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Joshley Madison Pt 3: Storming Satan's Hidden Fortress

happy atheist

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Here's some info on the Affair Guarantee that I found:

"Affair Guarantee Refund

As per the Affair Guarantee Program Rules, to be eligible for the Affair Guarantee Package refund you must have:

Complied at all times with the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use. By using the AshleyMadison.com website and participating in the Program, you agree to be bound by the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use.

Pay in full the applicable rate for the "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Used your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package to create a profile with a primary photo (public or private). Your profile and primary photo must have been approved by AshleyMadison.com within the first 30 days of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Kept your profile visible at all times during the first 3 months of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Sent "Qualifying" priority mail messages to at least 18 different AshleyMadison.com members each month (for a total of 54). A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has not yet messaged you or a priority mail message response you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has messaged you. A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message sent through the AshleyMadison.com service and does not include any other method of communicating (such as AshleyMadison.com winks or emails sent outside of the AshleyMadison.com system).

Sent at least 5 AshleyGifts per month (for a total of 15).

Instant messaged with members for at least 60 minutes per month through the AshleyMadison.com service (for a total of 180 minutes).

If you have complied with the above requirements, please fill out the fields below to submit the following application for your refund. Your application will be reviewed by our Customer Services Manager and if it is determined that you have complied with the above requirements, we will mail you a REFUND CHECK for the original purchase (plus any applicable taxes) within 6-8 weeks of receiving your application. Please note that your refund check will state that it is from "Ashley Madison.""

Too much damn work for a lazy ass like Josh. Once he got to DC and started going to hotels on his own, my guess is he found his way to more straight-forward prostitution, although maybe he did get some extra jollies with all the messaging.

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Now FRC is condemning Josh for hurting their cause. Oh no, you mean this has been damaging to the reputation of those hating gay people? :violin:

Unrelated to FRC, but someone was drooling over the twins on Josiah's Instagram earlier today. Yuck.

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Well yeah, of course. I was addressing the idea that he's been cheating with multiple women. I'm not saying I don't believe that's possible, I'm just trying to throw it into question based on what we know about Josh. I don't believe he has the brains, looks, personality or experience to easily get various women into bed. I don't believe he would have met many women on Ashley Madison or even OkCupid. Based on his OkCupid answers he still doesn't drink, so I don't think he was picking up women in bars or clubs. Josh is a man who almost always chooses the path of least resistance, who is lazy, entitled, and has very poor impulse control. I don't think there were very many women - or, if there were, he paid for them.

I have to be honest here - I would be surprised if Josh hadn't made use of the 'services' of prostitutes or escorts. Like I said - laziness, poor impulse control, inherently viewing women as objects - if he wanted to cheat, he'd know that was the easiest way, and if he knew about Ashley Madison I'm sure he figured out how to get an escort.

I would be shocked if he didn't pay for prostitutes. Most escorts and prostitutes are pretty good about staying quiet about their clients, and since discretion is a huge part of their business (especially DC-area sex workers), they have more to lose than some random hookup if they blab about their clients. Josh isn't a very smart man, but he's smart enough to know that.

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Here's some info on the Affair Guarantee that I found:

"Affair Guarantee Refund

As per the Affair Guarantee Program Rules, to be eligible for the Affair Guarantee Package refund you must have:

Complied at all times with the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use. By using the AshleyMadison.com website and participating in the Program, you agree to be bound by the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use.

Pay in full the applicable rate for the "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Used your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package to create a profile with a primary photo (public or private). Your profile and primary photo must have been approved by AshleyMadison.com within the first 30 days of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Kept your profile visible at all times during the first 3 months of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Sent "Qualifying" priority mail messages to at least 18 different AshleyMadison.com members each month (for a total of 54). A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has not yet messaged you or a priority mail message response you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has messaged you. A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message sent through the AshleyMadison.com service and does not include any other method of communicating (such as AshleyMadison.com winks or emails sent outside of the AshleyMadison.com system).

Sent at least 5 AshleyGifts per month (for a total of 15).

