tell anyone about it? I can see the pat on the back abortion thing but if he had some of ailment directly tied to their decisions. I think they'd keep that quiet. 

I mean, as some other people on the thread have said, Izzy is hitting his milestones pretty consistently, so I doubt he has any major disability (though who knows). But if he had a problem due to Jill's really badly handled labor, I'm pretty sure they'd quite blatantly use his problem as another opportunity for replenishing the ol' PayPal account and getting another TLC special. I think Jill is a loving mother and has a lot of great qualities, but she's a pretty shameless self-promoter.

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I've got to give Jill a pass on her Chicken-etti recipe. She's still really young and experimenting. She will hopefully move to healthier meals as she gets older and more experienced in the kitchen.


I agree she's young, but experimenting?  They have been eating, serving and have had that Chickenetti recipe posted since the very beginning.  I'd give her a pass if it was something new at least, forget about healthy.

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I don't think Israel has Down Syndrome/another chromosomal abnormality. If he did, we wouldn't hear the end of the Dillards/Duggars vigorously patting themselves on the back for not aborting him.

I am user in another message board (women's bard for pregnancy and contraception using stm)) In my quarter thread(aka a thread for babies of members that are going to be  or were born in the same quarter) there is a user whose baby has got donws syndrome and we can tell you that their development is very much delayed, generally and in that case. A video of izzy showed him to crawl and to be standing up at 8 m old. Children with downs syndrome often have poor muscle tension and hyperflexibility which causes milestones to be a lot later. (they also have rather short digits too) The child in my quarter thread has just turned three and has just done his first couple of steps, having stood up a couple of weeks back.

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There was no doubt a pediatrician, a resuscitation team and intubation equipment available at Izzy's birth. Aside from the meconium staining, his birth seemed normal. I had meconium staining w/ my last 36 years ago & she had to spend a week in the NICU but the pediatrician said she didn't inhale any of it, which must have been the case w/Izzy. They never mentioned him having to go to the NICU. Meconium staining doesn't seem to be the red-light emergency it once was.

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Unpopular (?) opinion: I think Izzy is a lot cuter than Allie Jane. She is not a cute baby at all, IMO. Babies change so much though and even ugly babies can turn into adorable children, so babies are like the one age where I don't feel bad about poking fun at their looks a little bit. I was a hideous newborn myself, but I was pretty cute kid.

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Unpopular (?) opinion: I think Izzy is a lot cuter than Allie Jane. She is not a cute baby at all, IMO. Babies change so much though and even ugly babies can turn into adorable children, so babies are like the one age where I don't feel bad about poking fun at their looks a little bit. I was a hideous newborn myself, but I was pretty cute kid.

I totally agree with you.  

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Those of you who had specific cravings when pregnant- do your children gravitate to those foods? My fist pregnancy craving was chocolate bullets.  My second pregnancy I craved fruit.  My eldest loves junk food, my second thinks mangoes are a treat.

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Those of you who had specific cravings when pregnant- do your children gravitate to those foods? My fist pregnancy craving was chocolate bullets.  My second pregnancy I craved fruit.  My eldest loves junk food, my second thinks mangoes are a treat.

My mom craved mashed potatoes hardcore all through her pregnancy with me and I am all about them spuds, bout them spuds...

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Unpopular (?) opinion: I think Izzy is a lot cuter than Allie Jane. She is not a cute baby at all, IMO. Babies change so much though and even ugly babies can turn into adorable children, so babies are like the one age where I don't feel bad about poking fun at their looks a little bit. I was a hideous newborn myself, but I was pretty cute kid.

Completely agree on Allie Jane. She looks just like her father and....well, let's just hope she grows into--or out of--her looks. 

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Those of you who had specific cravings when pregnant- do your children gravitate to those foods? My fist pregnancy craving was chocolate bullets.  My second pregnancy I craved fruit.  My eldest loves junk food, my second thinks mangoes are a treat.

So, when I was pregnant with #3-#5 I craved Mexican food so bad, and there was a great little place 2 blocks from us. I kept a take out menu by the phone. Fast forward and my 3rd oldest had his bachelor's party there, so......

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