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Fundie responses to the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage


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I wonder what the Maxwells are doing right now? Maybe they've started a 7-day fast and are praying furiously, day and night. I bet their wailing can be heard 3 streets over.

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Marriage equality is the law of the land, and Bristol Palin is on her second unwed pregnancy. Man, if you told me this in 2004, I would have thought you were nuts.

Edit: My facebook feed is full of people who want to leave the country. Unfortunately, they are struggling to find developed, Western countries to go to that do not ALREADY have marriage equality. Canada's had it since 2005, guys. The struggle is real.

Edit #2: Comment from one of my friends:

That's right patriots. USA is bringing the freedom train home. If you didn't think it was possible for this country to be any more free, hold on to your freedom hats because it just did. Take that you damn Commies!
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Edit: My facebook feed is full of people who want to leave the country. Unfortunately, they are struggling to find developed, Western countries to go to that do not ALREADY have marriage equality. Canada's had it since 2005, guys. The struggle is real.


So far I think my facebook conservatives are almost enjoying this because it proves that Christians are persecuted and the end times are soon.

This world is hostile toward biblical Christianity. Apparently, everything must be tolerated -- except Christianity. When you post something decrying some immoral act, expect to be hated, yes, hated. People will flame you, call you names, and even, ironically, question your Christianity.

That's the new normal.

Come Lord Jesus. Even so come.

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Has fire and brimstone begun to rain down in other states? Are there floods of Biblical proportions happening elsewhere? Has the Earth broken apart and allowed evil liberals to fall into the depths of Hell while the righteous look on?

No, no, and no? Huh. Funny how that happens.

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Bryan Fischer, Conserative radio host, blogger compared 6/26 to 9/11. What an evil man.

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I'm figuring the Pisser (and other wingnut fundies) can always conveniently blame those darn pesky Jews for this. Yes, indeed. Justices Kagan, Breyer and Ginsburg have launched a full-scale attack on good Christians everywhere. Don't say he didn't warn you!

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Freerepublic is an awesome place to read RW reactions, fundie and otherwise. It's an old white man bastion.

Many are predicting that Christians will now be rounded up and killed by Obama and his liberal henchman. You know liberals, always hunting down and killing people who disagree with them! Others say they are packing their bags and leaving the country. Course, they have to get their fat asses off the couch and go find those bags first, so I'm doubting anyone will actually make it out their front door.

Where will they go? Canada is obviously out, as is most of Europe, South Africa, Israel, much of South America. . . I suppose there's Poland. Their constitution bans same-sex marriage, although there is pressure to change that. But Poland has "socialized medicine", which is almost as bad. I guess that leaves Uganda, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and a few other choice countries. I don't really care where they go as long as they go.

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David Botkin has wasted no time - he's become quite the prolific little Facebook poster!

5 Supremes (sounds like a Pizza joint) just ruled that Sodomites have a right to marry in all 50 state. This is not surprising, and Scalia is right - this is simply activism from the bench.

Some people will think this is a major defeat - morally, yes.

But I would argue that the battle against Sodomy was lost years ago - the sodomites are just consolidating their position.

This ruling does, however, change the nature of the future conflict: there will be (in theory) no more battles at the state level to legalize "Gay Marriage". I personally suspect that these fights have mostly served to increase the the number of supporters of "Gay" rights. And why not?

Christians are refusing to really use the Bible - most of them have been using pathetic "natural law" type arguments which (and this shouldn't surprise anyone) have accomplished nothing. So the left gets a huge media-frenzy and a fight against almost no real opposition - lots of noise, but no fire.

It would be like if you could lead troops against an enemy who mostly only had blanks. Your guys would win over and over, and if they didn't know that the enemy only had blanks, would start to feel really good about their abilities as soldiers - morale would surge and tons would want to join the fight.

The church needs to repent of a lot of her own sins and truly return to God (which means returning to His Word). What relationship on earth would last if one party claimed to love the other, but then completely ignored most of what that party said and radically misconstrued the rest?

"What? Oh, I heard you when you said "be sure to get milk and eggs at the store" but what you ACTUALLY meant was "buy all the beer you want", because I know you love me and want me to be happy!"

God means what He says, and He says what He means. The church needs to start saying the same as God on major moral issues: adultery, abortion, sodomy, government education, etc. Until then our defeats will continue.

