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Fundie responses to the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage


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I wish I could loan you my Facebook for the day--it's a rainbow colored happy dance, from my Medicare age contemporaries to my early 20s former high school students. Kids are reminiscing about the bad old days when "gay" was a slur at school. I'm glad FG is here for you since FB is not.

Me too. It's really pretty. About 90% of the people on my feed did one of those rainbow filters on their profile pic. So scrolling is one big rainbow. I haven't seen one negative reaction -- except a cousin accidently " liked" some right wing post - instead of a reply against the post, and then fell all over herself for how that looked ! :lol:

I have a fair number of tea party types and a handful of evangelicals on my friends list. Most of them either did the rainbow filter, or l" liked" one of the celebratory posts.

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Over on "Ladies Against Feminism's" FB page, there is much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments. They're posting their "heterosexual and modest only" wedding photos (a gold mine, for those interested); wondering how they can possibly boycott all "35 companies celebrating sodomy" (no more Target! or Visa! or Netflix!); and, finally, discussing how to RECLAIM THE RAINBOW! It symbolizes God's promises, don'tcha know. (Like that's going to happen...)


When I saw this I thought of "Ladies Against Women," and wondered why you were quoting a satire qroup. They were great fun and would show up at protests back in the day in their white gloves and hats and make over-the-top comments about preserving our femininity and acting like ladies to mock the anti-feminists. I think they've been outdone by the real thing.

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If you haven’t had quite enough crazy yet, be sure to visit the “fan†that RC Sproul Jr. would like you to forget: Kari S.



She posts on Spanky's page all the time (they’ve known each other since childhood, according to Kari) and he has NEVER ONCE responded to her.

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Why, why , why, why, WHY is separation of church and state such a difficult fucking concept to these people! ?!?!?!?!!!! Holy shit this crap makes me stabby. You people are supposed to be leaders, trusted with everyone's best interests at heart. What. The. Fuck?! There's not an emoji to express the disdain, frustration and anger I feel towards these people.

Oh they understand the separation of church and state, just bring up the words Muslim, Islam or Sharia law. You'll see they can use it correctly in a sentence. They just don't think it applies to Christianity.

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My daughter announced on FB that she would unfriend anyone who makes racist or homophobic posts. She just unfriended a high school classmate--raised JW--who posted a pic of his son as an "explanation" for why he opposes gay marriage. The fun part is that he has two kids by two different women, and has never been married.

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Bob Shupe commented on David Botkin's post. It is one doozy of a comment. Swig any alcohol you need beforehand to get through this:

Good grief! I should have downed that whole bottle of dark run I just bought before I read that!

ETA: PP doesn't have any FB "friends" who are gay-friendly. He'll have to unfriend exactly nobody.

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Here in Canada, same sex marriage has been legal for a while, and guess what. it hasn't ruined marriage for anyone else.

Why do idiot religious groups fail to see tried and true examples that are right next door?

It's mind boggling.

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A guy I dated 5 years ago (who has since fallen down the fundie rabbit hole) posted this. I'm actually sickened by it.

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An old friend unfriended me on FB because I used the rainbow filter. I actually didn't even post anything about the decision, just changed my profile picture, but she is "saddened", "disgusted", and "overwhelmed" by all the rainbow pictures.

Makes me kind of sad actually that people are reacting that strongly to something so minor, especially since I've "agreed to disagree" with her for years (even when she was certain that her own country legalizing marriage equality a few years ago would lead to the persecution of Christians).

It really is mostly older people acting this way, though. A few friends my age seem to think the world is ending, but most of them, even the extremely conservative, are pretty okay with it or at least think Christians have bigger issues to focus on. Their reactions surprised me, honestly, and this weekend has showed what a generation gap there is when it comes to support of marriage equality.

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A rather devout Catholic I know posted this to her facebook wall...I was really tempted to ask her what her point was, but this is a girl who wrote a post basically saying abortion is more tragic than police brutality...


She promptly also made about three different posts sharing memes about how "the sacrament of marriage has not changed" and how "the majority isn't always right." Oh, the irony.

I would unfriend her, but she's apparently going to give up facebook to join a convent soon, so why bother.

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Did you guys see the news about the guy who posted on KARK 4's facebook page condemning them for changing the peacock logo to be rainbowfied? Dude has since shut all Facebook privacy settings to full throttle and even remove his profil picture soo nobody could find him. Ill post a link in a bit.