Instant messaged with members for at least 60 minutes per month through the AshleyMadison.com service (for a total of 180 minutes).

If you have complied with the above requirements, please fill out the fields below to submit the following application for your refund. Your application will be reviewed by our Customer Services Manager and if it is determined that you have complied with the above requirements, we will mail you a REFUND CHECK for the original purchase (plus any applicable taxes) within 6-8 weeks of receiving your application. Please note that your refund check will state that it is from "Ashley Madison.""

Who wrote these freaking rules, Gothard? I'll say one thing for Joshy, he's consistent. He really likes belonging to groups with with convoluted policies that set you up for failure. :pink-shock:

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So, this is my opinion.

Josh is fully responsible for his behavior as a 27 year old male. Josh knew that cheating on his wife was wrong and a sin. He knew this and did it anyway because only his needs, wants, and desires mattered. So, his upbringing wasn't perfect - it was oppressive and warped, but that doesn't excuse his current behavior. Josh has worked in the world. He has lived in DC and has seen how people have really lived. He has had access to the internet, which he has evidently used effectively, to look up any thoughts and questions he may have had.

I think Josh WANTED the title of perfect Fundie family, he sought after it. It would have been simple to fade into the background and work his little car lot to eek out a living for his family, but that is not what he did. He willfully pursued a place in the spotlight, even though he KNEW about his past indiscretions. I think he enjoyed all the leghumpers and adulation he received from his community. Anna has never factored into his life except to be the perfect fundie woman to hang on his arm and to give him his fundie babies. Maybe he didn't want a lot of children, but it would have been quite simple for him to stop that from happening. He is the man of the house, he could have put his foot down.

Anna, on the other hand, has been completely isolated. As a fundie wife, she has been required to stay home and not go beyond her little kingdom. She was doing work at the car lot, but that was taken away from her. There was no scope to her life. We don't even know if SHE had access to the Internet. She always looked uncomfortable when she went out on the town with Josh, and it may be because she knew that all the people around her were so much more informed of the world then she was. Maybe she looked her nose down on them, or maybe she was simply overwhelmed and didn't know how to cope. Going back to Arkansas, she is now isolated with 4 children in the Duggar compound. Who knows who she has to talk to. I don't know if Anna will leave Josh, if she does, it may take a few years. She has had to deal with the molestation exposure when pregnant, and now this with a newborn. I doubt she'll be able to just walk way immediately because she might be emotionally beaten down. I hope whatever happens works out for the best for her, but is there anyone close to her that can advocate for her at the moment?

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Jana and Jinger have already paid attention. Folks seem to have felt sorry for Jana being passed over while Jill & Jessa got married but she & JD are peas in a pod: neither seem to want to ride the crazy horse their parents are on. They seem confident and secure enough that if they'd really wanted that lifestyle, they'd already have it.

Jinger? She's the Carrie Bradshaw of the group. No way that girl is settling down.

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Here's some info on the Affair Guarantee that I found:

"Affair Guarantee Refund

As per the Affair Guarantee Program Rules, to be eligible for the Affair Guarantee Package refund you must have:

Complied at all times with the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use. By using the AshleyMadison.com website and participating in the Program, you agree to be bound by the AshleyMadison.com Terms of Use.

Pay in full the applicable rate for the "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Used your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package to create a profile with a primary photo (public or private). Your profile and primary photo must have been approved by AshleyMadison.com within the first 30 days of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Kept your profile visible at all times during the first 3 months of purchasing your "Affair Guarantee" Membership Package.

Sent "Qualifying" priority mail messages to at least 18 different AshleyMadison.com members each month (for a total of 54). A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has not yet messaged you or a priority mail message response you send to a unique AshleyMadison.com member who has messaged you. A "Qualifying Mail Message" must be a priority mail message sent through the AshleyMadison.com service and does not include any other method of communicating (such as AshleyMadison.com winks or emails sent outside of the AshleyMadison.com system).

Sent at least 5 AshleyGifts per month (for a total of 15).