But here's my fave of the responses he's received so far :pearlclutch:

This is random... But yesterday I took my five little ones to a donut shop in Fairview and after traveling down the long counter filled with various types of donuts I arrived to pay at the register. Right in front of the register was an idol. Buddha I guess it was. As I stood there with my five children, my heart sank within me as they looked on. They didn't even notice the wooden carving.. But I did. And I couldn't help but ask God, "What would Peter or Paul do right here, right now?"


I paid for the donuts and left.

Mercy, what a same-sex marriage ruling can do - a Buddha in a donut shop! What IS this world coming to???


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Voddie Baucham: “#‎HomosexualAgenda‬ marches on! Next target... The Church!â€


James McDonald: “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.â€


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Voddie Baucham: “#‎HomosexualAgenda‬ marches on! Next target... The Church!â€


James McDonald: “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.â€


No Voddie, the next target is workplace, housing, and adoption equality. Trust me when I say nobody cares about your church. Feel free to wallow in your hate with abandon, because we are fighting for your right to do that, too.

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Bryan Fischer (Josh Duggar's old boss) is on Twitter saying that "6/26 is now our 9/11" and that "the twin towers of moral righteousness were blown up by moral jihadis."

I just read his Wikipedia page and Holy Moses that guy in unhinged. Not just a right-wing blowhard, I mean the dude is a straight up psychopath and white supremacist. And the American Family Association only dropped him a few months ago. These are the people the Duggars keep company with.

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Not a fundie, but I just got this reaction on Facebook from an aquaintance who is gay: "Sin is sin !!!! Let's be clear !!! And let's not just pick and choose what we read ... Things change and everyone should know that!!! I shouldn't have to list the changes in the world especially within the church itself #HAGD!"

Uh... so are you ex gay now? How does this work? :think:

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So far the fundies/fundie lites on my Facebook have been silent. I'm actually a little disappointed...

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I'm curious about the reaction on CAF but don't want to get sucked into that rabbit hole just yet. I have too much other stuff I actually need to do first!

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As luck would have it, we don't even have to wait until tomorrow for Lori's first gems!

The US Supreme Court does not have the authority to redefine something it did not create. Marriage was created long before the United States and our constitution came into existence. Our constitution says nothing about marriage. The majority who issued today's ruling have simply made it up out of thin air with no constitutional authority.

In his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," Dr. Martin Luther King discussed the moral importance of disobeying unjust laws, which we submit applies equally to unjust Supreme Court decisions. Dr. King evoked the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas that an unjust law or decision is one that is "a human law that is not rooted in eternal law or natural law."

Today's decision of the Supreme Court lacks both constitutional and moral authority. There is no eternal or natural law that allows for marriage to be redefined.

This is not the first time that the Supreme Court has issued an immoral and unjust ruling. In 1857, the Court ruled in the infamous Dred Scott v Sandford case that African Americans could not become citizens of the United States and determined that the government was powerless to reject slavery. In 1927 the Court effectively endorsed eugenics by ruling that people with mental illness and other "defectives" could be sterilized against their will, saying "three generations of imbeciles are enough." And in Roe v Wade, the Court invented a constitutional right to abortion by claiming it was an integral element of the right to privacy. Over 55 million unborn babies have died as a result. {Brian S. Brown}

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Things I saw on facebook (without their names as they are not fundies we follow)


Supreme Court just made gay marriage legal in the US.

Christians we are sitting back like the Jews did with hitler.

Shame on me.

Now pastors will be forced to marry Gays or be fined and or jailed.

Yea ...starting again....this time its serious. America is anti christ..

Goodbye, America. No long comments, no dragged out posts or debates. It's simple: God's wrath is coming.

Could same-sex marriage be connected with abandoning the KJV?

Do you go to church? Will your church participate in same sex marriages? If not they can now be fined, sued, or imprisoned. If they do then God will judge.

How long will it be before you don't see any more children, I got news for YOU two women or two men togeather can't produce any children, IT TAKE A MAN AND A WOMAN TO REPRODUCE!!!
(Then when people point out the law won't force everyone to be in Same Sex relationships, he says...)
they will probably try to start killing the straight people off before long!

This is a sad day. This was established as a Christian nation. God will judge this country and one day the Supreme Court will bow before a Holy God and give account of what they did this day!

