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Joshley Madison Pt 3: Storming Satan's Hidden Fortress

happy atheist

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Hell, even if he didn't pay the girl to get an abortion (or try to) and got a girl pregnant, that would probably be enough to send Anna over the edge. I mean, coming from the stand point of someone who has been cheated on three times by the same guy (I was a slow learner), there's an entirely different feeling when the person you love cheats on you and when the person you love fathers a child with someone that isn't you. I mean, I know, fundamentally, it's not any different if sex is involved in both cases, but it is emotionally different.

My guess would be that Josh did not have actual sex with the Girls (at least not vaginal) but did all the things the could not get from a quiverfull woman (Oral and , and , and, and).

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People are saying that maybe josh will be the one leaving, versus Anna...but I think he has even less prospects than she does. At least she can go to her parents or her sisters. If josh leaves, he can't get a job and he'll have no family to support him. No one will ever want anything to do with him again and it's not like he can fade from notoriety any time soon. I hope and pray Anna realizes this and gets the hell out of dodge pretty soon!

No one is going anywhere. Maybe some day, after the public forgets about this family but while JimBob still has hope of squeaking out some kind of income from his children he will have Josh and Anna on lock down. No way, will JB let go of Josh. He will keep him as locked down as he can and come up with a nice line of fundie logic to sell it to the leg humpers.

Josh won't leave. We are well aware just how trapped Anna is but Josh doesn't have much more. He doesn't know how to live without his Daddy telling him what to do and say. I'd be very surprised if he has any investments completely his own. He is a failure to fundies and a laughing stock of all those people he has offended. Living at the TTH will mean he won't have to ever go on public again. JB owns him.

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You are not obligated to do anything about an erection just because it was created in your honor.


*writes it down to tell my own daughter.....*

ETA: Sweet! Im now a law degree professional per FJ! Im so honored.

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Yep, noone is going anywhere. I see sepaking Engagement a few years donw the road on how porn ruined his (his families) life and how god then....

Anna will speak on her faliures as a wife causing Josh to make a pact with the devil and how then god..... and how they got through and have the best marriage ever since because god.....

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I think Jim-Bob's problem is thinking he is the exception to the rules that the rest of the world live by. I think there is a whole load of shady business deals and tax avoidance in his life. None of which he will think are a problem.

My guess is the tax avoidance is just the icing of the proverbial shadiness of Duggar Inc business model. I would really like to see a forensic accountant have a go at their books. With a little bit of digging there may be legal cause for that someday. Until that happens, Joshpocalypse, part II is seriously :popcorn2: :popcorn2: :popcorn2:

Maybe that's the real reason the Dillard's are in South America. Derick, pre-marriage, had expressed an interest in forensic accounting. Maybe JB asked Derick to look over the books, because in JB's mind he's smarter than Derick and could hide anything, and when Derick started pointing out issues it bought him a one way ticket to South America.

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Why couldn't he get a job? Maybe not the kind of job he'd prefer, but I see no reason he'd be unable to find gainful employment. He could probably move to a different place, get a low-key job, rent a small apartment, and fade into relative obscurity - if he so desired. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if this guy still thought there was a chance for him to continue being a Christian celebrity. And he may not be wrong. As others have mentioned, he and Anna could wind up being the poster children for conservative Christians overcoming infidelity and marital difficulties. I could see them milking a 'career' like that for awhile, having another kid, and then Josh getting busted for something else.

Josh is enough of a D-list celebrity that he could fade into obscurity and find some low key job somewhere if he really wanted to. There's enough people out there who really don't know much if at all about the Duggars and their ilk. It could be an advantage for him if he wants to disappear.

Along the same vein, I could also see him doing the "we have overcome infidelity" Christian circuit with Anna but the big question mark is if he could maintain the "Christian family facade" enough to pull it off. It would require him to clean up his act for a decent amount of time and I am not sure he can do that. I am still thinking there's more out there on him and if he's as troubled as some of us suspect he is, then these screwups "moral failings" might just be a regular thing.

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And today's People puff piece shows exactly where JB and Chelle stand in this matter. Throw Anna to the wolves and worship Gothard. At least they are off TV.

Nothing can ever be done about this, with a scandal of this magnitude showing the obvious flaws in their system, they still carry on with their strange beliefs.