Instant messaged with members for at least 60 minutes per month through the AshleyMadison.com service (for a total of 180 minutes).

If you have complied with the above requirements, please fill out the fields below to submit the following application for your refund. Your application will be reviewed by our Customer Services Manager and if it is determined that you have complied with the above requirements, we will mail you a REFUND CHECK for the original purchase (plus any applicable taxes) within 6-8 weeks of receiving your application. Please note that your refund check will state that it is from "Ashley Madison.""

Holy crap that's a lot of work! I wonder if he sent a giant teddy bear to one of the women and that's what turned them off lol

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Holy crap that's a lot of work! I wonder if he sent a giant teddy bear to one of the women and that's what turned them off lol

You mean.... purity bear :lol:

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Yup, that's our boy - lazy lazy! I can see him trolling on AM and OKCupid and fantasizing, then visiting prostitutes.

I'm off to shower with a steelwool scrubber now. Need brain bleech

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JD and Joseph are over 18, and Josiah is currently 18. Jed, Jer, Jason, and James are all underage teenagers. Justin and Jackson are older tweens. Even if we assume that JD, Joseph, and Josiah are out working on "Duggar Construction" or one of JB's other projects most of the time, that's still four teen boys, and two about to be teen boys to deal with. I suppose JB could buy a mini mart and employ all the howlers as clerks and stock boys, while he keeps on eye on them; with their terrible educations, it not like they can aspire to much more

Joy turns 18 in October, Jed and Jer 17 in December, Jason is 15, James is 14, Justin turns 13 in November, Jackson is 11, Hannie turns 10 in October, Jennifer is 8, and Jordyn and Josie turn 7 and 6 in December.

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Too much damn work for a lazy ass like Josh. Once he got to DC and started going to hotels on his own, my guess is he found his way to more straight-forward prostitution, although maybe he did get some extra jollies with all the messaging.

I think I found my husband with less effort than you have to put out to get that money back!

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Long time stalker of FG, not my first post, but I don't post on the regular. Im from WV raised Pentecostal "light", in the Bible Belt I know the no haircuts, no makeup, skits only people, Anna is not gonna leave him. Divorce is not an option, if the husband repentants for his sins of cheating, and asked Gods forgiveness all is right with the world. It is the wife's responsibility to ask God to put forgiveness/acceptance/the drive to be a better wife in her heart. Unless you want to be gossiped about/ shunned that's how it works.

ETA : spelling and stupid grammar

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Jana and Jinger have already paid attention. Folks seem to have felt sorry for Jana being passed over while Jill & Jessa got married but she & JD are peas in a pod: neither seem to want to ride the crazy horse their parents are on. They seem confident and secure enough that if they'd really wanted that lifestyle, they'd already have it.

Jinger? She's the Carrie Bradshaw of the group. No way that girl is settling down.

I agree that Jana is not married on purpose. She has an extremely comfortable life at the compound. I believe JB and DQ place quite a bit of trust in her. After all, she knows the WiFi password, handles the mail, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she also handled their email and social media as well. She is clothed, fed, and can basically go wherever she wants as long as she brings someone with her. She is past raising babies for her parents now.

I'm slightly worried about Jinger. She looks extremely thin and tired. I think Jessa leaving was very hard on her, and she doesn't have anyone to turn to. She's always seemed like she was very close to several of her siblings and it's probably hard to not have that anymore.

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Long time stalker of FG, not my first post, but I don't post on the regular. Im from WV raised Pentecostal "light", in the Bible Belt I know the no haircuts, no makeup, skits only people, Anna is not gonna leave him. Divorce is not an option, if the husband repentants for his sins of cheating, and asked Gods forgiveness all is right with the world. It is the wife's responsibility to ask God to put forgiveness/acceptance/the drive to be a better wife in her heart. Unless you want to be gossiped about/ shunned that's how it works.

