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Derick, Jill, and Izzie

Coconut Flan

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I don't think I've ever seen a newborn without baby acne. It's super common.

I hate to think what would happen if she posted a close-up of Dilly with cradle cap.

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I've got a lot of faith in Josiah and his spit fire courtship girl Marjorie! I think that combo might just set the Duggar brand off.

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The talk was a Duggar special on courtships/engagements. And Marjorie is easy to parade as the latest mascot of their lifestyle for JB to make Duggarism more attractive.

Her feelings for Josiah aside (I don't want to get into the gold digger debate as they seem to have genuinely interacted before courtship) she's probably desperate to fit in with the family (we see Anna struggle with this even today), thus taking any opportunity that Jim Bob offers. It's a win win, he gets a pleasant, lively, young, attractive person to promote his familial exploitation business and she gets to feel a part of the gang.

Judging by the blog addy and #TXfamilyconference, this picture was taken at the ATI conference in Big Sandy. That meeting would have been for ATI/IBLP people only, and maybe family friends who are being invited to join. ATI refugees, speak up on this, please.

My point being that 1) Marjorie belongs, or is about to belong, to ATI/IBLP; and 2) she probably didn't get paid to stand at the front of a classroom while JB prattled on about the same old shit in front of people who already are part of the cult.

I had another thought, but I lost it. They usually come back at some point. :lol:

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I've only really handled and spent much time with three newborns, and only one had acne. His mother was putting baby oil on his face, and I'd always guessed that was what caused it. I'm sorry for that comment, I really had no idea.

Not that acne is a sign of negligent parenting, but that was the impression I got from that mother (she also smoked while she was breastfeeding.... perhaps that did it too!). Very ignorant of me to not know that baby acne was a thing :embarrassed:

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Sassy, I agree that JB and M both look really slim. We know, of course, how Michelle did it because they told us that she 'works out every morning'. And we know that it's true because they showed it on tv.

Ah, crap. Maybe she really does.

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Not trying to do diagnosis by Internet, but maybe Jill has postnatal depression, and that's why she is a bit distant? Having recently been through that myself, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but especially not someone who would be expected to just Do More Jesus in response to it.

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Sassy, I agree that JB and M both look really slim. We know, of course, how Michelle did it because they told us that she 'works out every morning'. And we know that it's true because they showed it on tv.

Ah, crap. Maybe she really does.

They are both getting to the ages that merely working out is not going to do it.

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Jill is probably exhausted, running around and not spending these weeks in a more low key way recuperating from her birth experience and bonding privately with her newborn. I guess that kind of rest deprivation can take the edge off any lovey dovey feelings for her baby.

I expected something very different from a romantic woman like Jill, who expressed love so clearly while courting Derick and throughout their first year (or was it mere months) of marriage. I'm not seeing anything like rapture for her son, and it saddens me. Hopefully it's there and we're just not seeing it?

Is she just conditioned to take babies in stride and not bother with silliness like doting?

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Sassy, I agree that JB and M both look really slim. We know, of course, how Michelle did it because they told us that she 'works out every morning'. And we know that it's true because they showed it on tv.

Ah, crap. Maybe she really does.

I agree that JB is looking trim. I have no opinion on Michelle's figure, but I will say that I think Jessa's arm is hiding Michelle's backside in that pic. :)

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I agree that JB is looking trim. I have no opinion on Michelle's figure, but I will say that I think Jessa's arm is hiding Michelle's backside in that pic. :)

Totally agree. Michelle's torso/backside does not end where it looks like it does in that photo :lol: I think her midsection has been through way too much to shift substantial weight there, so if she slims down a bit, I suspect we'll see it most in her face. Her arms are already small and we sure don't see her legs!

ETA I don't think she's particularly overweight to begin with -- lord knows she's a great looking woman for her age and number of pregnancies. Not trying to bodyshame, just commenting on the supposed weight loss seen in the photo.

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Not trying to do diagnosis by Internet, but maybe Jill has postnatal depression, and that's why she is a bit distant? Having recently been through that myself, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but especially not someone who would be expected to just Do More Jesus in response to it.

I would not be surprised if she does. She went through a lot this past year and her birth experience was probably traumatic for her. If she does, it is really sad that she cannot get proper treatment for it.

Edited to add that I had PPD too.

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Judging by the blog addy and #TXfamilyconference, this picture was taken at the ATI conference in Big Sandy. That meeting would have been for ATI/IBLP people only, and maybe family friends who are being invited to join. ATI refugees, speak up on this, please.

My point being that 1) Marjorie belongs, or is about to belong, to ATI/IBLP; and 2) she probably didn't get paid to stand at the front of a classroom while JB prattled on about the same old shit in front of people who already are part of the cult.

I had another thought, but I lost it. They usually come back at some point. [emoji38]

From what some other members have mentioned, the conference is not only for old members, but new recruits, and potential recruits as well.