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I'm a little surprised that this poster, and several others, are now saying Smuggar and J'Anna never had "chemistry". What about the "hand sex" they showed us for their entire duration of their engagement? What about when they were driving to their honeymoon hotel?--the sexual anticipation was palpable.

I think, in the beginning, they definitely were sexually attracted to each other.

But I also think Smuggar did not want a bajillion babies, and thus he became less interested in having sex with the woman who was committed to never ever preventing a single fetus from coming into existence.

I don't know that that was chemistry per se, at least not on his part. Anna, yeah, she was infatuated with him, that was very clear. For Josh though, it's only a very few years past him molesting his sisters. We know he was ripe for sex, he was already experimenting on his sisters. I don't know if I'd call any of it chemistry, on his part, so much as he was just wanting sex - approved and sanctified by his parents and religion. And here's Anna, who thinks his shit smells like roses and comes out with rainbows and Trix marshmallow treats embedded in it.

He's thinking "yes, sex sex sex sex sex, she can't say no, I'm the boss, I am not doing a bad bad thing like I tried with my sisters, sex sex sex sex sex ." I think the hand sex was anticipation and eagerness to finally be able to DTD without remonstration. And, given the manner in which he was raised, he's probably thinking to himself that this is holy sex, and because it's sanctified by his belief system, it probably erases his "mere mistakes" with his sisters and whatever else he's gotten up to without his parents knowing.

This sex, this was 'save me' sex, so it would be very appealing. I don't know that it's chemistry so much as he knows he's gonna get it on and no one is going to chase him down and put him in jail for it, or send him away to work for having it, or thinking about it. And then? Anna doesn't know much. Anna isn't what he's been sneaking to view, what he probably thinks his parents have been hiding from him, sex that he has no frame of reference for, outside of what he's watching on a screen, because his parents have never taught him a thing about it, except....hey, so it's like Legos, son. So he goes looking outside his marriage to find it.

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So, are those Duggies praying all day, or what? I wonder what they are doing. What is Josh doing. We know that Anna is taking care of the Mkids.

I realized that I am angry and nauseous. Because of J'Boob, Chelle and Josh. And they will not change any of their cult wisdom....not one little bit. :pull-hair:

If this is affecting you physically it could help to take a break. It's not like it's something in your personal life that dwelling on it could maybe lead you to a solution. When emotional upheaval is about a strangers problems it's best to walk away for a while - nothing you can do.

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Have Josh and Anna moved in to that big house that they bought on the cheap?

Who is living in the house that Jill and Derrick vacated?

I could see Anna moving into the fixed up house that Jillick & Co left when when left the country.

I still think JB and MeChelle owe her plenty of $$$ for being on the show - especially for boosting ratings by giving birth on TV.

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Radar On Line has a link that takes you to a site named Naughtgossip, stating that Josh is demanding $100,000 to do an interview. May be total BS, but it would not surprise me in the least that he would be willing to embarrass his wife and children even more for the all mighty dollar. If it is true, bet that Jim Bob is getting a cut or all of it to help make up for the loss of income. I truly despise this family!

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Think about it, Josh is the one that has been the most visibly miserable these past few years. He's clearly not into his whole fundie thing, hence the sad smiles, dead eyes, and Ashely Madison account.

What if he's the one that leaves Anna and writes a book about sexual repression and overly-controlling parents?

I think that it's far more likely at this point that Josh is the one that will be the one that leaves and drops a grenade on his way out.

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And today's People puff piece shows exactly where JB and Chelle stand in this matter. Throw Anna to the wolves and worship Gothard. At least they are off TV.

Nothing can ever be done about this, with a scandal of this magnitude showing the obvious flaws in their system, they still carry on with their strange beliefs.

It sounds like the "source" is someone with a vested interest in keeping Anna in the marriage.

The video pointed out the interesting fact that one of the edits concerned removing Josh's age at the time the molestations were taking place. 14-15 is an admission that clarifies how long it occurred for and also that Josh wasn't 12 and 13 when it happened like some people have argued.

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We're all feeling so sorry for Anna. Well what about poor Jessa? She is left out in the cold with no attention!

http://www.enstarz.com/articles/104058/ ... paying.htm

Really, how could Josh be so selfish as to deny his modest sister her moment of glory?

I'm sure she would have had a nice People spread with a big paycheck at this point talking about her pregnancy right about now if all this hadn't happened. I mean, they had an interview for her about babies when she wasn't even pregnant yet, so they would have loved to have had something about her gender reveal or nursery set up or whatever.