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I despise the Matt Walsh blog. Cracks me up how he is suddenly horrified by how non-elected persons (SCOTUS) can make decisions for the USA...but when citizens united works in his favor he is all happy.

Disgusts me though that people are trying to defend and disguise their hatred by masking as strict constitutionalists

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Doug Wilson on FB: “‘But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD.’ (Jer. 12:17) ‪#‎LoveWins‬â€


Kelly Crawford on FB: “What did Jesus do? He didn't legalize adultery because a woman felt compelled toward infidelity; he didn't tell her that because of His love, she was OK, just as she is. He loved her and that love was perfectly demonstrated by His words: ‘I don't condemn you: go, and sin no more.’ Real love leads people away from sin. (I realize the logic isn't accurate in this analogy, as Jesus represents the church, not the Supreme Court. My thoughts were simply to remember how Jesus reacted to sin as a model for our reaction.)â€


John Robert Moore, Vision Forum defector, in the minority: “I'm right there with you. It does make sense. It's just astounding though, in some wayâ€


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John Robert Moore, Vision Forum defector, in the minority: “I'm right there with you. It does make sense. It's just astounding though, in some wayâ€


Holy Toledo -- did you see the photo of him & his, uh, girlfriend? She's changed her profile to the rainbow motif as well.


I'll say he's defected from VF! :pink-shock:

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Holy Toledo -- did you see the photo of him & his, uh, girlfriend? She's changed her profile to the rainbow motif as well.


I'll say he's defected from VF! :pink-shock:

Um... Is she...? Uh, take a look at her "Likes" and... stuff. I am speechless.

ETA: Johnny may need his own thread soon. Holy shit. Can you imagine the exploding VF heads? :lol:

EATA: Now I'm looking at his Instagram, and I just don't know what her deal is. But even if she just really, really loves drag queens and polyamory... Wow. She ain't no Botkin girl.

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Yesterday and today more and more ministers are saying they will never again perform a wedding of any kind or allow their church to be used for weddings, so that they can't be forced to perform a gay wedding --or rather sued for refusing to perform a gay wedding. :roll:

Some are calling for Christians to no longer get marriage licenses to which I say I hope that if they do, they make sure not to tell insurance or SSI that they are legally married.

I wonder what the outcome would be for life long SAHWs to discover that they don't qualify for widows benefits for SSI or Pensions since they were never legally married?

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I had to endure a Sunday school class that basically said Christians can't believe in macroevolution and the a sermon on how gay marriage is going to lead to the ebil gas raping and killing people. I need a drink.

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Um... Is she...? Uh, take a look at her "Likes" and... stuff. I am speechless.

ETA: Johnny may need his own thread soon. Holy shit. Can you imagine the exploding VF heads? :lol:

EATA: Now I'm looking at his Instagram, and I just don't know what her deal is. But even if she just really, really loves drag queens and polyamory... Wow. She ain't no Botkin girl.

Well, they seem to have power-lifting in common!

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Verrrrrry interesting, what I heard on conservative Lutheran radio today.

All this time, the pastor at the church I attend has been alluding to horrible consequences to himself and other men-of-god when faced with the insistent gay couple wanting to be married in a gay-marriage-recognizing USA.

This morning, the pastor at another church, this one's service is broadcast on the radio station, said, "It's not the church that's in danger, because there's separation of church and state. But the Christian schools! The Lutheran schools, the Catholic schools!!! WHAT is gonna happen THERE?!"

I'm thinking, "what happened in the Pleistocene Age when I was a little Lutheran school-kid? The only mention they made of marriage was that we consider it an holy institution but not, like the Catholics, a sacrament.

So ... now marriage for all couples is recognized, how will that affect parochial schools? And why didn't the pastor mention the Islamic dayschools? The Jewish dayschools? There are several of each in the metro St. Louis/southern Illinois area.

I see fatherless families, families strung out by drug-abusing members, families without access to food as things that are liable to tear our civilization down. I don't see an increase in the number of families comprised of two committed, consenting adults to be a danger to our society or freedoms, including those freedoms of worshiping as we please. If I'm missing something, I'd like it explained. And in 100 words or less, Doug Wilson. *eyes rolling into a state of strain*

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The godly ladies of the Christian Homeschooling Forum are in a dither.