I never said anything about Marjorie getting paid. I just said that she's probably happy about getting to go along with the family and bond, especially since she seems really excited about courtship on the show. Which allows JB to parade her during the talk. I'm sure he'll take advantage of her theatre background and the fact that she seems to be the only partner who can form coherent sentences on TV :D

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Did anybody see Jill's birth sneak peek video yet? So is it People Magazine, TLC, or Jill that is lying? Seriously, the People article says she labored at home for 20 hours, this video says she didn't show up at the hospital until about 48 hours in. :wtf: :cray-cray:


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From what some other members have mentioned, the conference is not only for old members, but new recruits, and potential recruits as well.

I never said anything about Marjorie getting paid. I just said that she's probably happy about getting to go along with the family and bond, especially since she seems really excited about courtship on the show. Which allows JB to parade her during the talk. I'm sure he'll take advantage of her theatre background and the fact that she seems to be the only partner who can form coherent sentences on TV :D

I agree with all of this. I'm not sure why I commented, except that I was beginning to sense that some people here didn't realize that pic was taken at an ATI function, and the phrase "gold digger" made me hulk out (even though you were very clear about not calling Marjorie a gold digger). Sorry! :mrgreen:

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Did anybody see Jill's birth sneak peek video yet? So is it People Magazine, TLC, or Jill that is lying? Seriously, the People article says she labored at home for 20 hours, this video says she didn't show up at the hospital until about 48 hours in. :wtf: :cray-cray:


I don't know about the timeline, but I want to identify the midwife. I haven't seen the show in eons; is that Teresa F-something, the Bradley teacher? The midwife in the video doesn't resemble Joy Coonfield or Lucy Ferguson, from what I can tell.

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Why did Josh keep saying derick has never even buckled a car seat, like 2000 times. It seems like every week they do a lot of potential damage control.

Next week it will be Jill getting fitted with her sling from Anna.

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Did anybody see Jill's birth sneak peek video yet? So is it People Magazine, TLC, or Jill that is lying? Seriously, the People article says she labored at home for 20 hours, this video says she didn't show up at the hospital until about 48 hours in. :wtf: :cray-cray:


Someone save that video before they try to edit

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Why did Josh keep saying derick has never even buckled a car seat, like 2000 times. It seems like every week they do a lot of potential damage control.

Next week it will be Jill getting fitted with her sling from Anna.

Sweet hopping baby Jesus, I HOPE Anna, or someone, anyone, shows Jill how to use that sling. It's not hard! And it's so unsafe the way she has him now. I imagine Michelle might have had a bag sling (bag of death) and that's what Jill thinks she has. I don't know...she ALMOST has it, she needs to pull the part above the rings down to cap her shoulder and re-position the baby, then tighten her rings. She could be nuzzling that sweet baby head fuzz and ignoring the world around her and no one would know the difference. :pull-hair:

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Why did Josh keep saying derick has never even buckled a car seat, like 2000 times. It seems like every week they do a lot of potential damage control.

Next week it will be Jill getting fitted with her sling from Anna.

The damage control this season is ridiculous. Every episode is an FU internet. "We love animals" :roll:

For all the kids the Duggars have, and all the work they have the older ones put into raising the younger ones, it seems like the older ones take away nothing! Jill has risked her child's life during birth and now with the sling. She didn't learn anything from Michelle. I seem to recall her requesting puffs on her baby registry. They probably will be stale for Izzy. Michelle isn't much better, doing things like feeding Jordyn cereal laying down. And Josh is sure one to talk like that about Derick! If I remember correctly, Anna didn't know how to install the car seat for Kynzie, but she was sure Josh, oldest of 17/18?, would. He had no clue. Can't wait to see Jessa and Ben in action.

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Did anybody see Jill's birth sneak peek video yet? So is it People Magazine, TLC, or Jill that is lying? Seriously, the People article says she labored at home for 20 hours, this video says she didn't show up at the hospital until about 48 hours in. :wtf: :cray-cray:


Okay I rewatched it, looking for the timeline. It definitely said 48 hours, but it was daylight. It was nighttime with a shot of a clock that read 3:45-ish when "her water broke," so, at the very least, TLC's pop ups are wonky as always.


Here are the rules and regulations for lay midwifery in Arkansas again. Somebody with more knowledge than me, please give your thoughts on whether laboring at home with little progress for 48 (or 20, or whatever they claim each time, since it keeps changing) hours would be acceptable under these rules.

http://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/aboutAD ... wifery.pdf

The Duggars and TLC think we're stupid and it pisses me off. Unrelated example being Michelle calling Josie's seizure a glitch. Someone in the 19kac thread said that's how a doctor might explain it to a family to help them understand (which is fine, of course). For Michelle to explain it to viewers that way makes me feel like she has a pretty low opinion of us, and it feels incredibly dismissive to Josie, imo.