But that isn't happening, and it won't now.

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Radar On Line has a link that takes you to a site named Naughtgossip, stating that Josh is demanding $100,000 to do an interview. May be total BS, but it would not surprise me in the least that he would be willing to embarrass his wife and children even more for the all mighty dollar. If it is true, bet that Jim Bob is getting a cut or all of it to help make up for the loss of income. I truly despise this family!

Assuming it is true, Wouldn't 100k be a deal someone is willing to take? As much as many hate the Duggars, an interview with Josh would bring in good ratings. I hate to admit it but I would watch, probably while playing fundie cheaters bingo.

Didn't Anna get 100k for her birth specials?

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Jesus might forgive him, but I predict the family won't. Maybe Josh can move in with JD and they can find some "Tshirt and Jeans wearin' naughty girls. I have suspected JD has been quietly living off the fundy grid, out of TTH for awhile but keeping his options open with the family.

I think that the family will absorb Anna and the Mkids and Josh is history. He will need money for child support and a book advance can give him some dough.

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Assuming it is true, Wouldn't 100k be a deal someone is willing to take? As much as many hate the Duggars, an interview with Josh would bring in good ratings. I hate to admit it but I would watch, probably while playing fundie cheaters bingo.

Didn't Anna get 100k for her birth specials?

If this is true, I can't see Josh giving JB any of the money or JB approving of such an interview. The only way that the Duggars were able to be public figures for so long is because their secrets were hidden. Now that the molestation and the cheating are public, even some of their die-hard fundie supporters are abandoning them. If the Duggars ever want to make a comeback of sorts, they need to stop anymore secrets from coming out, and for all we know, Josh has dirt on his other siblings that he's willing to spill. Some of the comments on the Duggar Facebook page indicated that some of the leghumpers insisted that Josh was simply a bad egg/bad seed and that they'd still support the other kids who still appear to be "good Christians." If Josh reveals that the other kids have their own vices, a comeback is torpedoed. Plus, Josh could do a lot with 100k. That would be more than enough for him to set up a bachelor life somewhere else, assuming he doesn't blow his money on cars and women.

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I didn't get the impression from his OkCupid answers that he had secretly left his religious beliefs behind him. I think he is still an ultra-conservative Christian, and like many before him he has managed to somehow reconcile that with his shitty behaviour. But what reason does he have to stick with fundamentalism now? He loved what it did for him, how he was praised and celebrated and fawned over. Now that that's gone, what can it do for him?

I think ultimately Josh will do what he's always done before: whatever he thinks is best for Josh.

Yeah, I've learned never to underestimate the depths of cognitive dissonance. I used to know the editor of a fairly well-known conservative news website who often wrote pieces about family values, the threat that homosexuality and feminism posed to the American way, how we as a nation needed to get back to the nuclear family units of the 1950s. He also did work for the FRC.

In real life, the guy had been divorced twice, had children with three different women (the first being an out of wedlock child in his early 20s). He also shamelessly sponged off of his mother for money and had nothing to do with his first child until she was 16 years old (And this was at the urging of his current wife. Not his idea). When the teenage daughter got pregnant and had an abortion, the next day he was making jokes about it. Yet he really truly believed in what he was saying on his site. He could not see the hypocrisy.

Sorry for getting off topic, but I seriously hate that fucker.

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Jesus might forgive him, but I predict the family won't. Maybe Josh can move in with JD and they can find some "Tshirt and Jeans wearin' naughty girls. I have suspected JD has been quietly living off the fundy grid, out of TTH for awhile but keeping his options open with the family.

I think that the family will absorb Anna and the Mkids and Josh is history. He will need money for child support and a book advance can give him some dough.

If Josh wrote a tell-all, I think the rest of the family would disown him. The only reason anyone would buy a Josh Duggar tell-all would be if there's some real dirt in it, the kind of stuff that the rest of the family would want to stay hidden. Another fluff piece like the J'slaves' book isn't going to wash, because the "wholesome" facade has been revealed to be a lie. If Josh decides to do a tell-all, he'd be a non-person, unless he decides to later disavow what he said, like La Toya Jackson did when she reconciled with her family after her divorce and claimed that her abusive ex-husband made her trash her family. Speaking of La Toya Jackson, maybe Josh could start a "Duggar Family Secrets" hotline, like she did back in the 90s. At $2.99 a minute, he'd be set for life in no time.

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