They're pretty sure the Christian church in the U.S. will soon be outlawed and have to go underground.

No worries though, this was all prophesied.


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This is the best response I've seen on facebook


As a follower of Christ and lover of all people regardless of race, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or game console preference, I'm going to be very blunt with my fellow Christians: why are you so pissed about this change in MAN's law? Absolutely nothing has changed in the Bible. God's law is exactly the same as it was before yesterday. The good book said that man's law wouldn't always line up with God's law, so why are you upset that the Bible was correct? If you expect the nation's legal system to teach your children about Christ then you're sadly mistaken. God never placed that responsibility with the courts; It's YOUR responsibility to spread the gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

The law doesn't force pornography upon your household, but it's legal. The law doesn't force twerk videos unto your household, but it's legal. The law doesn't force heterosexual sex between two unmarried people into your household, but it's legal. The law doesn't force having children out of wedlock unto your household, but again... it's perfectly legal. Homosexual marriage, like the above mentioned "sins", does not impede on the basic rights of anyone else. It's perfectly fine not to condone it, but to condemn it and attempt to codify your beliefs into laws that disenfranchise those with different belief systems is not ok. Here's a newsflash: Making it legal for gay people to be married by definition of man's law doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. This isn't anything new, by the way, as 22 other countries already recognize same-sex marriage years before June 26th, 2015.

While we're on the subject, let's talk about state-sponsored sinful lifestyles for a second: every weekend I buy a lotto ticket from the corner store. I've been doing this for years. However, my Bible says to stay away from attempts to get rich quick (proverbs 13:11 and 23:5; Ecclesiastes 5:10). I guess that means I should also be condemned to the depths of Hell upon my death.

Look, there are so many other issues that require our attention as Christians: poverty, racism, genocide, persecution of Christians in the Middle East (while we're complaining about Christians losing influence in American politics, Middle-Eastern Christians are losing their LIVES), and others that are infinitely more worthy of our outrage than the issue of same-sex marriage in America. Instead of bloviating on social media about how offended you are about homosexuality, why don't you step out on faith and do some real kingdom work?

In closing, it is quite ironic that the most sin I've seen on social media isn't coming from all the rainbow colored profile pictures, but rather from self-proclaimed Christians shouting "F*ck this fag b.s." with a disturbing lack of one of the very cornerstones of the Christian faith: Grace.

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It's gone now, but there was a thread on FishEaters in which someone stated that all of the bisexuals who are married to opposite-sex partners are going to divorce those spouses and marry same-sex spouses because ???.

I have a strange feeling that those who are bisexuals, the in US, will choose their own sex for romantic/intimate relationships from now on, given today's landmark ruling. I wouldn't be surprised if bisexuals who are in a relationship with the opposite sex breaks up to enter a same-sex relationship, and bisexuals already in a same-sex relationship probably won't see the opposite sex as attractive. No doubt the euphoria is high within the LGBT community.

Edit: it's been made private but still in Google cache.

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... clnk&gl=us

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I have an honest question here. Pastors don't HAVE to marry gay couples if it's against their religion correct? It seems like that would be tantamount to requiring a Catholic to perform a bris or bad mitzvah. That seems like a bit of a sticky wicket given the photographer and baker shit that's gone on...

As of 6/26 no STATE can deny a marriage license or refuse to marry a same sex couple. Equal Protection Clause and the 14th amendment. Go Justice Roberts go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My parents were married in 1946. When they started dating, Dad was a Baptist. Mom, a Catholic, did not want him to change religions on her account, and told me that she would have been happy to marry him in the rectory, as the practice was for "mixed marriages" back then. Dad was intent on converting, though, and they had a church wedding.

Weddings between Catholics and non-Catholics have been taking place on Catholic churches in the U.S. For decades, but typically in ceremonies that do not include a Mass.

Depends on your priest. My parents were married in 1955 on the altar (have many pictures) by the Monsignor himself, My father was NOT a catholic but I didn't find this out until we were planning his funeral mass. Never was baptized or anything (his mother disapproved) :snooty: . And this is a parish founded in the Order of St. Peter Claver but the priests were all Irish. They really didn't care about the baptism part because he participated fully in all the CYO stuff. As did (and still do) several other couples where one partner (usually the father) isn't a Catholic.

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