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Not trying to do diagnosis by Internet, but maybe Jill has postnatal depression, and that's why she is a bit distant? Having recently been through that myself, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but especially not someone who would be expected to just Do More Jesus in response to it.

I would imagine too that the birth going so awry probably isn't helping. They can say it was all in god's plan (or whatever bull she said in the People article), but I'm sure she's got a whole bag of feelings from the 500 things that seemed to go wrong with her perfectly planned birth...which she's not supposed to feel because she's supposed to Stay Sweet and all, so she probably feels worse for not feeling great, and it's just a negative feedback loop.

I'm also wondering if maybe that's why we haven't seen any pics of Michelle and Izzy? Michelle probably swooped in and gobbled him up as soon as she saw Jill wasn't fighting back, and maybe they don't want to show a bunch of pictures of her being super cuddly and Jill not.

(How's that for internet diagnosis?)

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Now we know why Jill and Derick felt compelled to go to the conference: the courtship/marriage/pregnancy testimony they were expected to give. They must have thought that Izzy would be early or on time and an easy birth that she would have had several weeks to recuperate from before being part of the conference. I wonder how long she had to stand there on stage, pretending that even a difficult birth shouldn't stop a quiverfull mom from her ministry. It's like the Duggars can't admit that sometimes they need to step back and just admit their fragility.

JB & M do things that put their children in jeopardy, but it's typical of what they've done for years. If i was her mom i would have told Jill to just have the boys film a sweet video from her home, instead of expecting her to endure the car ride, or plane trip/airport or whatever method it took them to get those hours from home. It's true c-sections can in some cases be easy for some fit moms to recover from, but was Jill's? -- one that was such a big baby and long labor, so stressful and unplanned, with family pressure and scheduled trips and performances to give... that all sounds exhausting and too much for a person who just had surgery.

It's really sad that Jill is expected by her family and her culture to have an easy breezy recovery. That she has to feel like a failure if she cried, or admitted that it hurts or that she's tired and sore.

Michelle is one of those moms who can bounce back, she had so many vbacs. So Jill has the added pressure of trying to live up to her mom's stamina.

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I wouldn't be surprised if part of the McMansion deal is that Jill and Derick make public appearances to promote the lifestyle.

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I'll say it again, seeing the new sling shots. Israel David is too blessedly heavy and long for that sling. He's weighing it down. If Jill positioned him properly, he would cover her entire torso, chin to waist, and widthwise too. He needs another kind of carrier.

If she was wearing sling properly Izzy wouldn't be too large or heavy for that sling. I have carried 18 month old in different position without any problems. It was actually comfortable - even counting in my delicate back.

They are all over with birth timeline. At this point I cant figure it out. Something smells fishy here.

Here are the rules and regulations for lay midwifery in Arkansas again. Somebody with more knowledge than me, please give your thoughts on whether laboring at home with little progress for 48 (or 20, or whatever they claim each time, since it keeps changing) hours would be acceptable under these rules.

In normal conditions (no strep B, no meconium, heart rate normal, mom not too tired) 48 hours of labouring is not in itself a reason to go to hospital as long as it's been less than 24 hours since membranes ruptured. Even in best conditions goal is to get baby out before that 24 hour benchmark. Sometimes doctors allow labour go until 48 hours after ROM.

Problem is that infection risk increases while time goes on after ROM. She tested positive for strep B and even though she got IV antibiotics for it, 48 hours after ROM is risky on itself. If reports about meconium are true ( might be indicator for fetal distress) or there was problems with fetal heart rate, staying home that long was dangerous.

I'm proponent of homebirths in uncomplicated cases but she was playing Russian roulette with Izzy's life. I have some serious concerns about her care even if half of the story is true. And Jill clearly knows less than she thinks. I'm hoping that she just were ignorant know-it-all and not putting her wishes before Izzy's safety.

/Edit: My English is worse than usual. Please forgive me as it is my second language.

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WHY does your baby have acne. WTF are you putting on his face. Maybe stop doing that. YOU USED CASTOR OIL DURING LABOUR? OF COURSE HE PASSED MECONIUM IT'S USED FOR CONSTIPATION. YOU WENT TO THE CHIROPRACTOR AND ATE TACOS AFTER YOUR WATER BROKE? And now you're holding your "blessing" in a sling completely the wrong way, which is dangerous. :roll:

Sorry, just... A good mother would never do any of those things. Jill has put her child in a lot danger and continues to. One of the first things I think of when I think of mothering instincts is "protective". I could see Jessa being much more protective.

OMG thank someone's god that my parents didn't have a reality tv show when I was a baby. FJ and the rest of the world would have crucified them but then again, I was born before the time of the Mommy blogs, vlogs, chatrooms, chat sites, and this idea of good/bad mom mentality. I turned out alright, sorta! :shifty: I feel sorta bad for Jill, it's the stuff that everyone does on the first go and she is being hanged for it, not that that's an excuse, I just feel bad for her.

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