ETA : spelling and stupid grammar

But who would Anna really be shunned from? The ATI "community" is designed to be diffuse, because children are only supposed to be socialized among their siblings. It seems like the only people Anna was really around were the J'slaves, and two of them now have their own husbands and families. While it's possible she might have had some friends in DC we don't know about, Anna's not there anymore. Since the original Joshgate broke, Anna has probably been sequestered in some Duggar property no one knows about. Anna's problem is not that she would be shunned if she sought a divorce, because she doesn't have very many people who would be doing the shunning. Rather, her problem is that she's isolated and alone, and that's a feature, not a bug of the ATI lifestyle.

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Given Lor Alexanders advice to fellow fundie wives to submit even more when your husband hits you or watches porn, etc...I'm straight up terrified for Anna and her wellbeing.

Not to mention actually feeling Satan is involved.

Just WOW!

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It's not like Josh was at a bar and temptation got the best of him in the heat of the moment. For years, he PAID to cheat on Anna... while he was out preaching about family values!

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Given Lor Alexanders advice to fellow fundie wives to submit even more when your husband hits you or watches porn, etc...I'm straight up terrified for Anna and her wellbeing.

Not to mention actually feeling Satan is involved.

Just WOW!

Are you SERIOUS?! Can you tell me where Lori said that? Sounds terrible...

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But who would Anna really be shunned from? The ATI "community" is designed to be diffuse, because children are only supposed to be socialized among their siblings. It seems like the only people Anna was really around were the J'slaves, and two of them now have their own husbands and families. While it's possible she might have had some friends in DC we don't know about, Anna's not there anymore. Since the original Joshgate broke, Anna has probably been sequestered in some Duggar property no one knows about. Anna's problem is not that she would be shunned if she sought a divorce, because she doesn't have very many people who would be doing the shunning. Rather, her problem is that she's isolated and alone, and that's a feature, not a bug of the ATI lifestyle.

I way saying she would be shunned by most people if she did not forgive/left him. Sorry for the confusion.

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This is a very dysfunctional event for the whole family to experience. And....what do they tell the littles and the howlers....they must know something is wrong. They can't tell them the truth...well, they never tell the truth I might add.

Just read the People magazine with Jill and Jessa on the cover. I wonder who will be on next week's cover. Hmmmm......

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I totally agree that it's more likely than not that Josh paid for sex. I just have a really hard time believing that anyone would voluntarily have sex with him and stay quiet.

The name "Madison" is definitely off the table for any future "M" kid. :lol: I know someone else brought that up earlier in the many pages of these threads, but that name had to have come up during name discussions, at least from Anna. They are all about the trendy M names for girls and Madison fits right in there with Mackynzie.

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Josh is a predatory, cheating dirtbag. I have very little to no sympathy for him. The sympathy I have? Being born to JB&M. Whatever inherent predilections he had were exacerbated by a very repressive environment where he was simultaneously shamed for having any sexual feelings and held up as the Golden Child despite molesting his sisters.

I have more sympathy for Anna; again, she didn't choose to be born into extreme fundamentalism. She did what she was supposed to and thought she was "blessed" when she got married. And she married a dirtbag. She still supported her dirtbag husband over the girls he molested, which is extraordinarily shitty, but she doesn't deserve the current situation.

If it wasn't creepy and I thought it would make a difference, I'd send Anna a few "Survivor Memoirs" -- like Carolyn Jessop's "Escape". And, if she had even tried to make friends with people who weren't just like her in DC, she might have friends who would watch the kids so she can go to a counselor or lawyer and get a "well woman" exam with a side of STI testing (and one who would go with her for support). I'll be surprised to find out that anyone associated with the Duggars or Kellers would be this kind of friend for Anna. Not even Famy, who's too busy planning her own wedding.

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Re: lori alexander:

OK, I read a ton of stuff like this! A ton. I'm pretty sure her blog or whatever, where she talks at people and answers their questions, that was the advice. Submit more and he will see this and change. I could very well be wrong on who. Pearls maybe? One of those tools. Sorry, again, I read too much it gets confusing!!!

Maybe someone else can help me place this. It was a convoo i saw about a year ago.

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