God has blessed and shielded this country. I see the shield being removed as this country turns against God. Lets just pray the US has nothing to do with dividing Israel. If we do then God's judgement on us will be swift.
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Tim Bayly: “Christians of our nation have refused to confess the shamefulness of being governed by women, and so no one wants to point out that three women, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor, comprise the majority of the five justices forcing sodomite marriage on all fifty states of our Union. God warns His people of the curse of the rule of women over men… We've learned to live under women ruling over us, and even to preen ourselves over our equanimity in the face of it. But it is shameful because of God's Order of Creation… A key part of our shame in the shadow and darkness of this landmark ruling is that it is being forced on us by three deceived women—Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor—who rule over us.â€


Doug Wilson: “This is intended to establish enclaves or ghettos for us. They will be places where we are supposed to be able to go and not have to practice same sex mirage ourselves. This token, for token it is, will be something that the totalitarian left will assault next because the totalitarian left has no brakes on their agenda. They have no internal principle that allows them to say 'thus far and no farther.' And since they can’t say that, they won’t say that.â€


ETA: The Reconstructionist Theonomists page on Facebook has been closed within the last 24 hours. Damn you, Nathaniel Darnell!

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A leghumper just asked Lori this:

Do you think it would be wise to start looking to move to another country (aka Pilgrim style)? I was talking to my husband about this and mentioned that if the Jews knew what was about to happen to them in 1930s Germany I'm sure they would have all left. What is the wise thing to do for our family and children and children's children?
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I wish they would leave the country. But we know they're not. I already read a bunch of comments that said America is a christian nation. One guy said he would kill all the gays because he doesn't want his children to think this is acceptable. I really wonder what the Duggars think. All that money wasted fighting against gays.

typical fundie logic. There is a commandment that says "thou shalt not kill." But you have to really scour the bible to find a quote that could be justification against homosexuality (and there is definitely no commandment that says "thou shalt not be homosexual"). Still, this guy thinks going on a killing rampage would be the "Christian" thing to do.

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For those who say they want to move out of the US, I wish them luck. If you are over 65 and on Medicare, you will have to move without your insurance benefits as Medicare covers you only in the US. I assume a large number of these Fundies are over 65 so they will have to make a decision if they want to emigrate. I hear Somalia has low taxes and no government interference. Actually, Somalia probably has no taxes and no real government. It would be a veritable heaven for Libertarians. Oh, and no gun laws! Win-win.

I will be happy to contribute to any GFM account set up to help any fundie emigrate to Somalia, provided that they actually do emigrate and never return.

In other words: USA! USA! USA! Love it or leave it, fundies. :nenner:

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I have an honest question here. Pastors don't HAVE to marry gay couples if it's against their religion correct? It seems like that would be tantamount to requiring a Catholic to perform a bris or bad mitzvah. That seems like a bit of a sticky wicket given the photographer and baker shit that's gone on...

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One day at school, a recent graduate who had just turned 19 stopped in to visit me. She had her 17 year old boyfriend and his brand new baby with her (his baby, mind you, not hers). They had been together for three months. They had just been to visit the parish priest to set a wedding date.

The parish priest said no, that he would not marry them. He told them if they came back in a year, still together and doing well, they could start premarital counseling, but given their ages and the boy's situation with a baby with another woman, he would not marry them any time soon.

I tell this story because of this important additional fact:

That priest refused to marry a couple. He is not in jail. The government did not intervene. Absolutely nothing happened to him because he said no. And that is because, unlike a government employee, all churches and clergy members have the right, under religious freedom, to refuse to perform any wedding for any reason.

This decision does not change that.

(And, btw, that couple broke up a month later, go figure).

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Things I saw on facebook (without their names as they are not fundies we follow)

You'd think if a message were important enough to go all-caps on, a person might proofread it first. :?

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I had a feeling there might be drama on Facebook pages devoted to vintage:


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I have an honest question here. Pastors don't HAVE to marry gay couples if it's against their religion correct? It seems like that would be tantamount to requiring a Catholic to perform a bris or bad mitzvah. That seems like a bit of a sticky wicket given the photographer and baker shit that's gone on...

Nope. It's sort of like divorce, which has been around for ages and doesn't cause any hand-wringing. People forget, but the Catholic Church does not allow divorced people to remarry. Even though the government allows for and protects the rights of divorced people, I doubt you've ever heard of a Catholic priest forced into celebrating a wedding of a formerly divorced individual.

The government cannot FORCE the Church to allow divorced individuals to marry in the Catholic right. The Catholic religion has the religious right to deny their rite. However, divorced individuals still have the right to a civil marriage and all privileges thereof. The Catholic Church cannot prevent them from obtaining a civil marriage, despite the fact that it is against their beliefs.

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